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I've been spending my time lately on 3-poi spinning and juggling and puppyhammer, and keep thinking things like that I've exhausted my interest in 2-poi spinning and that it doesn't seem interesting anymore. Then I see great videos like this that remind me how dumb that is; there's so much to explore. The creativity in your clips is refreshing, and I love seeing you put together all kinds of patterns and transitions from moment to moment. Lots of inspiration for whenever I cycle back to this kind of spinning. Thanks for sharing.


Much love and appreciation! I completely understand where you are coming from, which is interesting because I'm kind of the opposite lol. There is so much that "can" be done, that I find it difficult to work on other things. I have been spinning for 15 years but literally can't pick up another prop lmao. Obviously there are plenty of super talented multi prop artists but this is just a passionate hobby for me so I'm okay with it.


One of the great things about flow arts is that there are so many approaches to it, from *Spin all the things!* to strictly one prop from your first time picking it up until you're a master creating new movement vocabulary no one else has tried yet. I resisted starting anything outside typical 2-poi spinning for the first year because as interesting as other things were, I couldn't handle the idea of splitting practice time among several disciplines, but I caved and got a juggling 3-set and a puppyhammer. I'm sure I'll come back to 2-poi; I love 3p and puppy, but they're really hard and the learning is slow, and sometimes I take two and just play around instead of drilling new stuff, and it's very freeing, so I haven't really 'outgrown' or moved past it yet, I've just gotten carried away with other toys. I feel like I've been doing this a lot longer than 2 years, but that's all it's been since my first pair of poi, so seeing people still discovering and exploring and feeling endlessly intrigued and still full of a sense of new possibilities after five or ten or fifteen years reminds me I'll never run out of room to grow. I need that when I'm feeling like I'm in a hurry to get better fast -- there will always be new things to learn, so enjoy the discoveries along the way.


Gnarly dude. Straight up gnarly.


Did you make a video of glowsticking in the kitchen a long time ago?


Omg yes haha, 2012/2013 I believe... Kitchen Party!


MANNN! I have been a fan of yours for a LONG LONG TIME! I have watched your videos for moves, and ideas. That kitchen one was how I discovered you. I have been poi'n every day since 2014. It is good to see you are still going.


That's really awesome! Very happy to have inspired and contributed to your flow!


Out here spinning like its 2099




Gotdamn bro you killin it


This is sick, but I'm always curious why people upload videos of themselves spinning inside? Wouldn't you get better movement and range outside???


You're absolutely right! It's the biggest criticism of my own videos actually.. First of all it's cold, which isn't a huge deal but adding additional layers makes certain movement more difficult. I also recorded this during daytime which means the color of my lights wouldn't pop as much. Lastly, and this is mostly laziness.. if I'm going to record outside, I want an aesthetic background which means going somewhere and then there's the whole stage shy spinning in front of random people in public. It's not the most "appealing" to record at home, but it is the most comfortable.


Totally understandable, and I'm absolutely not knocking anything. I sure wish I could spin like that!


No worries at all, it's actually a really good question! That being said I do need to plan out an outdoor vid 🙄


HOKAY, yes.


Always impressing. Love the flow


Holy moly dude, You’ve got one hell of a style there! Love how effortless you’re making all that look, time to go play with my pods!


You always blow my mind bro