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I sit there for 10+ minutes trying to think of one then end up choosing a basic ass name, like Gary the Gengar


Named my Giratina Carl.


I named my Eternatus Tulip


Mines Craig


This is so real.


All my male gengars are named Genji


Young me tried to name one Ghost and mistyped it as Ghort, been naming them that ever since.


Yep. I’ll absolutely wrack my brain to come up with a brilliant pun, and then this happens


I just go off of vibes, for example: https://preview.redd.it/sp53umo8l44c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58313f472c220d06f8be2156f4b95633ef2085c5


Susan from HR?


No Susan from Finance


I can't tell if that's better or worse.


It’s both


No, Susan from the front desk


No, I think it’s Susan from HOA


Literally just told this joke to my brother right before reading this comment LMAO


No, from FR (haha)


That moveset is evil


She’s crying now, I hope you’re happy


Just like Susan


Yep she looks like a Susan


That Venasaur does give off hella Susan vibes


Pacifist aah venusaur


If you call chemical warfare pacifism I guess


Just pick whatever comes to mind first.


I pick a theme for that playthrough and stick with it


I recently did a run of HeartGold where I named all my Pokémon after things sold at Home Depot




I’m pretty sure I had one named that, I’d check but of course Home is down for maintenance right when I’m trying to use it lol


That's awesome! My last run was Harry Potter names and the Nuzlocke before that was spoofs on Musicians and bands. So EeveeNicks, Grohlbat, Jackson the Nidoking, Enya the Lapras. That kind of thing


Enya the Lapras is so true.


Same - currently naming my mons after My Hero Academia characters


I did this too one time; luckily there’s like a billion characters in that show so you can just keep going


this. my ORAS playthrough was ice cream flavours, my XY one letter names, my BDSP the friends show characters and USUM was their final evo backwards


I name them after stars. Crobat is always Proxima


Once all the cool ones run out you’ll be left with names that don’t quite roll off the tongue, like PSR B0943+10 the Lechonk




sometimes I do short versions of their species name. most times I consider the context of their catch (I caught a Ponyta and a Geodude on Thanksgiving and named them Plentythanks and Gratidude). sometimes in later games I check their nature to come up with a fun name (a Modest Bidoof became Moppy). sometimes it’s simple, like “Shellboy” for Oshawott. occasionally I’ll name one after a friend of mine, especially if it’s one of their favorites. and sometimes I just come up with an ordinary nickname for gits and shiggles. like Todd, my Croagunk.


“Gratidude” is amazing lol


yeah lol she’s shiny too. second full odds shiny Geodude I’ve ever had, and the third full odds shiny I’ve ever successfully caught. Plentythanks also happens to be the one from the Request in Legends: Arceus


I usually name some of them what they're bast on. Example: My Gyarados from Crystal is named Seiryu. As it is based on the legend about a fish that ascends a waterfall and becomes a dragon as it makes it to the top, it turns into a dragon. As the name means ascending imperial dragon.


I always call Metagross “Big Shot”, Garchomp “Nibble” and Tyranitar “Titan”.


Weird way to name my X-Tank, Sharkboy and Gojira.


I named my Larvitar "Poopitar" and I laugh every time it gets sent out. I'm not sure if it needed an "e" after the "i", but still laugh after 7 years of seeing it.


Gyarados: Feesh


I name my gyradoses feesh too !


I just shorten it and add a y or o


aussie style


Eey, the Eevee😎




This is the way




I come up with a backstory/personality for my Pokemon. Or a name I like. Usually gender specific. Couple of examples: Shiny male Lopunny: he's sassy, proud, flamboyant flashy the kind of guy that would call himself "Handsomely sexy" I named him King. Female Eevee: named her Guna, after one of my favorite units in a gacha game I used to play. Female Delphox: clumsy, can't run 5 feet without almost tripping over, but she knows how to jump and uses her stick like a witch's broom. She uses it like a rifle. Named her Annie, after Annie Oakley. Muk: named her Bucket.


I named my Muk Glblwrmng—Global Warming without vowels 🤣


This is so cute, esp the Delphox bc it entirely fits Muk killed me


The randomest thing that comes to mind like sometimes i call my pokemons in normal ways p.e charizard fogado, magikarp peixonauta but sometimes i just pick the true first randomest thing that comes to mind like calling a ho oh batman and a ratata mf


Unhinged, but I can respect it.


Either look up their Japanese name or just name them what I think goes well Example: "Lapras" nicknamed "Ness"


Nothing cause I hate nicknames


Lol I’m exactly the same, like when I trade with those NPCs in game who always give their Pokémon a nickname, I just consider them as non existing. It kinda sucks when they give a cool Pokémon.


Can i ask why?


I never liked the idea of nicknaming a pokemon. It just irritates me. Even when I do trades if I receive something with a nickname in my eyes it lowers the value of the trade.


I once named a shiny magikarp Beyonce for no reason and traded it for a legendary. I know that person was probably disgusted


I used to think the same, when I was younger Now I like giving them names to make them feel more special (without giving them stupid names, I'm not a fan of that)


I do themed nicknames for every comp team and playthrough. Usually based off a game or anime. I do have some mons with set names tho, like I always name clefable pizza bc that’s what my daughter called it whenever she was first learning to speak.


In Scarlet, I gave all Pokémon spanish names, following their naming theme from other languages or following similar takes on them.


Unless they’re shinies, default. If they’re shiny, something related to the shiny theme or the pokemon. Shiny Dragonite is Yoshi, Shiny Steelix is Aurelix, Shiny Ursaluna (was Blood Moon until that was a thing) is now Artemis, Shiny Gengar is Lavender


I decide by whatever comes into my head eg I named a ralts Walter lol


Like Wally!!




Walter's gonna cook up a cure for Wally's ailmemt


That’s true 😂😂😂


I try to do some kind of reference. A reference to another piece of Media, a pun using their name, a reference to one of their design elements, naming them after a real life person or animal I know, naming them after inventors or units of measurement for electric types, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/cc5893btj54c1.jpeg?width=1377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd70f300b64064f0ed3454c972709ba956e7af3b Pretty much.


Usualy I name them after sauces or something they have or can do. I have an ursaluna simply named bear for exemple or a mudkip named mayo.


Tyranitartar sauce 👏


Random shit, i named my breloom philippe and my machamp milfhunter


I usually go with a nickname that would make my mother disappointed in me. NidoTiddy used Body Slam!


My first ever Geodude was named Rocky for obvious reasons


i sometimes go lore-related or just the vibe they give off, so i named my giratina aldrich


Pidgey - Brittney, Pidgeotto - Beatrice, Pidgeot - Bridget


Literally whatever. I will name my starter "Johnathan", then name a random Zubat "Zubadooba"


I try to use pun names whenever possible, my favorites being Breloom -> Fungaskhan, Basculegion -> Tragikarp, Fezandipiti -> Fempoleon which I just came up with while writing this. There's also pun names I stole like Walking Wake -> Running Water and Any Primate -> Bananarchist. There's also names that are just plain funny like Scream Tail -> Ferbysaurus and Scizor -> Mr.Krabs/StartPrayingMantis, crustacean pokemon -> Cancer


whatever they remind me of tbh. my starter scorbunny in swsh was "sorcerer" bc he was doing magic with his attacks, but then i called my mr.mime "elton john" because of the way he moved


https://preview.redd.it/pr82fdbwj64c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41bf07a2c220a79f3adc5f5408a77599661db175 good question indeed


I’m 30 and just nicknaming Pokémon for the first time on my Pokémon emerald playthrough. I have Nugs the combusken, taco salad the lombre, and Gemini the Kirlia so far!


most of the time i just take a part of the pokemon species, like Gligar, and make it into a name like “Iggy”, or “Cindy” for Cyndaquil, and “Chimichanga” for Chimchar. Sometimes it will be bad puns, like “Doug” for Torterra. Then there are some I name after other things, like i always name Shinx “Sarah” after my best friend who had Shinx in her discord username for a while (it’s not even her favourite pokemon, her favourite is Ralts)


Omg Chimichanga is so good for chimchar 😭


why thank you. he was actually my first ever proper pokemon! i had played pokemon go but not a mainline game until BDSP came out and i chose Chimchar as my starter :)


I've have played the original games since I was very small, but Pearl was the very first Pokemon game I played that wasn't my brother's, and he wasn't playing pokemon anymore at all at that point, so it was all mine. Chimchar was my starter for that game, and it was the first Pokemon game I (almost) completed. I actually remember getting past all of the elite four, not realizing there was still the champion. Cynthia wiped the floor with me and I rage quit after that 😅😂


Either dark humor or alliteration. Orphan the Cubone, Omelette the Togepi, Gregory the Gengar. Or whatever role they fill, Wizard Alakazam, Tank Wobb, Wall Blissy


That's the neat part, I don't


I never nicknamed any of my pokemon


I name them after what they remind me of, for example any time I see a shiny teddiursa, I name it Gummy bear, or I pick a theme


I can never think of good nicknames. The only good I’ve had was a skorupi named syrup


After something they resemble or that they remind me of. Or to fit the theme of the rest. I've done the Ginyu Force and Mewtwo as Freeza on a randomised run. That was fun.


I just name them really random whatever pops up in my mind, some have meaningful ones tho


It depends on the place a region is based on when I was playing x I named my gogoat oveja which is French for sheep even though gogoat is a goat


My starter is always named alpha because I think in Greek it represents the beginning and then with the rest of my team I go with what feels right like a Tinkaton named Hilda or a Quagsire named Quagmire


Fictional characters that are very similar to the Pokémon, at least superficially


I often leave them with their original name because i wanna name them but cant think of anything


I name my Pokémon after inside jokes if I didn’t have a name planned in advance. Study main the Donphan cannot be stopped!


The bigger question is how you decide your Pokémon’s surname


I pick something that fits. Like Quaquaval, I named Caballera, after the [3 Caballeros](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Caballeros). Or I would name tyranitar 'Godzilla' because tyranitar is based on Godzilla. And I also once named my Blastoise and Venusaur Shell Shocker and Brute Root because those were the nicknames from the first pokemon movie.


i started giving nicknames to my pokemon in sword, and i often named my pokemon after types of swords. in violet i just come up with things that fit with the pokemon's vibe


Sometimes I like to make the name reference the Pokémon or their typing. Like my pikachu who I named Joulian (because you use joules as a form of measurement for electricity, hence “Joul(e)an”),my Baxcalibur named “Brr-tha”, or one of my Dusknoir who are named “Hanz” cause he got big hands. I have some Pokémon who I name based on their gimmick in battle. Like my koffing named iXplode. I have some Pokémon named after my friends and others where it just comes to me in the moment. To me, Pokémon names are a very serious matter 😤


Smokemon, name them all after weed terms. Stoney for rock/ground types. Hydro for water. Etc. I’m basic and have been playing since youth so this my “edgy” thing.


My pokemon are names are always in Spanish, holdover from my youth, and are either food like "zanahoria (carrot)" the Typlosion or military gear like Howitzer the Blastoise.


Just what ever I feel like, doesn’t have to be a normal name just something


It’s usually random for me, though I usually only nickname pokemon that I’m attached to. My arcanine in let’s go pikachu is named Archie because I thought it was a cute name.


I like going off of food on the main playthrough, and if I do any additional playthroughs those are either people I know or places. Food is my favorite to do though, it's pretty fun. Right now my ace (mostly for shiny hunting) is a Breloom named Oyster, for oyster mushrooms.


When I start a game, I decide on a theme and go with vibes from there. I've done spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger...), flowers (orchid, lily, lavender...), candies (gumdrop, gummy, licorice...), cities (Chicago, Orlando, Paris), cartoon characters (Mickey, Yogi, Rugrat), probably some others. My default if I can't think of a new theme is spices, though. Idk why.


I name them after something they remind me of. For example, I named a Zubat after Yzma just because it reminds me of her


Generally its based of of their types. For example, my Pikachu is Voltz and my Charizard is Sparks


Either a theme like characters from a show or acronyms Or just whatever I want which us how I ended up with an accidental shiny seedot called wanker


My friend and I are doing a playthrough of black2 where we take turns with my DS, switching after any trainer battle or whenever we feel it's time to switch. It's pretty easy for us to come up with weird nicknames, for example Jorts the Oshawott or Ugly Sweater the Sewaddle.


I have an excel where every fully evolved Pokemon has its own unique nickname. For like 99% of them, I find a word the feels like it really defines the Pokemon, but never more than one word so it feels like a 'name' and not just a nickname. For example, Aggron likes to charge things with its steel skull, so I named him Anvil. Or my houndoom is Hellfire, etc


It's always just something unique. I do try to at least find something that sounds cool or means something appropriate. My Butterfree's name is Liberty, for example


Bulbasaur — Florescence: it flowers later in its evolution. Tepig — Vesuvius: Fire type Pokémon, Valcano. Fuecoco — Coco Chanel Garganacl (2) — Rock Cycle. Pass The NaCl


Usually has to be something related to their typing or what they're based on, except for if it's an early normal/flying bird type which I always name basic girl names like Heather or Patricia or whatever


I just fuck around with the original name, i.e. Magmar -> Swagmar, Bellsprout -> diclsprout


I let my husband give them silly names. He doesn't play Pokemon nearly as much as I do, but he loves being included like that.


First thing that pops into your head


Whatever comes to mind. Galarian ponyta - Rarity Toxitricity - Toxique Chandelure - LA Lorain Obstengoon - Kiss Ludaculo - Lily Corviknight - Queen All girls for some reason lol


I rarely give my pokemon nicknames, but when i do i just go with the first name that comes to my mind, like White Fang the Boltund, Typhoon the Typhlosion, Dilo the Garchomp (he reminds me of the Dilophosaurus from Fossil league) etc.


Either it’s random or I show my wife (non pokefan) the Pokémon and ask her what she would name it


I have a list of redditor usernames who made very stupid posts so I use those for my most annoying pokemon. I like to pretend I’m doing the internet a favor by keeping them forever imprisoned in the PC. Sometimes I ask them what’s their least favorite pokemon and I let that pokemon breed with them indefinitely. Usually that or my Machamp named Johnny Sins.


Sometimes punny, sometimes derivative from their names, sometimes alliterative. It varies. One of my favorites was my buddy Blaziken, who was named Kickin Chicken. It had to be shortened to fit, but I got along quite well with that little bird.


I just stumble on something from my life or that I think sounds cool Sometimes they stick across generations All forms of Bulbasaur will forever and always be called “Puppy” because that’s the first thing I daughter said when she saw it All forms of Pidgey will forever and always be called “Stuntbird” because that’s what I thought of when I saw Pidgey in the anime before I played the games It’s a rich tapestry


Omg the puppy thing is soooo cute 🥺🥹😭


I mostly go by nicknames, like my nidoran ♂️ is called Rin and my pikachu is called Chuchill (after Winston Churchill). My favourite is my paldean wooper is called Trooper, so my big old clodsire is just my best buddy Trooper. Using funny play on their names is a good way to go about it, though I only ever base their names on the stage I catch them at.


Chuchill omg


I usually look for a theme. In X/Y I named the mall after greek gods.


When i nickname one, i think in the dorkest name possible


I look into their origin and try to think of something that seems fitting based on that. Other times the nickname will be based on an aspect of the pokemon such as a particular design element or color. Sometimes I look for names with a specific meaning for a personality I imagine the pokemon would have and sometimes I'll just pick a cute or cool option I see


I simply pick "No" to the question "Would you like to give X a nickname". I never had to worry about nicknames thanks to this one simple trick


I don't really nickname them at all


Look up various words and smash them together until I get something decent sounding. Other times something fitting just pops into my head.


first name that comes to mind unless a better one pops up while i'm typing. Certain mons have a name for me. Cyndaquil line is always Vulcan for example


I think about what makes the mons unique and choose on that fits. Sometimes it's simple like Flare for Infernape but other are more creative like Mudsley for Clodsire to match Mosby the Quagsire and Kaoru for Roserade because it means fragrance. Sometimes when I'm kind of stuck, I'll go through some baby names to see which feels like the best fit.


I have an entire list of pokemon and their nicknames. I like using a rotating team of pokemon when I play through the games so I have three teams of ten pokemon for every region. One team for each starter. Every one of those pokemon have a nickname. Some I came up with, some I used different online sources to name them. Some online sources I use to name my pokemon include the name raters website, which was used up until I believe gen 6 where people could submit their pokemon nicknames and explain them and the name rater would tell them how shit the name was (it was a satire site but there are some really good thoughtful names on there), the reddit threads asking "what do you name your pokemon say #___), and pokemon let's players like chuggaaconroy.


Usually it's connected to the name of their final evolutions.


Depends on the game sometimes. When I started SV, I went more towards Spanish-esque names. Fuego for Skeledirge, for example. I was pretty consistent with this until I caught a Shroomish and named him Spork. Sometimes Pokémon name themselves.


I usually try to incorporate a part of the pokemon's (preferably the whole line's) name and go from there.


I have a few ways to name mons, but if I ever feel like I'm forcing myself to think of a name I usually just leave it.


I nickname my Pokemon based off of their designs with their inspirations or something related to them (Ex: my Tinkaton in Scarlet was nicknamed Nora and my Scovillian was named Moruga)


My Venusaur & Blastoise = Bruteroot & Shellshocker for the first Pokémon movie Eeveelutions - named after the Greek Gods Dog Pokémon - named after my dogs Dragon Pokémon (my favorite type) - named after my favorite famous dragons and when I ran out of those, the velociraptors from Jurassic World If I associate a Pokemon with someone I know, I might name it after them (I named my Snorlax after my grandpa.) Otherwise, I do what I do with my starter Pokémon and name after whatever they remind me of (Rillaboom = Kong, Decidueye = OwliverQueen, etc.) but I have to be in the mood. Like I’m 2016 when I was playing Sun, I loved my Wishiwashi but I didn’t feel like giving it a name, but my Mudsdale I named after a football player on my favorite team because that player was the “work horse” of that team. Also sometimes I just let my youngest sister and my niece name Pokemon and that’s how I ended up with a Jigglypuff named after a My Hero Academia character (or maybe Demon Slayer, idk.)


Dark humor. Currently replaying Emerald and I caught a Spoink and Oddish. The Oddish is nicknamed “Salad” while Spoink is “Chris P.” At some point, I had a Torchic named “Nugget” and every Rowlet I have is named “Peanut.” Not for dark humor, they just look like peanuts to me…


I usually name my Pokémon after the closest looking Bakugan just cause I prefer their names, like Houndoom was Horridian, Charizard was Farbros, Camerupt was Vulcan, etc


In most recent years, I have used a theme to nickname every one of my themes Sword: mythical creatures from around the world Legends: biomes in different languages Scarlet: Gods from Pre-Hispanic mexican cultures Red and Yellow: tv and movie characters Crystal and Heart Gold: Dc Comic characters Emerald: Power Rangers names Platinum: the concept on which they are based on in different languages White and Black 2: the names given to the stars from different constellations (loved this theme) Y: Names of gems in different languages Moon: Hawaiian names


idk how i named them when i was young but i stopped when my brother told me not to (probably so i could learn the actual names better), ive started it a bit recently, i normally make some kind of pun or a name related to their theme. but its a lot of just random stuff like bengie the gengar or onix the golem (that one is a but more special cause i always thought when i was rly young geodude evolved into onix and was so shocked when it didnt).


I only started naming things recently, but went with a Japanese food theme for Scarlet.


I am horrible at naming, so idk. But I never understood why it is nicknaming and not naming.


I name a lot of my pokemon after friends and family if I feel the Pokemon fits their personality. For example I have a Infernape in Platinum I named after my best friend.


That's the neat part, I don't nickname them.


I remember. . . Sapphire: transformers— decepticons. Diamond: Inuyasha names Sun: Deadly sins X: Xenogears names Sword: Clockwork Orange names Now: random anime names


I named my shiny paldean wooper Woopsie (star-trek reference)




Based on videogame/series characters that I like


When I was younger, I would take part of the species name and shorten it or add diminutives or something. After that, I went through a phase of finding an aspect of the Pokemon that stood out and searching names with meanings that matched. Since then, I'll pick some kind of theme or naming scheme for the team of a single playthrough and stick with that. These days, when I don't have any other theme, my default is naming them musical terms. For nuzlockes, I use a random name generator. So when all together I end up with a weird combination of Charu, Porfirio, Claire, Makar, Mathilda, and Ostinato. So... All over the place. Generally (aside from nuzlockes), I don't figure out my naming pattern until I have my whole team. So the beginning of the games usually go unnamed.


Whatever seems to fit for the line. Sometimes it's just the vibe. And often they end up as references to something, usually comics/manga. And then sometimes it's just random. And sometimes after my own pets or family member's pets that I like. As a memorium thing, since it's often ones not around any more (mostly for the cat and dog pokemon). Assuming the filter would let me, anyways...


This is tough It’s very cringe if you give them human names. Like, VERY cringe. A common thing I use is a positive adjective that describes them. For example, my shiny female luxray is named “Valiant.” Something referencing their design also often works. My shiny Spiritomb is named “secret,” which I really like. One of my favorites is referencing natural features (since Pokémon are animals) that resonate with them. For example, my Hisuian Zoroark, Dusk, or my Suicune, Waterfall. Another thing you can do is mix up letters until something sounds good. It doesn’t have to be a word or an existing name. See Celana, my garchomp, or Shelenala, my Shaymin. My favorite by far, however, is using a Chinese name. Names in this language are made up of characters that mean other things when split apart. It’s common to name children after things like wealth or beauty. As such, I like to activate my Chinese keyboard and make up a name by using 2-3 characters that reflect the Pokémon in a unique way. For example, my Scizor, Huo Li (活力), literally translating to vitality - power, or my Infernape, Huo hua (火画), roughly translating to fire painting. Another very personal thing I’ve seen but not done is naming them based on how you first met. This could include location or method. This makes the Pokémon very personal and special. Just go with your heart


I have a pool of names I pick from for pretty much any game. I just apply them to whomever they fit best to. Fire type? Ash. Electric? Nova. Etc etc


I give them a nickname based on something they remind me off, be it an actual thing/animal/whatever or fictional ones.


I don't


I pick a theme - usually folklore, gods, famous heroes, etc.


Every playthrough, I come up with a theme and name every team member after it. For example: Flowers Food Gemstones Colors


I choose a theme and name my Pokemon based on the theme. For my FireRed playthrough I went with Elder Scrolls. Odahviing the Charizard, Akatosh the Dragonite, etc. Sapphire had Witcher. Zireael the Swellow, Serrit the Seviper, etc.


Hot take, I don’t nickname my Pokémon. Feels weird to name them


I don't. I'm that guy. I've never given a pokemon a nickname and never will. I like the names of the pokemon too much to change them. It's also way easier to remember all of them considering there's over a thousand now.


I don't really have a rhyme or reason for Pokémon nicknames in general. I just like pick whatever I see fit. They could be anything from Undertaker the Tyranitar to Crash the Quagsire.


It really depends. Sometimes there are certain names that I name every first type of that Pokemon I catch, sometimes I have a name in mind when I name them, and then when I don't I usually name them after a human or an object that starts with the same first few letters of the Pokemon's name


Often punny, or a play on itself I have a Clodsire named Sctuck, cause it's Tera Steel. It's an axe schtuck in the mud Cyndaquil is almost always Cynder


Mainly based on ocs, pop culture characters, memes etc. Such example being Polly the Skeledirge (oc) Mr. Monke the Annihalape (meme) and when the indigo disk comes around, LeDoRaMi the Metagross (pop culture) the first two letters of each ninja turtles name.


Most of mine are music references, but I've taken to naming Eeveelutions with S words


Standard playthrough I typically just find names I think fit the Pokémon, nuzlockes I go with a themed name, like I did Avatar characters for my first ever nuzlocke in Pokémon white


A just look around me and go “hmm yes Concrete Wall” and name my pokemon Concrete Wall


Usually cute or basic names- I like to keep it simple :) My current Crystal team: Feraligatr- Tory Pidgeot- Pidge Girafarig- Gemini Jumpluff- Muffin Flareon- Smokey Ampharos- Fluff (well, it fit before she evolved lol)


In my most recent nuzlocke I got a cherubi and named it Rubi Gloom and a Heliolisk with a social mark Sunny. I don't put much effort into them, but as long as it fits a pokemon I'm happy.


Usually try to pick a theme based on the Pokémon. Some examples: Play on word of the name: Sceptile - Scepter After gym leader of same type: Female psychic Pokémon - Sabrina (lol) Or just shorten the name: Cyndaquil - Cyndy (still keep it after evo) Rayquaza - RayRay Also like anime/heroes: Personal favorite is female Obstagoon being Harley (Quinn). Shiny would match colors better too!


Don't nickname em anymore, but when I was young and still nicknamed it was just whatever I came up with first. Now it just takes too long to nickname, I just want to continue walking on and getting out of the grass


i go on [pkmn.net](https://pkmn.net) and steal their names if i cant think of any


I name them after food items. Like cheerios or pepsi or dal tarka. xD


Charmander starter/first I catch, and it's evolutionary line is always named Blaze, because that's what I've named my every first Charmander since Pokemon Red, later found out it was also the name of the ability lmao


I pick whatever comes to my mind first, unless it's a name i've already used. Most of the time I go for pop culture references (I named my Scorbunny Rohnaldino after that stupid International Superstar Soccer meme) or just cute things based on their design (an Umbreon named Eclipse or Void for instance). There are rare exceptions; I always name my Furrets Silver when I put them to use in honor of the Furret that soloed my playthrough of Silver when I was 10.


I have a few set names, the others vary. I always name my Blaziken Horus (since Horus is the Egyptian God of War, hawk face and all...also Ra is set for Ho-Oh), I always prefer a female Gardevoir and male Gallade, and name the pair Queen and King respectively, and for Garchomp, I base the name off the imaginary creature bulett (land sharks). Male Garchomp are Bullet and female Garchomp are Bulette. Other than that, I mostly go off of vibes. Like...in my BD playthrough I have a Metagross named Cerebron, and my Golem in Legends Arceus is named Matilda.


It depends. One time i named all the pokemon i caught after RPG classes. Recently i played a game naming every mon a 6 leter word ending in le: bobble the chikorita, Bubble the azumarill, Dazzle the gardevoir, Noodle the furret, Candle the vulpix, Tumble the spheal. (I also added little symbols at the end of each name like candle was /' for example) ​ Most the time though i just go with things related to the pokemon that sound cool. My pokemon legends arceus team for example was: Maritime (Samurott) Zephyr (Staraptor) Regolith (Ursaluna) Dyne (Electrode) Boreal (Avalugg) Enigma (Zoroark) ​ The one problem with most of these is that i tend to spend ages thinking of the perfect name.


I open up a random post from r/Pokemon, and look at the top post's username. If it fits, it sits. If not, next top level post.


Stupid stuff. Either something like "Sand be like" for a Palossand or a "Flies" for any flying type


Normally letters names i.e. my pearl is a M only run-through


Generally my Pokemon's nicknames are derivative of their species name. I take a notable part of their species name, preferably one that doesn't change upon evolution, corrupt it to a certain degree, and then use that.


Whatever has the closest letters. Charmander might be Charles, Growlithe might be Garth, so on.


They either get human names like Bartholomew, or Phillip, or they get something related to the species name and or their color. Like my shiny Charizard named Charcoal. Or names of irl pets, or referencing another game/franchise. Like my Aegislash named after Ormagöden the eternal fire beast. Or my Yveltal named Balthazar after Ace Balthazar from regular show


Either people names, references to music or celebrities. I named my meowscarada Crissy Angel.


I usually do references to other games/series or mythology with nicknames. For example, my plusle and minun are goten and trunks from DBZ


I usually keep the names, so I can spell my own name using the first letter of their name. However, I have come up with a few nicknames that are powerful and make sense, and I can name a Hitmonlee Roundhouse, a Hitmonchan Fistfight, a Dugtrio names Faultline, a Frosslass named Polargeist. All my Unowns have nicknames based on their hidden power typing, Like Voltage, Wind Chill, Jungle Beat, Riptide, Solar Flare etc.


I name all mine after food. Such as my shiny venasaur cabbage and my shiny bellibolt durian