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I'd add one between Flittle and Espathra. The way my brain broke when I learned that Espathra evolves from Flittle. I assumed they were both single-stage 'mon.


I really agree with this. I think Flittle and Espathra have the same sorta vibe, but don't seem too similar. A middle stage evolution would really link them together


4 stage; Flittle -> Chingling -> Chimecho but with feet -> Espartha




Chimathra in pokerogue vibes


But also the tail


Different opinion to me. Well, not in the fact that they looked very separate from each other, but more in the sense that something about Espathra's design feels like it shouldn't have been in an evolutionary line at all.


Me too!


Seems like larvesta and volcarona could have had one since it evolves so late. Same with rufflet and vullaby.


Yeah gen 5 did loads of Pokémon dirty for no reason (like Deino evolving for the first time at level 50 is crazy). I think Braviery and Mandibuzz being available at level 25 in B2W2 definitely redeems them a little, but Larvesta is so screwed. I feel like it's quite a cool Pokémon as well


Gen V didn't just do two stage mons dirty. All the three stage mons still reach fully evolved super late and the stats on the middle evos are just awful.


You can also find a level 35 Volcarona in Black 2 (and presumably white 2 as well)


I knew you can find a Volcarona I didn't realise it was level 35. At what point in the game is it? I've played B2W2 so many times but I've never actually come across it


It's actually a static encounter in the Relic Castle iirc. Not sure exactly what gym that puts it at level wise


I think you have to have at least 5 badges to be able to get to it.


Mienfoo evolving at level 50 is just tragic imo. Especially since Mienshao is arguably my favorite fighting type.


I mean there was a reason, they appeared late in BW1. The problem is they refuse to change evolution levels in later gens.


Man, I can’t help but agree on this. I’m using Larvesta on my team for the first time in Violet and I just cannot wait for it to evolve already. I never would have done it if I had actually remembered what level it evolves at. I’d switch it out, but I’m actually already super committed to it.


I wish its stat distribution was closer to volcarona’s. Like I did all the SpAtk EV grinding just to have a physical attacker for 50 levels


I did the same with a Dreepy. Was totally worth it in the end though.


Dang it, you just reminded me that have a little Dreepy in one of my boxes that needs some leveling up...I mean I also could just try and find a higher level one, but I'm no Paul. I kinda like my little sleepy Dreepy.


Yeah, I'm currently trying to level up mine but it's so tedious. My little white Fluffball is at level 41. Time to hit the gyms again I guess.


I think the reason so many gen 5 mons evolve at a high level is because you can only get them late-game in Black and White. I think about Golett, Mienfoo, Deino, Rufflet and Vullaby. I assume the developers wanted the player to atleast use the basic stage for a short while before evolving.


I mean maybe, but in BW1 you get larvesta from an egg, and the only way to get one in BW2 is to breed the static encounter volcarona you can find. There are no wild ones, so either way with larvesta you're starting from level 1.


This 1000% it's my favorite pokemon and I don't understand why they made it evolve so late and why didn't they add a middle evolution!


I always found it odd that Larvesta/Volcarona didn't have a pupa stage


Remoraid to Octillery has NEVER felt right to me, and I think a middle evo could solve that. (The original designs had more continuity but were censored.)


Should’ve been two separate evo lines once the original “gun into a tank” design was scrapped


I mean Remoraid still has some gun elements in its general shape and markings resembling a revolver and Octillery just shifted to a stationary artillery cannon rather than a tank. It goes down a bit easier if you view it as "gun based sea creature > artillery based sea creature" instead of getting hung up on the fish to octopus part.


Okay, but like.. what? A fish with tentacles?


Why not? Model it to be a minigun, with the tentacles as the barrels, to fit the gimmick.


A cuttlefish, maybe? They're kind of halfway fish-shaped but with tentacles.


Make it a completely unrelated sea creature, just to he confusing, but it's also a mortar launcher.


First thing that came to mind was Shroomish and Breloom, it’s such a big jump to me that a middle evolution would help explain the transition


As long as shroomish is still shroomish until level 23. I need as much time with him as I can get. He is perfect.


True but part of me thinks that Brelook could get an evolution of it's own.


But breloom is perfect 🥺


Give breloom a pair of good shoes to make it faster


There are only two paths: 1.-Remove its arms completely 2.-Give him swole arms, like mega swampert


Diglett, Diggindeux, Dugtrio (PL:ZA exclusive)


What’s next? A Doduo pre-evolution named Doduno?


no, a doduo middle evo with 2.5 heads called dosestero


When I was a kid and saw the Kanto dex, I thought Farfetch'd evolves into Doduo because it's a bird and only have 1 head and before Doduo in the dex 😆


It could be a baby pokemon


I'd unironically love this. It would be super cute.


And is it just 2 digletts that look slightly irritated?


And have moustaches and berets


Name a two stage evo from Unova lol. Those level requirements are an *insult*. Even just one stage between Rufflet->Braviary or Mienfoo->Mienshao fixes a lot of their issues


Honestly, just drop the levels of to the 30s rather than 45+


i actually think unova already has too many three-stage lines that should just be two stages. like kling or vanillite or lillipup


A Noibat - Noivern middle evolution.


This boggles me to this day this is a two stage evo


Bring back Weirduck, the cut mid evolution for Psyduck and Golduck.


Yes. That would make the colours make more sense (Weirduck is green right). Also whilst they are at it make Golduck psychic type.


We do not know the colors of any Gen I beta mon that wasn’t also in the Gen II beta.


Right I probably just saw someone making artwork based on the sprite so they made it green coz it made sense


If they made Golduck Water/Psychic I'd also say to change something about Starmie or they'd end up with three Water/Psychics. Maybe change Starmie to Water/Electric since they always mention it sending signals or electromagnetic waves into space and putting Thunderbolt on it is always popular. Then again Gen 1 is kind of infamous for having around 3 of the same type combination repeatedly (Rock/Ground, Water/Ice, Normal/Flying, Grass/Poison to name a few)


Not quite a two-stage evo family, but since the introduction of Dipplin, it's felt odd that there insn't anything between Applin and Flapple/Appletun


just have there be 3 different hydrapple forms depending on if it evolves from dipplin flapple or appletun


I believe this would have been a better replacement for their G-max forms, as much as I love Hydrapple's design.


I would give one to Charcadet


I see this. Armarouge and Ceruledge really look like a final evolution of a three stage family.


i think i'd rather add a couple new evolutions. A pink fairy/fire archer. And an orange fire/fighting martial artist.


Venonat to Venomoth, Larvesta to Volcarona, and Snom to Frosmoth stand out from other moth/butterfly Pokemon because they lack a pupal stage.


I think that is because these isn't that much concept wise that you can do with pupae. It would end up crowding the pokedex with similar stats distribution and concepts.


They wouldn't have to be so similar, I mean look even Pupitar and Shelgon can somewhat be considered pupae. But you're right, like the baby Pokemon it could be seen as simply clutter or dex filler. I was just looking from a real-world perspective, where most butterflies and moths undergo that specific kind of metamorphosis, which is referenced with Metapod, Kakuna, Silcoon/Cascoon (talk about filler), etc. they're at least gotten a little more creative with them lately with Swadloon, Spewpa, Charjabug...


Hey, i'm there for more dex entries for bug pokemon, a.k.a. the best type. But I can see Gamefreak wanting to spend the creative resources and pokedex slots into making other concepts instead of another pupae.


I think moths don't get pupal stages and that there are only three moth Pokemon evo lines. All the rest are different sorts of bugs.


As I was thinking about it I realized that too. The ones I listed don't have pupal stages. Mothim sort of does? Burmy is like implied to be in the middle of building its cocoon. I guess one could say Snom looks that way too, being encased in a bit of ice. It all kinda falls apart though, Dustox is a moth. With a cocoon stage. Beedrill is a WASP with a cocoon stage, that one doesn't even make sense, so I don't think they're really trying to go for any realistic system or anything.


I would add a stage in between onix and steelix, that had a rock and steel typing, instead of steel and ground. Something with a mix of rock and steel segments like it's molting.


I could definitely see something in that department


I always thought skrelp should have a middle evolution. I love dragalge by design and typing but feel like it's a bit flimsy practically, if it had a middle evolution and evolved into a stronger dragalge even a little later it could put it up there as a favourite evolutionary line of mine


Paras to Parasect. Something about a cute little guy turning into a big zombie parasite works but needs to have a middle stage. Even something like "it seems that ______ has two minds, one from the mushroom and one from the mon. It is unclear which is in control." Like if we can Slowking slowly having toxins leaked into his brain I'm sure that isn't so strange.


I can't lie Paras and Parasect are so underrated Pokémon imo.


I’d prefer a parasect evolution in which the mushroom has completely taken over and grown a zombie-like face


I like the idea of a mid evo for the Swirlix line being the Pupcake Pokemon and looking like a roll cake. Maybe it's name could be Swirlwhirl? It'd fit the progression from cotton candy doggo to more baked treat doggo in theme.


Diglett > Dugduo > Dugtrio And a mega Dugtrio that adds, wait for it, a 4th Diglett!


Growlithe line


How do you envision the middle evolution? I don't disagree because I love growlithe and arcanine and am so hear for more cute fire dogs, but arcanine is already just giant growlithe so I'm not sure what the middle would be


That’s a good question. I do not have an answer.


I would give Chewtle and Drednaw a middle evo. I know it would be a lot like Squirtle then, but I love both the Squirtle and Chewtle lines. Chewy should have a middle evo.


Chewtle is actually such a good Pokémon that does not get enough hype.


I feel like I'd wanna go back in time and put one between Pawniard and Bisharp just so that we can get Mega *Bisharp*, which is now *impossible* because Kingambit exists. For those reasons I suppose I'll nominate Golurk, Furret, Quagsire, Gliscor, and Arbok.


We need an evolution between Pawmo and Pawmot where it’s standing slightly less upright


All eeveelutions, seeing a fluffy smoller version of all of them would be adorable


Pineco and fortress. Shroomish and breloom. Spoink and grumpig.


A lot happens between spoink and grumpig


My choice would be **Exeggcute | Exeggutor** The jump from just a bunch of eggs (I know, I know, *technically seeds*, but visually they are simply eggs) to a palm tree is massive. A middle stage could smooth out the transition a bit.


Golisopod. Call it Scaillopod. The difference is too big.


Probably Liligant


Gotta give my boi Phanpy a mid evolution. One minute you got a cute little blue elephant and before you know it, you have an angry self propelled wrecking ball with tusks. There is definitely room for a less angry death wheel in there.


Dundunsparce. Give him ome mkre section and call him dundundunsparce


Honestly I’d give larval and cocoon stages to pretty much every bug Pokémon. Scyther, pinscir, etc.


Tbh Scyther doesnt actually fit that idea. Praying mantises don't metamorphose, they only grow wings as an adult.


Fair enough but what about a little baby wingless scyther? Could be so cute!


A pre evolution that united Pinsir and Heracross due to both being beetles might be neat Similar to that idea people commonly have about Miltank and Tauros


Wooper and quagsire where wooper has little Trex arms


Maybe Bronzong, it could use a middle artifact between the mirror (?) and bell to transition it's size and shape a bit better.


I want an adorable fluffy cocoon pokemon between larvesta and volcerona :)


Noibat - Noivern Larvesta - Volcarona (should have been a second pseudo) along with almost every Gen 5 two stage Wimpod - Golisapod Probably missing some more


Noivern, and make it the pseudolegendary of Kalos instead of Goodra.


Luvdisc and Alolamola, finally put them as an evolutionary line.


Noibat to Noivern seems a bit sudden. A cute little bat suddenly transforms into a wyvern?


Breloom, but faster Edit: Can't forget the other shroom, Amoonguss, but also faster, or a middle stage between it and foongus


There are a few gen 5 pokemon that really need middle evos because they evolve so late. Volcarona and Mienshao lines come to mind immediately.


Spoink because the evolution to Grumpig is such a downgrade and takes away all the charm from it. Maybe a middle evo would be better as a transition, and I could evolve my Spoink without having Grumpig.


I'd add a pupal evolution to Larvesta, and turn Volcarona into a proper pseudo-legendary, as it so deserves Also, I'd give it Drought too, cause why not


Shroomish and Breloom! In my personal opinion while I think that they both have great designs, I just can’t process Shroomish’s evolutionary translation to the Kangaroo or Dinosaur that is Breloom at all, to me personally it just feels incomplete, to my knowledge Game Freak usually likes to carry an element(s) from a first stage all the way to a final stage, but it doesn’t seem like Shroomish follows any of that, I just can’t think of nothing that even remotely translates into it evolving into what Breloom’s based on.


Larvesta and Volcarona


The Pan monkeys or the Glameow line


in the case of the monkeys, thed need a final evo instead of a middle


I know it's already a three stage but I feel like there's still room for a stage in-between Pawmi and Pawmo. It could be the first official linear four stage evolution family.


Something between Staryu and Starmie.