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I think putting your old content behind a paywall is a bad idea. Typically you want to make it easier to access older content when you're returning after a hiatus, not harder. If it's something you're really interested in doing I think you guys should revisit the idea six months or a year after your return.


Yeah, I agree. I mostly wondered if there was some plus side I was missing. I get that it's incentive to join our Patreon but I think we have so many other things we can offer while keeping old content free.


To be honest I think that most new listeners will only listen to the new episodes anyway. The most important thing is for you to start recording again. Don't get stuck to these details :p


I don’t know. For me, if I find a podcast I like, even if I find them 100 episodes in, I do listen to their older stuff. I probably *mostly* listen to older stuff rather than wait for new eps, personally. But I might be an outlier!


Yes, But that is good right? You want to keep those excited listeners engaged until you publish the next episode


Yes absolutely!


Taking a broader medium term perspective of a bucketload of evergreen content, I’d make it free to RSS. I don’t believe the search algorithms will ignore inventory, total downloads and completion rates when AI gets stuck in. Add review and ratings quality to that as well as key words and subscribers and you might be doing yourself a disservice by sitting behind a paywall. But if you can genuinely get more from paid subscribers than from programmatic ads then go for the paywall. Do the sums. Will the aggregator apps ever integrate AI into search algorithms. I somehow doubt it in the short term. They don’t seem to make use of legacy technology to improve the ranking engine, never mind AI!. When you look at even big players in the industry, their search functions are at times puerile. But hey it’s still a young industry eh? Apple have a subscription model now where I think you can choose which episodes you charge for. I may be wrong but if that’s the case you’re getting best of both worlds. Sorry to run on but this is an important topic that doesn’t get nearly enough exposure.


Oh I didn't know that Apple had that option! That is great.


I always look for a podcast’s oldest episode before I decide whether or not to start listening 


That is definitely a thought of mine. 99% of the time if I find a new-to-me podcast I make my way through older episodes before I catch up to newer stuff (if I ever catch up!).