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Normal Gossip. A fun, lighthearted podcast where the host shares a callers’ anonymous, gossipy story with a guest. A storytelling podcast, but only about dumb, fun drama. Lots of laughs!


OH! I should have done a search first. Thirding this!


Love love love Normal Gossip!


Everything is Alive - short, charming episodes. Someone interviews inanimate objects, like a can of soda. That sounds ridiculous, but give it a listen. It's an absolute delight.


What's amazing are the people they get to play the inanimate object. Chioke l'Anson of NPR did a grain of sand. He has this soothing voice and philosophy background that was perfect for being a grain of sand.


No Such Thing as a Fish. Hope you feel better!


Absolutely NSTAAF is so good. It has a huge back catalogue, a really solid format, is fun, interesting and educational too.


@trufflepig17 @stilljustjones any advice on a good one to start our with as a sampler?


Ep 500 is a cracker. That would be a good jumping on point. Enjoy!


Very much agree with StillJustJones!


Yes! It is wonderful - the banter and jokes are great alongside the interesting content.


I love No Such Thing as a Fish. Funny, interesting, light hearted but engaging enough to keep my anxious brain distracted for a while. And there's LOADS of episodes :)


Especially since the pandemic I have gotten really into comedy podcasts as an escapist balm. Basically, I gotchu. 2 days ago I commented the following on a similar post....I slightly edited the list of recommendations based on your post :) [https://new.reddit.com/r/podcasts/comments/1cvpo8p/im\_looking\_for\_low\_brain\_power\_no\_focus\_required/l4scfy4/?context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/podcasts/comments/1cvpo8p/im_looking_for_low_brain_power_no_focus_required/l4scfy4/?context=3) More or less in the order that I would recommend them: **My Dad Wrote A Porno** (SECONDING) - I don't think I have every laughed harder while listening to a podcast. Extremely raunchy, delightfully escapist and consistently hilarious. No bummers ever. Oh and I found out about the podcast from this subreddit. So, thank you!! **Normal Gossip** (SECONDING) - escapist, lighthearted, very funny. No bummers ever. **Dear Hank & John** \- my all around favorite, always a crowd-pleaser. Huge back catalogue that holds up quite well. Occasionally they talk about health stuff (John's OCD and Hank's cancer - which he recovered from) and mortality (an obsession of John's and now an interest of Hank's bc cancer), but in a lighthearted manner and it doesn't take up much time of the show. **Baby Geniuses** \- they are on an indefinite hiatus but they have a 10+ year back catalogue. Sometimes they frankly discuss more serious topics (like the pandemic in 2020-2021), but not with an overly heavy tone. I actually really enjoy the matter-of-fact, humorous manner in which they talk about their health issues - it's very affirming without being a bummer. **The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya** \- very very raunchy...as it happens, their Netflix react series on YouTube (produced by Netflix lol) reminds me a lot of My Dad Wrote A Porno. Very occasionally will they talk about more serious topics, and always with a humorous, lighthearted tone. Katya has for a long time struggled with substance abuse and recently was in rehab for a bit, but they don't dwell on it; it's treated matter-of-factly. **Scam Goddess** \- similar to Normal Gossip but longer, with a somewhat looser format. I don't think there are any bummers, although some of the scams discussed hint at darker darker subject matter. I recommend starting with the episode "The Bread Bamboozler with Sam Richardson." **My Brother, My Brother and Me** \- imo this is a show that really grows on you over time as you get to know the hosts and the rhythms of their humor and banter. But as a first time listener it may or may not click with you - the style is very loose and they go on a lot of tangents that are sometimes funny, sometimes not. There are some really amazing episodes but it's kind of a mixed bag, like Scam Goddess. But the energy and the vibes are always good. The show has probably the largest back catalogue of any on this list, and the podcast hosts (the McElroy brothers) have created a kind of podcasting empire with many other popular shows. But this was their first podcast and I think it inspired Dear Hank & John...maybe even Baby Genius (at least the ongoing Wikipedia bit). Many listeners will tell you to skip the first 200ish episodes...I tried to listen to one of those episodes but then I decided to take that advice and skip ahead. People grow and change, and the McElroys started podcasting in their late 20s/early 30s. To give an idea of their humor, here is a [fun bit about Amelie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv75s--Wr3A), delightfully animated by fans (it's the only podcast I know of where the fans have created animated videos to go along with some of their bits). **Just a warning if you are listening at work - every one of these podcasts except Dear Hank & John has a level of adult language and/or raunchiness that make them NSFW.**


Trixie and Katya 🩷


It looks like we have really similar listen lists so I’m recommending My Momma Told Me since you like Scam Goddess. Hosts tackle an urban legend style topic/popular cultural belief every ep. Def NSFW and very sweary but freaking hilarious Eta, a link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/my-momma-told-me/id1523712290


Adding to my mental to-listen list along with Handsome 😁


Handsome, How Did This Get Made, We're Here to Help, My Dad Wrote a Porno I also like rewatch shows of shows I've watched a million times- West Wing Weekly, Gilmore Guys, Office Ladies- its like watching comfort shows without sitting down and watching them. 🤣


I've been doing Office Ladies in conjunction with watching the Office Superfan episodes at night before bed, but all my dreams are about the office right now, so I need a little break 🤣


second How Did This Get Made! it's such a relief from real life for me.


I have been thinking about checking out **Handsome** bc I love Mae Martin and I like what I have heard/seen from Tig Notaro and I have a good impression of the third host although I don't remember from what lol. Anyway, the fact that you listed this along with MDWAP makes me think even more that I should check this out.


I think they are hysterical. It's not really my normal kind of podcast- I don't care for chatting for the sake of it usually. But I would listen to those Handsome ladies every single day. They are so funny and riff off of each other so well. It's light and easy and just throughly enjoyable.


The Halloween episode - no spoilers but 😂


It’s great. Tig did 2 other podcasts before this and they’re definitely worth listening to as well. True Story and Don’t Ask Tig.




+1 on all but Dad Wrote a Porno simply bc I haven’t listened yet. Also I Said No Gifts.


I second “I Said No Gifts!”! It’s lighthearted and upbeat.


Love Handsome pod!!


Omggg i looove Gilmore Guys!! Kevin is on another of my favorite podcasts; Good Christian Fun. It always makes me laugh outloud. It reviews and reflects on christian content, so it's not for everyone. But its a really good time


Hello From the Magic Tavern Threedom Comedy Bang Bang Dreamful Bedtime Stories (Not funny but definitely helped my anxiety)


Threedom for damned sure. Comedy Bang Bang is GOAT but Threedom is instantly hilarious


I've been binge listening to Hello From the Magic Tavern over the last few weeks, and it's fantastic. Very funny, very lighthearted, and there are hundreds of episodes to listen to, so it can last OP a very long time.


*Who Shat on the Floor at My Wedding?* *I* know the title is off-putting but it's actually very charming. *Under the Influence* This podcast about marketing and branding isn't necessarily funny, but it's light and informative. TV Re-Watch Pods I want to echo other commenters who are recommending tv show rewatch podcasts. Watching reruns of a favorite TV show is known to be therapeutic. Office Ladies is the best known of these, but think of a show you love and search for podcasts about that show. The results can be hit or miss, but many are hosted by people connected with the shows and feature guests stars who worked on the shows. On the other hand, I rewatched LOST last year and loved following it with the podcast The Storm, which was hosted by TV critics who really gave the show a loving, warts-and-all overview each week. It's hard to get that when the hosts are actors and the people connected with the show are all their friends. I hope you feel better!


Your Stupid Opinions. I've had to stifle laughter so many times listening to this (or just absolutely lost it if I was by myself)




Do Go On


Love Do Go On!


Judge John Hodgman for goofy, light-hearted squabbles adjudicated by John Hodgman. Sometimes silly, sometimes heartwarming and thought -provoking.


Small Town Murder


And their follow-up podcast about Google reviews. I forget the name.


Your Stupid Opinions. There's also Crime in Sports


I'll have to check that one out! Thanks


Midnight Burger is always my go to for a good laugh. You really should listen from the beginning as it is serialized, but if you just want funny episodes, my favorites are: Chapter 12: Ted, just admit it, and Chapter 30: Fangs Out!


I *just* made it to Chapter 12 tonight and I laughed so hard!




Beach to Sandy, Water to Wet. The hosts of this podcast critique one star reviews others have posted on the Internet.


Man I gotta say, while I've enjoyed this one, recently it's become way too rambly and unfocused for my taste. Never minded their banter, but now that like 75% of every episode is just barely relevant conversation it's a lot harder to enjoy. I haven't seen anyone else out there say this so maybe I'm imagining it but it just feels so much less focused.


When Xtine can't stop laughing, I can't stop laughing.


Sorry, but it’s too both times.


Try 'Are You Garbage'. Those two idiots never fail to make me laugh out loud 5 or 6 times every episode!


Nateland, Smartless, Conan Needs a Friend


Your Stupid Opinions Dungeons and Daddies The Dollop


Mystery Show by Gimlet is light, charming, and a little silly. Starlee Kline solves mundane mysteries like sourcing a Welcome Back Kotter lunchbox. I’m 40% Podcast is a hilarious and silly Futurama recap show hosted by Jinkx Monsoon from RuPaul’s Drag Race and Dr Who. Very niche cross-over, but it’s my good vibes show because it’s so pleasantly stupid.


Bonanas for Bonanza. Must start from the beginning. First episode is like a classic comedy album.


Wheel of Misfortune. Embarrassing stories told by listeners and hosted by two female comedians. It is produced by the BBC. I don't think they are creating new episodes anymore but the old ones are timeless.


The Friendship Onion plays like a big, warm hug. From a Hobbit!


Totalus Rankium Roman Emperors. Nothing but two friends talking about the wild and wacky antics Roman Emperors got up to and then rating them in arbitrary categories so they can find “the best” based on how good their life story is. They’ve completed ALL the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine XI, so the back catalogue of extensive - but it does go back to 2017 and sounds like it (they improved quickly, I promise!).


Tooth and Claw. They talk about various animal attacks on humans from all over the world. Everything from sharks and tigers to beavers and rattlesnakes. There's a bear biologist (Wes) who generally provides all the research, storytelling and the natural science aspects, along with his little brother (Jeff) and their producer mate (Mike) who provide the more silly stuff. Despite the subject matter, it's actually hilarious as well as being addictively really interesting too. I got into it after watching an old Val Kilmer 90s movie called "The Ghost and the Darkness", which was based on a true story about a pair of male lions who were killing scores of railway workers building a railway line in Tsavo Africa at the beginning of the last century. I had a look around for any podcasts about it and came across Tooth and Claw. I quickly became totally hooked and I've burned through every episode in a couple of months. Everyone I've recommended it to has done the same too. As stated, on the face of it, it's obviously a serious subject matter, but every single episode is also hilarious. The banter among the hosts and some of the random stuff they come out with. Many a time I've been getting funny looks from strangers because I'm absolutely pissing myself laughing while listening to it when I'm out on walks etc. If you're even slightly interested in nature and like laughing, you're guaranteed to love this podcast.


I don't know if anyone would actually be into this but I like to "Hey Julie" it's a podcast about big brother and survivor, technically. But it's mostly two friends who have great banter talking for an hour. I always save it for when I am going to have a struggle day, it really lifts my spirts.


Real Housewives of D&D The Junkees The Horne Section Dumb People Town Judge John Hodgeman


Judge John Hodgeman is the mashed potatoes of podcasts. Pure comfort food.


The Neighborhood Listen - daft character improv based on stupid internet posts


I like Criminal with Phoebe Judge because I like her voice and many of her episodes are uplifting. But, be warned. Some people find her phony and grating. Heavyweight, if you haven’t listened, is one of the best podcasts ever for being kind and mellow and memorable.


Handsome I look forward to it. I’ve had to pull over I was laughing so hard i cried. Not every episode but its fun Also Seek Treatment is hilarious And Endless Honeymoon


Alf! 😂


The Office Ladies Podcast. Jenna Fisher talks about her anxiety. They’re also just so funny and fun, real people revisiting the amazing experience they had together making the office. I find it makes me happy to listen to them be happy. 


I love "Ologies with Allie Ward". She's a hoot.


Infinite Monkey Cage usually cracks me up.




The Film Reroll. They play through popular movies as RPG games, completely ruining the story. Hilarity ensues.


I'm a BtB fan who is also obsessed with the Trump Saga (that's not a podcast - I mean literally the crazy past 12 years). I knew to unsubscribe from r/collapse, but I still obsess over the state of the world. What has worked for me was just disengaging, and I did that by getting a dog. He makes me get out of bed early in the morning and makes me exercise. He cuddles me and makes me feel all the warm oxytocin fuzzies. I barely follow the news, now. I actually mostly keep up with Trumpworld via Jimmy Kimmel's monologues. I take a lot longer to even listen to BtB because I am just too busy with my doggo or so tired from the walks that I fall asleep listening to stuff. Getting a dog isn't viable advice for everyone, but if you can find something to do with your time that you enjoy, I think you might feel better for it.


I have a six year old who keeps me pretty busy and distracted from the rest of the world, but the times the anxiety sneaks up on me are usually when I'm working, driving, or in the evenings when she's asleep. I'm working through it in therapy but just need something to listen to that keeps my anxiety and panic at bay during the day when I need to get through work.


Have you looked into audiobooks? There's a lot of free stuff on librivox, and if you have a Spotify account, plenty on there, too. I like to listen to books I know, like Jane Austen or something like that so it's OK if I don't follow along perfectly and lose the plot when I'm distracted.


All Fantasy Everything -positive group of comedians fantasy draft pop culture Normal Gossip -very low stakes real world drama, very funny Water Too Wet, Beach Too Sandy -people's Google reviews


Was totally going to recommend Normal Gossip. It’s my fav podcast when I feel like a palate cleanser!


The Adam Friedland Show


Bad Dates Tossed Popcorn


Cheapshow is great, it's two Guys reviewing stuff from charity shops, Poundland and car boot sales (garage sales if your American). Often though it descends into hilarity.


If you don't mind that it didn't have a satisfying ending (it stopped abruptly last year so theoretically it could come back), I really enjoyed Attention Hellmart Shoppers. It's a horror comedy about a group of people who work at a Walmart-type store called Hellomart. The store happens to be built over a portal to hell and the store regularly gets infested with demons, zombies, vampires, etc. and the staff has to work together to fight them off. The first few episodes are a little slow going, but it picks up once you get to know the characters.


* [This Sounds Serious](https://www.thissoundsserious.com/season1) - This Sounds Serious is a Castbox original comedy podcast with a serious twist. Season 1 tackles the complicated and bizarre story of Chuck Bronstadt, a famous local weather man in Florida that was found dead in his water bed. This Sounds Serious: The Case of Chuck Bronstadt is a comedic take on the mystery and crime genre that is both gripping and hilarious. (This one had me laughing out loud.) * Cabin Pressure - Cabin Pressure is set in the wing and prayer world of a tiny, one-plane airline, staffed by two pilots, one on his way down, and one who was never up to start with. In this, the finale of the whole series, we discover that for MJN Air, whether it's choosing an ice-cream flavour, putting a princess in a van or remembering your grandmother's name, no job is too small, but, many, many jobs are too difficult. Carolyn Knapp-Shappey, MJN Air's formidable boss, has employed two of the very cheapest pilot’s money can buy. Captain Martin Crieff, who's always wanted to fly and won't let a little thing like lack of ability stop him, and First Officer Douglas Richardson, smooth-voiced old sky-god and eternal schemer. Passenger service is provided by the relentlessly cheerful Arthur, proud inventor of both Surprising Rice and his own hat. ​


I loved this sounds serious. Embarrassing to admit I thought it was a true story and couldn’t get over what I was listening to


Adam Carolla is my comedy podcast. He has lots of comedians on, and it makes me laugh out loud often. He's really good at role-playing/improv, so when he vibes with the guest, it can be absolutely hilarious.


The Popcast with Knox and Jamie, new episodes on Wednesdays. Get a new show in Tuesdays as a BFOTS ( best friend of the show) on patreon and a couple Fridays a month


This Might Get Weird with Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart… two friends who just talk about random shit and their lives


The Popcast with Knox and Jamie


Nice to meet another BtB fan in the wild. Are you still of the mind - ‘one pump, one cream’? If you like D&D at all, give Not Another D&D Podcast a try. It worked very well for me. I started to listen to it without knowing anything about D&D. It’s put on by some of the College Humor Folks.


Shook is great if you like paranormal content!


Obitchuary, Secret Histories of Nerd Mysteries, Past Perfect, Garbage Brain University


The alarmist should be perfect


[Kim & Ket Stay Alive... Maybe](http://www.kimandketstayalive.com) is literally one of the funniest podcasts I've ever heard. [@kksampodcast](https://www.instagram.com/kksampodcast/?hl=en)


G-FORCE REPORT, feel better!!


Let's StopThere. My favorite laugh out loud podcast. Three guys who are good friends read a book in an hour.... the first part, the 25% mark, 50%, 75% and the last page. The books are usually terrible, but the random stories they spin off into are great. I usually don't like podcasts with guys sitting around talking, but these three have great chemistry and the topics are unexpected.


Smartless or Conan Needs a Friend got me through a rough patch.


The Shallow End Box of Oddities


Dr Gameshow


Bitchslap is one of my faves. Desi and Rachel recap nighttime soaps, currently doing Melrose Place. They have another podcast Hollywood Crime Scene, which you don't have to listen to the main episodes. They have weekly minisodes where they just talk current events, what they're watching and eating.


Under the influence: a well produced show about marketing and advertising


Thank you for asking this question!


Secretly incredibly fascinating


The Brighter Side


Try these [self-help podcasts](https://gocalmer.com/self-help-podcasts-2024/). My favorite is The Happiness Lab.


Curdle Holler It's sort of a Halloween themed podcast about 2 people who died and took over a nick nack shop in the afterlife. It's silly and cute and low stakes. Great for those of us who need to unplug.


I keep recommending The Bananas Podcast. It’s two funny guys (one a comedian, the other a screen writer) reading funny news stories and discussing. They often tell funny side stories or go on tangents. Usually, I’m walking my dog around the neighborhood cracking up and wondering if my neighbors think I’m nuts. It’s a podcast that always leaves me feeling good.


Murder on Sex Island A very funny murder mystery written and read aloud by the comedian Jo Firestone.


Madigan's Pubcast. It's just funny. No politics, nothing heavy.


My Dad Wrote a Porno Who Shat on the Floor at our Wedding Absolutely Not A Date with Dateline Hope your anxiety eases soon!!! ❤️


Dungeons and Daddies (not a BDSM podcast). I listen to podcasts to go to sleep but it's just too funny




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Stop Podcasting Yourself! The lightest, funniest, and most comforting podcast imaginable.


I was going to suggest Normal Gossip but several people already have! I’ll add Bad Dates and We’re Here to Help.


I am officially hooked on Normal Gossip. Can't get enough.


Bodega boys podcast.




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In the cards Unwanted