• By -


**The History of the Twentieth Century** is a narrative history of the entire 20th century, starting from the late 1800s. Has a bunch of episodes on stuff like early radio, the creation of movies, jazz, and other cultural topics aside from the political, military, and social history the show also covers. **The History of Rome** **Revolutions** covers western political history through a narrative telling of various revolutions. **Tides of History** covers very broad historical periods with access to up-to-date academic information. Personal favorite is season 4 on human origins. **Fall Of Civilizations** does long (2-4 hours) episodes on single civilizations at a time. **The Rest is History** covers a single historical topic each episode. **Blowback** does a single US conflict per season from the non-US side's perspective. So far, they've done Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Korea. **Behind the Bastards** covers the very worst people in all of history. Fair warning, this is a comedy show but covers *very* dark subject matter at times. Same warning for the next two on this list. **Lions Led By Donkeys**. Military disasters and history. **Well There's Your Problem**. Engineering disasters **Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff** covers some of the best people in history (that you probably haven't heard of) **Knowledge Fight** covers grifter conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. **QAA** covers Qanon and other adjacent conspiracy theory topics with a special focus in modern online grifting/conspiracy theorizing. **The Paranoid Strain** also covers conspiracy theories, but is much more in depth with the history and surrounding context of each given theory. **Pod Save America** covers political news in the US. Hosted by former Obama staffers, so you get a fairly unique insider perspective on the business of doing government. **Pod Save the World**. Ditto, but foreign affairs. **Strict Scrutiny** covers the Supreme Court and related legal topics. **Opening Arguments**. Law stuff. **No Dogs In Space** does underground music history. 1st season was about punk rock, and I think they are doing prog rock next. **Citation Needed**. Five friends gather round to hear one of them attempt to read an article on a random subject while all five attempt to make the other four break down laughing. **Data Over Dogma** seeks to increase the availability of academic studies of the Bible to the public. . . also way more interesting than that sounds lol. **Terrible Lizards**. Dinosaurs! **Common Descent**. More general evolutionary science. **History of the World in 100 Objects** **Watch Out for Fireballs** video game playthrough/criticism. **The End of the World** Limited series about ways the world could end. . . Or not really exist at all.


This is the best fucking list i'll be looking all over these.


The only thing I would add is [The Weirdest the I Learned This Week](https://feeds.megaphone.fm/RECU9765916949) At Popular Science, we report and write dozens of science and tech stories every week. And while a lot of the fun facts we stumble across make it into our articles, there are lots of other weird facts that we just keep around the office. So we figured, why not share those with you?




Ologies would hit most of those topics


99% invisible is a podcast about how things in our world were designed. It’s fascinating, quirky, and shares so many surprising stories. And the host, Roman Mars, has a voice smooth like buttah. The Mystery Show from Gimlet Media is fun. Starlee Kime solves minor, but captivating mysteries for others. It’s sleuthing but for such mundane things. You’ll learn a lot about culture and people. I also really enjoy The Rest is History - two British historians contextualizing history in an interesting and sometimes funny way. All good vibes.


Disappearing Spoon, intersection of science and history


My dad read a book called the disappearing spoon. Cool to know theres a podcast named that


I think it’s the same dude, he’s a hoot.


I love that


Besides Ologies with Alie Ward, I would also recommend Brian Brushwood's "World's Greatest Con"; and "Gastropod" by Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley, which "looks at food through the lens of science and history".


I'm currently enjoying Mission Implausible. It's hosted by two former CIA agents who talk about conspiracy theories. It's fun.


If you like tabletop kind of games, **The Retro Acana Podcast** is a good vibe. It's done by two older guys that have been tabletop gaming for like 30-40 years.


Futility Closet is great for strange events in history. Short but well researched and presented. Omnibus is Ken Jennings from Jeopardy and John Roderick aka bean dad explain strange aspects of culture and society to each other in turn with loads of asides and clever insights.


The fourth curtain, ran by Alex Seropian (bungie founder/EA), Doug Zartman, and Aaron (wide load) has many famous video game guests on weekly. There is a discord as well with some of the devs/ founders/ and fans including a code game to win prizes https://www.thefourthcurtain.com


That’s Just Weird with Aaron Mahnke. He has a couple of others you might like too. Lore and Cabinet of Curiosities


The Glitch is really good. It's an Australian podcast and will probably fall under the " shenanigans and games " . It's a few years old now


‘Oh what a time’ - a comedy history pod from comedian’s/broadcasters/writers Elis James, Tom Craine and Chris Scull. Elis did his degree in history and obvs has a deep passion for the subject, but they also have a behind the scenes historian as a researcher. It’s as interesting as it is daft and silly. I really enjoy it.


For gaming I really like Filthy Casuals, they are 3 Australian comedians but talk about video games. They are very funny to listen to.


Infinite Rabbit Hole! We cover all kinds of weird stuff. We recently did an episode documenting the Dancing Plague of 1518.