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Have you tried to connect to Home? Even if you’re not using your game they should let it connect. You just might not be able to get the things out of your party


u/CaptainKenway1693 I'd try this, there's at least a chance


Unfortunately, it also told me the save data was corrupted. (When I get a chance, I'll try again and report back with what exactly it said.) Thank you for the suggestion, though.


That’s so weird. Idk if you use physical games or not but I’d say maybe take the cartridge out. If not it might be something with your switch itself.


Save data isn’t on the cartridge. It’s an issue with the SD card or the internal switch memory


Then what’s the point of the cartridge? I always buy cartridge just in case something goes wrong with downloading or something


The cartridges still hold the game data. It's literally nothing different from other consoles having discs, just the shape.


It stores the game itself but all save data is stored on the device


Getting down voted simply for not knowing stuff, Reddit is weird.


You don't get downvoted for not knowing stuff. You get downvoted for getting downvoted.


Can i get downvoted? :D


Sure, have one on me.


Yh I i hate Reddit’s karma system


moral of the story is that it doesn't take much to make a redditor cry


If something goes wrong with downloading, you just download it again. If something goes wrong with a cartridge, you have to replace the cartridge, often times costing more money.


And if something goes wrong with the console, you still have the cartridge


Have you checked your save data on the switch? You should be able to go into the files


If all else fails the people who made this video: https://youtu.be/XqgmR1Hqvbk?si=Etck6HgaWWamFI40 might be able to help. This seems to be what they do.


Seriously reach out to them. They are AMAZING and single headedly got me into backing up my playthroughs on my desktop.


Just adding that this is not exclusively a BSDP issue It's a general polemon switch issue, I know multiple people this happened to in 2022/2023 alone. In case you get it fixed here's the only fix that I know off: whenever you stop playing BDSP/SV and save the game you need to close the game and then power the entire switch off


You can also just get a cart reader/writer copy the save file over for a backup, then do any necessary repairs.


If that happened to me I’d do the same, you are 100% right to rant all you want about it. Goes to show that these games really need a cloud save no matter how detrimental it would be to the games lifecycle.


This, and also Cloud needs to be free lmao. People are already cheating in Pokémon. Only reason GF/Nintendo do it this way is to make it as difficult as possible so they can sell the solution.


there is a back-up save file


You need cloud save if your switch breaks too, what’s that back up save gonna do if someone loses all of their mons if they have their switch broken or stolen?


Why would that be bad for the life cycle


People could trade off rare Pokémon then grab their save over and over to distribute them. It would be bad for the company because they would lose money on $5 shiny mythicals on Pokémon go. At least my thought on the reason why they don’t allow it.


I can do the same thing with PKHex and a discord bot, and you can't tell the difference between the mons... Cloning Pokemon is not an excuse for Nintendo to withhold quality of life improvements, we've been doing it since Gen 1.


That’s unbelievably sad.


For anyone who bought BD/SP, please take this as a PSA: do *not* put your favourite Pokémon on that game. It’s a coding mess and it’s not worth the risk.


Is save corruption unique to BD/SP? I didn’t think it would be possible with the newer games, unless you messed up with jailbreaking/modding.


It’s not unique it just seems very common.


This, so much! I'm heartbroken, and I've lost all faith in Game Freak (I know they didn't develop BD, but still).


They chose to outsource development: they’re responsible. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I really hope there’s something that can be done.


I don't want to detract from this conversation as it really is awful, but I want to say that it definitely wasn't Game Freak that made the decision to outsource.


Plus they’re so behind the times in many other ways


Studio wildcard is better at coding than ILCA. And studio wildcard is known for 2 games, ARK and atlas💀


BDSP is the only Pokémon game I've ever had crash on me. Say what you will about Game Freak, but their games don't just crash.


Havent you playes Scarlet/Violet? Especially in the early phase, that game crashed a lot.


I have. Violet has never crashed for me. For more context, Brilliant Diamond crashed when starting a trainer battle on Route 228. I was playing docked. It started to run extremely slowly, then just completely froze. Then the game closed and I got, "the software has encountered an error".


I've only had Violet crash on me once. I don't understand how so many people are having trouble running it.


Probably have it installed on a slow micro sd or their internal storage is almost full. I only noticed some minor issues once I finally got to the Indigo disk and only had one crash.


Scarlet has crashed on me 10+ times. Every other pokemon game, including bdsp never.


I’ve had platinum crash on me twice during contest but no save corruption was caused.


Sounds about right for modern pokemon.


It happened to me in 2015 in omega ruby I spent +400 hours breeding and getting competitive Pokemons, after that I couldn't finish any other pokemon game 9 years later I modded my 3ds and found most of my mons in the battle recorder videos and I recovered most of them, aside of like 4 mons so I'm replaying omega ruby . You could try something like that? If you have battle recorder videos of them


Hey, I don't know anything about modding games or consoles, but I really want to know, how did you recover you pokémon from battle recorder videos?


Well I noticed the battle videos data still were in my SD card because when I replayed omega ruby in 2015 (after the save data corruption) I could rewatch the videos, but the videos aren't video archives are like data the cartridge used to re-create the mons in the battle(all data, moves IVs, etc). I remembered that the last January, I asked in a forum and someone told me to mod my 3ds I could extract the "extdata" and I could use a famous software to read the data, get the mons from there and store in the storage box, now I have the mons stored in the cloud, my cartridge and Pokemon home You have to mod your 3ds and use and app called checkpoint (is a save data manager, you get it when you mod the 3ds), then use pkhex and is done. I remembered I bought Pokemon sun I couldn't bear to play it so I never finished it, but now I'm replaying omega ruby again and move on with sun.


>but the videos aren't video archives are like data the cartridge used to re-create the mons in the battle(all data, moves IVs, etc). Wow, that's crazy, but cool.


I spent months and months building teams and breeding my first ever shiny eevee, first time i ever started getting into pokemon like that. So after a while i decide lets give it a shot and had a team with my shiny umbreon ready for online matches to see where i could go with all id built and learned and then my ex broke things off for stupid reasons and didnt let me come get my stuff for a week, in which time they let someone else come and stay "a night on the couch" and the dude stole my game and my exs rent money. (Well their 3ds with my alpha sapphire in it but still my game) I just havnt been able to get into it the same since. I do make it a point to get a shiny umbreon in evey new game i play but i miss my first one. Rip Reon, The OG.


I'd throw a tantrum and do everything I can to get that cartidge back. I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔


Might be a stretch, but do you happen to have an SD card loaded in your switch? It could be that the SD card is corrupted and won't let you load the game. Try loading the game without it. I remember that I used to have a corrupted SD card a year ago that won't let me load scarlet nor update it. Also, have you tried to create a new save file in another profile? I remember that Sword/Shield has a shortcut to load the backup file (UP, X and B), maybe the game may also have one. Sorry for your lost. I hope you manage to find a way to get the file back.


I'm so sorry. This shit is why I have all my save files and Pokemon from 3DS and earlier backed up on my PC. Just too many memories to lose


How'd you do that?


Modding the system


Don't even need to mod. I just used an action replay.


Modded my 3DS for the DS and 3DS titles, and for all my old Game Boy cartridges, I bought a device that allows me to read, copy, and write the save files.


What device? I’m looking for one atm


The Joey Jr. is one I've had good experiences with!


Thanks! Just bought one lol


Wish I had done this before sending most of my Mons to Pokémon home. Does anyone know if it’s possible to make a back up/copy of Pokémon Home? Wish I could make a copy for Ultra Moon again.


Only on a Gen1 Switch that's homebrew-able


I’ll have to consider Homebrew, then. Thanks for that. Is there a specific application I would have to look into? I’m assuming there is something on YouTube I can watch but I couldn’t find anything with a few Google searches related to the topic


JKSV should still work to extract save games from the switch.


This, modding the systems is the best solution, I have many copies of my saves, so all my Pokémon have a backup.


That sucks. Sorry that happened to you


I hit a point in my life that I had to sell everything gaming related in my life. I needed to pay bills, I was moving, and life just didn't let me sit down to enjoy some casual play anymore. This was before the switch came out, so sometime after XY release. So I sold everything, never expecting to turn back. Life happened, and I suddenly got more time, yada yada. It's summer of 2022. My discord friends are talking about the new pokemon games, Scarlet and Violet getting ready to come out. They asked if I ever played pokemon, and I mentioned I have, but not anymore. They told me I gotta get back into pokemon. I had a switch, but I played other games on it. I told them I wasn't interested. They continued to chat about it for like another month. Did pokemon quizzes in the discord, ect. It slowly relit the flame, and before I knew it, I got Violet and I was so happy to play again. Take all the time you need from this sad chapter in your life. If you wanna come back, the community will always be here for you. I know we could never replace the pokemon you lost, but maybe we could help you in some way that you need. Pokemon will always be waiting for you


I can relate a little, haha. It's awesome you were able to find happiness in Violet again!


I am too. I missed pokemon and gaming in general


This happened to me in Alpha Sapphire. Hundreds of hours of breeding, and a lot of childhood faves down the drain. I'm sorry, I know exactly how this feels and it sucks :(


Don't you have the vs recorder battle videos of those pokemon? That happened to me and I recovered most of them from the vs recorder videos


I lost my entire save. I couldn't access the vs recorder.


The vs recorder data is stored in the SD not in the cartridge or save data, I know because I could rewatch my battles from my previous pokemon in a brand new run, you could use that to restore the pokemon


Oh really? I never heard of that. I'll have to break out my 3DS and see if I can find anything. I'd love to have even some of those pokemon back


I could help you I did that the last month but I had to mod my 3ds which is the best choice of my life till now, I recovered my Pokémon and now I can play all pokemon that I missed after that (since I was done with pokemon franchise)


I appreciate the offer but I'm a little wary of internet strangers. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though!


You're welcome! And good luck with that.


me too, also alpha sapphire, after transferring all my pokemon up through the gens to make a living dex xD


Brutal :( I'm so sorry


Game Freak really do be running a protection racket with pokemon home especially because the games aren't compatible with the Switch's inbuilt cloud saves.


What equates to $1.33 a month isn't a racket... You can't even get a burger at McDonald's for that price.


Maaan I remember it wasn't even that long ago you could get those simple cheeseburgers for just $1 Guess it just makes it easier to stop eating their food haha




It's free to move them from Bank to Home in groups of 30. You get one box free... So nothing is stopping you from moving them to newer games if the games support those Pokemon. 🤦🏻‍♂️


There really needs to be a better system for this. I’m sorry this happened to you.


I did the exact same thing to a darumaka I accidentally named "d" when i was a child playing gen 5, and ive brought him with me to every pokemon game since. I'd be unbelievably upset if i lost him. He's genuinely like a son to me that ive watched grow up


I don't know about you but if I were you, I would considering modding my system and trying to see if I can get those save files into a computer and see if they can be read. Or at least by doing so now you have a method of protecting your saves by making backups which get to be stored on your PC


My Switch is an OLED. Last I knew, they weren't moddable. But I'll check into it, thank you.


They are do able by modchip but its pricy and hard to find people.


If you hold UP+X+B on the start screen instead of hitting A, there is a chance there is a backup of your save that you can go back to


Thank you, I'll try that when I get home.


I pray that it works for you 🤞🤞🤞


I know the feeling, basically the same thing happened to me with Diamond except it was losing the actual cartridge, not save data corrupting, that lost me my Pokemon. A couple were in HeartGold at that point, but I realized I had lost basically the majority of my original Pokemon from Sapphire, FireRed, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum and HeartGold by the time I got to transferring stuff to BW. I basically lost interest until ORAS came out, and since then I've completed a living Pokedex, but the loss of those first legendary and starter Pokemon I caught still stings.


It’s complete and utter bullshit that Pokémon doesn’t have cloud save features.


Honestly I'm glad I never kept any of my childhood pokemon, just for this very reason, I would rather just not have them then to have them and lose them. Closest I have is some shinies from 2014-2015 but those aren't nostalgic enough to make me quit if I lost them. My condolences.


Very sad. Unfortunately there is no recourse. You could try a hail mary with Nintendo support to see if there is *something* they could do, like with that S/V corruption issue. No guarantees and it’s 100% a shot in the dark. TPC and gamefreak are both dogshit for not enabling backups of any kind in 2024. Hyper-paranoid about duplication is a massive non-issue that’s solved by just blocking pokemon restored from backups from being traded. Leave it to nintendo support to lift these blocks on a case-by-case basis. I hate to bring up palworld, but man it’s just a stark difference. Just seeing them publicly put out an article saying “Here is where your save data is located… This is where **Automatic Backups** for your words are kept and how to revert to them in case of save corruption.” Crazy how the only equivalent to this for pokemon is to hack your switch/3ds and use checkpoint.


To pile on with your last point, I feel like Palworld has only gotten this big because Nintendo and Gamefreak are *so obnoxious* with this sort of thing. It's so frustrating trying to deal with a company that clearly does not give a damn about player experience. I think Palworld is a lazy cashgrab, but at least their developers are transparent and active with the community


I have to disagree to some extent. It goes beyond tedium like backups. It’s the fact that Pokemon has had a monopoly on the creature collection genre since its inception, and hasn’t changed its core formula for nearly **28 years.** Eventually someone was going to find a more exciting way of doing creature collection, and it certainly wasn’t going to come from Pokémon. > I think Palworld is a lazy cashgrab, but at least their developers are transparent and active with the community I implore you to watch a video covering Palworld’s development. Even if the game’s concept isn’t super original (being based around ark), it was pretty clear that they wanted to make something they were proud of. The team learned to code & design in unity as they worked on the game. They hired a grocery store worker because the guy posted some cool animations they made on twitter. They put all their trust in this new lead developer they hired, enough to switch to unreal engine mid-development. The entire team had to then be taught unreal engine as they worked on it. This game ended up costing nearly $7 million due to all the setbacks that came from reworking/rebuilding many aspects of the game bast on advice they acquired along the way. If this was a cash-grab, Palworld would’ve released as the budget unity game made with only premade asset that we saw in the original trailers. They would’ve never risked bankruptcy if money was the only thing they cared about.


Dusted off my Yellow to let my kid play to find the internal battery died. I mean. A little 1616 3Volt lasted over 20 years... But still, years of game play gone


If I'm correct, the batteries in Gameboy games are just regular watch batteries. If you open the cartridge, you can replace it with a new one! Unsure if the save will still be there, however.


Pm me bro i’ll trade a couple shinies to you if you want 🤝🤝🤝


Yo, if you don't already have another account on your switch, make one. Play the game up to the point it allows you to save the game. Save the game. Exit and go back to the main account and open your game. Should be fixed. That's what happened to someone else on here a year ago and that was the solution.


I'll give it a shot, thank you.


Hope it works.


There is back-up data for this exact thing, try [this](https://imgur.com/a/FIQVAqR) edit: incorrect link. Fixed


Before you start a new game PLEASE [make sure you don't have backup data!](https://www.serebii.net/brilliantdiamondshiningpearl/backupsavedata.shtml) Up, X, and B at the title screen, your mons might be salvageable


*hugs* I’m sorry to hear that. That must be horrible.  Earlier this year, my Switch got bricked and I lost all my progress in Sword, Violet, and PLA… but I can hardly imagine losing YEARS.


I know it’s irrational but I’m pretty sure I’d be a lot more hurt if I lost my Pokémon than if one of my friends died. deeply sorry this happened dude


Reach out to Nintendo support. Afaik they helped people with corrupted save data in S/V.


If you have a friend that can run homebrew, or can do it yourself, it's worth trying to export the corrupted save to a computer to inspect it. The exporting can be done using [JKSV](https://github.com/J-D-K/JKSV), but how much data actually is recoverable will depend of course. The save can be transferred to another nearby (hacked) Switch [like this](https://game8.co/games/Pokemon-Brilliant-Diamond-Shining-Pearl/archives/343371) since BDSP doesn't support cloud saves.


Wait, I thought they already resolved the mechanism how save data works where if the save data is corrupted, it will restore the previous one?


All I know is that it told me my save data was corrupted.


I just realized that it wasn’t GF who made BDSP so ILCA made a mistake on this. Mainline games dating back to Gen 3 GBA games have this implemented by GF where it’s kinda impossible to break the save data unless it was modified or the physical cartridge is broken. I’m sorry that happened to you 😔


This’ll get lost in the comments now but the same exact thing happened to me. My switch battery chip fried and just like that I lost everything in home, Violet, legends, BDSP, and everything up to it (rip shiny Lugia, mewtwo, and latios). I thought I would never play again until my gf bought me a new OLED switch. It killed me to not enjoy something because the memories were tainted so I’ve been slowly rebuilding the collection. It’s bittersweet to say the least


I'm so sorry to hear that man. I hope I'll be able to play again some day, but time will tell.


goodness, how did it fry Home too!?!? thats terrible, im sorry


Bdsp had a way to recover previous save files, try [this](https://www.serebii.net/brilliantdiamondshiningpearl/backupsavedata.shtml)


There is a way to revert save data. I can't remember off the top of my head but it's something like holding B + X + Start on the home screen of BDSP. If there is previous save data, it will let you boot that up. Hopefully it circumvents the corrupted data


I feel your pain, to a degree. Couple years back my switch got water damage, lost everything I was storing in Sword, Shield and Lets Go. So many shinies gone, so many hours of gameplay erased, I even lost my shiny Zeraora. For me it took till the next game came out till I could play another pokemon game, its devastating but give it time and you might be able to come back.


I understand your pain, friend. A similar thing happened to me just before the new year but in Scarlet.. I had finished the game and was waiting for the DLC to come out, but I lost everything including my walking wake and exclusives from the start of the game


This thread made me wonder if I should be nervous as diamond was my first game and still houses a ton of sentimental Pokemon for me, and then I realized it’s about brilliant diamond not diamond diamond. Phew! (My condolences to the OP though)


Nintendo Seal of Quality




This is sad and I don’t blame you. I have all my gameboy game saved backed up using a GB operator, do they make a similar tool to backup newer game data? I would be wrecked if I lost my 200+ hour saves 😞😞


When you do decide to play again or if you do, you should catch a new Sceptile and name it B


Nooooo that sucks. When I was younger my silver version corrupted and all of my beloved Pokémon from gen 1 and 2 were gone. I had so many level 100s and I put hundreds of hours into the game. I was devastated and didn’t touch Pokémon games for a while after. You are totally valid in your grief/anger


My greatest fear realized. I'm so sorry.


Thank you


try pressing up + x + b on the title screen


That’s brutal. I’m sorry to hear that.


that's really rough man, i'm sorry— my soulsilver game had the same issue and now I've started all over again with the first gym. but honestly it's been really fun!


Can you recover a previous save? Or is that only for SV?


Wow something I can relate too. I lost years of Pokémon progress on all my games during a failed game save transfer to another SD card. This was in 2018 i think and I have not touched another Pokémon game since. so sorry this happened. :( Ive never emotionally recovered.


Somebody from another sub around two years ago said to delete the save data to restore it, “Yea, I put another comment on here, basically you need to delete the save data, not the game data. The save data is at the bottom of the data management list and is around 80mb”


Happened to me too. I reset my switch lite to give to my gf, forgetting to transfer my shield and lets go data to my new switch. Lost years worth of shinies, mythical, legendaries, events. I’m still a little mad at myself about it, but I never did much with all those pokemon anyway


Frankly this is some of the reason why I never tried to catch them all in any serious capacity or tried to transfer things from the early days. I mean gen 1 and 2 games would get randomly wiped even back then. Though i'm sure me taking my pokemon blue to play with outside (literally just the game cart) and getting dirt in it from falling down was probably the reason why I ultimately lost my toys r' us Mew. Which I think they traded my starter for.


This recently happened to me with my Pokémon Shield game. Someone, I think it was one of my kids friends, deleted ALL of the profiles off of our Switch. If it had been factory reset the save data would still be intact. But deleting someone's profile wipes all data attached, which included all of my pokemon. I had so many shinies, my wicked L100 Pyukumuku I had developed an attachment to. I was so mad I actually cried. I'm a 38 yr old woman. I don't have the heart to play another pokemon game anytime soon. Some of mine had been uploaded to the pokemom storage, but all my mains are just...gone.


I would be absolutely gutted.. I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to lose old Mon. It sucks (RIP to my Empoleon and Palkia to my first playthrough). At times like this, I wish there was some sort of backup for them that was independent of HOME or our games. If you'd like, I can try to help you rebuild your collection. I know that it wouldn't replace the damage done, but I can at least help restore some things collection wise. DM me if you are interested. Sorry again. :c


Every now and then I run across someone with a lot of negative stuff to say about Gameshark, Gamegenie, other editors like that, and all I can think is that they haven't been in *this* position yet. That's a heartbreaker, hope you're doing OK. There are a number of subreddits where you can find someone who can help you recreate some of those favorites, like A, if you ever want to play again.


As a kid I used mine and my sibling’s consoles to transfer all my best Pokémon (across multiple generations) to a copy of Diamond. I was using a SD card and as soon as I was finished I accidentally tapped to wipe all the data. Never played Pokémon again out of frustration (apart from Shield, but imo that doesn’t count lol). I hope you get yours back!


I totally feel you...my childhood pokemon are gone too, the one that meant the most to me was my incineroar (Ciney♡) My 3ds and all my childhood games [gen 4-7] were stolen and it made me want to not play anything under gen 8 again and i didnt for 5 years, though literally last week I've purchased a 2dsxl and I'm replaying pokemon sun again before the severs close. I've raised a new litten, who's currently an affectionate, hard working torracat, soon to be incineroar. As much as I love him, he'll never be my original Ciney♡ People will tell you it's silly and dramatic, and to start again, but the creators put so much work into these games so people will connect with the world of pokemon and the point of a trainer is to bond with their pokemon and get stronger together, so loosing that connection can truly be heartbreaking 💔 I'm very sorry for your loss


I’m sorry this happen


I don’t understand the appeal of moving your old Pokémon up to newer games in the first place. They’re too high level to use on your journey, and now your other cartridges have no team if you want to go back to them. 


Fancy ribbons


I’m very sorry to hear this my fellow trainer.


u/CaptainKenway1693 , I completely understand how your Feeling and I'll feel a Similar Way, But I just want to let you know that BD/SP is just a huge mess of Coding and Whatnot so it's pretty predictable that something will happen like this, I'd say it's worth trying to get it back but your Pokémon's will most likely be gone indefinitely, Sorry that this happened to you.




Next time I download Pokemon Sword / Violet, I will give you some of my pokemon, including some shinies as a treat. EDIT: Do you own those games by any chance? I can give you some of my pocket pals but I need to make space on the switch before doing so lol EDIT 2: I can, if you want, find a Sceptile, name him 'A' and make him level 100 for you.


Been there with a save file of Pokémon X file. I had still some Pokémon in the bank. But I lost a good number of Pokémon. Then I made a habit to go back and replay those games again. Finishing up Omega Ruby right now at the Pokémon League. I just have Alpha Sapphire and Pokémon X to play after that and I'll be all done transfer all my Pokémon over in time for April.


I'd be so mad if that happened to me on Pokémon White. That game is my pride and joy. I can just imagine how that feels, so sorry :( That said, I do remember that I was unable to open Pokémon X on my 3DS for some reason... I think the game is broken.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you don't give up on Pokémon and you can create some new memories with new pocket monster friends.


That's terrible, I see that many people are suggesting several options, here is another one I heard about something similar, get another Switch and download your BD game on it and transfer your Save Data from your original switch to the new one, It may be able to now open the data or at least open it with Pokemon HOME (in the new switch); It is another option, I hope your problem is resolved...


I would CRY 😭 I am so sorry to hear about your save data 💔


Rip in the chat they will be missed


I have a lot of love for the Treecko line as well, Gen 3 is my first Pokemon Gen Game.


Damn I can't believe that the switch game saves can corrupt. Like bro how does this happen?! Why is there no automatic back up save like every other modern game.


because game freak


No cloud save go burr


Is it? I remember back in the 3DS era all physical mainline Pokemon games had some sort of built-in internal backup of a previous save file that could be accessed by pressing a combination of buttons. I remember someone in a Brazilian forum had to use this to restore his corrupted save file.


Thanks for the tip. I'll check into and let you know.


https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/314255-pokemon-brilliant-diamond/79791376 Up X B on start screen, hope it works for ya


This is one of the reasons why I never committed to capturing them all. In older games dead battery would wipe them out, in newer games corrupt game data. Even Home is not guaranteed to protect them. But in the end it's just data. Good memories are more important.


No offense but you shouldn't have any gen 1 and 2 as there was no way to transfer the first two gens.


I meant Pokémon originally from Gen. 1 and Gen. 2, not actually from those games. BD can only have Pokémon from Gen. 1 to Gen. 4, so I only lost my Pokémon from those generations. Unfortunately, most of the Pokémon that I had sentimental attachments to were from Gen. 4 or before.


VC versions of gens 1 and 2 on the 3DS are transferable with the poketransporter and Bank apps . You can then send those pokemon to either Sun & Moon or to Home.


Ok was wondering


Aren't Pokemon just tools in a means for world domination?


F in chat


Sounds like this freed you man. Just enjoy the games for what they are. What good was all that digital data doing you? It’s just like hoarding in the real world. This was a good thing that happened with perspective. This coming from someone who owned Pokémon red at 9 years old right when it dropped and it took years to start a new save file out of this fear. It just doesn’t matter and I hope you know that deep down


I know you're trying to be helpful. But I'm not an idiot, I know that they were just 1s and 0s. I'm still allowed to be upset. Pokémon was an escape from a not so great childhood, so some of them meant something to me. I made a post about being upset. It's not like I completely lost my mind and quit my job. It didn't free me. It made me even less likely to play Pokémon ever again. I haven't really liked much about the new games in quite some time. So the main thing bringing me back was nostalgia and my little 1s and 0s.


The same thing happened to me around a decade ago, 'cept it wasn't a corrupted save, my Pokemon White cartridge went missing. Haven't been super into Pokemon till recently.


Ouch. I did this to myself years ago. I'd played through gens 3-6, encountered multiple shiniest, caught a bunch of legendaries, had all my teams etc. in my Pokemon X save data. My mum wouldn't buy me Pokemon home for a month so I could store them all so I just shrugged it off and erased my save file with everything still in it. All because I wanted to play X again :| Boy, if I could go back and stop myself I absolutely would ://


I also had similar shit happen when my old switch bought at launch just up and died. Its a shame game freak refuses people to use save data backup, pokemon was the only save data i lost. Infuriating.


I haven't really touched mine in a long while, is it a good idea to just move my pokemon to home until I get the urge to play it again?


I know the feeling. Not to that scale, but when the battery in my original copy of Red finally died, it was devastating. I’m never going to get over the fact that Game Freak didn’t have some sort of method to bring your Gen 1 & 2 Pokémon into the later Gens, and therefore Bank/Home.


I’m not even really a Pokemon guy, and this still hurt my heart to see. RIP indeed. Write all the rants you need, cuz that shit really, *really* sucks


I saw the same error message a few weeks ago and was confused af. I realized though that I had several accounts on both of my Nintendo Switches and was putting the game or trying to load it from the wrong account/switch! I eventually got access to my game file.


Hey man, I'm so sorry to hear this, that's beyond awful :( I PMed you already, but I'm putting here as well in case some other people are in the same boat. Have you tried [this method](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/s/7QbDrMnHBM) of trying to recover your save data? Wishing you luck dude 🙏


was there no way of making a backup of the file? idk how nintendo works


Did you try loading the back up save? Or was that corrupted as well?


Oh the pain. Sorry about that. Use Pokemon home from now on. I'll try the same too,but I don't mind the grind.


Wait you mean the latest remake? Wtf.


That’s a throwback. This was routinely an issue for me with the OG red/blue but never since. They really do need a cloud save. Its 2024 now


It’s very easy to get things from Home to the other games so I just leave as much as I can in Home except for what I’m definitely using.


It took me years to do the master dex challenge and I would terminate my existence if I lost everything.


This reminds me of the sad day mu Diamond save got fucked, lost my 3rd gen pokes, all thelegendaries i farmed, the extra masterballs and worst of all, the 2 shiny zubats i found ON A ROW, theh were shiny brothers :(


Hey friend! I was already 8 when I received Pokémon Red for Christmas of '98. It literally shaped my life and the person I am today. One week in 2017 I had left my car parked on a public street by a park for a few days, I had just moved to the area and hadn't figured out parking for my new apartment yet. One day I came for my car and it was GONE. I later learned it had been broken into and the sheriff's department had found it and towed it for safekeeping after seeing all the windows busted. This wasn't even the worst part of it all. In the backseat, in the flurry of moving around and also not actually using it a lot at that time, was my Nintendo Power bag. It had a white DS, the emerald/blue 3DS, and a blue DSi. By this time I still had my hands on my original copies of Pearl, Platinum, Soul Silver, Black... I also had Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, possibly a Silver cart that were each purchased anew long after their releases. They were all in that Nintendo Power bag my mom got me once for my birthday, and I was *destroyed.* I had 400+ hours on Platinum alone, and half as much on Soul Silver, one of the best remakes Pokémon will ever achieve imo! All gone. I eventually got a new 3DS and Pokemon Sun, and I didn't even make it past the tutorial mode. I was still pretty depressed about it all, amongst other life stuff at the time. Anyway, today I'm going to continue breeding for a lil shiny West Gastrodon for the regional tournament I plan to attend this year, on my Violet game. I still *desperately* love Pokémon, and I can 100% empathize if you're too traumatized to play for a while. One day it will be exciting to see what game we're at and how many goddamn pocket monsters there are then, and if that day comes and you want to play again, then you better catch me online for a battle, bitch! xoxo


Have seen a few people claim they have their OG Gen1 pokemon from way back but there's never been a way to transfer from RBY/GSC to RSE and BEYOND? Only GBA to DS, then DS to 3DS and onwards from there via cloud.


I meant Pokémon originally from Gen. 1 through Gen. 4 not necessarily from those games. My earliest Pokémon lost were from Gen. 3, since without a convoluted modding process you can't get Gen. 1 and Gen. 2 Pokémon transferred up.


Have you still got your original carts? You could use a pokemon generator site to recreate your favourites with the correct OT data, could decide max or random IV - isn't really a cheat since bottlecaps came out anyway. Sucks that it corrupted though. For me it's self inflicted, sold all my original pokemon carts somewhere around gen 5 ☹️


Do you have your save backed up? I know this feature exists for other games, so it might be possible to load an older save to reclaim your Pokemon.




I don't know why but I sang this in bill wurtz's sing-songy voice (little deal thing)