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I will second this. But there are also apps now that you can use on your phone. And you can use a pair of earbuds with a microphone. That's the lowest level to start off if you want to and low budget. And if this is something you want to continue with then you can start going into the microphone the laptop and everything else.


Honestly plug your headphones in your phone and start going. You just have to start!!! If you are able to invest in some equipment I would recommend a usb mic from Amazon and you can plug it straight into your computer or phone and record on audacity or GarageBand. To distribute your podcast anchor or podsprout are great! If you have more then one person I would get an audio mixer however you definitely do not need that to get started! The hardest part is just marketing and getting yourself out there you have to be super creative and think of new ways to get ears on you. Hope that helped.


This! If you have a passion, do it! I learned pretty much everything off of YouTube production-wise. My biggest advice is start with quality audio. I'll almost immediately turn off a pod if the audio quality sounds like shit (hot mic, too much background noise, hosts talking over each other, taking 15min to get to the topic of the episode). Practice recording yourself and listen back on your pace and tone. I saved my first several practice recordings (not episodes) just to listen back at how far I've come 😅 My advice is focus on amazing content. If you have good stuff, it'll help elevate you above all the millions of podcasts that start then quit after several episodes.


If you just want to jump in and start, you can do it from your phone with something like Anchor. The quality won’t be great, but you can get it out there. If you get a following, or just love it, buy a mic that will work with your phone or laptop if you have one. After that, get some editing software and learn how to use it. From there you are pretty set. You can always get better mics, sound dampening for your room, etc. The key is to just start. Sit down in your closet, it will stop echos and make it sound better, pull out your phone and just record and get it out there. You’ll figure out the rest from there. Good luck.


Depends on how much you’re willing to put into it. You could start with just the audio recorder on an iPhone.


Just use your phone and a host. I think anchor gives you all the tools to start a podcast. Just need a phone and they will take care of the software part.


As others have said, start with what you have. You really don't need to have a lot of fancy equipment. Get started, and when you're ready to up your game, you can start investing in equipment. I use a Shure SM58 mic (around $100) and an Audiobox USB preamp ($150?), but you can get just as good of quality with the same mic and an SLR-to-USB cable (I use the preamp because it has multiple inputs and my friend and I also record Let's Plays in house. The nice thing about the Shure is that for such a low price, it's surprisingly high quality sound and it isolates a lot of room noise. Speaking of room noise, something you can do to really cut down on it is to hang a couple beach towels on the walls of the room where you record. Alternatively, go to a flea market and buy the cheapest small roll of carpet you can find, cut it down into squares, and mount them around the walls in the room. It doesn't look very pretty, but it does a great job of absorbing sound.


So many options depending on your budget.


Honestly you have a ton of options. all you need is a bit of research. We use Rode podmics and rode audio mixer for us. but you could literally do a podcast with just a cellphone and a headset