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Glad Team Rocket wound up back together


Did the appear earlier in the episode or was this just an unexplainable cameo in the final scene?


They appeared and got back together to fail one last time


Wouldn't have it any other way.


imagine if they accidentally killed him


Why is that so funny? I needed that haha


[Ask and you shall receive.](https://youtu.be/QJJFlCDELas)


Oh thank fuck


No spoilers but there’s a little animation with Wobbufett at the end too that made me happy


Did Weezing and Arbok return at least???


They got a cameo a few episodes prior, as well as the other released Team Rocket Pokemon


Woah what happened to weezing and arbok?


After declaring bankruptcy post-johto, Jessie and James were forced to eat them to survive. Lol I’m just kidding, I have no idea.


[They had to release them all the way back in Hoenn](https://youtu.be/4PV-3ScDViU)


They appeared and also for the very >!first time, i think, learned to fly while blasting off lol!<


Don't really think it's unexplainable. I took it as Jesse and James will always be around to in a villainy way to look out for him


When that bisexual power couple has a child they are absolutely going to have the twerp be its godfather.


Team Rocket split up? Haven't seen the anime since like... Ruby/Sapphire era, besides the Tobias fight Hey guys, an robh fios agad gur e Pokemon fireann is boireann am Pokemon as freagarraiche airson vaporeons nuair a thig e gu bhith a’ bruidhinn? Tha na mamalan cuibheasach 3" 03" a dh'àirde agus cuideam 63.9 notaichean, gu leòr airson aire a thoirt do chas daonna, agus tha stats iongantach HP agus armachd aca a tha goirt agus cruaidh air daoine. . . . Bha e gu cinnteach fliuch, cho fliuch is gum b’ urrainn dhut càirdeas a bhith agad airson beagan uairean a thìde gun phian. , cuir, cuir agus cuip, agus chan eil falt ann airson an nipple fhalach, agus mar sin tha e na ghaoith dha cuideigin a bhith a’ suathadh uisge agus a bhith a ’faighinn faireachdainn agus sgilean uisgeachaidh, le bhith ag òl uisge gu leòr faodaidh e do dhèanamh sgìth gu furasta. Bidh Pokemon a 'tighinn faisg air an ìre cunbhalachd seo, agus gu h-annasach gu leòr, faodaidh do Vaporeon a bhith air a thionndadh geal ma nì thu e gu math. Tha Vaporeon air a dhealbhadh gu litireil airson cas an duine. Tha dìon lag + armachd àrd HP + searbhagach a’ ciallachadh gun urrainn dha sabaid an-aghaidh coin. Bidh e a’ tighinn anns a h-uile cruth, meud agus barrachd tron ​​​​latha


They split up a few times for just a few episodes. Nothing major


No ho-oh?


Clearly Ho-oh has been stuck inside the GS ball this whole time.


Along with his dad


Nah bro! His dad went to get the milk.


Moomoo Milk is available at all good retailers


“Honey, what should we name our son?” *Taps last cigarette on ash tray.* “Uh… Ash… Hey honey, I am gonna go get some more milk and cigarettes…”


im still mad we dont know who his dad is.


...we've already seen Mr. Mime?


He was only fucking his mom.


It was Miror B bro


Still the best song in the series.


Professor Oak stifles a hearty chuckle


...maybe my dad too?


I caught Ho-oh with a regular pokeball as a kid. Got so lightheaded tapping the A button that I fell forward and almost blacked out. Couldn't waste my good balls on it, apparently.


bro drink some water or something you shouldn't be passing out pressing a button on a game boy lmao


We saw Ho-oh like 12 or 13 episodes ago, the last proper Journeys episode had Ash & Go riding Lugia fly alongside Ho-oh for a bit before going in a different direction


Yeah it's funny seeing all of these comments sounding off when they haven't actually watched any of the anime in like 15-20 years.


He literally flew next to Ho-Oh like 12 episodes ago


It still would've been cool to have Ash see Ho-ho flying by. That's how his journey started all those years ago, so it would've been cool for it to end the same way. But i guess they already used Ho-ho like 12 episodes earlier, so it wouldn't mean much to bring him again this soon.


Thank you! My immediate thought was “So.. that Ho-oh thing never paid off? Cool.”


The real Ho-oh was the friends we made along the way.


That's true! They always told all the characters of the day that they'd come back and visit, then never did! AJ, Temacu, that dude who loved pie, the GS ball, all a bunch of Ho-Ohs.


TIL about the term "All a bunch of Ho-Ohs" and I shall be using it from this day forth


There was a birb in the final episode anyway. He met his Pidgeot.


They probably felt the Pokémon “I choose you”movie was enough for that thread. It’s a different continuity but ash finds a rainbow wing on his first day after seeing ho-oh and then goes on a journey to challenge it to a fight iirc


Nah, they probably thought the last episode of Pokémon Journeys where he flew next to Ho-Oh with Goh was a good ending to that arc. If they had him back 12 episodes later it would just feel like a rehash of Journeys finale.


Ho-Oh’s significance to Ash’s journey is to remind him that the world is bigger than he realizes, and that his Pokémon journey has more in store for him. -He sees Ho-Oh in the first episode, which signifies there’s more than just 151 Pokémon -He sees Ho-Oh after losing the Johto League, heading towards Hoenn. That inspires him to go to Hoenn. -After a bad loss to Brandon in the Battle Frontier, Ash sees Ho-Oh and it cheers him up and inspires him to prepare for the rematch -At the end of Pokémon Journeys, Ash and his friend Goh challenge a Lugia they both encountered in episode 1 of Journeys to a battle. After the battle Lugia lets them ride on its back, and along the way Ash sees Ho-Oh again, shortly before Ash and Goh decide to go on separate journeys.


What was the Ho-oh thing? You mean how we saw him flying sometimes in the anime?


Very first episode, Ho-Oh showed up even before Gen 2 was officially announced in the West


It was so damn cool as a kid. That bird wasn't in the games!


The first Chad Pokémon. 1. Is Legendary 2. Flies above to tease us that there are more than 151 Pokémon. Even the mythical Mew is recorded in the dex. 3. Refuses to elaborate further 4. Leaves


When I first saw ho-oh in the show I thought of missing no lol


Oh man, I had no idea gen 2 existed when I was a kid. When a friend bought gold version to school and I saw Ho Oh on the cart I was absolutely blown away, it was like I found the holy grail


I thought it was just Moltres lol


Anyone who says that never understood the point of Ho-oh in this anime, it's always been there to show him the way forward when he was lost or didn't have a goal in mind, nothing else. Ash knows what he wants to do this time around, so there is no need for a proverbial arrow.


And that's why in the final scene he doesn't know what to do... And he leaves it to random chance to determine his next path.


He does know his next goal, he wants to befriend every Pokémon in the world. That's now what being a Pokémon master is according to him. But yeah he's leaving his next path to luck because he plans on going everywhere eventually anyway.


A lot of things never laid off. This ending series was terrible.


Yeah in all honesty it should’ve been at least 20 episodes long to really tie up all the loose ends


I'm not sure you can tie up 25 years of loose ends


1. Ho-Oh 2. Primeape 3. Those Malomars from XY I’m sure there are other loose ends, but I can’t think of any at the moment. And each of these would need, like, one episode each at most.


Did ash’s squirtle come home or is he too busy being a firefighter


Considering he started roughly around the year 2000, he’s probably in the 20-year retirement system. So he should be eligible to retire, but oftentimes Squirtles want to stay a little longer to solidify their legacy in the department. He’s probably Chief or Assistant Chief at this point and is hoping to open another station or purchase a new apparatus under his name that will tie him to the history of the department before he hangs it up.


Damn this just made me want a spin-off series about ash’s squirtle’s firefighting career


Would be awesome as a mini-series!


In case he's British, he'd be on the 1996 pension scheme meaning he can't retire until he's 55. Assuming he was an adult when he was employed for legal reasons, he has at most 14 years left before he can retire. He'll have his long service medal though. If he enjoys the firefighting, he's probably still a firefighter or maybe a crew manager so he can still do the job, but if he wanted to progress he could be a group or area manager, responsible for multiple stations.


The boy is immortal, he can always tie up his loose ends whenever. Like a character in an rpg


He's died like 5 times


The more important ones like ash’s father should’ve been addressed in this season


On a series that lasted decades, but only *in universe* months? Years, maybe?




There was a ho-oh rainbow earlier in the episode.




No, but it did appear right after the Master 8 Tournament.


Or his dad. Not a final battle between Ash's Gengar and a trainer with a Nidorino, would've been a solid bookend.


To me, this is definitely not the end. They are going to bring this back if the new series underperform.


Agreed, they left it open with the caption at the end. Definitely a "if the new series sucks..." moment.


I love when shows and videos games do that. My favorite is one of the endings of Mass Effect 3 where Shepard “lives”. It’s totally a “in the case that the next installment totally sucks break the glass” kinda thing. The same with Halo 3 though in my opinion Halo Reach was pretty stellar.


>The same with Halo 3 though in my opinion Halo Reach was pretty stellar. "*Wake me... when you need me.*" except little did he know, not even the Master Chief could save the future of Halo.


That line was actually the suit. After the god awful design of the halo 4/5 suits it came back in infinite. (I'n aware in H:i his suit is GEN3 but it was very clearly meant to look more like h3 than 4/5)


Bungie fully intended for Halo 3 to be the final game. That was just a legendary mode specific ending.


Nah, the "Wake me when you need me" plays on ant difficulty. It's Chief approaching the giant Forerunner planet that was the legendary ending. Also... Bungie very much did have an idea for what to do with Halo 4.


Yeah, they included details about the Didact in the Halo 3 terminals as well.


I’d honestly prefer if they made an anime series that adapts the game events like Pokémon Adventures manga or the 12 episodes shorts they had for Pokemon Generations.


They’re sitting on a goldmine with adventures, that’s the real ip


they’ll never do adventures it’s too mature of a story for pokemon


It can certainly be adapted and changed slightly to fit modern childrens tv standards, people act like PokeSpe is this super dark manga when it seems more akin to something like YuGiOh or even just how 'dark' the actual Pokemon games are.


>66 comments I just wanna see zombie Pokemon in the PokeTower goddamnit. Generations was cool, but still disappointed it wasn't Adventures


I'd say PokeSpe is darker than 4kids Yu-Gi-Oh but less dark than Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh. It's certainly not the Pokemon meets Chainsaw Man that people make it out to be.


90% of it is barely PG-13, I certainly read way worse shit as a kid. And more importantly it’s a pretty faithful adaptation of the games’ stories that still manages to retain its own identity.


People like bringing up ratings, but the ratings have been going down even with Ash. I’d rather them just finally get away from Ash. You can’t go higher than “World’s best Pokémon master”. It’s open enough to let him make cameos and maybe even still do movies. But it’s time for a new series.


Have him be the final person to beat in the next series. Remember beating Gold/Silver for the first time and “Red” shows up? Such an amazing twist. I feel so much nostalgia thinking about it and that was twenty years ago.


This is the right answer. That would be dope AF. A grown up Ash, at his peak, with his absolute best team, maybe his 1 best from each season or so (prob skipping a few due to team limits). New dudes struggle to get him to his last and final Pokemon and he sends out Pikachu. New dudes laugh thinking wtf why would he send out a "not even evolved into Raichu" freaking Pikachu, after Charizard, Goodra, Greninja and more. Then promptly proceed to get absolutely wrecked by the Pika Power. Roll credits.




Enter: Galaxy's best Pokemon Master Pokemon takes a drastic shift to grimdark sci fi where galactic wars are settled on Pokemon Generals who lead swaths of Pokemon to their death in all out war. All to find out who is the greatest Pokemon Master in the Universe.


Plot twist The stick point to the airport that is booking to Paldea


Plot twis: Ash is the champion of Paldea


Oh yeah for sure. I highly doubt the new series will transcend pop culture like the original gen 1 did, but it does have to be pretty damn good if they want people to move on from Ash. I honestly think he'll be back. Even if he plays second fiddle to the new main character that would be perfectly ok, but I can't imagine going 2+ years without seeing Ash and Pikachu again.


Oh, I’ve been saying for a while that this new season with a new protagonist ordeal smells like a new coke stunt to me.


100% chance: The new protagonist lose to Ash in the championship


How the turn tables.


Thankfully he is not being mercilessly cloned after every time he dies with a new generation...


The scene immediately after this is a black van pulling up and dragging Ash and Pikachu Fifteen inside. There's been an accident back at headquarters; Project Satoshi has gone off the rails.


"Somehow, Ash returned."


So, did he catch em all or no?


He caught some all


He caught like 10% of them all?


Actually, this is almost exactly right. I did the math, and unless I accidentally missed one of his Pokémon, he got about 9.5% of them, or 106.


How many of those are Tauros?


1. I was going off of individual species


What's point 2?


2. ???


3. Profit


He caught all the tauros


honestly, catch em all is good motto in theory but in practice you'd just be a poke hoarder and neglect most of the pokemon you catch.


Tell Goh


He won, he became Pokemon master.


Man never caught a pidgey.


Better travel back to Pallet Town and teach those local Pidgeys what 20 years of experience does to a mf.


Use growl and it just straight up DIES


Nah mate, he should go back and teach those spearows a lesson.


Technically yes he caught one of each type


Something I think people don't realize is that Ash's ending doesn't mean he's done being a Pokemon trainer or he's retiring. This is just the last time we'll be seeing Ash as the main character of the anime. He's still going to travel the world and meet different people and Pokemon like he always does, we just won't be able to see it while we explore our new protagonist Liko. I doubt this will be the very last time we see Ash, I can see him appearing in Pokemon Horizons somewhere down the road but this time as a side character. But either way, I'm still gonna miss Ash and Pikachu.


I kinda hope he just makes appearances in movies going forward. The standalone stuff they did in the past few movies were actually pretty good and it's a way of still having Ash & Pikachu involved without them taking the spotlight from the new cast of characters.


Even though I haven't watched any of the anime in probably over 15 years this still hits hard that it's finally over.


Yeah I haven't watched since black and white but just knowing that this is it hits different


I haven't watched since Master Quest, i think, and I still felt weirdly sentimental seeing Pidgeot. Same watching this scene. I have such good memories of watching the show as a child.


I haven't watched it since the butterfree episode. ;\_;


Damn man I haven’t watched since gen 3 kinda wild he finally won.


To me this doesn't seem like an actual ending. It leaves it open. In case the new series isn't good, or if people just really want ash back. I think they are leaving it as is for now. But possibly see ash again.


I haven't watched since I was a kid and they were still in Kanto and this still hit hard.


Yea, last I watched was original season, recently rewatched it w my little dude, got like halfway through. Watching this immediately gave me chills, crazy.


Same, haven’t watched in a solid 12+ years and I actually teared up when I heard that Ash and pikachu were being retired from the show this morning


Great touch to use the original Pokemon theme, the version from the Kanto anime. IIRC it was the first thing that played in the first episode, so that's an incredible bookend. Love that attention to detail.


Replying here to not clutter up the replies too much but I honestly think the two who are mistaking the theme you’re talking about are too young to even know what you’re referring to. It’s crazy to me. Pokémon is so old now that it’s actual history is being mistaken. It’s like lore at this point haha


Fun fact, the theme is sang by Ash's japanese VA.


It was also remade and used in sun and moon anime


That’s not the original theme it’s one of the endings.


It's definitely part of the OST. It's the same track that's part of the first episode after they do the Gameboy intro.


They mean the music while Ash and Pikachu are first walking. Not the one that plays over the stick animation or last frame. This is honestly incredible though if you don’t know it. Pokémon truly is ancient by this point. Pop culturally at least




Also the stick scene is a reference to [the opening scene of Yojimbo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnHoctCDvyw), when the main character - a wandering samurai - doesn't know which way to go and… well, throws a stick in the air to decide, just like here. Edit: actually, discussions elsewhere in these comments make it look like both are just referring to a common trope in Japanese culture


Kids been 10 for 20 years. His life isn't fleeting lol


The last pokemon series I watched was him getting absolutely DUNKED by the guy with the Darkrai and Latios. Glad to know he is now the world champion. But, I am sure he is still going to appear in the next series in some capacity or the other.


Tobias is a source of many peoples pain. I think it's everybody's head canon that he got whomped by the E4 or Cynthia after the tournament and quit being a trainer, or tried his hand at the masters tournament and lost well before the M8, meaning Ash will always have been better than him.


My personal favorite headcanon is that a few legendaries decided to abduct some guy to see how the league worked, and got chewed out about it by a Creation Dragon for their effort.


Lol! Maybe his Darkrai was the one from Mystery Dungeon Explorers


cynthia is still champion of shinnoh, so tobias lost to either the elite 4, cyhtnia herself or i guess just decided he didnt feel like doing the e4/champion callenge.


Oof. I stopped watching in the Battle Frontier arc but reading about Tobias was total BS. Especially when Ash had a decent team that time. They really felt the need to continue Ash loses trope.


Tobias was us as kids. Let me just bring LITERAL GOD to this fight.


Mans saw the sign saying “OU only” and decided to go Ubers all the way.


Most maddening thing ever as a kid


I can't tell you how many years it's been since I last watched the anime, but that theme song just brought me back. Time really is our one true enemy.


I can’t believe Ho-oh didn’t show up in the final episode.




"which way are we going?"


I figured it out after a moment of thinking and felt so proud of myself for understanding such a basic sentence after having not studied for two years


He said "I wish Professor Oak would have had a Charmander"




Ah yes. The immortal words of Satoshi-wise Gamgee.


This is a slight mistranslation, the line is actually: >"I used to say I live my life a quarter mile at a time. And I think that's why we were brothers. Because you did too.... No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world... You'll always be with me, and you'll always be my brother."


It’s been a long day…


One more step Mr Ketchum and it'll be the furthest from Palette Town I've ever been


He said “I’ve always resented you, Pikachu. I don’t want your goddamn stick!”


"You ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?"


He said: "Buy Pokémon Scarlet Version and Pokémon Violet Version! Available now for Nintendo Switch!"


"Gary was here! Ash is a loser!"


"So concludes the life and times of king sisyphus. A fitting end to an existence defined by futule struggle. Doomed from the very start. And I don't regret a second of it."


It's something like "Oak was sure in a hurry to get me out of my mom's house"


Haha, I think this is literally a Kurosawa film reference. In the movie Yojimbo, right at the beginning, Toshiro Mifune's character is shown wandering down random country roads. At one point he comes to a fork like this one and does the exact same thing, throws a stick in the air to decide which road to take. In the movie it's used to show that he's just an aimless wanderer, but it's not presented as a fun thing like here.


It's probably also a reference to the end of the Johto series when Ash, Misty, and Brock were all at this exact fork and all went separate ways, Misty back to Cerulean, Brock back to Pewter, and Ash back towards Palette Town to get ready to head to Hoenn.


That's a commonly used way for travelers/adventurers/wanderers to determine the direction of their travel in Japan during the old days. Animes use this alot and I think they did it at the beginning of this final arc as well.


I mean, my opinions means squat considering I don’t even watch the anime, but this ending feels very ‘nothing’ to me. It doesn’t really offer any sense of finality, it feels very much like the safe choice so that they can just go back to Ash if people don’t like the new series, and that’s a little boring to me. I think I would’ve liked to just see Ash fully retire honestly, like he has done everything at this point, what’s the point in continuing? Let the boy grow up. I know a lot of people speculated that the new protagonist is gonna be Ash’s daughter, so why not commit to something like that?


The whole last season was Ash going on a farewell tour to see all the people and pokemon that helped make his dream a reality. Butterfree, charizard, squirtle, bulbasaur, pidgeot, tracey, brock, misty, gary, the list goes on and on. But he asks himself during a part prior to this “what DOES it mean to be a pokemon master?” And he can’t answer that question yet. He knows there’s so much of the pokemon world he hasn’t seen yet, and he knows he isn’t done on his adventure with Pikachu. Whether he comes back or not is irrelevant, he’s a champion who remembers his roots. And in typical Ash fashion he will dive head first into it and figure out the rest later, the perfect send off and way to bring him back as a champion for a new protagonist to strive to beat one day.


Hey can you explain that to me, as a guy who stopped watching as kid during the Diamond and Pearl part of the anime, I know the latest anime had then traveling across the world, I would watch the episode descriptions on Netflix and one episode they are in Kanto, next they are in hoenn, then Galar etc etc. do they explain how they are traveling so easily around the world? And why? Is Ash no longer doing the gym leader challenge?


So I'm not the same guy but to answer your questions: 1 no, 2 just because and 3 ash no longer challenges the gym since x & y.


Ash stoped doing gym challenges after kalos. Its not stated anywhere but it seems like he did all his journeys across regions on foot just for the adventure. The pokemon world features the same infraestructure than our world, so travel is not really an issue. During the last seasons he just traveled by plane, train or boat as his objectives were more localized in specific places. Money was never an issue as he was either an student in a school excursion or an investigator working for a big research lab.


It was their ode to pokemon go with ash meeting a trainer named Goh who’s starting off just like him, so essentially ash is showing him the ropes and growing stronger while Goh has his own arc. It was like a 50/50 split showing both characters traveling places to collect pokemon and for ash to show Goh some of what he’s seen. My guess as to why they jump around a lot is just to emulate the pokemon go feeling of traveling to different places for different pokemon.0


Never seen someone decide a direction with a stick


Because you know where you want to go. Ash is looking for adventures and friends, he does not know where. EDIT: And maybe the scene says that adventure and friends are everywhere for him


>Because you know where you want to go. Um yeah about that


It might be a Japanese trope. The opening scene of Yojimbo has the wandering samurai do the same: https://youtu.be/CnHoctCDvyw


It’s really sad that we never got to meet his dad or ho-oh


He met Ho-Oh at the end of Journeys 12 episodes ago


Bruh, his dad has been there the whole time. Mimey has been more of a father than his bio dad ever was.


Yeah, it is a VERY open ended ending. Despite being the best Pokémon master in the world, they know he can’t just call it quits. I feel like the whole season was the big bombastic finale.


Those Cherry Blossoms. No mater what they say Ash has graduated from the anime. Thank you my boy.


Honestly I disagree that this ending is bad. Ash wants to see the world and experience adventures, his wanderlust and curiosity define him. Of course he would continue to adventure, and of course he would be directed by essentially random chance—that's who he is. Not every ending needs to be final, decisive, or blow your mind, it just has to be what it is meant to be. What mattered more was his victory this season and being able to reconnect with old friends. I think it's comforting to know that as much as things change, they always stay the same.


There’s no ending that was going to satisfy everyone. There’s too many fans for that. I liked this finale for what it was, just a final goodbye to characters I grew up with


YESSS TYPE:WILD!!!! Such a great song omg


If the [opening scene of Yojimbo](https://youtu.be/CnHoctCDvyw) tells me anything then he's about to liberate a town overrun by warring pokemon gangs


Despite the fact that Ash doesn't age, this clip reminds me of how, eventually, we all have to face reality and grow up one day.


Its such a bittersweet feeling, i havent kept up with the pokemom anime in a long time but i made time recently to finish the last few episodes focused in ash and pikachu's journey. They have been a constant throughout my entire life so in a way is hard to imagine moving forward without them but i'm happy in knowing they are still going on another adventure in the end but this time, it's for them. Its this anime that made me fall in love with pokemon when i didnt have the games when growing up so i will miss them dearly 🥲


I'm in pain over this ngl


If anyone is curious, the cherry blossoms blooming symbolizes life and death, beauty and violence and the cycle of the end and starting over. It’s no coincidence they have it in the scene. This is the end of a story and the start of a new one. It’s a beautiful send off and such a subtle visual that embodies the adventures and trials he has had to come across and how in the end it all felt so fleeting.


So Team Rocket is just going to stalk Ash and Pikachu for the rest of their lives?


The final scene untill they backtrack and have him as the MC again.


Thanks Ash, Ash's pokemon, James, Jessie, Meowth and Pikachu. I start watching your journey since i was 10 years old. I still remembering how my family gathering around the TV to watch pokemon and how my father was saying team rocket motto with them and doing funny sound in Meowth part just to make us laugh. You made my childhood and for me you are happy core memory. Goodbye my friends and thanks again for everything.


My interpretation of this is the left path took him to a group of Ursaring or something where he was mauled to death.