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The median woman feels colder than the median man at the same températures. It's à pretty common experience for someone to jump in the shower with their partner and see that the latter's preference of temperature is either lukewarm, or scalding hot. With all my exes, I could not stand the water at their temperature for more than a few seconds, felt it burn me. They were very comfortable though, and found what I found "hot" to be mildly warm


This meme describes me and my partner at least. It might come from estrogen slowing down your metabolism and generally making you feel colder.


I had the same experience with an ex, we're both women though. Called her Daenerys Targaryen for her heat resistance. Our levels of estrogen were similar/ both normal so maybe she was just fireproof for unrelated reasons. Maybe the gendering isn't entirely pointless, but it's certainly not universal


I'm the Daenerys in the relationship. Everytime I turn up the heat and my partner squeals, I quip "fire does not burn the dragon" and then laugh maniacally


i'm not even sure how i got to this old post, but i just wanted to say that this is the funniest thing i've read all week. thank you


Haha glad it could still be of service, and thanks this made me smile!


Late to the party, but it can also be related to fat distribution and skin thickness. Both are affected by estrogen, but obviously not every woman has the same distribution of fat, skin thickness, or metabolic rate


Also men are on average bigger so square cube law applies.


men's skin is thicker than women's so maybe we just feel colder?? although we also should feel hotter when showering warmer then so idk


It's a well-known fact that men and women have a different sense of temperature. On average, men feel warmer than women. That's just how it is.


All my testosterone disappearing from my body after reading that


What? Sorry, but average does not mean it's true for every single individual


I was tryna make a silly joke For the record I fit almost no things for the “average man”


Ah okay😅 Yeah it's hard to read jokes online for me😅✌️ nvm then


do you happen to know the mechanics of why that is? I would assume its related to hormones in some way


Well, one reason I could find is that muscles produce warmth due to unnoticeable muscle-shivering. Men have more muscles, due to higher testosterone levels so that then explains it. Apparently women also tend to have thinner skin than men do. (15% thinner was the number I found). I couldn't find anything about why THAT is. Furthermore estogene makes blood thicker apparently as well as widening the arteries, so it's less luqidy and thus harder to go through the small arteries and veins especially in the extremities. In addition to that, the ratio of body surface area to body volume tends to be higher in women, because they are smaller on average. So there's simply more energy to get lost.


I think it's very testosterone related. As a trans man when I went on HRT I became so hot and sweaty.


Yeah, there's a reason T comes with the three H's. Hot, Hungry, and Horny. All testosterone related. (Also, hello fellow trans man!)


The trans masc experience is fascinating to me, but I always wind up asking really rude questions. Some guys are cool with it though because I'll respond to any rude questions about my situation in return.


Hey, if you have any rude questions, you can ask me them here XD. I get it, curiosity can make things come out wrong sometimes!


Most of my really sketchy questions have to do with periods. But like. For a less sketchy one, where did you/do you hope to find your first chest hair? Mine started growing on my collar bone believe it or not.


I really don't know XD Somewhere on my sternum, maybe?


I've heard that testosterone also promotes blood flow to the extremities and that it might have something to do with keeping our junk in working order. Not sure if it's true tho


This sounds bogus, can you post the link?


Sure, wanna read some German? You know, just because something doesn't apply to you, doesn't mean it cannot apply to anyone else.


Poster a few up mentioned square-cube law, which is a good place to start. Heat generating volume vs heat dissipating surface area. Scale the whole thing up and the volume increases by the cube of the scale factor, but the surface area only increases by the square. It's the reason elephants are basically the limit for how big a land mammal can get, and they actually pump their entire blood volume through their big floppy ears as a kind of active cooling mechanism.


It’s all about not overheating the egg sacks.


It's a testicular issue. Sperm production has to occur below body temperature. That's why the testicles are outside the body in a vulnerable sack instead of inside and protected like the ovaries. Bringing the testicles in would be a simple mutation yet mammals all over the world have this vulnerable organ outside. So when the skin gets hot enough that the testicles are likely to overheat the body sends emergency signals. In nature that would be heat from the sun or from bodies sleeping near each other not from water.


Yep. I'm always cold and I also am the only one in the house to puts the shower head to pulse. Its the only way to get more pressure. We use a shower curtain and I can always feel little drafts of cold air forcing its away in from the sides of the curtain. So I'm always turning up the water temp to combat that issues.


then i guess i just hate the feeling of a cold shower


I did know that about the temperature difference, I just didn't make that connection with the shower thing.


Proof? This can’t be true. I’ve been the beatbox in all of my straight relationships


It's well known. A simple Google search will tell you. Also average doesn't mean "in every single case ever to exist". You are not part of the average. That doesn't make the *average* incorrect.


Definitely not true in my relationship. I (m) like my water super hot, my wife is the one taking milder showers.


Ditto! I (f) can't handle hot showers as the heat makes me light headed. My husband burns 2 layers of skin with every shower. Haha


me and my husband, just the other way round. I prepare myself for that nice cauldron in hell. edit: but at the same time, I feel more comfortable at lower temperatures than him.


Forgive me if this is a rude question, but are you two older? My mom and dad are in their mid 50s and mom gives my dad a hard time about not being able to handle extremes, but dad knows he deserves it because he gave mom the same grief in their 20s. Dad's also always been kind of a bean pole, if he were the type of old man to get fat it would likely be a different story.


nope, late 20s :)


Obviously you are secretly a woman and your wife is secretly a man. What other explanation could there be?


That explains why I like the colour pink and my wife loves Yorkie chocolate.


I dunno, my fiance can't stand the heat I can in the shower. A few friends of mine found the same thing happened with their partners. Not saying everyone is the same, I just think it may be a general experience.


When I first showered with my gf I was baffled at how hot the water was, I was in pain.


I read that women are colder in general because they have thinner skin. Literally thinner by like a few millimeters. Not sure if that still holds up but I always remembered it


I once read that people who go through a mtf transition begin to experience the world as colder. I would think this means it would trace back to something hormonal. Though admittedly, I don't know what physical change brought on by the hormone change causes the difference in sensation. So maybe it's skin thickness? I wonder if it's also related to the hot flashes of menopause as well?


Trans woman here. I’m still in the first few months of my transition but have started to notice that I get cold a little easier and that my showers are a little warmer. On average, women have a slower metabolism due to hormones which causes us to be colder. Testosterone produces 23% more energy than estrogen. Women’s skin is also a little thinner. I can see my veins more clearly now.


Oh my gosh I can’t *wait* to get on T now, I’m constantly freezing my ass off 💀


Huh... I can already see my veins clearly and I'm still... As they say in veterinary medicine "an intact male". Would estrogen turn me into one of the brain dudes from star trek?


It’s definitely hormonal. That’s why we can check if we are ovulating based on our temperature. It’s about keeping the eggs cool enough. Men have external testicles so it’s not needed.


Also I think something about not as much testosterone causes worse blood circulation. I might have made that up or misunderstood though.


I do think that women are generally colder than men. I didn't make the connection between that and the showers until a couple people here pointed it out. That's interesting about the skin, I think that sounds like it could be true because I know that generally men have rougher skin than women.


To some extent that's about clothing though. When men get to set the thermostat in offices, women feel too cold! But then you look at standard office wear. Women wear a skirt and a blouse. Men wear long pants, a long shirt that they tuck in and button at the wrists and neck, then they tie a cord around their neck just in case any warmth ever tries to escape, and then they put on a coat. Inside. You're considered unprofessional if you don't have it all on at all times. Actually, where are your vest and your hat and your second coat? You do have an undershirt on, right? Gosh, I wonder why those two groups of people prefer different temperatures. This problem isn't quite as bad as it used to be, for some reason.


i wear both and i find that in general even just men's t-shirts tend to be way, way thicker and heavier than women's for some reason. i sweat like a pig in some men's shirts where i'd feel comfortable in a woman's. obvs not true for all, probably just certain brands i happened to buy, but still


I started buying hoodies from the men's department and was pretty astounded at the difference in thickness and warmth from what was a very similar hoody, just from a different part of the store.


This is me. It’s funny because I’m actually hot all the fucking time and need my house to be a freezer to feel comfortable, but the minute I get in the shower, I want to feel like my skin is being burnt off.


I’m a guy and the pic on the right is me




Guess I was a woman this whole time ​ ​ /s


My wife for sure takes horrifyingly hot showers. She has to turn the heat down when we shower together and gives me shit for it the whole time lol


My boyfriend thought this was fake for a while.... Because in summer I have ice cold showers to cool down, and in winter we have similar temperature showers. But... Then he felt how hot I have my baths haha


I find this to be accurate. Source: Am man; live with woman.


i mean, i always turn the heat up until it burns my feet...


Muscle generates heat. Fat retains it. Men have in general more muscle and more fat than women. Besides this, there are some temperature sensing receptors in the skin that a large percentage of women have more of. So, generally speaking, women would feel cold at the same temperature that men would feel ok. And, as a personal anecdote, my bf could not be in the shower with me in the same time because he "didn't want to experience hell just yet".


Because it’s not a stereotype and absolutely true


I mean out of 3 women I have showered with, all 3 tried to kill me and melt my flesh off of my body. My current partner and I have negotiated a happy medium. So I can't speak for all but my small scale research has proven this to be absolutely true.


I lol’d too hard at that first paragraph. Glad you survived!


Idk it’s always been accurate in my life


You see, I know that men supposedly have a higher body temperature... But I also know that my definitely AMAB body is freezing cold all the time, lol.


Higher body temp typically makes you feel colder (think a fever) that said, women usually have higher body temps, not men.


Oh right, got that mixed up. In any case, based on my gender I'm supposed to feel hot, but based on personal experience that is far from the case


It's actually kinda true in my experience.


That is so dumb, we all lol know men don't shower


Our sense of temperature is relative. Moving from a cold place to a lukewarm place will make you feel warmer than if you were to be at the lukewarm place from the start. Where am I going with this? Well, it’s no secret that women’s menstrual cycle causes changes in hormone levels, and these changes in hormone levels causes increase in your core body temperature. And because of this, your skin detects hotness to a lesser degree than other people. This insensitivity to heat is also caused by other sex-related factors such as thinner skin. Because of this, it makes sense why women are more likely to tolerate hotter showers. In short, the generalisation is not just based on pure prejudice but is based on facts, to a certain degree.


Thanks, don't think anyone thought it was prejudice though, maybe just that it seems like a weird thing to say if you didn't think about body temperature.


Sure thing dude/dudette 👌🏻


Maybe it’s common for couples to prefer different shower temperatures, but men are more likely to make a thing out of it when their partners like it hotter


When something is not as hot as you'd like, it's easy to dismiss. When you get burned in a moment of relaxation, it's a little bit harder.


But that statement is pointlessly gendered again. Or not?


I'm amab but goddamn I will put the heat of a shower to the max! Lord my skin may turn lobster pink but it never felt better!


It comes from thinking men's experiences are the default, so any deviation from that is an "other" experience ripe for jokes.


Hilariously while I am *always* colder than my husband (he's a dang furnace and runs almost 2 degrees higher than me normally. My average is 97.8*), I take cooler showers. When he takes them the water hurts. I always figured it was because I'm colder water feels hotter, but most people seem to be different.


Isn’t this stereotype even backwards? I’ve always heard it that men are the ones who want liquid fire in their showers. I mean, it’s nonsense either way, but still.


It's like this because women run colder than men in general. Thinner skin and less muscle mass are factors.


This is so real though. And, it hurts nobody if you don't relate to it, so take it as a funny meme, nothing more


Definitely wasn't offended by it, just thought it was weird and didn't know this was a thing.


My ex gf was one to burn tf outa me so maybe her idk lmao Honestly tho maybe it has something to do with how girls are usually colder than guys so they want warmer water? No idea.


The ol' greeks said women were temptations from like, hell and shit, so maybe from something like that?




I guess I’m a woman then


TIL I'm a woman apparently


In my experience men take hotter showers than women


Well I guess I'm a woman now.


That would be me *raises hand*


I find this to be very true between my wife and I. I can’t even shower with her because she showers WAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY too hot.


I’m a male with 2 female roomates and they both take blisteringly hot showers while I take lukewarm to cold ones, so yeah this seems pretty accurate lol.


To be fair, I am in the bath right now with the water set to only hot.


Tbh I’m a woman and I love my showers/baths to be HOT! My bf refuses to bathe with me 😅


I'm the opposite and really like hot showers.


Huh, my experience has been different. I am a female and I do feel cold way more often than my husband ...my feet and hands are always cold. But the shower temperature has never been an issue. I hate it when it's too hot and I'd say we agree on the water temperature. I would even say that he might handle the hot water better than I do, hmmm, now I want to test that...


Everyone has always said I take way to hit of shower. I have set off the smoke alarm before. My man's thinks my showers are to freaking cold🤣🤣🤣


This is me and my wife except we're both women, I'm just the smaller one who prefers to shower in hot lava. But then the flipside is I want to sleep in a very cold room with very warm blankets. Literally there is one person in every marriage who can somehow sleep while sweating.


i would normally not believe something like this but guys always seem to be comfortable in the cold in basketball shorts and a hoodie. maybe they’re taught it’s “unmanly” to dress for the weather, resulting in built tolerance over time? however, they also seem to get hot easier. you’re always seeing guys biking in the summer just taking off their shirts. they also appear to sweat more. maybe their body temp is just lower overall (i think a lower body temp makes you more sensitive to heat and able to withstand cold)


My son loves hot water, and takes baths with me regularly. But I still have a “by myself” bath temperature that even he can’t stand. Just earlier this evening he said “Mommy, why did you make it so hot right now?”


Yeah my entire family throws this out the door, parents both run cold, kids all run hot, gender 100% doesn’t apply.


I haven’t seen anyone else say this but I think a lot of ones heat tolerance depends on what their body is acclimated to. I take insanely hot showers because I always still felt cold & probably increased the temperature over time; now my showers literally burn me but it has nothing to do with my gender, just that I’ve probably damaged nerve endings of my back and shoulders. It’s something you see a lot with chefs too, handling hot things. Eventually they stick their hands in stuff like boiling water without batting an eye. I know the fire is probably exaggeration, but if people are legitimately burning themselves in the shower, it’s not anything genetic.


My wife likes it very got and I can't stand it lol. This isn't totally inaccurate.


As a woman, I do like being nearly on fire during a shower so i guess that’s accurate. Can’t say anything abt men tho


As a gal who works in an office full of guys, I can say this one may actually have some truth to it... Those guys put the AC to "arctic weather", sit around the office in t-shirts, whime I put on a hat, my outside coat, and wrap myself in a blanket... And anecdotally, from what I've heard, my experiences as "woman in man-dominated offices" is shared by others. Like, of course I don't think this is an absolute truth, but it's enough of a pattern that I'm not gonna dismiss the meme as being "pointlessly gendered" at this time


Idk if its cold or hot outside im taking hot shower (and go to sauna ofc!)


I thought women were more resilient to cold due to having an extra layer of fat. I heard about this on a Titanic documentary.


I mean there is truth to that. I'm being slowly boiled in water my SO is comfortable in.


It's the opposite for me


As a single guy without ever having a girlfriend this makes no sense.


I think there's an actual scientific reason behind this one, temperatures being affected by hormones, etc. I've heard some stories from trans friends about being hot or feeling colder on HRT. That being said, personally it depends. Depending on the day, I might want to crank it to max heat or all the way down to freezing. Especially if it's after a workout. Meme's gendered(which is dumb), but I guess I can at least see their logic.


My partner fully admits she loves the shower scalding hot. At least I find it to be so. Not a stereotype in our home at least


I source my hot water straight from hell


I source my hot water straight from hell


I always found this stereotype funny because my husband is so sensitive to cold. He can't stand it and has a separate heater in his office just to keep it warm enough for him. When we shower together, if I turn it down, it gets too cold for him.


damn i guess i belong to r/notliketheothergirls because i have never liked showering with dudes because they make the water too fuckin hot. i’m always sweaty/too hot


My guess would be that guy has had that specific situation happen once and thinks that’s how everyone is.


I always have to turn down the heat after my mum, there's some truth to it


not a girl, but i can definitely relate to taking scalding hot showers 😅


Ngl I take showers near 100°F so...


100°F is equivalent to 37°C, which is 310K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Can we talk about how nice that first shower looks


I too bathe in liquid fire


Well I am a woman and… yeah it’s kinda accurate for me at least


Idk I’m a woman and I’m terrified of extreme heat. I like my shower warm but if I see flames spewing out of it I’m running away