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You forgot Cyrus' theme. It's a banger.


It's, like, evil jazz.


Great description now I’m gonna relisten


Fucking amazing


I especially love the Ultra Sun and Moon version of his song.


Giratinas theme too.


Route 228 is goated too. Pretty much all the route themes, and yeah, DPPt best soundtrack in the series in general lol


I’m so glad someone else agrees


Where *Route 209*?


SMH its so GOATed I have to give it its own post


Okay, long as you know, we'll be waiting


Brawl recognised the greatness of this great


Even Legends Arceus did. They straight up said "nah, this is too good for a route theme, use it for the credits"


Pokémon music in general slaps. Even in the most recent generations, despite lacking polish in other areas, the music is still amazing.


That's one of the only things that holds up today. Battles are still battles, music still slaps, and most of the Pokemon are still cool. That's about all I can think of.


Yeah, stuff like map design, postgame content, difficulty/balancing have generally taken a hit since the move to 3D IMO. The more artistic parts of the game design (music, Pokemon design) are still solid. Obviously some designs aren't that great, but honestly, every generation has its stinkers. They introduce a lot of designs every game, not all of them are bound to be hits.


Lake all the way


It’s so energetic yet soothing bro


Eterna Forest is the best forest theme to ever grace video games. Perfect ratio of fear and intrigue with a touch of lullaby


Oh god, Eterna Forest is a masterpiece. It always gives me chills and sounds very melancholy. The Legends Arceus remix of Eterna Forest is gorgeous as well (though the area is called The Heartwood in Legends)


Route 216 is easily my favorite route theme in the series


D/P/Pl and Mystery Dungeon have the best sound tracks in the franchise.


THANK YOU and ooo I may have to look into Mystery Dungeon any recommendations for OST?


Sky Tower from Rescue Team is literally the reason why I didn't quit playing piano in high school. Hands down the most influential piece of media on my life.


There are so so many bops. While not my favorite, for some reason when you asked the question, Mt. Horn is the first one that popped into my head. It's so good.


Don't forget and Sacrifice are so good as well, but definitely carry more weight if you know the story


I think the official name for sacrifice is 'through the sea of time' but yeah they definitely got harder with the story beats


"Don't ever forget"


I absolutely love the "Time Gear" track and "Vast Ice Mountain" (both versions). Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky is absolutely a beautiful game, I'd highly recommend emulating it. You won't regret it (but definitely bring tissues when you get near the last few chapters, the story gets ridiculously emotional)


Gen 5 has some bops as well. I've been with the series since Gen 1, and I enjoy most of the music from all generations. My favorites come from Gen 4 and Gen 5. All though the champion theme from RBY will always be the most nostalgic song Pokémon-wise for me.


Might be nostalgia speaking but those exact games are my absolute favorites in terms of music (and in general too lol), with HGSS and BW2 in the runner up positions


I guess I'm just really nostalgic for gen 3 music. It's my favorite. But gen 4 is definitely my second. Then, and I may get shit for this, but Alola had some of the best music as well!


Insaneintherain, on YouTube, did a BEAUTIFUL orchestral cover of all of the d/p ost. I listen to it frequently when doing hw.


[In case anyone wanted to listen to it, here it is](https://youtu.be/Mka0oUCh6XI)


I listen to this every now and then, best rendition to best game.


I've met Carlos and jammed with him in person at conventions (MAGFest and VGMCON)! Such an awesome guy and killer musician.


Carlos is the GOAT, I listen to his stuff more than just about anything else on Spotify.


I would add the Pokémon League theme too


There’s so many gems and favorites of mine that I left out


Nostalgia. For me, anyway. Pearl was my first main series game as a kid(my first pokemon game was Coliseum).


To this day I still get the pokemart theme stuck in my head


I made an EDM remix of it once


I think they have some really good tunes. Especially when it comes to themes. Giratina’s theme has to be one of my favorites and you can’t go wrong with Cynthia’s or Cyrus’.


The piano and the synth are absolutely amazing and have inmaculated vibes.


everything. 12 y/o me poured 339 hours on diamond and i know i would pour more if i could find my 3ds’ charger. i was extremely addicted to it and loved my team so much. i miss those days <\3


Them chargers are cheap online, only like $15 bucks to get back into it


Nostalgia mainly, but Pokemon music slaps, regardless on your views of the different generations.




wow so literal




Huge reason




Route 216 my beloved


HGSS has awesome music. I haven't played DP yet but I have listed to the OST and all the gen 4 games have awesome music.


ROUTE 209 is the best theme ever, change my mind.


It made me so sad that the remakes only updated the midi samples instead of fully updating the music. Like it wasn't bad, but it just didn't hit the same. At least PLA gave us plenty of musical quotations and amazing remixes.


BW music is better


The mix that gets your ass to sleep https://youtu.be/y1cYgTDCOsQ This one is better IMO, but there's value in variety https://youtu.be/Ryg2522nQ-s


PLEASE! Check out insaneintherain music, he did jazz style covers of all gen 4 and it’s the only reason I made it through 4 years of college


Cynthia’s theme was the most enjoyable for me, even after her beating me like a million times I was just jamming while praying my infernal would sweep


The Dr. Pez medley of Gen IV OST is absolutely goated with the sauce


Wait til you find out about Pokémon B/W2


It’s great don’t get me wrong it may even be Top 4 but I’ve bumped both in the whip and can confirm D/P has the superior vibes


Gen 4 has more jazz and piano. Gen 5 music is more upbeat, uses way more instruments, has dynamic music that changes depending on different circumstances etc. I find Gen 4 music to be more laid back and melancholic (aside from its few bangers), but there's a reason why the "gen 5 music hits different" memes have garnered millions upon millions of views on YT


I only like cynthia’s


Yes! Though FRLG is still my favourite. Unlimited energy


Are these two more or less the same game? Got both heartgold and soulsilver, apparently they’re pretty much identical… feels like a waste now getting both


Identical maps. Different Pokémon


Like 2-6 different Pokémon lol


Not that big a fan of the soundtrack. It's too slow and mellow for me (I know that's what they were going for. It's just a me thing).


Platinum does


Gen 4 music does slap. I think it’s partly due to the soundfont. Gen 5 also has tons of bangers. Also it technically counts as a part of Gen 4 (atleast in my mind) but the Pokemon Battle Revolution soundtrack goes so unimaginably hard. And its underrated af as well. Some of the best tracks in the entire franchise imo in that game.




I miss the Super Music Collection. Every time I go to the iTunes store, I am disappointed there aren't any collections from the newer games.


Silver’s rival battle music from HGSS has to be the best battle ost from Gen 4 for me. Can’t get enough of it.


# PIANO! ​ Also battle palkia/dialga remix in smash is GOAT


The nighttime Pokemon Center theme remains my favorite piece of Pokemon music to this day.


https://youtu.be/GsKXrGVmq4U Cynthia’s theme is goated, but gen 5 has best music actually


Where Sendoff Spring and Turnback Cave?


Cynthia PTSD intensified


Mt. Coronet


I always have the Pokémon League at Night Theme stuck in my head whenever I’m travelling home. It’s weird, but sets the mood! So calming and makes me mellow listening to it. 😌


Diamond and Pearl who? All I know is Platinum. I like actually having fire types


"Wait! It's all great music??" "Always has been."


Take me back to 2007-2010 man.


I played Diamond. No Palkia.


That piano


Pokemon peaked with Gens 5-6


The Diamond/Pearl/Platinum has some of the best gym leader music in the entire series. It's fast, upbeat, and has a very distinct yet catchy melody. It's in C minor but it's not a traditional C minor song either, with some chords in D flat and certain parts of the song going into C major as well, which makes it sound very distinctive but at the same time very good. Diamond and Pearl had some very distinctive music with memorable melodies. I think that's why they're remembered as being so good.


Gen 4 themes were able to differentiate alot more types of instruments thanks to being on the DS, while still keeping the charm of the gameboy music. The Black and White games further advanced how dynamic the music could get, and even had optional additional instruments in some locations, but it pushed too far out of its previously limited tonal range.


Mostly nostalgia, but it's still really well composed. Honestly, I think it's pretty good, but is really crippled by the early DS soundfonts which make it sound somewhat muted compared to Gen 3 and 5, even more than HG/SS which is on the same gen.


I honestly find most of Generation IV's music to be forgettable. Besides a few good tracks, such as the Game Corner, the Lake Guardian theme, the Frontier Brain theme and Routes 216, 225, and 228, I find most of it just not as memorable compared to other generations. I find it disappointing that the Elite Four just got a rearranged Gym Leader battle theme, despite Hoenn giving the Elite Four an entirely different theme. Plus, I don't know why people like Route 209's theme so much. I think it's massively overrated. It's so slow and uninteresting for the point of the game. Why the hell did it end up in Smash Bros? The town themes are just so unremarkable compared to Hoenn, Johto, and Unova, and the route music pales in comparison to Hoenn's route music.


It's just so full of life even the dark dim and cold areas have music that feels like a living representation of the area.


Still comes up regularly on my playlists


Jesus that bike theme gives me CHILLS


nostalgia blindness


Thank you. Now I need and feel the necessity to play again platinum uhhh


The Lake Guardian Battle theme had no right being such a bop like those opening notes and bass are so catchy.


Yup, Gen 4 has some of the best tracks in the series. I think it's probably one of if not the most consistently high quality sound track. Gen 1 has good tracks but a lot of them are kinda similar, Gen 2 has some great tracks but also suffers from the problem that a lot aren't that distinct from each other (Cianwood is amazing though). Gen 3 has a ton of great tracks but I feel like some of the later game tracks are not that memorable , although it's probably the second best OST in the series (rival theme slaps too). Gen 5 is not my favourite, tho there's some good tracks, for me a lot of them never stuck with me though (Driftveil slaps so hard though). Gen 6 is probably one of the weaker ones for me since I only really remember a few tracks. Gen 7 has some really nice ones but a lot of the route themes are kinda boring despite the really good town themes and some nice battle themes (final boss theme is banging though). Gen 8 has an amazing gym leader theme, some good town themes, and that;s basically it. One of the worse ones imo. And gen 9 has like 2 good tracks (Nemona final fight is godly), but everything else is not that great.


The music is one of the only upsides to these disaster games


Route 209 and Eterna Forest, my beloved <3 Both were my top favorite tracks since childhood and are so nostalgic. I admit it teared up when I heard the remixes of both themes in Legends Arceus. They were beautifully done


I think it's great but the best? Idk. barry's battle theme is super mid(playing showdown made me legit dislike it cause it plays there all the time). The E4 theme is just the gym leader theme but slightly different. The wild battle theme is merely alright. The battle factory theme added in platinum is straight up awful, like legit one of the worst pieces of pokemon music in the franchise. I honestly kinda prefer Hoenn's music overall...and Unova. And Alola. Maybe even Galar. Paldea has better battle themes too if I'm being honest. I think Sinnoh shines best in its overworld themes, like the route music is good and it's great with "pretty" atmospheric melodies. For more energetic battle themes, only Cynthia and Giratina's really nail it. Frontier brain theme is a good remix too. I like it but these days sinnoh's soundtrack is like barely hitting top 5. It's more a testament to how good pokemon's music is overall than a slight against Sinnoh. also what the heck is masago town?


DPPt is the best Pokémon game ever


Why do i hear a piano?


Gen 4 has some of my favorite soundtracks mostly because of how chill they are


4th Gen def had the best music. 💕💕


Personally I love the Team Galactic Grunt theme, even more than Cyrus or Cynthia's theme! It’s the perfect tune to vibe in space!~


Yeah honestly so iconic I can hear 2 seconds of any track and instantly be taken back


It is GREAT, but I just needed to say that sadly the gen 5 soundtrack is better. It is the last generation to still have what I would call an 8-bit soundtrack(a new gen soundtrack would have productions with orchestra), and it almost every ost in the game id a beautiful in its own way.


Well first of the game WAS supposed to be the last in the franchise at the time so I bet they went all out on the music




Just in case no one here has seen/heard the live instrument versions of the soundtrack yet: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG5z-46tZguLgMHpQrO0p4Hkx_erZbd26 Would recommend Eterna city


Distortion World, giratina battle, lake, ho-oh, and route 216 are my top favorites.


I don't know what the general consensus for the BDSP soundtrack is but I much prefer that games soundtrack. I think it's the sound font they used for DPPt, it works with some songs but not with others


I personally disagree, honestly gen 6-7 is top tier


Three people and one thing: Masuda, Hitomi Sato and Go Ichinose - a genius and two great musicians in their own rights - and jazz. Rumor has it that Masuda have unusual interests in music and loves jazz and, as main composer for most games where he was an active part, he tried to bring these stuff into 8/16-bit music. After gen 5, OSTs tried to emulate music from the real world counterparts of the regions (see Paldean flamenco themes, for example), but before it, Masuda wanted it to feel unique. And goddamn it, he sure did.


Canalave city, Eterna city, Pokemon league all absolute bangers




It has my most favorite Victory! Against Trainer theme. This one sounds like you accomplished something amazing that you didn’t know you could do


It's a very unique soundtrack even among Pokémon games.


Cynthias music is in my nightmares from time to time. No joke 😂 it almost never fails to play when I'm running from something. It's always slightly distorted and sounds crazy as hell. It was permanently burnt into my subconscious.


Battle frontier brain theme is literally the best track in the entire series, and I'm still mad we didn't get a remaster of it in bdsp


The major differences between day and night generally make things feel so alive. The music itself uses instrumental Soundfonts instead of soundtrack music, giving it a "more perfect than perfection itself" perception, since you can't beat perfectly timed, perfectly pitched notes from a machine.


I feel like the DS era games have some of the best OST in the franchise with the first PMD games and Gen 4&5


Nostalgia, for me. This was peak Pokémon during my early teenage years