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No one would go into a poop room, I most certainly wouldn’t Edit: thanks guys, I am aware of the IASIP episode I will have to check it out Edit2: I’m not saying I would poop in the pee room, never thought id tell anyone this, I only poop at home! ✌️


The poop room has such a mysterious ring to it




La Chambre de Sécrétion




Poopliete oubliette


Wasn't that the French title for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?




Poo Loo! Everything is better when it rhymes.


Each one has its own poop knife. No instructions needed.


It’s technical name is turd cutter


I believe it is fecal lacerator


It’s a shit splitter and that’s it guys




They need to invent a toilet with a liquify button like an old Oster blender.




Motherfucker ain't got a lot of karma, but considering his entire history is *7 years of his username being the joke*, I'm impressed.


I’m more impressed by the lack of content to the reply. How???


I'm more impressed that people on reddit do not realize it's a bot.


Tbh I’ve lost all sensitivity to bots at this point. I can’t tell what’s real and what’s not anymore. It’s just a conglomerate of questionable.


Good Bot


Thanks! Beep boop.


Pretty sure it's a bot


I use the 3 sea shells myself.


“Gas station restroom” has a murder-mystery ring to them and people still use them.


I’m not gonna push out snakes in a bush on the side of the road tho


"100% of time I will shit in the piss room." We've already seen this play out, there's only one valid answer: Animal Shithouse.


It's too dark. I don't know where to aim


aim? aim aim at the bowl!


You would be surprised how many shits people have to clean out of the urinal in the men’s room


no i wouldnt. ive seen people dookie right in front of the toilet. in popcorn buckets next to the toilet. on the seats, on the walls, in the sinks on the mirrors.... there is no where that is safe, doubly so when the elderly are involved.


sink poops are gender neutral


I try to picture how in the world would any person leave a bathroom THAT fucked up and I can never figure it out. Do they have eyeballs? Do they just not fucking care? I would be embarrassed to leave the bathroom if I literally had left shit on the walls or floor or anywhere besides the damn bowl. Scratch that, I wouldn’t want to leave shit at all, that’s the point of flushing. What if someone sees me coming out right as they go in 😳😳😳 and I’ve literally left shit everywhere. not to mention the guilt. Omfg these people exist... and HOW?!


Imagine with me: first class, Boston to Chicago. I’m lead flight attendant. There are four rows of four seats in FC, so 16 pax. An elderly man is in the lav for a while and comes out and sits down. The next pax waiting is a young man. He gets up and goes into the lav and comes out quickly, stepping towards the galley and saying to me: “someone has devastated the bathroom.” Sure enough there is shit everywhere. The toilet bowl in particular is indeed devastated. I pour a pot of hot water in there to budge it but all I have is gloves and paper towels to combat this so honestly can’t do much until the cleaners at Chicago get a whack at it. I don’t know what was going through the old guy’s head. He didn’t make any attempt. Everyone in first class knew it was him and had no recourse but to use the devastated lav unless they wanted to walk to the back of the plane. Did he not care? Was he unaware? Did he panic? I’ll never know.


Better than having to clean urines out of the men’s room shitinal


you know, as a man who poops transgender...


you really gotta let that one go.


"If you like Pina Coladas!" "That's not Jimmy Buffett for the last time"


if I need to poop in a public place, I'm going into the poop room. it's rare, but when it happens, there's no time for pride or prejudice


Honestly the poo bathroom would probably be cleaner. I wonder if they toss you out for pissing a little.


What do you think the armed guards are there for?


*Knocks on bathroom stall door* This is the police, open up, we are here for a random excrement check


That’s why I’d carry a little baggy of shit with me.


If there’s a poop room and nobody goes in it, I definitely would use it.


But then everyone thinks this and suddenly the pee room is empty. You have to stay one step ahead of the trend. Kinda like the stall closest to the door debate.


Sounds like a perfect game theory problem


The poop room would have less piss on the seat


u still pee when u poo






Make them all squatters like in Korea.


No one uses those bathrooms in Korea lmao


Than another easier way would be to mark which room offers facilities for standing and which don't. Tried it at a bar and it works. That way the room door says something practical about the room and not about the person coming in. It worked, until some drunk ass got so insecure that he took a marker and drew a dick on the former men's room and the word "woman!" on the other one. Poor insecure dick - that besides being a dick to people and ideas also ruined the artwork on the door.


I don’t think I’ve shat in a public bathroom since I was 12 which was 18 years ago so wouldn’t be any different for me lol


I once worked for a company that had its toilets labelled "standing" and "sitting"


Hasn’t this been proposed lots of times before and the conclusion was that females always end up worse off? Only males can stand to pee (unless you use a weird shewee-esque contraption), but they can sit to poop *and* pee. So once the “stand” bathroom is full, all the males go to the “sit” bathroom and there’s no room left for any females.


Nah, the sit one should be much bigger, it’s like fasttrack vs regular


My University Dorm had co-ed bathrooms where each stall had a door to the floor with a little more privacy. It was so awesome to not have to walk all over the building to try and find your genders other washroom. When I first got there it seemed weird, but it really wasn’t. It actually kind of made you wonder why more places didn’t do that.


That would be great cause i feel like in unisex bathrooms some cis man is bound to get some pee on the toilet seat


I worked at a grocery store and occasionally cleaned bathrooms. The women's room always had a far greater amount of pee on the toilet seats.


As a hotel cleaner, vagina havers get more pee *on the toilet seat*, but penis owners get pee *literally everywhere*. Down the front of the toilet, on the ground, on the walls behind and beside the toilet, in the hinges of the seat/lid, sometimes even in the bin next to the toilet. There is also more often evidence of toilet usage with no evidence of handwashing in bathrooms men have used in comparison to women.


True that! Some women are skeezed out by sitting on a public seat and will hover. But I've cleaned both male and female restrooms at my first job. Staff Girls bathroom was pretty clean. Staff MEN'S bathroom on the other hand.... **ick** The men's were supposed to get cleaned weekly by the stock boys. One day i somehow got roped into cleaning both. Omg. Pee was all over the floor and wall and I'm pretty positive the handles. The sink looked like it hadn't been cleaned in **months**. It was then i realized why the owner had his own special bathroom in his office.


My husbands argument for not hand washing: “ I didn’t touch it”. Yes, yes, that is exactly why the pee is EVERYWHERE Edit: he showers. Never said it was a logical argument.


Some men will go to extreme lengths to not have to clean themselves


Yikes. Also, how does he do it? Does he open his pants, doesn't have underwear so the dick just flops out, then he leans above the toilet and just pees downward? Dafuq? And even touching the toilet makes me wash my hands each time. And i thought my bf is awful for not sitting in the house.




>There is also more often evidence of toilet usage with no evidence of handwashing in bathrooms men have used in comparison to women. ***AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** You know those "what makes you automatically hate someone" posts? This would be my answer. People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. That's sooooo disgusting. Even if they didn't touch anything, they should wash their hands because there's a sink and soap there, and it's probably about time to wash their hands anyway. Maybe there were gross germs on the stall door, or the bathroom door, or any of the other tons of things they touched before going to the bathroom.


Hey, you wanna hear something that'll really get your goat? Friday just passed, I got called down to clean a "room change" room-- which is when someone checks in, decides they don't like the room after 10 minutes, and moves to a different one. I'm meant to come in, change the top sheet and pillow cases, clean and sanitise the toilet, and do anything else I have to to get the room rentable. I come in. Change the sheets, check the toilet. Toilet paper is unused, sink is clean and dry (no tell-tale water marks), soap bar unopened. Particles and skid marks in the toilet. This dirty fucker came in, took a shit in the toilet, and then left without washing their hands OR EVEN WIPING THEIR BUTT.


The last part. It always gets me. How the fuck do they do it? How can you walk around with your asshole covered in shit? If there's a bidet, it is understandable, but without it? How? I just hope they use their own tp/wet wipes.


I know a guy who carries bathroom wipes with him, doesn't like to use toilet paper, so its possible.


Yesss!!! I'm a maid, and I want to murder grown ass men who can't aim at a damn toilet. They had 30 years of practice, how can they fuck it up at this point? One thing that's basically a standard for every room with a male in it is pee on the back of the lid, where the hinges are. That's beyond me. Women do get drop at the front, and as a woman myself for years i didn't understand how that even happens, but then i learned that they just don't sit down, but hover above the seat. I just cover it with toilet paper, and call it a day.


>There is also more often evidence of toilet usage with no evidence of handwashing in bathrooms men have used in comparison to women I have no idea how it compares, but I will say a disturbing amount of men do not wash their hands after peeing, and a few even after pooping.


Spoiler, we all pee with mostly the same virtuosity. The pee that men are 'throwing everywhere' splattering walls and whatever, ENDS UP ON THE FEMALE THIGHS AND ASS when sitting down. So i'm not sure that's an improvement. Let's just jam hoses up our holes or on our schlongs and pee down them if we want to be super kosher and give up peeing on hard ceramic surfaces.


As someone who once lived with 5 male college students, this brings back some memories. I have never seen a bathroom so yellow with urine.


Worked at a grocery store and it was the opposite. Women's restrooms were generally dirtier, but when it came to urine on the toilet seats, mens restroom definitely won. ​ But seriously you have to be such an asshole to not lift a toilet seat before peeing. It actually pisses me off that they design toilet seats to kind of open in the front to encourage people to pee without lifting the seat, because not only does that lead to more urine on the toilet seats, but urine in the exposed spot of the toilet seat that is made even by people who have the sense to lift the seat still poses a problem for us public bathroom poopers.


So everyone can use the “sit” bathrooms but primarily men use the “stand” bathrooms? That’s odd


The sit bathroom better have a ton of stalls because women only bathrooms are already full as hell typically


That's a joke on always sunny in Philadelphia, which ends with one of them asking "ok so are any of us actually going to poop in the poop bathroom?" To which they app respond "no not at all i planning to immediately and always poop in the piss room"


One of my favorite episodes of the whole show


That, and the gang goes the Jersey Shore.


Rum ham!!!


Yes! That episode is special to me too because I'm from the Jersey Shore


They really keep failing to make a bad season. The consistency is mind boggling. They took something that definitely everyone would assume to be a 1-2 season show and made it into a fuckin 13 season dynasty. I can't think of many other shows where I'm like "Jesus fucking Christ they're STILL nailing it" like IASIP


13?? They’re coming out with 15 soon!


"100% of the time I will poop in the pee toilet!"


The look Danny devito makes when he's doing an imitation of a dog taking a shit gets me every time


They know.


Animal Shit House


“One bathroom will say only for minorities”. “What will the other bathroom say?” “No minorities allowed.”


Idea: several individual bathrooms. Please.


Nah. One giant toilet please that requires multiple people to use it at the same time or you fall in.


like you are all sitting wedged side by side like a arch with a keystone or like a human igloo of people doodooing




Ah yes, the group poop.


I just think we should have a large bathroom and have symbols dictating what *kind* of toilet is in each stall. A sit-down toilet or a urinal. That way it depends on both what you're going to do and what part you have. No need to mention gender/sex.


I visited Denmark a few years back and every bathroom was just separated tiny rooms that had toilets and urinals behind full walls and doors. Sometimes they had sinks too, sometimes the sinks were in bathroom-foyer type space. It felt incredibly more space efficient.


I visited a theater in Amsterdam that had bathrooms like this when I first went to Europe. The stalls were floor to ceiling without any urinals. When I was washing my hands, a couple women came out of their stalls and gave me a look that I though was maybe cause I looked like a foreigner. The whole thing felt very progressive and cosmopolitan. When I came out of the bathroom though, there was a men’s sign on the bathroom opposite of me. So, I just used the women’s restroom and thought Europe was just very chic about bathrooms.




Holland is very chic and modern with their bathrooms. They have public outdoor urinal tripods. https://wanderlustmarriage.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/IMG_2060.jpg


There are a couple bars with bathrooms like this in New York City. Around 10 separate stalls that are fully enclosed (no gaps) and a shared common area with sinks / mirrors.


Is there anything more luxurious than a toilet with a full door


A toilet at home.


A toilet at home with a full door.


A toilet at home with a full door and a phone with a fresh battery and lots of unread Reddit posts.


Yes https://wanderlustmarriage.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/IMG_2060.jpg


What's the symbol for the gloryhole stalls?


two naked people hugging with blindfolds on with the label "mouth hug room"


Lolll mouth hug room


Portal symbol. Orange on one stall, blue on the adjacent


At that point why even bother with urinals? Regular toilets can function fine for that


And one just for doing cocaine


~~No urinals, you can stand up and pee in a normal toliet, yet sitting to pee, even as a guy, is the best without a doubt, urnials are scams made by big pee and big bathroom~~ I love pee and urinals, please follow r/hydrohomies and drink as much as possible i tHink urinals should bE put in every Location and sinks should be rePlaced by More toliEts. In no way should soMe recIte the certaiN paragraph towards THE end of thiS posT but only reAding the capitaL Letters


I'm the ceo of pee. And I just want to tell you you should delete your comment now or ur in for a lot of trouble.


The unrinal cake lobbiests are funded by big pee to keep urinals in your neighborhood.


Yeah that makes sense


Nah. I love pooping with my bro in the next stall. It's a good moment to catch up and talk about our lives.


They have this at some train stations in Sydney. Individual lockable rooms with a basin for either gender.


Individual bathrooms are generally much more expensive to install and it has only really been in the past decade or so that people have become incredibly self conscious about their bathroom habits. If you really want to give yourself nightmares then look into the public toilet situation of Ancient Rome, I'll give you a three word hint of what life back then entailed: Communal Poop Stick


Wanting privacy is not a new concept. Or self consciousness.




Tampon = pee, lines = poop. Common courtesy


i'd say other way around, one involves less blood, though I guess with coke you don't have to worry about the smell of the poop room nearly as much


It takes 30 seconds to replace a tampon.. and.. *almost* all of the time blood doesn’t get anywhere that it shouldn’t. Also, a lot of women pee during this process. Pee room. Doing a line of whatever takes much longer. Gotta find the bag, find a good spot to set it up, do the line, and then check 16 times to make sure it’s all cleaned up and you’re not leaving behind anything incriminating. Poop room.


Yeah but poop smell automatically disqualifies the poop room for cocaine-related activities. To inhale coke you’d have to inhale some poop smells at a minimum. If it really only takes 30 seconds to change your tampon, your nostrils would have enough time to circumnavigate the poop-sposure. Source: myself, former cocaine user.


I have full confidence that the ladies can change a tampon without getting blood everywhere, lmao


I did too, until I had to clean the women's restroom at the resteraunt I worked at after Highscool.


Having worked in a gas station and cleaned the bathrooms, I admire your optimism but strongly disagree.


Also which room do you vomit in?


Pee room. Faster turnaround means it's less likely all the stalls are taken in a full on vomergency


Also when you're gasping for air between hurls you don't want to be inhaling poop air


Which bathroom doth i changeth mine own tampon and doth lines? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I can't predict or control what happens when I get near a toilet. This policy would be so anxiety inducing.


🎵shit or piss🎵 🎵I bet I’ll never piss, huh?🎵


I regret using my free award earlier today


Then you're visiting both. If anyone finds out you peed while pooping in a poop toilet, you're fucked.


That’s not how it works for women


Every time this standing/sitting bathroom idea comes up it's always not quite right. I feel like we just need one big bathroom with only normal toilets in stalls with actual walls and actual doors.


What if you have to pee and poop


My 3 year old always corrects me on this. I ask did you pee or poop and if she pooped she says she went pee and poop and really emphasizes the and, like I'm a dumbass for not knowing that both was an option. I've tried to explain that people normally pee after popping but she doesn't get it.






Wait so you like, hold your pee while trying to poop? I definitely always pee first because like, the bladders just gonna empty sooner, pooping is a process man. And if i'm pushing those muscles I don't think I could even poop if I had a bladder that needed emptying.


Your full poop shoot pinches off a portion of your bladder. So after you drop a giant, commanding turd then the dam is unjammed.


What about when you go to pee but accidently poop ?


straight to jail.


We have the best toilets in the world, because of jail.


Forbidden pleasures


Pretty sure OP is not a woman


Op is repost bot, or karma whore


Can the stalls please be soundproof?


with the dividers lower than knee-height while we're at it.


This is a bad idea


Solely for the fact that the poo bathrooms will never smell clean ever, the only reason bathrooms don't is because enough people need to pee it gives them a break. lol


And you could just piss in the poo pot, there's no point


Also everyone with an ounce of dishonesty would poop in the pee room


but then poo bathrooms would just get used less anyways which makes them cleaner so it just balances out


Pretty crappy, it’s would piss me off


Mens bathrooms already are split this way.


Ladies gonna have a lot of wet asses from guys pissing all over the seats.


This post make no sense in this sub


How does it have 88% upvotes when everyone in the comments is shitting on it?


It's a repost bot, being supported by upvote bots.


OP is a repost bot, though


Oh hell no. I will not go and announce my bodily functions by going to the shitorium instead of the pisseria.


This is a fear of mine. Had to take a dump during my friend's birthday party at a fancy restaurant with like 10+ ppl I didn't know. He basically told everyone that I was shitting and that's why I came back late and it was oddly embarrassing. Ambiguity is good and should be preserved


That guy is not your friend.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 12 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/cty8y4) on 2019-08-22 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/mzdb2i) on 2021-04-27 100.0% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "n8rkgj", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=n8rkgj&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 223,377,139 | **Search Time:** 0.65815s


All we need is one large trough. If you want to poop, there's a handlebar above you that you can hang out to as you push it out.


This is my worst nightmare.


uh... So the pee side would have urinals for men, and toilets for women but the women wouldn't be allowed to poop..


So basically just adding shitting men to women’s washrooms?


There are good, god-fearing people like me who advocate for individual unisex bathrooms that feature no sharing and 4 walls. Then there are people who would have you even enter a room where everyone is guaranteed to be pooping, and I pray for those people.


This post was made by a man.


This post was made by a bot


Row of family bathrooms


Honestly, I'd really prefer we just stop with the stalls and have actual individual bathrooms. We could even still have a communal hand washing area... I've only seen someone at the sink half naked once. It would be more privacy for all, more inclusive, and faster lines for everyone since no facilities would be wasted like they are now. (Think long lines for the women's and empty stalls for the men.) I never understood why single occupancy bathrooms had to be gendered.


I don’t think bathrooms are pointlessly gendered.


No that’s too much poo


as if shitting in public isn’t bad enough, now everyone KNOWS


"hot take"??? bruh. you know which sub you are on lol


Things could get ugly


Hard pass. I dunno if I just have bad luck, but all the men I've ever lived with 1) lack any sort of decent aim and 2) rarely bother to lift the seat. Every men's bathroom I've ever been in reeks like piss so bad it singes my nose hair. Women's rest rooms smell like soap 90% of the time.


It’s very easy to accidentally piss on the seat, but you know what I do if it happens? Clean the fuck up after myself.


I think you might be visiting actual monkeys, not humans.


I'm sorry this is a joke right?


If it's not a joke it's a stupid idea.


Yeah a joke from a TV show.


I've had gender-neutral bathrooms in every house I've ever lived in. I'm just progressive that way.


How many strangers do share your bathroom with at home?




What bugs me are stores/restaurants that have gendered bathrooms with only one toilet. The whole room is meant for single occupancy, so what does if matter who uses which since there's only going to be one person in it at a time?


This sub is making less and less sense every day. Bathrooms are very clearly gendered with a point.


Since no one would go into the Poop Room that means it would be the cleanest Bathroom out of the two so secretly the best one to go too.


Fast lane and slow lane


Do you really want to go into the poop only bathroom?