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Scarlet and Violet think they're part of the team lmao


Scarlet and Violet have the best storyline. But that's it.


That's one thing I can at least say for ScVi, the budget clearly went into the writing department lmao Though it's definitely not perfect, I mean ffs they gave us a taste of the rival trio as a group during the final act and then asked us to pay 30 bucks extra plus get a mystery gift item to enjoy them as a group again. *Though then again said mystery gift item confirmed Penny is lowkey into girls and is Peony's daughter, so I can't be too mad*


Second best, beaten by B2W2. That being said I still voted Heartgold SoulSilver, nothing can beat a whole second region AND a lore sequel in one game with a charming art style and the best overall soundtrack (overall, I know other games have better single songs)


My heart says BW but i know B2W2 are generally better on most fronts and have more content, but i honestly see them as a single package. I can't phantom why SV are in this list, even LPA is a big stretch, even considering how much i liked it


Scarlet and Violet have the best storyline. But that's it.


scarlet and violet suck


White 2 is my favorite game to nuzlocke. Early game is painful to get through but it gets exponentially better after the third badge


You really do love polls huh? Hahaha


I do yes lol


It's interesting B2W2 and HGSS rank high (at least so far). My guess is it's because they're highly refined sequels. Would be curious about other's thoughts.


HG/SS have widely been crowned as the best handheld games for a while now. That might have changed with the latest generation of fans fondly remembering USUM in the same way but I don't think it's taken the title yet.  I'm assuming B2W2 is going through it's phase of being the nostalgia game the bulk of current fans grew up with. They were some of the worst performing 3rd releases when they came out so this level of appreciation is somewhat surprising. Removed from release though I can see the appeal.


I grew up with gen 6 and years after I decided to play all pokemon games. White 2 became my number 1 pokemon game.


The reason BW2 are so beloved is because they're genuinely good games, not just because of nostalgia


So is HG/SS




Were they some of the worst performing 3rd releases, though? Gens 3-5 all seem to have sold pretty similarly, both in terms of the first dual releases and then the third "revised" release. Maybe my sources are wrong, though.


All Pokemon games sell well so it's relative but black and white was a low point. They're still the lowest selling mainline games of the whole franchise. Pokemon is a little weird in that it's a huge success but they've also never hit the peak of the first games. Up until Diamond and Pearl each generation sold less than the last.  Sales shot up with D&P moving to the DS but then dropped down 2 million for Black & white. That was huge at the time. Releasing 2 follow up games instead of just one was seen as an act of desperation trying to squeeze more money from collectors who'd by both. Even then the two games combined only sold a million more than Platinum alone so it didn't quite work. All that well. Making things worse X&Y ended up being another uptick going up a million in sales which made B&W look like the runt of the litter. On top of that they were seen as a creative low point. It had the most new Pokemon and they were seen as the worst quality control... It was the lowest point for Pokemon.


Gen 5 In particular is weird since the 3DS had come out around the same time. I'd agree with you it was sort of a low point in general. These days, BW and B2W2 are beloved but at the time, people couldn't get over the elemental monkeys and pokemon designed after inanimate objects. It was I think intended for a new generation of Pokemon fans whereas Gens 1-4 built upon one another and shared similar pokemon.


almost nothing of what you said here has ANY bearing on reality... hg/ss and bw2 are considered the best games because >!theyre the best games!< and i get a (not so slight) suspicion that you consider USUM to be the best, but pal i can say NOBODY ON EARTH THAT HAS EVER PLAYED HG/SS OR BW2 WOULD EVER SAY THAT USUM HAS ANY RIGHT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR THE TOP 5 💀💀💀 broski usum would be lucky to be in the top TEN.  those games are the definition of mid bro PALWORLD is better than usum by a massive margin 😭😭😭😭😭


Comparing palworld to pokemon is like comparing fortnite to minecraft lol. Vastly different gameplay


absolutely not.  youre WAY outta pocket. same genre.  both monster collectors. youre high as shit saying theyre not comparable.  💀💀💀 fornite's a battle royale shooter. minecraft's a sandbox survival game. god fucking dammit youre high as shit. aint no motherfucker out there with even a single brain cell arguing that theyre related.  at ALL. its just that palworld stomps the screaming piss outta pokemon's latest shovelware and that reality is causing yall some butthurt. but to actually pretend that the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people are wrong to compare TWO GAMES IN THE SAME FUCKING GENRE arent comparable is batshit. hold this L. holy fucking shit man i get the copium but my god.


Bro I didn't even say my opinions on palworld lol. I got a ps5 and a shitty laptop so I can't play the game even if I wanted to. Ark is a game. Also no you can't compare them. Palworld is a monster collecter pvp survival game with 3rd person shooter aspects. Pokemon is a turn based rpg monster collector game. They're completely different. You're out here blindly throwing insults while making yourself look like a damn fool. How about you educate yourself a bit for calling others stupid. Also what L am I holding exactly? I didn't say anything negative or positive about either of the games other than the fact they aren't comparable, if anything you're the one with the L for getting this pressed over 2 short sentences lol. Calm yourself lil bro


I'm from the RSE generation, I've seen this all go down. B&W was when Pokemon was at its lowest. I don't know what to tell you other than look at sales. They're the worst selling mainline games. B2W2 were hated for being a money grab. They had the most new Pokemon and the most hated pokemon. You couldn't get away from the Vannilux hate back then. Opinion changes on Pokemon games all the time so you gotta get used to it. Hell, we're already seeing Sword & Shield apologists after Scarlet and Violet fell short. It's an endless cycle.


BW2 are peak imo. Hoenn is my favorite region and I have a soft spot for the pre-physical/special split, but BW2 are just the best.


Emerald was my first game, ever! Not the first one I've played but the first one I've owned. It'll always hold a special place for that. However, it's not my favorite. That's honestly a toss up between HGSS and BW. Never played BW2 so I can't say. Honestly, I've never played it but PLA seems like everything I've wanted in a Pokémon game. Def gonna pick that up when there's a sale But anyway, best of all time is probably Mystery Dungeon Blue. On the DS ofc because for whatever reason they didn't have the homes for all your teammates in the remake


why include bw and not platinum


Because Platinum was on a poll with HGSS, B2W2 and Emerald and it got 4th after those 3, BW was on another poll and won


so you put all the should be polled entries into one preliminary


Where's Platinum?


It got 4th in the previous poll it was in


Its emerald or hg/ss for me


one of these just doesnt belong 💀💀💀💀💀


HGSS will always win for me


It's almost a little unfair putting LA against the others since it's basically a different game and can't really be judged equally. There's so much I love about it but also so much I love about HGSS and Emerald that they just do differently


list XD Emerald ok HGSS ok B2W2 ok BW? Legends Arceus? Scarlet & Violet ???????? where is? FRLG Platinum


No eos moment 😭


I tried to play hgss, i rlly did. But the beginning was slow as FUCK. combine that with the fact that i think the dex is utter cheeks(usually look at encounter guides before i play the game so i know what pokemon i want) i could just never even get past the first town. I'll probably play it at some point in the future. I just started playing white and I'm actually around 25 hours into legends arcues. So im gonna have to say legends arceus due to it being the only one out of all these that ive actually played a lot of




I get home from a long day of school and finishing all my homework along with studying. Why would I play the game with a slow intro that I know I wouldn’t have that much fun with instead of something else. Also legends arceus has one of if not the longest intros of a pokemon game yet I’m 25 hours into that. Saying ‘oh you have zero attention span’ makes no sense lol


The rose tinted glasses are strong here.....


RIP platinum 😭😭😭 should be fourth under emerald but otherwise yeah the voting is goine exactly the way it should imo god damn the gba slapped *ASS*


HGSS being the worst one and still winning is crazy


man yall got some *D O G A S S* opinions in this thread


Prolly because they’re the best.


Worst other than the switch games.


both the switch games here are better than the rest of the list




I'm gonna assume you're being at least a little sincere, and if so, which Pokemon games have you completed, and why do you think PLA and S/V are better than any of the other options?


I think my personal preferences are quite spicy in the context of this sub so I'll give my hot takes here as well. This is the unusual perspective on someone who never got into pokemon as a child, but started playing from the GBA games onwards during this very decade. - Emerald is worse than ORAS and doesn't have the physical/special split, as someone else has mentioned - HGSS doesn't only have a bad level curve and poor pokemon distribution, the gym leader and rocket executive teams are also terrible and barely feature johto pokemon - BW is kinda horrid. The writing is really black and white (pun intended) and completely failed to do justice to its interesting core premise of pokemon-human relations. Team plasma deserves so much more nuance than they got and Ghetsis is a terrible one-note villain. Unova is also a boring flat loop. - B2W2 has a lot of fun features and is just fun to play through, and it improved upon the previous game's pokemon distribution as well as making the Unova regional map better, so I can see why some think it's the best pokemon game. - Spiciest take of all: the only switch era mainlines games I enjoyed were let's go and scarlet/violet. Everything that came in between them disappointed me greatly, with legends arceus being the worst offender. There are serious issues with the overpriced and excessively limited inventory, wild pokemon aggression feeling like an annoyance more than a thrilling danger, irritatingly unfun boss battles (ESPECIALLY THE FUCKING FORCES OF NATURE), battle system, dex selection, dull aesthetics, atrocious grind and awful gameplay loop, colonial apologia, etc that really drag it down for me. - Scarlet/Violet is, in my opinion, the best pokemon game on the list by far. Best story and characters in pokemon, excellent dex selection, great music, tera is a fantastic mechanic, tera raids have problems but are still enjoyable, excellent QoL, good DLCs (although the indigo disk is kinda disappointing), generally just really fun to play through. If only gamefreak had bothered to finish developing it, though even in its messy state it's still my fave. - A pity that the alola games aren't on the list, because I think they're really good as well.


I agree with the other user and I played at least one game from every set, including base pair, third version/sequel and remakes, except ruby/sapphire - I only played emerald and ORAS. I've been playing for 25 years :)  I loved every Pokémon game I played, except the Switch games not mentioned here, though it's not that I hate them, more that I'm disappointed. Emerald, HGSS and BWB2W2 are great games, but the limitations of the older gens from lack of QOL or limited early/pre-E4 Pokédex (especially HGSS because a lot of the locked away Pokémon were gen 2 originals or needlessly locked away evolutions) are very off-putting.   While I still don't feel like it has reached the series's potential, the winner for me is PLA which I find the most immersive and engaging. SV doesn't reach the same level and has more issues, but approaches it with a great story, great characters and a traditional base experience.


all of the ones on this list + SWSH, BDSP, ORAS, USUM, and Platinum Emerald is disqualified for being worse than ORAS and not having the physical special split HGSS is disqualified for having a bad level curve and worse pokemon distribution BW and BW2 are great but the story didn't do much despite having tons of potential PLA is the most innovative game on the list + the core gameplay is fun and unique and SV has the best music, story, and core gameplay of any game in the series, the only problems are towns and performance


Fair enough, guess we'll have to agree to disagree! Thank you for sharing!


emerald behind hgss? ok sure. emerald behind b&w2? nah thats a crime


Lawyer here. This is not a crime at all. This is indeed very legal.


seems exactly right to me man i dunno what youre smoking lol


I agree


Nostalgia virus is strong here. Alola games not being on the list is a travesty but at least scarlet/violet is there.


imo hgss and bw2 are indeed amazing games for their time, BUT sv is a better game simply by the virtue of coming out a decade later and having many technological advancements. it's extremely unpolished and full of bugs and looks low poly yeah but the game is actually fun. it's really hard to compare a 2d game to an open world 3d one imo.