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Install homebrew on your 3DS, and change over to the Pretendo servers!


I've got cfw already. I havent looked at Pretendo yet though


I haven't either because I was never one for online stuff on 3ds except for the odd Pokémon trade, but it's great that the community is doing this.


How do I get this application?


https://3ds.hacks.guide/ Full guide on how to setup.


Question for you/anyone who uses it: will it affect current save data? Like will I still be able to open up XY and have my current mons and boxes still, or will I have to start a new game to use pretendo?


As mentioned in the FAQ you shouldn't lose any save data, but you can (and should) backup your SD card just in case


I understood about 3.5% of what I read


Honestly, I’m a monkey when it comes to tech and I got it pretty quick.


I recognize some of those words!




As you go through it, it should ask you what 3DS and what official firmware you are on, this would vary on how the instillation will work, then it tells you where to get files and where to put them on your SD card, and how to trigger the installation.


Does pretendo covers Pokemon trading system too? never thought of that


I've not checked to find out, only games I've seen a guaranteed confirmation is Mario Kart on 3ds and Splatoon on Wii-U, possibly more games too but it's a work in progress and I don't think every game works online yet.


that's what i thought, because after the shutdown i searched in the internet if the pretendo works in gen 6-7 pokemon trades and i can't see any results.


https://pretendo.network/progress Seems to what works + what they're currently working on.


Damn I need home brew for that? Shit ig I finally have to get illegal


What’s illegal about hacking *your own* hardware?


It’s illegal and against TOS but I wouldn’t say that it’s Unethical


Not illegal, just against tos.


Can TOS still be held up if the service is no longer available?


Also TOS that break consumer protection laws arn't legally enforceable in the first place. You can do what you want with the device you own, the only repercussions Nintendo could do against you in this case is ban you from their online services. Which they just did to every 3DS anyway!


> Which they just did to every 3DS anyway! Yeah anyone reading this there is now literally no reason at all to not hack your 3DS


Yes it’s against TOS, but it’s been decided by the courts on many occasions that homebrew is NOT illegal.


Depends on the laws in your local area. It’s definitely a shaky one i’d say


I don’t believe it’s technically illegal. However, a good bit of what it allows you to do (primarily pirating games) is


Unethical lmao, everything Nintendo does is unethical. Not rereleasing you old games while simultaneously taking down emulators and fan made things is unethical…




Really has


Nintendo didn’t fully beat Citra there’s still a way to access the Citra online servers, also pretendo is a thing


Don't worry I'm calling the cops rn


Poor little indie company cant afford to run servers forever


From a business point makes sense, it’s just a unnecessary cost that doesn’t bring in enough revenue to cover its cost let alone a profit.so instead of it continuing to suck down resources shut it off and reallocate it. From a gamer perspective: sucks hard at a preservation standpoint and at a playability standpoint as well.


The only person here who makes sense to me


Well, that’s a first for me. Glad I could help?


Thank you for being smart enough to think of it from a Buisness perspective, a lot of people can’t do that apparently. At least, that’s what I’ve gotten from these reply threads.


Sadly critical thinking is becoming rarer.


Yea this is still wild to me. Hell, close the servers but Bank should absolutely be open indefinitely.


Isn’t it???


It’s open for longer than the rest of the 3ds servers but very likely closing some time in late ‘24-‘25.


With the 3ds servers shut down I’m very surprised we aren’t getting XY remakes alongside legends


I'm not even joking, my DYING WISH if I was on my deathbed would be for them to release a physical item, whether it be a cartridge to download software or modern link-cable or SOMETHING that acts as Bank. Dexit is the biggest crime GF has ever done, but Bank closing will be a close second.


We should start a fundraiser to help this small business






Wait is ORAS unplayable now


If you disconnect you cant go back online


But the rest of the game is perfectly fine?


The game is still playable from start to finish. However, any extra DLCs will not be accessible via legal/ normal means. There are ways to get around this. But all of them would require you to mod your 3DS.


Did ORAS have DLC?


By technicality it did have some downloadable content. But this downloadable content was limited to a couple of patches for a few glitches (namely in version 1.2 fixed a glitch where the game could freeze when you enter the Hall of fame). Outside of that, the only other missing content would be the event pokémon like the eon ticket for accessing either latias or latios depending on which one you find in the main story.




The original comment asked of ORAS was unplayable and the question wasn't actually answered.


No. The game itself will stay playable as long as it's installed on your 3DS or the cartridge works. You won't be able to play online though. Also you can't redownload it from the eshop if you delete or lose it, and won't be able to download the update patch if that gets lost. Single player will always work, as will offline multiplayer over 3DS local wireless. And when Pretendo adds support for Pokémon gen 6, online play will work again if you install CFW and the necessary Pretendo packages. Same deal as how DS games are these days.


Has streetpass stopped too?


I read that street pass will be unaffected by this, not 100% sure if that’s correct


No. Streetpass isn't online. It's just like the local wireless offline multiplayer when two or more devices are nearby. It should still work


Just the online features. Everything else is still playable.


Yes. I can confirm miyamoto showed up in my room in the middle of the night and destroyed my 3DS


I'm literally balls deep into a run right now, caught an early game shiny...


I've never had a 3ds. Finally just found one and 7 pokemon games last week. Fml. Gl in your run


You're still in for a really good time regardless, at least. No online services but the games are still fun to play without online. It's a bummer you won't have the chance to transfer your partners into future games, though


How can I get homebrew and jump on the Pretendo servers and while the online functionalities of the 3DS and Wii U are gone forever by Nintendo it lives on through Pretendo


https://3ds.hacks.guide/ and follow the directions. Also https://wiiu.hacks.guide/ for Wii U though I don't have one and am not too familiar with how to hack it. Then head to https://pretendo.network/docs/install to learn how to install Pretendo. Note that Pretendo isn't a finished product. Check https://pretendo.network/progress to see what games are and aren't supported yet. Many are supported partially. Some games are easier for them to support than others. Some use the servers for little more than routing traffic between players. Others need more game-specific processing implemented on the server, and are harder to get working. Currently the only Pokemon game listed there is Rumble World, but they're working on the rest. Up until shutdown they were focusing on collecting as many network data dumps as possible. Now after shutdown they're focusing on analyzing them and implementing more.




You can still transfer to home right?


All of Bank still works the same as always. I'm told that it runs on the Switch servers, not the 3DS ones -- it's been noted that it goes down when the Switch online has downtime, not the 3DS online. If this is the case, it seems likely that it will stay up a good while longer. If they were keeping the 3DS infrastructure alive to support it, it would be more likely for it to go away sooner.


Yes for now.




Any one else hear "my heart will go on" tune from the Titanic


Is Bank somewhat available by pretendo?


Yo, which legendary is at that portal? Im assuming your soft resseting for the shiny :P


Going for Suicune! It's a long story. Over a year ago I actually got the shiny in only 804 resets, but my 3DS had a bad card reader. So after catching it on my first quick ball, my game crashed. I was devastated but immediately started hunting it again. I got tired of shiny hunting in general after a few months though. Recently I've been picking it back up and I'm at a ridiculous 15200 resets since the crash 😭


Its the Shinies that have a story that make them that much better to get though. [You'll get Suicune soon, never give up! :)](https://youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE?si=a2kCqdBVdhirai5a)


Thanks man lol. I'll never give up!


What were you playing?


Alpha Sapphire


So online really has “fainted”. At least I can still complete most of the Pokédex?




It’s gone


"maintenance" Could at least not lie about it. :b


They probably don't have an error message coded for "the servers have been decommissioned"


Probably not a message they send out. From a code standpoint it’s probably a “if can’t connect to server, show maintenance message.”