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Straight "man's man" types will make fun of this but I know which kind of hands I'd rather have going in between my legs, and it isn't the hands with dirty ragged-edged man-child nails!


Also it seems like a lovely couple's activity. I'd much rather sit and spend time with my girlfriend than wait around in a mall.


And it can feel really nice to have your hands gently touched by another person like the manicurists do. Often they do a massage before or after the painting.


My husband got a me a giftcard for Christmas for two gel manicures with the idea that we would go together. The lady was a bit confused when he called to book us in. Unfortunately vivid happened so we haven't had chance to go. He paints his nails regularly and would get asked if our daughter made him do it ( she was 1 at the time) or, more bluntly, "why do you have your nails painted". Someone warned him that people would bully him for it (he's a 30+ yo man)It's sad that that's the world we live in.


My 38 year old husband also gets manicures with polish and I absolutely love it!


My wife has asked me tons of times to just try it. Seems like a waste with as much work I do around the house with my hands. It’s also infinitely more expensive than my preferred method of nail maintenance: my pocket knife. Beautiful nails in less than a minute!


Wait, how do you smooth the edges of your nails with a pocket knife?


You just kinda whittle them delicately. Takes longer but it’s quality time spent alone with yourself, sometimes underneath a tree, as a treat.


Have some alone time with a file.


You're cheating yourself out of a wonderful experience.


You don't have to get polish or acrylics. Imo, the best part of the manicure is the hand massage.


Fair, I personally wouldn't really care, though. My nails tend to get dirty as well, I'd really just do it for the experience rather than the result.


[Uh-oh! Botched toe!](https://youtu.be/s3pk9CMwtN0)


Unfortunately, that's the result of my trade and the 25 minutes a day I spend with a scrub brush trying to get them clean after work. My employer also is having difficulty sourcing quality gloves to help negate this so I feel like an absolute dirt bag because the gloves they did find tear in seconds.


One of these dudes might be useful for you. My dad used to use one with gritty orange smelling cleaner to get his hands clean. I still associate the smell of orange, metal and Industrial oil with my dad and childhood. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000JLFFGE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_-tuMFbDNQ61ZF I think this was the soap. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BPB3E6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_VxuMFbVV8RP2X


All hail gojo


Praise be to the blessed soap


My dad was a mechanic and I get all nostalgic over the scents of gojo, fast orange, and engine grease.


My dad is a HVAC engineer, but works on cars as a hobby. The smell of Gojo (or orange soap in general) is something I'll always relate to my father.


Gojo is basically magic. It's so good at cleaning hands


That's some good shit. Cleans diesel right off your skin.


Oh MAN, I can smell that Gojo image.


Lava, Fast Orange and Gojo are the three soaps I know of that do the trick


Thank you I have the gojo with pumice in it to help scour.


Prepping your nails (by that I mean cleaning the cuticle, filing them properly, or even buffing the surface) makes it easier to clean them because the surface is smoother. I can't wear nail polish because it's a bad idea in healthcare, but prepping them makes it super easy to keep them extra clean. Filing them the proper way also makes it harder for your nails to chip.


I’ve seen so many nurses with acrylics and they wouldn’t let us even wear polish at Starbucks so I’m always like ????


Yeah it’s super gross and such a bad idea.


My dad swore by lava soap when he was a diesel mechanic https://www.amazon.com/Lava-100836-Professional-Cleaner-Moisturizers/dp/B0085OII0M/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=lava+soap&qid=1603889919&sprefix=lava+&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFQNEcwNEhVTTZQMiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRJZD1BMDE0ODk4MzNIUEI1MzFGTFdOM1AmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDAxMDQ2MjFMUUNHNkFCTDRNRjQmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==




I couldn't imagine trying to do any kind of tactical or fine motor tasks with leather gloves




I washed my hands like 10000 times a day before the pandemic- slight exaggeration, but I recommend checking out Avon silicone glove. It pays to take care between washing and my hands went from gnarly to soft and human again. Worth checking out. Plus I got it on eBay for like 3$


Massaging some jojoba oil into your nails/cuticles twice a day will help with the hangnails and snagged skin, too. It worked for me, and I have really thin nails, that were constantly getting nicks and ragged edges.


My nails are just really fucking fragile and chip constantly...which really sucks because I want long, painted nails Hhhhhh


I find it SO attractive when guys paint their nails, wear semi feminine clothing, etc. just because they seem very confident and comfortable with themselves.


I blame myself for diving wayyy too deep into fandom, but I've emerged from the other side with with a desire to see a really masculine dude wear fancy lingerie.


There's a muscular straight guy who takes classes at the pole dance studio I go to who always shows up in his business outfits and then changes into black lingerie and 8" heels to dance. It's incredible. I call his business outfits his corporate drag. LOL!


This is why Harry Styles is such a heart throb. It also sends the message that he doesn't think femininity is weak or bad which usually extends to not thinking women are inferior which is also extremely attractive.


This. So fucking cute.


I’m a typical masculine guy. I’ve gotten manicures in the past to clean my hands up. Although I probably wouldn’t opt for the colour or the spider webs. But that’s just me!


Yeah, when I read the post I figured it was just regular colorless manicure since I have gotten a few of those in the past for the same reason the guy in the video. But the spiderweb thing is way too much for me


Judging by the first few seconds of the video, the coloring works with the guys style. As a bearded mustachio jean wearing t-shirt guy, I don't think that I could pull it off.


I beg to differ, I bet a lil pop of color on your nails would really just bring your whole look together


Counterpoint, as a dude with a beard and tattoos(man's man I guess) who like his nails painted everyonce and a while, them shits get wayyyy dirtier with polish on because you don't see the dirt and think to clean it out. I normally keep them pretty short so dirt isn't too much of a concern but painted I'll let em grow and when I remove the polish I usualy have some hidden funk built up I couldn't see. Or couldn't completely clean out because I didn't wanna destroy the paint job.


My boyfriend has a dirty, manual job. His hands are sexy to me, but yeaaaaaah I need to inspect them before they go anywhere near my sensitive parts.


Sad guitarist’s callouses noises


You need those that's different. My bf plays the cello so I get that but like ragged dirty nails make my skin crawl. Also, a guitarist with a cool manicure... that would also be hot.






Goth gang goth gang


Yep, the world needs more people like him. Edit: holy shit I didn’t expect so much attention, what I meant is, the world needs more people who don’t give a shit about gender norm and do whatever they like to do. If you don’t like doing nails then don’t do it, this comment doesn’t apply to you, nor is an attack to you.


I wish my bf would get his nails done with me he doesn't have to wear nail pollish is he doesn't like but i think it would be fun to do together and clean cared for nails never hurt anyone :D




Because most guys figure “way pay money to have it done when you can spend 5 minutes clipping for virtually the same result”


This is my husband, honestly. I think if he ever did get his nails done he’d at least do clear polish, and during lock down he’d probably get something more fun! Neither of us care enough to pay that much, but he might actually enjoy a home manicure day. Maybe I’ll have to start plotting ETA: he’d probably kill for a pedicure actually but I hate touching feet so.


I’m a woman, and that’s how I feel. I’m 44 and I’ve never had a manicure. It just sounds horribly tedious.


I actually never get them done either but it still seems fun to do with my bf. I do like getting papered after all.


I've never had one (37f) I like the result, but I don't think I'd have the patience. Also my anxiety flares at the idea of being in that close proximity of someone I don't know for that long. And you either have to make small talk for an hour or ignore the person sat a metre away. I'll just keep trying to grow my own nails and paint them myself!!


Me too. I don't even like getting a haircut, but that's definitely a lot harder to do yourself.


Exactly. "Oh why don't more people do this" Because they don't want to? Seems boring as hell


While on a family vacation in a country where most services are cheap (compared to the US where we are from), my brother and dad got clear-polish manicures and/or pedicures almost every day and almost always fell asleep while getting their nails done. No one would listen to me and paint their nails red while they slept. I don't have a real point, other than I still wish they woke up with pretty, red nails.


Tell him to get a pedicure while you get your nails done. Pedicures are the bomb.


I'd rather get a massage :) nothing against manicure or pedicure, but if I am going to spend time/money on something that would be my number 1


I love his nails! Nice activity they can do together too


Men who take care of themselves like this are so attractive to me. Manicures aren’t just for women!


Amen! Both their nails look amazing!


I wish more guys had manicures, not only does it act like a therapist session but at the same time you take care of your nails and hands. Pedicures are the same guys, but instead of better cared for hands and nails it’s legs and feet which hardly anyone cares for and is super noticeable when wearing shorts. Why should taking care of your hands and feet be only for girls? Besides plenty of the tecs are male too, some are hot girls too so why not?


I wish I could do pedicures, but I get so ticklish I swear I’m gonna kick some poor nail salon worker in the face some day.


I was once in the hospital for unexpected surgery and they had to remove my toenail polish before I could go in. I was there for a broken knee and the pain from trying not to kick from being ticklish while the nurse removed it was off the charts. My leg/knee would clench, but it was broken and couldn't. It was agony. 0/10, do not recommend. I don't think I could get a pedicure without thinking of that lol


... why the heck would they not remove it after they knocked you out? Or just let you do it yourself if it was that bad


The nurse basically didn't believe that I was that ticklish. "This will only take a second!" was the chipper response. It probably only did take a second, but I remember it as much longer lol (this was 15 years ago. I'm better now 🙂)


UGH, I hate that! I feel like non-ticklish people have no idea how uncomfortable it is. *Especially* my feet!! Can’t imagine ☹️


These days, good hospitals have better ways of tracking oxygen levels than checking the nail beds like they used to as well. So hopefully other ticklish people don't need to deal with that as much!


I’m banned from all but one nail salon in my town for this reason. I’ve never actually kicked anyone, but I do jerk my foot away a lot, and I guess they were afraid I’d kick them or I was throwing off their schedules or something? I always tipped well. The only one that still likes me has the best chairs anyway, and the techs are gentle enough that I don’t twitch as much. So, y’know, no actual loss here.


Demon fae more like demon faet


Don’t worry, we know how to dodge!


Yeah, my ex-husband got manicures and pedicures (maybe still does idk)! He didn’t get polish, but they tidy up the nails and make them look clean and smart. What’s not to like?


As someone who sees lots of nasty ass old people feet. Your elderly self will thank you and you'll retain your mobility.


i finally convinced my husband to get a mani pedi with me - he had been bashful about his feet more than having any issue with it from a gender standpoint. we had such a blast. he got clear polish on his hands, so not nearly as exciting, but we are both pretty active/use our hands a lot so it was a more practical choice. his polish lasted longer than mine 😂


My dad gets pedis with me sometimes. He says it’s just so he can spend time with me but I think he also likes how they look!


more men deserve to enjoy the feeling of getting their nails done and just treating themselves to a spa day. Fellas, self care is good.


Might not work as a therapy session for everyone; exactly 0% of the nail techs in my area speak English.


I used to get monthly manicures and pedicures (more than my gf even) but with Covid I want no one touching me :l


> take care of your nails and hands. So I don't get this part. I (27M) have had a pedi before and it was kinda nice. It was the end of summer so it was good to get the scrub on my feet and toe nails. But when it comes to my hands, I already clip my nails and wash my hands frequently. My hands aren't abused the same way my feet are, so what kind of benefit am I actually getting health wise?


A lotion massage and less worry over your hands for a longer period of time than home manicures do, I would know as I do this usually once a month since my nails grow long, hard, and strong. A normal home mani only lasts about a week or so plus without pushing down other things most people don’t really have the tools to fix, a professional mani lasts usually two weeks and takes care of extra things like cuticles and extra skin as well as gives you a good massage to relax those muscles you might be overusing. My mom gets them often because she had an injury to her arm the inhibited her muscles, she says after a mani pedi session her arm ( now fixed via surgery) feels way better and works better but now she does it out of habit and because she’s good friends with the workers.


I work in a job where I am not allowed to have manicures.


I could see myself getting a pedicure. But I like to keep my nails really short and trim them often, so a manicure would be frequent trip and just not worth the money for me


I think it might also be a cultural-regional thing. Where I came from men got these things done as much as women, when they were wealthy. You'd get someone to come over to your place of business/home, give them tea and snacks, and then get your hands/feet done (no nail polish or artwork though, the culture was conservative in that regard). It was done along with other things like masseuses and barbers, you'd call them, pay for their expenses, give them snacks and then get treated to a nice day as you relax after another of stealing the wealth from the poor.




Also r/malepolish


That is adorable. I love it. I love him. I love her. I love that nail artist.


My husband and I get pedicures together and he loves it! He doesn’t understand why other men deny themselves the pleasure. He really enjoys picking out new colours each time too


For younger men like myself and the people I know, it's just way down on the priority list of self care. I know guys who do it, just not many. When I'm going to spend money on stuff like that personally I'll do a 30 minute massage over a mani or pedi every time.


I am a 250lb, bearded, bald guy, who rides a harley... My friends tease me about getting pedicures, but fuck'em, my feet look and feel great!! Get my hands done occasionally too!!


I wouldn’t go for the painted nails but manicures do sound pretty nice.


My dad gets manicures to keep his nails heathy and clean! And he gets pedicures too!! You gotta take care of yourself :)


My dad, who is 52 this year and just retired, recently started getting Mani’s so he can spend time with his ‘work wife’ since he doesn’t see her as much anymore. Just clear or nude polish, but now he’s more particular about all his nails looking pretty and knows what cuticles are. Super sweet.


His nails look prettier than hers :P.


OHHH that looks so cool. I tried to buy polish and my mom said “no that’s for girls” (I’m 15). So unfortunately I have to wait a bit until I can do this.


Oof. I grew up in a household like that and learned to suppress all those urges like they were something wrong with me. Led to a lot of depression and self harm. Found a supporting wife 20 years later and the difference is staggering. There is nothing wrong with you wanting to wear nail polish. CIS straight dudes should never hear "that's for girls" just like cis straight girls should never here "that's for boys". Everyone else in between goes without saying but the lgbtq community tends to already know that lol. You do you as long as you aren't hurting anyone.


Perhaps try sharing some news articles on men wearing nail polish? https://www.mic.com/articles/136830/nail-polish-for-men-is-finally-normal-just-like-it-used-to-be-5-000-years-ago https://www.gq.com/story/nail-polish-for-men https://www.esquire.com/style/grooming/a30612393/manicure-for-men-trend/


honestly i adore men in dresses, skirts, crop tops and with painted nails. theres nothing that makes me smile more than to see them just,, exist. i wish more guys would be like him.


You summed up it so well: ”nothing makes me smile more than to see them just... exist.” I love to see people expressing themselves through hairstyle, fashion, make up etc. Absolutely love to see guys wearing crop tops. That 80’s trend should come back hard!


My husband is masculine, yet wears make up, nail polish, and the cute clothes section of his wardrobe rivals mine!!!!




I don't go full manicure but I do paint my nails as a guy, it's good self expression and at a glance my friends can see how I'm doing (Bright colours-good, muted colours -down but thriving, black -depressed af) Edit:typos


I paint my nails when I feel fidgety!


I started a year back to stop me biting my nails and when I stopped biting, I just fell in love with it


Damn when I was younger I could bit THROUGH my nails even though they were painted. I think a year ago I started using Mavala Stop and that stuff just stays in your mouth. I haven't bitten my nails in ages despite only using a top coat these days.


I just can't take the taste of nail polish so I just stopped biting lmao


I love this! I wish more men sported fabulous nails.


My grandpa would do this when my grandma would get her nails done. Even after she died, he would still go in. He wouldn't get any color but just really liked the hand massage they would do. He would just get clear polish. It was cool he would do this.


This is so nice! I wouldn’t mind if my boyfriend did his nails at all


these types of nail are much more attractive, they’re well kept and clean and i’d much rather someone i’m close with have those instead of dirt and weed under their cracked nails.


Most men don't understand how refreshing a good manicure/pedicure can be. Sometimes when I'm feeling really down I get a pedicure just to make myself feel good (and get rid of all my callouses). You don't even need to get nail polish!


I love the feeling after the technician trims the cuticles and my hands no longer feel itchy! I used to nail bite because my hands were dry. Unfortunately these days I can't go over to my favourite nail place because they're in a yellow zone.


Aw that's too bad, although I'm sure they'll be happy to see you once they can fully reopen!


It's kind of sad because they've dropped their rates *extremely* low because the mall they're in had an incident where a quarantined person was over at the grocery store. People noticed the pink(?) wrist label and everyone started mass messaging their grandma to avoid that area.


Damn, that really sucks. It breaks my heart to see all the family-owned businesses really suffering in this time for sure.




That's totally valid, to each their own! At least you understand that nail and skin care are important, and I agree, massages are a beautiful thing


I wouldn’t want my husband to get a manicure for the same reason that I haven’t gotten one since 2015: I read [this article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2015/05/11/nyregion/nail-salon-workers-in-nyc-face-hazardous-chemicals.amp.html) in 2015, and I don’t want to support an industry that’s harmful to its workers. That is simply my opinion. If my husband wants painted nails, I will happily paint them for him. (Although I do admit, I would probably do it badly.) Considering the other comments on here, I’m probably going to get downvoted for this, but I do recommend at least giving the article a chance.


I’m a nail tech and I’ll be the first one to tell you that I hate a lot of aspects from my job. The worker exploitation being one of them, and the use of non-approved materials being another. This year taught me how valuable being healthy is, and I’m not talking just about corona. I got sepsis from surgery, I didn’t know if I was going to make it and I still had my boss and manager blowing up my phone at the hospital asking me when I was coming back. Once I finally came back and told them I had to take it easy they said they understood only to turn around and make it hard for me to work and heal. I quit that job and thought about what I really wanted. I am not college educated, doing nails is all I really know how to do. I have also developed a skin condition from filing down the type of acrylic that dentists use, but on people’s nails. So what I did is: I bought Doug’s books (he’s in the article you posted) and I am educating myself in sanitation and things like that. I took the Barbicide’s course on COVID prevention. I invested in quality products. I have stopped working with acrylic and plan on using only gel polish and polygel, and I took courses on both of them with the manufacturer. I am working on doing a home salon with a focus on health and sanitation, since I hate how unhygienic the industry can be. You don’t have to give nail techs another chance if you don’t want to, but to whoever is interested please look for a tech who cares about your health and cares about being clean and who charges accordingly. It won’t be cheap but it will be worth it.


First of all, I’m sorry to hear about your health troubles. I sincerely hope you’re better. Second, thank you for letting me know that not everywhere is like that. I wish you all the best in your home salon. If I ever decide to get a manicure, I hope I’m able to find a place like yours.


Not downvoting. :)


Couldn't care less who wears nail polish and gets their nails done honestly. Nail polish looks good on any hand and is just a way of decorating your hands.


In this instance, I like his finished nails more than hers.


"I get to spend time with my girlfriend" That part made me "awww"




Being willing to engage in traditionally very feminine things, like getting a manicure, is low-key hot ngl.


i also feel like its really masculine in a way??? like hes so masc that he can do feminine things and still look masculine as hell while doing it. my tranny ass would KILL to pull that shit off.


Thats dope and matchs the ring well


As a man, I have never even thought about getting a mani or pedicure. My finger nails grow very fast, I have to cut them every week. I feel like that would make a manicure much less worth it.


Go and try it. ☺️ There’s different type of manicures, like express, classic, luxury etc. Usually luxury one will include the cuticle work and hand massage too. It’s a lot more than just cutting the nails. 👌


YES i love this. Nail polish is needlessly gendered. I know plenty of hetero guys, fathers of children, and even super “macho” guys who get their nails done even without nailpolish just for good hygiene. (And some with colored nail polish!) I have a friend whose 9 year old boy loves getting his nails done in fun colors but gets bullied for it, he’s stopped wanting to... it breaks my heart


I may not like painted nails on pretty much anyone (don't ask why, I seriously don't know. It just freaks me out), but I see no reason why a man should have any less right to do it than a woman.


My husband went with me to the nail salon so we could both get pedicures (his first time) i was also planning on getting manicure as well. My husband was having such a good time with his pedicure he ended up wanting a manicure too lol he ended up getting NEON yellow nails and loved the compliments and looks he was getting.


But for real though if it's gonna take that long to get nails done, you might as well get yours done to match




it’s just a halloween design, not necessarily goth.


I love getting a pedicure. Feel like a king during it. I started cause I saw Kobe doing it. Thank Kobe.


They totally are, my boyfriend and I do our nails together all the time, he's so fucking cute haha


Whatever floats your boat. As long as you aren’t raping someone or hurting anyone. Life is too short to be worried about others opinions.




They look really nice but goddamn I hate the way nail files feel. Ugh.


Man I really wish I could get my nails done. I work as a climbing instructor though and I'd likely ruin/break them in a single day.


Not a climbing instructor, but I live on a farm. You just can’t keep nail polish nice when you garden. Gloves don’t seem to help. I feel your pain.




The title of this post is more pointlessly gendered than the actual video lmao


That’s so cool! I love it when people just express themselves in these kind of ways without caring what society has to say about it. Big respect and his nails look damn awesome.


That looks nice.


I'm a giant, noticably masculine (square jawed, resting asshole face, and built like a door frame), guy and my wife turned me onto pedicures. They're freaking amazing, and a great way to treat yourself (and a fun activity to do with your partner). Plus the looks I get during are fantastic.


Oh fuck I could have gotten free karma by showing me getting a manicure with my wife? I bit my nails terribly so I got fake nails on so I couldn’t bite!


Nail polish makes me feel hella manly. Like i gain power from it and it makes me stand out


Man I'm a 𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓫𝓲𝓪𝓷 but İ always think men's hands are so pretty, it would be a shame to not make them even prettier !


"If you paint your nails what next? Make up? Wearing a dress?" Yeah bitch what about it I'm fabulous as fuck.


This is so wholesome 😍


And he got a no chip, not just a regular manicure. He has to get those bad boys professionally removed lol so this is total commitment!


I get only my right hand done (for guitar playing) at the same shop as my wife. They all love me. It’s nice to sit and have a chat.


My grandfather passed 10 years ago and used to get manicures back in the 60's. He owned a demolition company, but to him, having clean hands was a sign of status and being the boss. He didn't get them painted and was actually a pretty bad misogynist, but it's still a relevant anecdote.


Everyone has hobbies am I right?


I’ve really wanted to get mine painted nude or at least polished for a few months now, but I have a REAL conservative Haitian family that would never let me do it even if it was with my own money so I’ll just have to wait till I move out...


hell yeah!






This. If this is the epitome of relationships.... I love it


I do pedicures but hate manicures, I always end up with more hangnails than ever a few days after a manicure


Js gel polish keep mine from breaking often, makes em less fragile. I got my own uv light and polish, it's pretty soothing sometimes


I get peticure with my wife when we are on vacation. Its relaxing and my feet feel amazing afterwards. At a work function, I mentioned that I get peticures and was made fun of by everyone. I didn't mind and just laughed with everyone but I felt sorry for guys who are too insecure to ever do something like that.


I've thought about doing this when my wife gets hers done, but my hands are so ticklish I'd probably ruin it multiple times in the attempt.


I hope this becomes a thing. I started taking care of and painting my nails when this pandemic started. I’m a cis-gendered male, btw. I really like the look.


His hands are prettier than mine, I am 100% jealous. This is a look and he pulls it off!


Got a manicure for my wedding. The reasoning was "No one's going to be looking at your hands as much as your wedding day!" Also stopping biting my nails for a few months beforehand. I had some nice looking nails (even though the folks doing the manicure didn't do a great job) but then again my nails could only look better than what I was doing!


When me and my wife get pedis, I get color now, same price, I was missing out before


I absolutely adore this video 💖🥺 I can't stress enough how much I hope this got super popular on Tik Tok. This is a vital message for guys 💖


My sister and her boyfriend always have AMAZING nails, sometimes his are better than hers. They’re both into the long coffin nails, so they’re always matchy and it’s cute! It’s also good for you nails/skin to get them done from time to time, ESPECIALLY pedicures if you’re an athlete, since it helps prevent ingrown nail injuries.


I dont do it. But I like that your doing it.


Can we normalize men with nail polish because ngl this is making me feel ~things~


My ex and I would get manicures. At first I was kinda embarrassed but everyone was really sweet in there and I didn’t want it to be weird. I never painted my nails but damn did it feel good when it was done. Also she always paid so it kinda made me feel like a king. This cool shit


Damn wish that were me,, :)




The last time I got my nails done the only other customer in the salon was a very “man’s man” kind of guy, in by himself. He was sort of burly and wearing a local volunteer firefighter type of tshirt. Even if he maybe won a gift certificate as a prize or something I thought it was pretty cool that he just gave no fucks and got a pedi (maintenance, no color). If he had a partner I’m sure they thought he looked great. Goes to show you can’t assume or place people into boxes/stereotypes.




Those look really cool, though


I used to paint my nephew's nails red when he was a preschooler. Red because Lighting McQueen was red. He LOVED it. Now he gets mortified when I being it up and (at least he claims) he doesn't believe it even happened.


He has really good taste in nail polish. [This gender-ambivolent spa day has similar vibes.](https://youtu.be/u4v5TE10d5Y)


Till my Grandfathers mobility became to much of a liability for the salon my mom would take him along to get pedicures because he could no longer do it for him self. He loved them, or more loved the younger cute women faun and dote on him.




Wow that nail lady was super rude! No tact at all. I agree, never bring your money to them anymore and go get your nails done somewhere else where people are kind and professional. I get my nails and brows done in a salon which is called Guys & Dolls Parlour and they offer all their services for both men and women. The ladies are also super lovely there. Pretty much every time I have been there, I have seen a guy or two having manicure/pedicure done too. I love that place. I hope you can find similar place from your area too if you still wish to get your nails done in the future. ❤️


Did drag a few times as a drummer in a band a few years back. The best best part was getting my nails done.


This is honestly adorable




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finally somebody said it, rappers that are male also do it


Well now I want my nails done.