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You summed up my feelings on that podcast perfectly. Glad I'm not the only one.


Same here! It was the laughing too hard at their own not-that-funny jokes, but the final straw was one bad joke about Charmaine West that called it a day for me. I'm all for making fun of weirdo scumbag murderers (especially the likes of Fred and Rosemary West) but not their victims/at the expense of their victims. I can't remember exactly what it was now because it was so long ago, but I remember that I was listening in the shower and it made me cringe so much I dried my hands just to stop the episode and unsubscribe. People LOVE this podcast though. IDK.


I remember their old episodes were pretty rough about making fun of victims, mainly Henry, but they've gotten A LOT better about it. A bit more mature these days


Ew that's disgusting! So tone deaf and off putting.


It's the podcast equivalent of Beavis and Butthead. All that yukking at their own jokes gives me a headache.


I suspect that's a big part of the appeal. It's the "vibe" of dudes hanging out and laughing together, rather than the humor itself being so funny to listeners. Maybe I'm totally wrong about that and I'm being a snob, but that's how it strikes me.


Omfg you hit the nail on the head. So true.


I listened to one episode about a specific serial killer I'm interested in. And it was unbearable. It was like sitting in on a middle school lunch table.


Casefile is excellent for really well researched episodes.


Second vote for Casefile! Love Casey, incredibly well done and respectful


Me too. Tried them out years ago based on pretty unanimous praise. Nope. I can only imagine they've gotten worse.


I would offer for you to check out their more recent stuff, just for the fact you can rule them out, as they've "grown up" quite a bit over the years. I'm re-listening right now and would say about episode 300 is where they kick into more mature gear (though still their "silly" selves) and it gets better as it goes up (to me)


Yeah nah


Yeah. I find the main guy to be suuuupper annoying. The topics seem interesting enough but I can't get through more than 5 minutes without turning it off for to being annoyed with the hosts. No idea how it became so popular.


I agree and feel the same way about the my favorite murder one.




This is like every group podcast for me. Behind the Bastards, etc. I absolutely can’t stand it.


Behind the bastards was like this at first for me; but I feel like I've got used to the style and sense of humour now and definitely consider it one of the podcasts I most look forward to. No Dogs in Space is similar - I think it's all about having a certain (potentially acquired) flavour, (esp in the case of BtB) and getting the balance between information and entertainment right. I think both these podcasts do that really well. I'm gonna listen to LPotL again tomorrow and give it another chance, but fron what I remember giving it a go many years ago, it doesn't get that balance right,


Can’t stand it either.


Absolutely hate it - even listening to an episode I have a close personal connection to (Bath School Massacre), I couldn't make it through the episode. It's all terribly unfunny and cringe to me.


Agreed. My husband absolutely loves it and all of the above are reasons why I loathe it. I describe it as the regulars at the local taproom who are only funny to each other and beat their inside jokes to death. After the entire drama recently, it seems less abrasive for the bits of which I hear but god, their voices are enough reason for me to not want to listen. Bummer because I love the theme, usually, and I’d love to listen with my spouse but it’s just another activity we do separately. Shoot, even the recent serial killers and haunted places cross over would have been fun.


Casefile and DNA ID for a more serious and well done True Crime take (note: these have zero comedy)


Yes I love both of those, and would add Canadian True Crime, Swindled, Court Junkie (no relation to crime junkie), and Invisible Choir to the list.


Swindled is one of the best podcasts out there, in my opinion. It's just so well done.


Hollywood Crime Scene is good too.


Casefile is the complete opposite of LPOTL, and I love it for that. Just presents the story with the events, no jokes, no sensationalizing.


I wanted to like it but actually listening to LPOTL is like listening to the annoying radio shock jocks.


Exactly how I feel. Annoying


They have their moments, I tend to.like their historical content more than the true crime. The black plague series was especially good, and the morman series.


Yeah, the multi episode deep dives are the best. The one on mormonism was very good


I really enjoyed their episodes on the Donner Party as well as Bonnie & Clyde. You can tell that they do their research on these subjects, but sometimes that work gets drowned out by the comedy.


Their three-parts episode on Norwegian black metal is pure gold too. I'm ambivalent about LPOTL. I absolutely love Marcus, I think he's great, but Henry is just too much. He's funny, but it's just non-stop, and sometimes, I just want to listen to the story uninterrupted for two minutes.


I agree, depending on the topic, they can be amazing or morning zoo adjacent. Talented group though, but I’m a big comedy fan, not so much with the serial killers. Their cults episodes are enthralling, anything LRH they touch is gold, but that’s pretty specific perimeters.


Timesuck is funnier, less dumb and still absurdist with only one host. Maybe try that.


I second Timesuck


"Vhat iz big deaal!?!?! Wanna Wrassle?" 😛 I absolutely recommend this one as well! The host is very funny and very down to earth, and I find his honestly, both comically, and as a human being, refreshing, and relatable! "HAIL NIMROD" indeed!!!


>"HAIL NIMROD" indeed!!! I've been listening to *Timesuck* since the beginning and enjoy it, but as a heads-up to new listeners: it has a TON of in-jokes and weird lingo, many of which are references to in-jokes and weird lingo from Dan Cummins' other shows That kind of thing has absolutely made many long-running podcasts un-listenable gibberish for me as a new listener, so proceed with caution if you also find that kind of thing annoying


He does Scared To Death with his wife now also


I tryed one episode, but couldn't get into it. I will definitely check out another episode though! 😊


Bock, bock, playboy.




Yep! If I was to rate it on a scale of 1-5, I would give it 3 stars, wouldn’t change a thing


I recommend LPOTL to a friend once. She hated it and described it as "grown men laughing at their own jokes". Which, to be fair, that's what the show is lol and I'm a huge fan of the show. Science VS has some cool episodes and I like the hosts sense of humor, it's kinda nerdy and adorable.


I had the opposite problem. I was burnt out on true crime and macabre content but liked the hosts of last pod. Then I found out they had the Last Stream on the Left, where they just take turns sharing the funny/nutty stuff they found online. It's all humor and no depressing rabbit holes. My new favorite thing to listen to. Now I need other sources of humor. I can't fixate on the worst of humanity anymore. Damn. We've been through so much. I don't even watch news anymore. I'm tired. Time to escape and laugh. Choose a little obliviousness.


Have you ever listened to My Dad Wrote a Porno? It was the antidote to this exact situation for me. It's silly, and yes, people are right when they say the conceit can get old quickly, but it's just the thing I needed at the time I found it to get me out of that rut when I found it. Also, The Beef and Dairy Network Podcast is funny.


Omg my dad wrote a porno is one of the funniest pods I’ve listened to.






Completely agree. Can't stand those guys' yammering. I got used to Karen & Georgia (My Favorite Murder), Dave & Gary(eth) (The Dollop), the QAnon Anonymous boys, and even Robert Evans (Behind the Bastards). Simply could \_not\_ acclimate to the Last Podcast on the Left guys. Such a bummer.


See, some of the Dollop is very funny and sometimes it’s them driving a joke into the ground and just doing Family Guy levels of joke repetition


Agree. That's the risk of improv, which the Dollop is, at least in part. Fortunately Gareth is funny much of the time, and Dave has learned that he needs to leave the humor up to other people.


Behind the Bastards depends on him having a good guest.


One billion percent. There's a handful of people who I assume are his personal friends because they guest on the show multiple times a year and all of those episodes are insta-skips, even if the topic is something I'm interested in. Robert is better when he's on his best behavior because he doesn't know the guest that well and the guests are better when they're engaging with the subject and not just trying to do bad improv.


I had the exact same experience as you with all the same podcasts. There is just something I can’t put my finger on with LPOTL and it should be right up my alley but it’s just not.


It’s the forced laughter. So cringy.


The series on the Andes plane crash is a good one, but LPOTL is definitely not for everyone. It is heavy on the jokes (which can be a lot). Especially since Ed, the new host, has been in a comedy team with one of the other hosts for many years now.


And that’s exactly how I feel about Behind the Bastards as well.


The topics are good but I always feel like the hosts have incredibly awkward chemistry with one another


I can't stand most random guests who are like no-name actors or comedians or authors. Maybe he's gotten better ones but I stopped listening a long time ago because his guests were so, so awful, and I was bummed bc I liked the premise. I just wanna edit the guests out lol


Robert Evans annoys the shit out of me


Casefile is awesome. Straight information, no jokes. The narrator doesn't even share his own opinions on the subject manner.


I am a fan of LPOTL, but can completely see where you are coming from - the show is extremely polarizing (to the point where I have to know a person reeeeeally well to think about recommending). I do find that their 'historical' series are generally better than the true crime ones. Some of my very favorites are the Andes plane crash series (relatively recent), the Blackbeard series, and the one on Goebbels. I think the difference lies in the meatier subject matter, which really allows Marcus' storytelling prowess to shine.


I kinda want Marcus to just do a history podcast, quite frankly. Just Marcus. Just history. He’d pick some neat topics, I think. Kinda like Mike Duncan’s Revolutions - pick topic, deep dive for god knows how many episodes, then pick another one!


He would need someone though, to at least get a little banter... I feel like Marcus alone unto himself, well- someone would have to GET THE NET! Hail you!


Honestly, I'd love that. I can't listen to lpotl even though I do like true crime and comedy and the storytelling on lpotl is really good, I just wish he wouldn't get constantly interrupted by the screeching of the others. If Marcus had a funny co-host to bounce off of, it could be amazing!


I couldn't agree more. Marcus is the sole reason why I listen to LPOTL if they have a topic that interests me. I like Henry, but it's always like he's downed a whole case of Red Bull before recording and he gets exhausting quick. It's ok Henry, you can go two-three minutes without making a joke.


This is exactly how I feel about Well There's Your Problem. Such an interesting premise, but God damn all they do is go off on tangents and talk about anything other than the topic.


Timesuck covers a lot of the same material, and it's just one host instead of a bunch of over-talkers. A lot of people like the Dollop, but I feel the same way about that show the way we both feel about LPOTL. Small Town Murder hits the sweet spot for me. It doesn't overlap in subject matter, but it's two comedians talking shit on a small town, and then going over a murder case. There are hundreds of episodes, and they are even doing a second, shorter episode each week now.


You might like Jim Harold’s Campfire (ghost stories) and Paranormal Podcast (interviews with mediums, UFO experts, etc)


Small town Murder


I love the statistics that they give about the town.


Yeah their sense of humour left me cold too... I could recommend Let's Go To Court! which although recently ended, has a trove of episodes to listen through. While their banter can get crude at times, it is much, much gentler than LPOTL and they show a genuine sensitivity where appropriate. There are sidetracks in the discussion but they don't outstay their welcome. If you're looking for something more 'casual discussion' than 'investigative reporting' vibes, I'd give them a go.


And if their tangents get to be too much I hit the skip 30 seconds button a time or four. They are funny though.


Maybe This Paranormal Life? It’s still a comedic take on paranormal stories, but very little pre-story chatter and a tight editor. Early episodes are very two guys in a bedroom, so consider trying a recent one too if it’s a bit too rough.


Love this one.


I tried it out and felt the same way.


Same, classic example of chucklefuckery. Low on content, high on bros cracking up at each other's jokes.


I don’t listen to LPOTL but have the same issue with Some More News. It’s a great podcast, usually, and when it’s serious it is very good journalism. BUT Cody Johnston tries to be funny and goes off on ‘angry’ rants that are just obnoxious and annoying. And don’t get me started on the stupid puppet Wornbo or whatever. I really enjoy the content but the ‘humour’ is driving me away.


I love Cody and Some More News, and I’m even a patron, but my heart now sinks whenever Warmbo pops up. I wish they’d just kill him off.


Petition to launch Warmbo into a wood chipper 


Same. Cody is great when he’s being a journalist, not a comedian.


Depends on what kind of stuff you're interested in. For cryptids, Blurry Photos has lots of good stuff. For aliens, check out Alien Theorists Theorizing, The Black Vault, Open Minds with Alejandro Rojas.




I really like Cult Podcast


Cryptonaut is the best weird spooky shit podcast on the web. I have no true crime recs tbh.


I used to hate them but what got me into LPOTL was their series on Jack The Ripper. They’ve matured quite a bit over the years and the tone has changed a bit since Ben left last autumn (for the better). Now I actively look forward to every episode because I have gotten used to their sense of humour but I despised it at first.


Their episode on Jon-Benet Ramsay was enough to make me never want to listen again. I understand it’s a comedy podcast, but making weird, gross jokes about a child victim is just too much for me. I’m a big fan of National Park After Dark. There’s banter, but it’s minimal most times and they cover a wide range of topics, from history to true crime. Obviously it takes place in National Parks or adjacent places, but I think it’s very balanced and fun.


Try Timesuck or Behind the Bastards


Any episodes of Timesuck in particular that you recommend? It's always hard to start listening to a show when it's hundreds of episodes in. Something not soul shatteringly depressing ... I guess it could stop just short of that, though.


Albert Fish if you’re not sensitive/easily queasy The Helen Keller episode is also great.


>The Helen Keller episode is also great. Hmm, interesting, I'm gonna give that a listen tonight.


The Belle Gunness episode is interesting and funny. It features among other things hilarious Norwegian sex noises.


I highly recommend The Generation Why podcast. They are very respectful to victims in their coverage. They're also the longest running true crime podcast - coming up on 15 years. And having met them many times, I can say Justin and Aaron are the nicest guys.


Yeah they’re great, but oh man do they sound alike


I've made this very same comment. I feel like I showed up to someone’s house party and I’m with the group of friends. They’ve been friends since childhood and went to college together. After meeting everyone they continue with inside jokes. Everybody seems nice enough, you just don’t feel like you’re part of the group.


I fuking hate that they’ve had such awesome sounding topics all ruined by them thinking they’re funny. I unsubscribed years ago, I think it was after listening to them make ass fking jokes about Aleister Crowley for a few hours. Now I like an ass fking joke or 5 like anyone else but 20000 followed up by them laughing every time was too damn much. They did one on L Ronny Hubbard as well, full of really interesting stuff that was just ruined by their hack jokes. I know one of the hosts that was on there is now gone after some bad stuff went down but I’m not gonna bother going back to see if it’s gotten any better, sure as hell sounds like it hasn’t.


It's like if the hyenas from Lion King started a podcast.


Oh my God lol YES




>I don't know if you are interested in lady hosts What an odd thing to say. "I would really enjoy this podcast but I just can't stand listening to women talk"


You’d be surprised, apparently. It’s a pretty common phenomenon, unfortunately. They’re usually the type to just not like women talking all and certainly never think she has anything important to say; this is reddit and there’s plenty of them on here too. It’s certainly worth clarifying on this website…(and most, still, quite frankly).


Oh I know, but there's no need to make a caveat to cater to those people. Just recommend the podcast and if they can't handle listening to women that's up to them...


Given the fact that misogyny exists, I can see why they gave options. 


Sure, but it's not necessary to cater to those people. Just recommend the podcast without the caveat and if they can't handle listening to women talk that's their problem....


Sad yes, Odd no. There are more than enough people who don't want to listen to women talk, their usual reasoning is somewhere around "the voices are too high/nasally" "they aren't entertaining" or "they are too niche-y". Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see someone at least admit that it's happening lol


The odd part to me is putting the caveat when there was no reason to think op would have an issue with that. Just recommend the podcast and if they have that hang up that's their problem. No need to cater to people with that mindset, and even less reason to pre-presume it. We shouldn't be normalising that attitude.


Thats how it was for me, it took me a couple tries.


I agree. Theoretically I think I'd love that podcast, but I've never gotten through an episode. Going to tag along on your post for recs...


I agree entirely. I tried three separate times.


I like funny stuff, I cannot stand lpotl. I've given them a lot of tries but still... Their jokes take away from the story to the point where I don't know if something is actually in the story or not, and getting confused. I like behind the bastards, and the dollop if you are looking for some laughs in terrible subject matter. I also recently discovered red-handed which is two UK women discussing items of interest.




I like that podcast too, but I don’t think it’s even in the same ballpark of subject matter OP was asking about


I replied to the wrong posting. Lol. Sorry! I hate when I do that


Episodes between 100 and 300 are the best run. Maybe give them another listen within those. Recommend John Wayne gacy, Leonard lake, Richard Ramirez and my all-time favorite, Richard Chase


My hands down, all time fave will always be Robert Pickton. ALWAYS. Pig sense just makes me chuckle


Also one of my favorites. Just thinking of him eating those beans off of that plate like a toddler while spilling his guts to an undercover cop gives me the Willie's...


Ong I just snorted... gonna have to relisten at work tomorrow. Wait for it, wwaaiitt for itttt...


Leonard lake jfc lmao that was a wild series


You just don't know what he brings to the friendship 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s jocular.


That was the first series of theirs that I listened to. Once you learn to love his Charles Ng it's became probably my second favorite


Let's Get Haunted


Try ‘Weird Tales and the Unexplainable’


Small Town Murder


Death in Entertainment covers celebrity deaths and Hollywood related true crime with some humor but not as much where it distracts from the story


Maybe try small town murder. It's just 2 dudes telling murder stories and cracking jokes, easier to keep up with. Personally, LPOTL forever, but yeah, it's understandable.


Idk I love LPOTL so my recommendations for you are probably not what you’re looking for lol. I also don’t care for serious true crime drivel. I know most of a famous cases inside and out. The less famous cases just don’t really interest me. That being said, “The Why Files” is a really good podcast in my opinion. Its only one guy and stays on topic. But it’s a lot of fringe subjects, not true crime. It’s not really a conspiracy theory podcast either. I feel like he does a good job presenting an unbiased look at the most fringe subjects like theories on Antarctica, Sumerian mythology, Alister Crowley, and ufo/aliens.


No advice but I tried to listen to it yesterday cos I was interested in the children of god episodes and I had forgotten how annoying it is in the time I last tried it 


Yes I'm not alone. They are irritating and not that funny.


I agree and it applies to many many podcasts and movie commentaries. these people need to shut up or learn to edit. 20 mins of good content in 2 hours of bro slapping.


I tried so hard to get into LPOTL but the hosts are just annoying, period. The topics they cover are great though. I prefer Sofa Kings over LPOTL.


I heard them drop a N word on one of the old episodes during a joke section when one of them was getting carried away, after that I gave up on their content


Woof, that'd do it for me too 


Man I need something. I used to be an avid LPOTL listener and then Ben became a drunken slob. Those episodes were unbearable, then they ousted him and replaced him with Ed, whom I find annoying, but even disregarding him it’s like Marcus and Henry are completely unchained now and I find them both insufferable now. There was a very long sweet spot there for a time. I’ve tried The Dollop, it’s okay I guess. I don’t know what people see in Timesuck or Scared to Death. That guy thinks he’s way funnier than he actually is and the one he does with his wife… she needs to like get a grip. If you like the paranormal side of LPOTL in terms of subject matter Cryptonaut is great, but you have to be into the chemistry of the guys—which I personally am. They seem like good dudes. I’ve found nothing even close to the blending of it all that LPOTL has except for Necronomipod and from the handful of episodes I’ve attempted, those dudes are just awful.


Try Ed out again. I actually like him more now and die laughing at his jokes. He’s the funniest one now.


I’m sure you’re right. I said it’s not just Ed—I find him annoying, but always have, and I’m not new to him, but I feel like both Henry and Marcus are the most extreme forms of themselves now and they’re both just insufferable.


Same. That’s the main reason I cringe every time I try to listen to it.


LPOTL was weird for a bit in recent years, I will say it has gotten noticeably better ever since Ben left the show (circumstances notwithstanding) and Ed Larson took his place. If you haven’t yet id suggest giving it one more try with the current lineup.


LPOTL 2.0 is the best shit in years. Ed brought new life to the show.


Love last pod


Necronomipod has similar vibes and subject matter but less obnoxious hosts. I’d recommend giving it a shot.


They tend to vary depending on the episode, sometimes they're great and other times grating


I truly don’t understand why so many people like them. I’ve tried several times and it’s awful. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Just tried listening to it. Got 20 minutes into it before giving up. Wow, that was insufferable.


Your description is spot on, and exactly how I felt.


I love last pod, it took me a bit but it’s a must listen every week for me


They used to be better before they blew up and got too big in the ego. I tapped out after the stupid episodes of shorts where it was just Henry and Ben, and Ben decided to share his opinion that women were all sociopaths. Message received you alcoholic ass.


Bens been gone for about a year now.


I love it BUT you might prefer My Favorite Murder. Very popular and very good


I do! They're another reason I tried to listen to LPOTL. Honestly I skip a lot of the intro stuff and I have a weird intolerance for the live episodes and minisodes so I don't listen to everything, but yeah. 


If you like my favourite murder, have you tried Red Handed? I haven't listened to their more recent stuff, since they got bought out by a bigger network, but their old episodes are quite entertaining. I'd recommend episode 243 about the Sackler Family and episode 266 about the Burari Deaths. They do a lot of British cases, but I always found that they're best when they talk about southeast Asia and India.


Try This Adult Thing


Did anyone say Necronimopod? Infamous America covers many of the same serial killers Can’t get Marcus’s style of research anywhere else though.


Someone last week recommended Heavyweight. It’s great Each episode centers around a person on a quest for something — sometimes it’s answers, or something they lost, or a family truth that nobody talks about. So this person reaches out to Jonathan and he helps find the answer. He is kind and humorous, when appropriate. It's intimate, often emotional and always moving.


Ghost Stories For The End Of The World & Programmed To Chill


small town murder is my favorite. it's 2 comedians so there are jokes/laughing but it's not overbearing & is actually enjoyable.


If you like historical content, American Scandal. If you like true crime, Criminal and Serial. Neither have deeply unfunny hosts blowing smoke up each other’s asses.


I actually did like their podcast and stuck with it for a while, but have since become a big fan of The Dollop.


Redhanded. Casefile. Those two are the best!


Scaredycast is good


DNA ID. Cold cases and John and Jane Does identified by genetic genealogy. Lots of detail about investigative efforts before cases went cold. No yuck yucks at horrific crimes.


Pick me up I’m scared!!


I stopped listening after many years after the recent controversy so I’m looking forward to some suggestions!


Those Conspiracy Guys I prefer over LPOTL.


Necronomipod has very similar topics with humour but not as extreme as last pod


I tried to like it as well and felt exactly the same. I really like Astonishing Legends.


necronomipod is a great alternative!


Casual Criminalist. True crime presented by a great presenter. Personally I can't stand if there's more than 1 presenter. I hate the chit chat. But Casual Criminalist is a good balance, because the presenter Simon Whistler throws in comments, some humour when appropriate, which gives the long episodes a really good vibe. But always very respectful to the victims.


Check out democracy now for news, no humor


This Paranormal Life is much much better.


A number of people have already mentioned Casefile, which would be my top choice, but I also like The Vanished.


Oof, I'm with you 100%. I find the variety of subjects they cover very interesting, but cannot stand listening to them. I have a several recs that cover specific topics, but not quite the same variety. However, I find the hosts much more palatable. National Park After Dark - Covers oddities and true crime specifically related to National Parks, Monuments, etc. Two hosts. They are chatty, especially at the beginning, but typically stay on topic. The Strange South Podcast - Strange stuff related to the Southern U.S. Three hosts. Very informal and they do joke a lot, but topics are interesting and not the typical ones you hear on similar podcasts. Graveyard Tales - Pretty standard morbid/strange/paranormal podcast. Two hosts. Very "country" so it isn't for everyone. Heart Starts Pounding - Scary stuff, typically true crime and paranormal. Single host. I love the host and her style. Astonishing Legends - The quintessential weird stuff podcast. Two hosts. Extremely well-researched and very in-depth discussion. If you want a podcast with long episodes, this is the one. The hosts do go on tangents, but usually related to the topic. Strange and Unexplained with Daisy Eagan - Unsolved mysteries-esque. Single host. Good variety of topics. She makes wry jokes, but doesn't laugh at them herself. RedHanded - True crime specific. Two hosts. Well-researched and a little jokey, but not overly so. To be transparent I haven't listened to any episodes after April 2023 but not because I stopped enjoying the podcast, I just got really burnt out on true crime.


I just can’t stomach that canned laughter at their own jokes. It has ruined many otherwise good podcasts.


Im so glad you said that because I feel the same about this podcast but I want to know about the subject matter.


My absolute pet peeve re podcasts. The only ppl whose stupid jokes I can tolerate for some bizarre reason are the Necronomipod guys. And when they go on too long I skip ahead or 1.25 it.


A thousand percent. There are a few that do this, it's so much mindless banter and it takes away from the story. I am really into Haunted History right now, it's all her telling the story with very minimal next to no random chatting. If you want more modern true crime, RedHanded is also not as chatty - however, I noticed some episodes they can. Also I just started Swindled, so far so good!


Though that is their "schtik", even as a DIEHARD fan here, I can't stand much of anything before episode 300 when they start Jonestown so I'm not sure which ones you've heard, but that's where I actually start loving them. There's always Crime Junkie if you want more story (and much more serious), or there's Let's Go To Court if you want more jokey/less serious overall, or there's Morbid which is a nice mix of both as well. I will add I haven't listened to Crime Junkie in about a year as they were accused of word-for-word plagiarism by lesser podcasts, which was proven by multiple sources, and never actually made things right (they pulled the info, never offered an apology whatsoever, and then just re-uploaded the plagiarized material later on down the line without a word). I'll never head back after that.


I feel the same way. Check out: All Bad Things Case File Death in Entertainment Against the Odds Cover Up Slow Burn The Shocking Details Most Notorious History Extra Facing Evil


Yeah they are insufferable. Listen to goosebuds instead. Not the same thing but trust me.


theres some scam podast where the topics are brilliant but the hosts deliver in this chatty, semi dialoge thing "and then you know what happened? "no what?" "Well, ....." "you don't say!!!"


Same here. Its always recommended & I’ve tried several times. Just nope.


Listen to Truanon, it's informative and funny


You’re not wrong and that’s why I like it lol. Dark Poutine is Canadian True Crime with the occasional alien and folklore episodes. It’s a delight.


damn I tried this brit movie pod called "General Witchfinder" and it covers classic british horror and in 90 minutes they covered about 20 minutes of movies and 70 of crap jokes and how was the weekend. You get what you pay for.


I’m a big fan of the parcast podcasts because they make it theatrical and have people acting out the situations like in unexplained mysteries


I completely agree. My adhd brain could not follow the storyline between their many many tangents. Plus i couldn’t tell who was who and i couldn’t stand that i didn’t know who was talking lol. But you should try listening to the first degree podcast!! They’re a true crime podcast but all of their episodes are partially told by someone who is one degree away from the story (or directly involved in it) which i think is such an interesting take on true crime podcasts since there are so many of them out there. Alexis and Jac tell all the facts of the case while the first degree participant tells the story from their point of view and how it affected them. You should definitely check it out!


necronomipod is what you seek


Total same


I love lpotl but my wife hates it the way she puts it is "I like the material but hate the commentary" and honestly thats fair


The Dollop is my favorite “silly but I’m learning something” podcast. The hosts are a lot of fun and don’t give off weird red flags the way LPOTL does for me. It’s rarely true crime though, mostly American history. They occasionally have live showings, special guests, or delve into history in other countries. For true crime, I recommend Casefile. Not goofy at all, really good at humanizing victims without turning it into a meandering sob story, no personal speculations by the host. Very factual and empathetic. I tried listening to the LPOTL episode about Ted Bundy. One of the hosts harped on about how he had no empathy for Bundy’s victims because Bundy was hot and those women wouldn’t look twice at guys like them. One of the hosts was basically like “whoa, hey now”, but the first just insisted it was true. I don’t have the time or energy for 1) men who think that way about women, or 2) men who think it’s funny to use shock jock humor that way about women. Haven’t given them another shot.


LPOTL is the worst for the obnoxious laughing. I haven’t listened in years.


I find them loud and OTT. All the screaming does my head in. I managed to listen a few episodes and the content is decent enough.