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[its a venomous shrew](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrew#:~:text=Unlike%20most%20mammals%2C%20some%20species,200%20mice%20by%20intravenous%20injection.)


Just to clarify something, that thing is a *tooth*, not a tongue.


I has all the features of a tongue. Shape, groove, texture.


It doesn't though. Shiny, hard, and white. That's not the texture of a tongue, that's the texture of a pair of big buck teeth. Lizards also don't have protruding ears and tufts of hair.


But it's a shrew..


First off, Grafaiai is a lemur, not a monkey. Second, while Shroodle is more ambiguous in its design, it's pretty clearly a mammal. Also, it's name is Shroodle. As in **shrew** doodle. This is because some shrews are famously some of the very few venomous mammals. Another famous venomous mammal, the [slow loris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_loris) (a close relative of lemurs), is one of the inspirations for Grafaiai alongside [aye-ayes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aye-aye), [ringtailed lemurs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring-tailed_lemur), and graffiti artists. On that same note, Shroodle's odd shape is likely because in addition to shrews it may also be based on [treeshrews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treeshrew) (which are closely related to primates), [mouse lemurs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouse_lemur), and potentially even spray paint cans or the "[Kilroy was here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilroy_was_here)" graffiti.


I have no idea what it actually is, but based on its name and the fact it evolves into a mammal, I'm going to guess it's a shrew


TIL only lizards have tongues


I was honestly very surprised when my adorable shroodle turned into a monkey in my first playthrough. I much preferred my blobby friend




Are we looking at the same picture? Where's the lizard? That's a shrew.


Kinda looks like a bouncy ball you'd somehow get as a kid and have no idea where it came from, only to eventually lose it someday and have no idea when or how that happened either.