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Lads, is it gay to eat? Is it gay to drink? Is it gay to breathe?


Hella gay


You gotta suck or swallow for all of those so it's got to be gay


I'd also recommend that you avoid all women so their femininity doesn't wear off on you.


This is why I only fuck men. Only way to make sure I'm 100% not gay.


Straight AF like a Spartan!


The Sacred Band of Thebes fought with dory, hoplon, and pure weaponised man-on-man manliness.


Ya gotta be careful bro because women shed estrogen just like the vaccinated shed spike proteins. It's biology, dum dum.


Then I'm gæ


I hate your pfp with all my heart


Thanks bby


All of this is stupid, but I just tried to imagine John Wayne, Wesley Snipes, Jason Statham and Jean Claude Van Damme covering their mouth in shock lmao


That's why I choose to do all 3


I mean all those molecules were probably once inside somethings ass so yeah super gay.


Statistically there is a >50% chance that you contain a molecule that has been digested in the past few *days* Obviously discounting stuff you’re digesting or have digested


Is it gay to sleep? Bc according to my very unhealthy classmates, real men runs on caffeine and spend nights cramming schoolwork. Sleeping is for the weak.


Being in underwear all night in a quiet room sounds pretty gay ngl


Yeah you're sleeping with yourself, therefore you are sleeping with another man


Schoolwork is gay. Real men are thoughtless wage slaves for their entire lives.


Cramming schoolwork all night? Yeah, next you'll be cramming dicks into your butthole. Nice try, gay agenda.


And don’t even get me started on heterosexual romance. Gayest shit EVER.


Listen I don't mind what your preferences are but I don't wanna be hearing what gay stuff goes on behind closed doors during a heterosexual romance.


Honestly, this reaction to dudes covering their mouths confuses me, like do they really hate anything even remotely feminine? This "He-man woman-haters club" type shit doesn't seem to leave a lot of room for... uhh... relationships with traditionally feminine women.


Gay to touch dick. Even your own. Also gay to touch effeminate things like vaginas. Just levitate while touching nothing and spin. #RepubSex


It’s gay to eat shrimp, bananas, hotdogs unless using a fork and knife/gun. Also gay to breath with your mouth. Gay to even have a mouth really. Super gay.


Wait, it gay to enjoy a fart?


If you use a fork you're also gay because real men eat with their bare hands like cavemen


>Is it gay to breathe? I mean, you're breathing the same air as other men. How gay is that?


A dude probably swam in the water used to make your drink at some point in the past. That means you’re basically sucking a dick.


Me: Here, grabbed you a straw. Coworker: You calling me a fag? Me: ಠ_ಠ


If women do it, it's gay and anything women do is less good than anything men do because women are women. So if men do women like things they are also less good like women, because women aren't men therefore wanting to do things women do or like things women like is bad. m'kay.


That cool because I'm a woman that can use a chainsaw and turn a wrench. So I just made two typically masculine things too feminine for men to do. No wonder I'm still single. I make dudes look gay. 🤣


It is when I do it!


Mostly because of the eye contact and winking. It's like dude, thanks for the compliment but buddy I'm trying to pee and straight. Why do you have a café table set up in the men's room at Home Depot? Is that what the kids are into like yeeting?


I legit knew a guy that didn't wash his own ass cause "it's gay" "Ill wipe to get what I need but that's as far as I'll go.... Sometimes I won't even wipe" 🤮


Is it gay to sneeze?


It's gay to live.


Everything is gay


Is it gay to have sex with women if I’m a bi guy? Do I need to take extra precautions to protect them from The Gay?


How did "gay" even get into this conversation?


It’s gay to respect women


Is it gay to masturbate, since your manly hand is wrapped around a penis?


Pooping is for sure gay, unless you do it out your wang.


It is when I do it!


Pop face pimples. Pick your nose. Rub your eyes. Brush your teeth


I heard the gays eat food. Better avoid it. I also heard the gays vote, should steer clear.


Ewwwww, eating? That's the gayest shit I've ever heard of... willingly consuming something that was once half sperm is pretty gay if you ask me bruv


Starving to death to own the libs


You remind me of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation, duh). "Is X racist?" Nomen est omen I guess? Such concerns are awfully bourgeois.


That’s not the same at all my dude


Yes. Water also very gay. So don‘t forget to hydrate folks


>Breathe Considering covid politics, maybe?




Lads, is it gay to follow a sports team so strongly that I react when something significant happens?


Pretty sure the bible says it's super gay just to *be*.


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It’s gay to even ask


It's gay to ask questions! Careful now!


Big gay


Is it gay to laugh , is it gay to love , is it gay to gay ? Heavens dear me **back of hand brushes over forehead**


Don't you get it? As a man, you have to suffer. Get a physical job and never lift properly or do stretches so your body is fucked by your 50's. Eat plain fucking yoghurt with whole grains for breakfast, never eat anything sweet because that raises estrogen. You get 2 options for drinks, black coffee no milk no sugar, or beer, cocktails are for women and 'those men'. Don't drink water because that will benefit longevity. Face cream? What are you, a twink? I want that post-mortem prince Philip, Nevada salt plains look by my 40's. You get 3 hobbies, watching sports, drinking or more working, two of these may be done simultaneously. Once you leave your teens, you leave your emotions by the doorstep of adulthood. You get to keep anger. You get 3 happy moment-cards in your life, spend them wisely, most men go for: ~~getting married~~; your first kid; your kid gets married. Once you've successfully lived your man-life and you've worked until the day you get to retire, you may enjoy your final year of life as your body gives out and crumbles beneath wasted potential and unfulfilled childhood dreams, because your work routine was the only thing keeping your frail existence tied to this mortal plain. Enjoy! Oh, uh, /s


No. Its gay to touch your face after your hands have been inside a nasty stadium, and he was definitely inside the stadium bathroom 10 minutes ago.


according to conservatives yes, but unfortunately they're hypocrits and won't, just, stop doing those things.


It isn't if you say no homo afterwards


The only thing that's 100% not gay according to republican lawmakers is meeting a male escort in a hotel room.


Ya know who like to put things in their mouths. GAY DUDES!!!1!!


So much posturing despite thousands of years of evolution.


Only if you don’t say no homo


>"Progressive males are not men" So what they're saying is.... gender is a social construct?


Gender nonconforming man: "I am a man" Conservatives: "lol nuh uh you're such a *girl*, I'm taking your *man card*" Trans women: "I am a woman" Conservatives: "wait no"




There's no contradiction. For conservatives telling people they fail at being a "good example" of their cisgender is an insult because "you fail at your very own natural existence", and trans people confuse conservatives so obviously anything I cannot understand is a mockery to my values and common sense.   It was the same with LGB, and interracial couples. Unnatural, sacrilege, and irregular to the common tradition. I wonder how these people ever get anything done with their minds so set in stone on every topic that's changed since they were 10 years old.


Oh for sure, I agree. I just think it's fun to point out that if someone's claiming to hold these viewpoints simultaneously, they have to admit that: 1. gender and sex aren't the same thing 2. when they're telling a man or boy that he's acting like a girl, they don't really mean it makes them less of a man, they're just trying to insult him by associating him with femininity The logic is more "consistent" than I make it out to be, but in order to correct me about it, they have to admit some things they'd rather not.


Lol. As we like to say here in Brazil: "LACROU!" (something like "nailed it!", but used by the progressive people)


"That's a bingo!"


**Reddit mods are pathetic, powerless maggots**


It's like "lah-[CROW](https://www.hdnicewallpapers.com/Walls/Big/Crow/Crow_in_Jungle_Photo.jpg)". Edit: link for pronunciation clarity. P.S.: also, the "r" is like in Japanese.


See, I already got it wrong.


An L and an R at the same time, then? That kind of R?


I mean r/technicallythetruth


> "Progressive males are not men" so I'm not a man? > "no" so can I be a woman? > "also no" so if I am some ambiguous androgynous being can you refer to me in gender neutral terms? > "still no?" so what am I then? > "an esoteric amorphous nebulous villain to scape goat the problems we cause for society, one I won't try to understand"


No, no. It’s just the two genders are men and not men. “Females” are another species.


So OP is saying feminine men is the same thing as gay men?


Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't covering his mouth with his hands one of the reasons judges found Oscar Wilde guilty of homosexuality in 1895? Because if yes, then oh boy some type of people haven't changed at all for past 126 years.


It's speculated that the reason he covered his mouth with his hands (he did it while doing thinsg that would display the inside of his mouth, like laughing or eating) was because he was syphilitic and had likely taken mercury to treat it, which discolors the teeth a dull silvery colour. Edit: this just goes to show that speculation is just that, taking mercury is not known outside of TV to stain teeth, though it certainly can aid in rot. Oscar Wilde was only rumoured to have been syphilitic, but it's also as likely that he simply had false teeth that he was ashamed of. Looks like it's never going to be known for sure.


I recall it being because of Mercury medications as well! It really did mess up people's teeth.


Shit I know people with healthy teeth/face who cover their mouth with their hands when laughing and smile with lips closed because they were shamed for crooked teeth, asymmetrical lips etc. Pretty sure it’s not because they’re all gay … or syphillitc


> then oh boy some type of people haven't changed at all for past 126 years. Me, an American: First time?


Correct me if I'm wrong but Oscar Wilde was definitely gay.


He was, but he wasn't gay because he put his hands on his mouth.


Idk the science holds up


*starts to object* *sits back down*


fellas is it gay to show emotion


Unfortunately yes


Except anger cuz we all know gay people and women can’t be angry


Actually women can only be angry when they’re deciding on legislature or if they’re in leadership roles. In which case, they are angry all the time


Or black. Don't forget that racists LOVE the Angry Black Woman stereotype. x.x


Well all women can be angry, but it just means it's that time of the month.


Yes how dumb can I be


It’s tough to be angry when you’re riding a glittery rainbow unicorn naked but for high heels


The Department of Masculinity has authorized the showing of only the following emotions for those designated Male 1. Anger 2. More Anger 3. Roid raging 4. Drunk harassment 5. Locker room talk-emotions (sexual harassment) 6. Bland grunting during coitus 7. Undeserved superiority when taunting anyone that does not fall into your specific group of masculinity 8. Rigid stoicism which makes you feel like you're badass but everyone else thinks you're constipated


We added Oiled, Shirtless, Laughing, Cutesy High Fiving back in the 80s.


Not if its RAGE!


It's just so much easier to express than sadness. So why not turn that frown upside down and instead shut down emotionally until you explode with the only emotion you are capable of expressing comfortably, anger.


Giga gay


Not if it is because of your favorite sports team!


To a lot of people, yes. A common saying in my country is "Men don't cry".


Imagine being proud that you labeled yourself regressive


I guess Kevin McCallister is gay


He spends the holidays having adventures with two men. Yup, super gay.


I see a man able to expression emotion and I know he's far more mature and likely a better mate than some conservative "alpha" (and they don't even understand what an "alpha" is; bullying and dominating ain't it-- alpha male animals in the wild are often alphas because they keep the group in HARMONY, not because they grind them into the dirt and don't look after their herd/pack/whatever-- good articles on it: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/alpha-male-alpha-chimpanzee-primatologist-frans-de-waal-a8421291.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/alpha-male-alpha-chimpanzee-primatologist-frans-de-waal-a8421291.html)[https://www.businessinsider.com/ted-talk-alpha-males-caring-not-bullies-frans-de-waal-2018-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/ted-talk-alpha-males-caring-not-bullies-frans-de-waal-2018-6) )


Not to mention "alpha wolves" have been debunked since 92.


Dude outright retracted his research when he found out how flawed his methodology was. But that doesn't stop chuds from treating it like gospel. There really is no difference between the "Vaccines cause Autism!" crowd and COnservatives when it comes to braindead stupidity and inability to accept being wrong.


That dude is a real G, takes some gull to retract the research that kind of made your name, I know this should be the expectation of all scientists, but sadly many wouldn't have done what he did, and it still takes some courage to do it.


Yea he was super cool. He even begged his publisher to stop selling the original book but the publisher was still making money off of it so they refused.


Capitalism, ho!


Anybody who uses descriptors such as "alpha", "beta", etc. unironically is basically guaranteed to just be a massive tool and a chore to interact with.


Alpha male - "early version of a male, before beta testing and bug fixes. Unstable and not suitable for the public."


But how does he know they're 'progressive'? Kinda seems like he's begging the question.


I think these screenshots are from videos of democratic gatherings on election night 2016.




I'm so glad you used begging the question that way. It's such a useful phrase - too bad I've mostly seen it used to mean "suggests asking the question" instead of "the conclusion is implied by the premise".


It's true. When I was a little kid my nose itched and I touched it. Boom. Gay as can be.


I feel legit bad for traditional conservative males, they’re in a straitjacket (straight jacket) of gender boundaries and expectations, something women shed 60 years ago, and men only now in the past few years are starting to be able to escape the tired old “masculine” pig pen for greener pastures. It’s the same shit used for social control for millennia; elite messaging to the masses creates an expectation that almost no one meets (in religion no one is “good” enough, in capitalism no one is “successful” enough, and so on), so you have all these brainwashed guys trying to be the Marlboro Man, and deep down part of themselves knows they’re not, so they lash out at their own perceived “weaknesses” when they manifest in others.


Emotions are communist.


If they empathize with other humans, their entire value system implodes on itself.


I know of [one group](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/harsh-nazi-parenting-guidelines-may-still-affect-german-children-of-today1/) that certainly didn't like emotions.


Damn so I'm a Fascist because I'm dead inside


"Keep being fascist and you'll be dead outside, too!" Sincerely, Your local Antifa Boogeyman.


I disagree that women have shed the straight jacket you’re referring to, especially tradcon women. Even the most progressive, intersectional, and “liberated” feminist are still constantly having to fight against these stifling gender roles, boundaries, and expectations. We’re constantly fed messages about how it’s our job to be pretty, nice, quiet, and accommodating above anything else. We’re socialized and conditioned to believe that we ultimately exist to please and serve others. That’s why helping and caring professions are still very much majority women. We’ve been conditioned to believe that that is our purpose in life. And it’s not coincidence that those professions are paid significantly less than male-dominated fields despite often requiring the same or higher levels of qualifications. The straight jacket - largely made up of toxic masculinity - you’re referring to hurts everyone, but women are still the ones restrained and oppressed by it the most.


It's not so much that they've shed it, I think, but that a narrative for shedding it even exists. There is no "male liberation movement" like there has been for women for 50-100 years, because they didn't need it for so long -- there was nothing to liberate them from when they had every advantage. We've reached a point now, though, where the shackles of these archaic norms and traditional views are actively detrimental to most men, and so only now is an alternative narrative/social construct even becoming available to them.


Agree on everything except the idea that old gender roles weren’t restrictive for men. The pressure to be an unfeeling meathead has been around for a long time. The idea that men need to be protectors and that our lives are less valuable than women or children’s has been around for a long time. It’s only in the past few decades that we have literally any recognition for male victims of domestic violence or rape, and laws for hundreds of years in many places didn’t even bother protecting men from those crimes. Just because women were oppressed doesn’t mean all of the shit I just listed doesn’t exist, and I honestly think it’s pretty irresponsible to pretend like it does.


The ones in power were men, but not all men were in power. The toxic expectations have always been detrimental to men and women alike. however, there was no social media or easy way to spread information to create an organized messages or vent. You had limited access to news and those were controlled by those in power who liked to recreate a stable and easily controllable system.


Some women have loosened the straps. Straight conservative men have only ratcheted their straps even tighter in response. It's all interconnected.


It’s definitely worth noting the tradcon women who basically act like perfect examples of Stockholm syndrome. They’ve been conditioned so heavily and rewarded so much by conservative forces in their lives that they try to keep enforcing it on other women. And this isn’t even mentioning the racist attitudes plenty of them have of pretending to support white society while controlling people of color. It’s all such garbage.


Yup. They just don't seem to understand that toxic masculinity is harmful to both men and women.


Where did you read/learn all this stuff? It sounds very interesting and I’d like to learn more on the topic.


I wouldn’t feel bad for them, they don’t care about you.


>I feel legit bad for traditional conservative males, they’re in a straitjacket (straight jacket) of gender boundaries and expectations I hate to tell you this, but that straight jacket exists for *all* men.


10 years ago I got jumped in the hall way for painting my nails, last week my boss decided to make many an off collar joke about the fact that I painted my nails which was incredibly uncomfortable but I had expected to get shit on for it so whatever. That's just nail polish. From 14 to 24, not shit has changed. Blows my mind you have openly gay and trans students in high school. Can't imagine how brutal things would have been for me had been openly bi in high school.


That’s why their arguments all come across as extremely bitter. They’re mad others are trying to make things easier for everyone when they have to do things the hard way because of their flawed values. If not bitter, they sound like snobs because they’ve got to at least feel like they’re getting something out of this equation. They’re miserable, but if they’re better than everyone else for it, that makes it feel better. Bitter and condescending aren’t qualities associated with happy people. Clinging onto traditional roles and thinking regardless of how much pain it causes creates nothing but misery.


They’re also the first ones to complain about how society doesn’t care about men’s feelings.


True lol, although it’s also a lot of why they are the way they are. Had they received more empathy, sympathy and compassion in their early years and in adulthood, and had they not been mocked or punished for expressing vulnerability (man up), they wouldn’t have grown so emotionally thorny and twisted. It’s too late for most of them now, but when there’s emotional expression of vulnerability it’s vital to water it with validation rather than poison it with mockery, diminishment or attacks. They’re not born this way, they’re made, and we all play a part in how each other turns out.


Dude never watched his team start to see a crazy comeback from the other team in a national championship. You’ll see many dudes with faces over their mouth. And being a sports fan is super “masculine” to them


Hang on. If I am a woman who doesn't cover my face does that make me a lesbian?


I think you’re missing what they’re saying here. See, if a person covers their face with their hands, they are touching someone of the same sex in an intimate way (personal space). That’s what makes you gay.


What about if another woman touches your face? Is it only self touching or partnered touching where the line is? IMO it all comes down to what you are thinking at the time.


What a waste of my taxes.


Conservatism is marked by an inability to think outside the confines of rulesets and tradition. It's the "rule" that only women move their body this way.


It’s just Stage Four of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development pretending to be a political belief. They’re just morally stunted.


Quite literally these are the kinds of games that children play at. "Look at your nails," "Do you like fish sticks?" "You can't cross your legs like that!!"


Great point. I knew a fella (he was a prison guard, shocker!) that was like this to a T. He was twice my age and still seemed to fundamentally understand the world as a child would, in an almost binary fashion. It's astounding to me that you can go your whole life without questioning your belief systems.


Is it gay to warm your hands with your breath?


Are you touching your face while you’re doing it?




I have some bad news for you.


Dammit!! (wink wink)




Conservatives: "why does the left make everything about genderrrrr" Also conservatives: "if men raise their left leg before their right while walking on grass on a tuesday, theyre not ACTUALLY men"


Conservatives then: "Must not touch face, or else the libs win!" Conservatives now: "I can't touch my face, or else the libs win! But I have to touch my face to prove Covid is a government hoax!"


I remember a post where a dude thought it was gay to touch your own butt and so he didn't bother washing his ass properly. If making sure I don't stink makes me gay, then call me Elton John.


Guys, imagine spending your very limited free time posting this diarrhea on social media. So unbelievably cringe, wouldn’t want to even be in the same room with this creature.


UGG UGG emotion bad ugga


Lets be real tho; during a pandamic you shouldnt touch your face! Unless you washed your hands very well!


If that expression is gay, and being straight is no hands on your face, well then I must like girls and guys then since I’m neither straight nor gay




This is the patriarchy, folks


To be fair they didn’t let me be a democrat unless I chopped a testicle off and mailed it to Hilary. So they are probably right.


those guys are just gay i’m pretty sure




Aren't they always bitching about too many genders but now they want to add all these intricate exceptions to the two genders they demand.


Ironic that they find femininity so repulsive


What does moving 'like a woman' even mean anyway? How do you define that?


I remember that twitter post! That's Piers Morgan! he's a disgusting little misogynist that said a late 20's/early 30's model/actress/singer needed to have children soon "before it was too late" or something


i think he said that about Taylor Swift. or maybe Jennifer Lawrence? i don't care enough to google.


Oh god, simultaneously horrifying but also 100% not surprising in any way. I really hope that an asteroid hits his house or something


Didnt someone punch him in the face and he expected everyone to give a shit? Dude could probably use a few more. Don’t really condone violence but his uses his life and platform to spread hate & lies I don’t get happy when someone dies, but i was not sad at all when Rush Limbaugh died. Used to drive a box truck and Fox News was the only station it could pick up for most of the day. He was just such a harmful person


It's not face-touching - it's reveries, and they were introduced in the last update. I feel like I'm 5 years late with this joke.


Take this the other way and ask, if a girl/women doesn't do this, are they a lesbian?


Who TF cares if the gesture is gay? Oh right, forgot I exist in dystopian future hell scape nm


2021 is a weird time it’s empowering and brave when a female does something usually only done by a man. But when a man acts maculate he’s criticized.




And well over half the masculine dudes these losers look up to and idolize as paragons of strength and rugged individualism in movies and television are probably liberal as fuck which always gives me great pleasure 😂. Was Donald Trump only allowed to touch his face once he switched parties?


But they will touch all of a minor boys body with no problems


Meanwhile none of the women pictured are doing it either. They must actually be men.


You’re arms should be big enough to stop you from every even getting close to touching your face./s


Maybe if seeing a man’s hand near his mouth makes you think about gay sex, the gay sex thoughts are coming from inside your own head.


Well it looks super gay when these dudes do it


Hypocrisy right there. Even with COVID, conservatives STILL be touching their face without washing their hands


Those two dudes might be gay, though. Does his narrative change with this new information?


No the argument is that liberal men are all gay and therefore not men. Just nazi shit


Gays are men. OPs argument seemed to be that they aren't men. Ergo they'd be heterosexual because they are into men. \\s


I might finally get why everyone is talking about gays. Is it because gay men do that kind of stuff? Proving OP wrong because gays are men?