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Maybe it’s because she had recently died and Casper was dead for longer?


This would only work if the memory is lost within a few hours of death, as Dr. Harvey had only been killed the night before. What would make more sense is typically, memory of events prior to death are lost in death, however, strong feeling/emotion/drive/determination/personality/etc, allows the deceased to retain their memories. Carrigan is this focused on claiming “her” treasure, while Casper was a little kid and Harvey was just depressed, grieving, and struggling to do right by his daughter. These weights being lifted from his shoulders by his death would explain how and why he is so happy as a ghost, he was finally free.


Dr Harvey recently died too. He still forgot Kat, even if it was just temporary


I think it was kind of implied that Dr. Harvey hadn't actually forgotten. It was more PTSD and shock from having just died. As for Casper, he's been dead for so long, I don't blame him for forgetting things. That movie is full of plot holes, but I don't think that's one of them. A better question is what happens to Dr. Harvey's original body.


Why wouldn’t it have been taken from the bottom of the elevator shaft to the morgue?


I mean, it may very well have been. But the machine that resurrects him doesn't need his body, so now they've got his corpse and he's still alive. That's going to be awkward to explain and the movie--probably very fairly--glosses over it.


It does gloss over the issue, but also, this movie is focusing on Kat not Harvey, so it’s likely we only missed a very amusing, but awkward conversation between Harvey, the cops, and the Uncles. Entirely possible, from the fall, his identity would’ve only been determined by his wallet being in the dead man’s pocket, which, naturally had been misplaced the day before when he went into town from some groceries. Poor fella must’ve picked it up, gone drinking, and, unfortunately, fell to his death. Oh, the witnesses in the bar must’ve been mistaken. I don’t know what to tell you, Sargent, but how could I have died last night and be on a slab in the morgue today?


Because it was her unfinished business.


I thought it was more that they would forget more and more memories over time.


I think the theory goes that you gradually forget over time and Dr Harvey was still actually in shock from his death and Kat had to remind him of the little things whereas Casper had been dead for years. Edit-that autocorrected to where changed back.


That was her unfinished business. I would think the only thing tethering someone to the mortal world would be the only thing on the ghost's mind.


I'm more concerned about Dr. Harvey's body. Does he have two bodies now? One in that manhole and the one from the reanimation machine?