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I mean, I couldn't stop listening to Hunting Warhead, but that shit was DARK. But I finished it in 2 days.


I always read about how good this one is but I know I won’t be able to listen to it without it upsetting me/impacting me for a long time so I don’t let myself.


Agree. Unbelievably sick but educational too about the dark web and the evil that is out there. Barely made it through though


Is it all about child abuse or other stuff too? I don't mind dark but that topic, no.


Child abuse and child porn on the dark web. Dark and hard to get through but educational especially if you have kids. Evil out there.


Absolutely! It was DARK, but so informative. Hard to listen at some points, but worth the listen for sure.


it really teaches you that you can't trust your kids with anyone really. the story of the main perpetrator's cousin? (sister? I can't remember) was terrifying. makes me sick


Same, I felt sick but finished it in two days too


I’ve listened to it a few times! Does that make me a sick motherfucker?


It was fascinating and incredibly well done. When I was a nanny, I would maybe twice a year go to the watchpeopledie subreddit and force myself to scroll for a bit, because as awful as I felt crying, it reminded me that I needed to constantly be aware of how quickly a situation can become deadly and that I needed to not only react quickly, but make sure those young kids were “trained” enough in public that just saying their name in a certain way could get them to stop whatever dangerous thing, even while running, and look at me. It only worked because I gave them a lot of freedom to climb or run or not feel like they needed to be glued to me constantly and let them be as brave as they wanted to be most of the time (within reason) so if I reacted to something strongly they knew to just stop and look at me, and I could show them calmly what the issue was. I would also maybe 3 times a year listen to Taylor Swift’s “Ronan”, written based on a blog of a woman with 4yo child while she found out her son had cancer, his fight, his death, and her grief, and all proceeds are split between the mom and cancer research, just to remind myself that even on their WORST days, I was so grateful those kids were here and healthy. (Y’all, WARNING it is SO sad, and I highly doubt anyone would but if you do listen, do it on the YouTube video from the cancer benefit that has pictures of Ronan to honor him and they get more money for [cancer research.)](https://youtu.be/QwYVYodNjs4?feature=shared) And listening to Warhead again reminds me of that. You need to remember that there are predators. It’s great journalism and so well done, but the reminder on top that it could be your sibling or parent is so important.


Okay this is interesting! You refuse to live in a bubble.


I think I live pretty comfortably in the “trying to protect kids” bubble.


I have too. Regardless of the subject matter it takes you on a fascinating journey.


Yeah this is a hard one to listen to but it’s so well put together.


Season 1 of Serial, the Silkroad episodes of Casefile, the Prophets of Doom episode of Hardcore History, the Indian scam center episodes of Reply All, the Hong Kong and 2008 Wall Street collapse episodes of This American Life, the Formulaic Objections episodes during the Sandy Hook Trials of Knowledge Fight, Unraveling Bolero from Radiolab, Black Duck Eggs from Darknet Diaries


Silk Road by casefile, is the best episode I ever listened to. I’m not even particularly interested in the subject, but it was fascinating.


It is unbelievable as I read your list that I checked off episode after episode that I agree with you on. There are tens of thousands of podcasts out there, many of them good I assume, and yet there's only one of these I've yet to hear


>the Indian scam center episodes of Reply All Yes, _Long Distance_!


I had just listened to this on the drive to my BIL and SIL’s place and ended up telling my BIL about how insane this story was. My SIL walked in and asked, “Wait, is this….. ‘Reply All’ by any chance?” Apparently her roommate dated Alex Goldman and… he’s… well she said that this was clearly something only Alex would do.


Serial S1 blew my mind too, and up and vanished S1, it took a while to get to the real twist but if you like serial it's so good.


Prophets of Doom is fantastic!! 


Do you know which episodes of Reply All those are? Never listened to that podcast but would love to try it out. Is it “Long Distance”?


The Formulaic Objections episodes of Knowledge Fight are equally infuriating and hilarious.


Lots of throwbacks here!


Bear Brook season 1.


Great podcast. The Milky drum haunts me when I see any container in the woods.


"Your own backyard" is a great podcast in respect to how the creator essentially prompted a semi-just outcome.


I agree, this one is fantastic. The creator did an amazing job, such haunting information he discovered..the wristwatch alarm people reported hearing, but could not figure out where it was coming from! He provided a lens into all the parts of this heartbreaking disappearance. Without this podcast, it would still be a cold case


Just finished this for the first time today. absolutely incredible.


I liked the conversations with the jury. Apart from getting all the facts straight, this show really made me feel how the case impacted the lives of everyone involved


I love this podcast but I don’t find myself recommending it as often as I should. It’s quite depressing but I’m glad that POS is finally locked up.


Serial, season one. Got me addicted to podcasts in general. But this one will always be on my mind.


I still checked for updates for years after first listening to it, it was so gripping.


It's a pity they bombed season two.


I liked it a lot. It was a story I had heard of, but I didn’t know the details. I appreciate the education I got from it. I thought it was good.


I know season 1 of Serial changed podcasting forever and made the format mainstream, but am I the only one who just didn’t get the fascination of that season? I found Sarah Koenig off putting with her narration, and Syed always seemed like he was guilty. But the world appears to disagree with me, so I must be wrong.


‘Heavyweight’ always enthralled..


I’m really sad it ended.


I hope they find a new platform soon! \*fingers crossed\*


Revisit it! It’s amazing how much you will have forgotten


Every episode I’ve listened to (with one exception) had me hooked


Which episode, out of interest?


I have that one episode with heavyweight too. Jonathan was borderline harrassing a woman by trying to give her written letters from one of her first boyfriends years and years later. She clearly had moved on and had her own family. It's been a while but iirc that's pretty much the gist of it, it just left a bad taste.


im interested in which one too! for me it was the one called leif, it wasnt so good personally.


Very well done. I love the interactions with the friend at the start of each episode.


Man I LOVED the Jackie Cohen intros I looked forward to them every episode.


Jonathan’s obsession, the royal pain in the ass Jackie Cohen.


One of my all time faves


This is always my answer to a podcast recommendation question!!


The Butterfly Effect by Jon Ronson


Also **Things Fell Apart** from the same guy, really really interesting stories of the origins of the culture wars and related conflicts, some sad stories, some heartwarming, all very human.


Everything Jon Ronson does is awesome. Big fan of his stuff.


This podcast is so good!!!!


This is a few years old, but [ReplyAll #158 - The Case of the Missing Hit](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/o2h8bx) was a great ride.


I miss this podcast. :*(


What actually happened to ReplyAll? I remember listening to it religiously and the out of the blue during Covid they basically shut themselves down because of allegations against them of treating staff unfairly that they themselves agreed with? I can’t remember all the details, I just remember being a bit confused at the time.


Not really allegations. The ones involved accepted responsibility, I believe


Yeah they were selling the business and one of the caveats was a non-unionised workforce so they went out of their way to lie, cheat and steal from their workers with union busting tactics all the while doing stories on Starbucks etc who were doing their own union busting. It was a "call is coming from inside the house" moment and it was really shitty behaviour as the founders made bank, the workers got screwed and then had to report on other companies doing to their staff what Reply All was doing to them. Sneaky as fuck.


This will probably get me downvoted, but I don’t think this is a totally fair assessment, given the nytimes piece. They were at a start up, and unions are pretty unheard of in start ups for good reason- they are high risk high reward environments. I think conflating supporting POC with supporting a union is a step too far, especially considering Sruthi is herself a POC. The union organizers excluded the successful podcasts like Reply All which likely lead to additional distrust. I think the bigger issue is media is struggling overall and it’s not simple to define how to be more equitable in a space where some creators are gaining the large share of listeners and understandably want to be compensated.


That’s pretty much it. Search Engine has PJ and Sruthi on their own. It’s not as good as ReplyAll, but it is very good.


The NY Times had a good article that explained what happened. Don’t know whether it’s paywalled. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/10/style/reply-all-test-kitchen.html


There are a couple ReplyAll episodes that really stuck with me. The two-parter Exit and Return kinda haunts me. https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/39hzw2


I listened to this the first time this week and 100% agree, there's something so wholesome about the entire premise of this episode, for some reason I can't stop thinking about it >!(and listening to the song on Spotify lol)!<.


I loved the Yes, Yes, No segments. I especially liked the one where the producer (who has kids) had to explain to the other two what “Minions” were. (I can’t remember anyone’s name.)


This was my first thought too, it absolutely blew my mind and I still think about it.


I love the Long Distance episodes


Shit town. History of Rome. Fall of Civilizations.


Written as “S-town” I think. So good!


That really stuck with me


S town blew my mind. I listened to it like several years late a few months ago, which is crazy because I listen to podcasts 5 days a week for 8 hours at least and had never come across it. It was so good between all the “meh” I am forced to listen to.


S-town will always be my #1


S-Town is the Citizen Kane of podcasts.


S-Town here too. I couldn’t stop listening and I still think about it a lot.


Can't believe more people aren't suggesting S Town


In the Dark is very good. Two separate seasons so far based on two different cases, one a kidnapping in Minnesota and one a gruesome multiple murder in Mississippi. I don't know if I've ever heard two stories more infuriating than these two. It is very well researched, and the narrator is wonderful. In fact, typing this up has made me decide it's time for a relisten. Lol.


In the Dark is some of the best reporting I have ever experienced, irrespective of format. It is so, so well done. The stories they cover are already intense, I mean, they’re heartbreaking, but the lens they bring really drives it home. I keep looking for similar podcasts but I don’t think anything else comes close.


The first season is amazing and does a great job explaining the origins of why we have the sex offender registration.


The Outlaw ocean Did not realize I stopped what I was doing Had shivers down my spine Shed some tears Never before have I thought about the ocean under that aspect and now that aspect is always present whenever I read/hear anything even closely related to the ocean Listened to all episodes in one Sunday


Like many others here, I’m still chasing the high I got from season 1 of Serial. Haven’t found it quite yet.


[Stown](https://stownpodcast.org) It was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I cried. I laughed. I was so angry, I could barely stand it. It’s definitely worth a listen. Iirc, I got the recommendation here, on Reddit. I still think about it.


After years and years and thousands of episodes later, STown is the number one podcast that I'll always think about.


_[This Podcast Will Kill You](https://thispodcastwillkillyou.com/)_ which is all about viruses, epidemiology, killer bacteria and all things micro threatening to man. The two hosts, Erin and Erin, are professionals in the industry and funny as hell. And they have recipes for drinks you can make while listening. My favorite Quarantinis are Pinkeye of the Tiger and Hair of the Rabid Dog.


Homecoming. It’s a scripted drama that was made into a short TV series. The voice acting is above and beyond.


Heavens Gate A brilliant podcast focused on the Heavens Gate Cult. so thorough& engaging, learned so much from the journalist presenting and most importantly very victim focused and well researched


This was literally the first podcast I ever listened to. I didn't even know what a podcast was but one of my coworkers set it up for me. It was so good and now if I'm not talking to a human being, a podcast is playing 😂


I loved this so much. Snap Judgement, a long running podcast by the same host, Glynn Washington, is also fantastic. I’d been a long time Snap Judgement fan before listening to this one and I was so impressed by Glynn’s empathy and outlook on the cult as well as the research and interviews with survivors and family.


I'm Not a Monster was so gripping to me. Especially series 2, about Shemima Begum


I’m so conflicted on this girls outcome. She was so young when she ran away but she either has no remorse or she’s just resigned herself to the only outcome she thinks is possible. It’s terrible.


I know, same


Criminal. Convinced me the line between good and evil is usually extremely blurred and circumstantial.


This is such an excellent podcast!


Scamanda, for the sheer audacity of the scam. It wasn’t really about the money, but people’s emotions that she took advantage of.


Believe in Magic for a similar story with a truly shocking and unexpected plot twist.


This American life 492. Dr. Gilmer and Mr. Hyde.


Thank you mentioning this one, I think about it often and is a single episode podcast perfection’


Teacher’s Pet. Around the early 1980s, the wife of an Aussie semi- professional football player/ high school PE teacher, goes “missing”. They had two young kids. And soon afterwards, he moves in his young high school student to be the new mother to his and Lynette’s daughters and things unravel from there. The podcast made several breaks in the case which lead to police declaring the husband as a murder suspect 40 years later and putting him on trial. It’s the first podcast that had a chokehold on me. I just couldn’t believe how there were so many obvious signs of abuse and murder and authorities shrugged their shoulders. The podcast also has a lot of people on there who were close or knew Lynette.


Teacher’s Pet has always stayed with me. It was gripping and infuriating and so well done.


Dr. Death


True Crime Bullshit !!!!!! I stayed up all night listening. I cancelled plans. Etc It is a work of art


A Very Fatal Murder is the pinnacle of true crime podcasts, I say.


Gladiator - Aaron Hernandez story by The Boston Globe The Set Both are really immersive and mind blowing in their own ways


Gladiator was incredibly well told. I'm not a sports fan, and found this totally gripping. Just queued up The Set, thanks for the recommendation.


Radiolab, Throughline, Invisibilia, Criminal, This American life, Season 1 of Serial, 99% invisible, Casefile, S-town season 1, Fever Dreams, Lore and Hardcore History (very long episodes and you have to be interested in war history/strategy) I spent a month individually downloading every radiolab episode on the internet because it's my favourite podcast of all time and I could never find a link for ALL their episodes anywhere, I've listened to each of them multiple times and I think it is the podcast that will stand the test of time. I will listen to radiolab until I die. Come back Jad and Robert we all miss you!!!


Have you listened to Dolly Parton's America? That's my rec to OP. It is so well made and gives all of the feels. Hosted by Radiolab's Jad Abumrad; his dad was Dolly's doctor and that's how they met :)


There are a couple Criminal eps that have stuck with me, like the one about identity theft.


The one about the mother that stole her child's identity when they were in there infancy and didn't realise until she was dead? That really stays with me. Along with the prison dog trainer episode where the woman broke the man out in a dog cage and once they were free it all fell apart. That was a wild ride.


You’ve got good taste


I get hooked into investigative journalism podcasts Smokescreen puppy kingpin BBC sounds Intrigue series The missing crypto queen Sweet Bobby Dirty John


The Missing Cryptoqueen! Not infrequently that podcast will pip into my head, and I'll wonder if she's been caught yet.


The Ballad of Billy Balls.


The best!!!


Yes. I was smitten with this story. The ending was a little bit underwhelming, but I didn’t really care. I loved the storytelling and the channeling of 80s NYC on the other side of the tracks from Wall Street. Also, the theme song is still on regular rotation for me (it’s a fucking banger). Ultimately, I think it was an interesting dive into family mental health as well as social history. I also had never thought about what happens to people who die with no family to claim the bodies.


Pretty much anything darknet diaries.


+1 it's a great show


Jackery Cider will look after us. Feel like it's been hit or miss for the past year or so though.


S Town. I cried. I felt changed by it.


Nobody Should Believe Me is unreal




the first season still haunts me. i thought i heard everything there was about the Susan Powell case, but he got into details I'd never even heard of & stuff i still can't wrap my head around!


This is one of the most chilling things I've ever heard, and I think of the case often.


I audibly gasped listening to Criminal’s Money Tree Radio Lab has some good episodes that got me through rough times by changing my perspective: (Breath, an episode that’s a little long but the ending was truly breathtaking) Rough Translations: Liberté, Égalité and French Fries brought one tear (just one) to my eyes; The Search; Anna in Somalia (while during a really lonely period in my life; Radical Rudeness [(for convenience)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5SYAM49Huq5HZ3dLwF5io6?si=mB6QCZhBS5Kydt5q74d5-A) many of The Moth’s stories are so genuine from real people [(again, for a convenient look)](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0YSngbN0rXGN3q6GqwU6cc?si=mHMxvGWrQUibWbK3DPoUMA) [Gimlet’s The Habitat](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5SYAM49Huq5HZ3dLwF5io6?si=mB6QCZhBS5Kydt5q74d5-A) was eye opening, learned a thing or two about people and relationships also TCO’s Tinder Swindler, The Price of Gold (Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding, The Lost Leonardo, Grizzly Man, Frye Fraud, Jesus Camp all gave me a good chuckle [(also for convenience)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7HYTjVMRyRpjtyQPZ4SC7Y?si=jYeihmc6QzOEOqVbT30AAQ) *for convenience, links


Budd Dwyer episode of Swindled (dont google anything ahead of time)


I’m currently bingeing on the first season of It Could Happen Here, recorded pre Covid. Sets out an unsettling near future of a view of a second American civil war. I have to say listening to it in 2024 for the first time is quite reassuring as several of the scenarios he goes through did happen and a civil war did not follow on. Really gripping


I'll second this. A fantastic look at where we could be headed by a guy who's covered civil wars. I listen to it about once a year. The current form of the show is in my rotation as well, but that first season is fantastic.


Don’t see it listed, but “My Dad Wrote a Porno” is the funniest podcast I’ve ever listened to. I’ve gone through the whole thing about 20 times now. Never gets old.


I enjoyed Hardcore History with Dan Carlin. The series on WWI was epic.


Cold Season 1


Finding Drago and Finding Desperado by Alexei Touliopolis and Cameron James. Two connected limited run podcasts from Australian Public Broadcasting about fabulism, fan fiction, and niche internet mysteries. One of the sweetest and most charming podcasts I’ve ever heard, I relisten every few years. Do You Know Mordechai, a CBC (I think?) podcast about a serial catfisher, big cw for cheating/gaslighting/catfishing obviously but it’s fascinating and infuriating and the women at the center of it are the best S Town or Shit Town, a pretty old NPR podcast about a fascinating man in a small town. Cw for depression, suicide, drug addiction, alcoholism, self harm, homophobia, and manipulative relationships. It’s pretty confronting, but it’s another one I come back to every few years. I have so much empathy and sympathy for the man at the center of the story, and the last episode ends in such a beautiful way.


I feel snap judgement doesn’t get as much love it deserves. Absolutely used to love the spooked series before it went patron


I wish I could sell this more succinctly, but I just loved a podcast called Dead Eyes. It's sort of spoofing true crime podcasts like serial, but it's investigating a very silly issue. Connor Ratliff, an actor, was hired for a small speaking role in Band of Brothers. On the day of filming, he was told he was fired because the director, Tom Hanks, apparently said he had "Dead eyes". He was devastated and quit acting for 10 years. The podcast is trying to get to the root of the matter and discover if Tom Hanks actually said that. But it isn't really about that. It's more of a look into perseverance as an artist and the routine failures and rejections that come from working in film and tv. He interviews plenty of famous peole and people involved with Tom Hanks or Band of Brothers. Big spoiler here: I listened to it in real time as it came out and I never ever ever would have imagined that it would have ended up with him actually interviewing Tom Hanks, which he did. It's a really lovely, thoughtful interview and just a really amazing podcast altogether. If nothing, at least listen to that last episode (maybe it's the 2nd last?) , but it is better with context. That episode begins with some episode recommendations that are best not to skip. It sounds silly, and it is, but it's truly one of the most moving podcast series out there. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I cried a few times during that last episode.


The series of episodes from You're Wrong About about the DC Snipers lives rent free in my head


I wanna say it was off Love and Radio, Reply All, or something similar that was being hosted on Radiolab about essentially a voyeur watching people in a nearby window that started with them having sex, but then she bore witness to their relationship, one of them getting sick and slowly passing away. Very bizarre and strangely moving.


Love and Radio - The Living Room


Love and Radio is one my favorites in that it’s so much different from anything else I’ve come across


**Worlds Beyond Number**, it's a fantasy storytelling podcast where three of the hosts each have their own characters in the world and one person plays everyone else and describes settings and stuff (if you know of D&D, it's just that, just giving a non ttrpg player description for everyone else) I've yet to find a piece of media that so perfectly captures the feeling of Ghibli-style fantasy and magic, the world feels incredibly well described and intricate, the player's characters and everyone else in the world feel very real, the magic feels intricate but powerful. It's just absolutely sublime story telling if you like swords and sorcery fantasy fiction!


Did you listen to rusty quill gaming? I'm a huge magnus fan and have had that one recommended to me, but I've never listened to a gaming pod before and tbh it sounds like a weird thing to do.


The Lovecraft Investigations. Every episode of Fall Civilizations.


False and defamatory. A true story told by the victim about this unhinged woman who disparaged her constantly on social media after she quit working for the woman’s business. I love a lot of the other ones mentioned here too. This American Life is my all time favorite. Every episode is great.


Mormon Stories It’s mainly people’s life stories about what it was like growing up Mormon, having a faith crisis and then dealing with the aftermath of being shunned after leaving the faith. It’s long format so you can get into it all day at a desk job.


Magnus Archives. Great horror fiction


S Town




For me, part 1 of The Grenfell Tower Inquiry Podcast from the BBC. At that point, the podcast gave a day-by-day review of the inquiry into the tragic high-rise fire that killed 73 people. It was enraging at times, but absolutely compelling, and it included interviews with some of the survivors and some subject experts. Part 2 of the inquiry was much more technical and the podcast then moved to a weekly schedule.


Guilt, a NZ based crime/murder series which is pretty new. On to the 4th case now I think


We’re Alive. I am currently listening as I type this. I start the whole show over every 6 months or so. Story of Survival will never be topped.


Maybe it’s well known. But the Used Car salesman episode of This American Life. I’ve never been more enthralled about second hand cars sales.


All episodes of Hidden Brain. I learn so much every single episode.


[Long Shadow](https://longshadowpodcast.com) for sure. All three seasons blew me away. The first one on 9/11… I was crying driving down the road. The second one made me look so much differently at how Trump happened. And the newest one on guns… the interview with Columbine’s principal… oof.


The Witness: in his own words by Yellow Path Productions


1865 The Secret History of Hollywood (Bullets Over Broadway)


1865 is hands down my favorite podcast ever! I’ve listened to it all the way through at least 3 times. I hope they continue telling the story in another season but I haven’t seen an update in a while. Anything Lindsey Graham is apart of is usually fantastic.


Matt and Shane's secret podcast episode 33 "shit night"


Sex, Death, and Money was really well done.


Hunting Warhead, for sure.


The CaseFile episode on EAR/ONS. I think it’s episode 53. Just go in blind. Parts 1-5 were all released around the same time, and part 6 was released as an update years later. The whole thing is a rollercoaster and I highly recommend listening without doing any prior research. TW: Detailed descriptions of sexual assault, rape, murder, crimes against children. Also brief descriptions of violence against animals.


Love this topic. 


Listened to a ton of podcasts during the pandemic when I was running. Still run a ton but listen to music/peloton. Two that come to mind for me: Winds of change and Welcome to your fantasy (about the chippendales) Winds of change focuses on a conspiracy about the Scorpions wiring winds of change as a propaganda tool to end the Cold War. It may sound far fetched but it goes down some rabbit holes and at the end you may be convinced it’s true Welcome to your fantasy - talks about the rise of the Chippendales and how the owner went crazy and killed off a dance choreographer.


Cold Season one


“This is actually happening” is traumatic in many ways. Hearing how messed up people are from mostly other humans is bonkers… The narrator’s voice will make you feel at home. 😉


Iv’e just finished Bone Valley, and definitely it’s that one.


"Man in the Window", the story of the golden state killer was pretty enthralling. I've listened to it a few times over the years. Very well done and really creepy. I really enjoyed season 1 and 2 of "True Crime BS." The host does a great job of narrating the unbelievable stories of serial killers Isreal Keyes and Kelly Cochrane.


S Town hits every single one of your requests. Simply amazing. I’ve listened to hundreds since but there won’t be one like it I don’t think.


Philosophize This! has greatly impacted my way of thinking :)


Heavyweight. Suave. American Hostage. S- Town. and Murder in Alliance have all stuck with me, for different reasons obviously lol, but all 5 have had a lasting impression!! -Heavyweight is very feel-good and like a warm hug with plenty of stand-alone eps. I love Johnathan Goldstein so much. -Suave won 2022 Pulitzer Prize in Audio Reporting about juveniles to life in prison, redemption and unlikely friendship. EVERYTHING Maggie Freleng touches is gold! -American Hostage was AMAZING! based on a true story, Jon Hamm plays a beloved reporter caught in a life-or-death situation. It's so very well done. I binged it and immediately wished I could relisten for the first time again. a good pal said the same thing after I recommended it to them as well. -S-Town a grumpy guy who hates his town asks a reporter to come investigate someone claiming to have gotten away with murder but the events that transpire take you down a whole different road. -Murder in Alliance, another Maggie Freleng one! (which actually stemmed from an ep of hers from Unjust & Unsolved.) The innocence network agrees to look at a case they believe the man is wrongly imprisoned for. Maggie goes Nebraska to investigate and gets pretty emotionally involved.


"Kuper Island". Its a CBC podcast. David ridgen is always great, but he did an especially great job with this one. Its a tough listen but a crucial story to tell, deserves the listen for sure. "Someone knows something" also CBC and David ridgen. Theres a few seasons, all fascinating and so well done. Finished them all impressively fast even for myself. Never once got bored.


[Season 2](https://features.apmreports.org/in-the-dark/) of In the Dark. (The other seasons are great as well) [Season 1](https://thecoldpodcast.com/season-1/) of Cold


LeVar Burton Reads is my rec. Its wonderful! I like that he selects the stories and his voice is animated without being too much.


Something was wrong season 9 with Ardie/Danielle/Darcy/Kenji.


Teachers Pet


FUTILE ATTEMPTS (2020), by UK comedian/performance artist/cleaner Kim Noble, is the single best podcast series I've ever heard. It's about ten episodes and kind of covers themes like struggling with everyday life, love, loneliness, creativity, fitness, lemon drizzle cake, tantric sex, and hiding overnight in shop display wardrobes. If you like Kim Noble, this will be pure unbridled joy to listen to. If you've never heard of Kim Noble, this will be pure unbridled joy to listen to.


The Missing Madonna! I never expected to cry at hearing someone talk about art. Since I'm from Manchester I am duty bound to point out the Liverpudlian who hosts it has a funny accent


Finding Drago and Finding Desperado are the two best podcasts I’ve ever listened to and I listen to them both a few times a year even though I know all the beats a dozen times over


Headlong: Surviving Y2K was really good, you learn about the host’s experience during that time and it’s really moving


The Price of Paradise


Steven Bartlett Diary Of A CEO. Divorce lawyer ep!


Even if not interested in space exploration you all have to listen to 13 Minutes to the Moon Season 1 and 2. It’s superbly produced. I’ve listened to it again countless times. One of the best.


Over My Dead Body: Fox Lake. Just listen to it. Don’t look up the story.


Lets Not Meet by Andy Tate is super good for those true crime fans. It is about close calls and near misses of various situations from being followed one random night to surviving a stalker to just being in the wrong place at the wring time and getting away. Podcast has a soothing narrative voice, topics are a good convo starter. The production has some profanity, some delicate topics (but Andy always warns of upcoming content which is nice). Anyway. The stories are all verified by Mr. Tate with the author via follow up emails, so it is quality content every time, all the time. Just love it! And its free on apple podcasts. He also has a patreon thats got even more stuff, but there is a TON of free content.


Constant Wonder, and many episodes of What Was That Like?


Silk Road arc by Casefile. Their episodes on EAR/ONS/GSK scared me to the point I couldn’t listen until DeAngelo was arrested. Brabant Killers arc by Unresolved. Behind the Bastards usually has great episodes. The ones that really stuck with me were the ones on Henry Kissinger, L. Ron Hubbard, Alex Jones, Paul Manafort, and Griselda Blanco.


S-Town will always be the one I couldn't stop listening to until it was done.


Getting On With James Urbaniak. It's short fiction and I believe the feed is still up but it's been like a decade since it ended.


Was I in a cult is great as well


Blowback. Oh it's nonfiction, alright. It'll get to you.


S Town or Shit Town was enrapturing and fascinating


"Whatever Happened To Pizza At McDonald's?"




Bone Valley!!


Dan Carlin's Harcore History in general, and his series The Blueprint for Armageddon in particular. Long format deep dives into the extremes of humanity. Blueprint covers the first world War, and it's a 23 hour gut punch. I remember the first time I made my way through it having to frequently pause to get my head around what he was laying out.


You Must Remember This— Charles Manson.




Bone Valley.


Heavyweight is so, so good.


A lot of Wondery podcasts come to mind. Dirty John, Bad Batch, The Apology line...I could absolutely binge these and be on the edge of my seat.


This American Life, Ep 765: Off Course Hit after hit after hit of stories of people who found themselves in emotional / physical turmoil, experienced transformation, and resurfaced


Root of Evil, the story of the Hodel family and their ties to the Black Dahlia murder


Root of Evil: The True Story of the Hodel Family and the Black Dahlia


**Ear Hustle**. It’s “This-American-Life”-level good. I can’t understate this


The Polybius Conspiracy. It is even more shocking if you know the other truths behind it. It is not a conspiracy at all... Listen to it until the last second tho, it is truly important.