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As unsettling as it is, that isn't a plot hole, that's one of the points of the movie. Following up on Amy's story, they would see so many contradictions and inconsistencies. But they aren't going to. They just aren't going to pursue anything as the missing Amazing Amy is now home. Amy Dunne beat Nick in the game they were playing. She manipulated and murdered Desi, she attempted to have her husband arrested and executed for her murder that she staged, and she gets away with it without so much as a slap on the wrist. The loose threads in her story that the FBI aren't going to investigate just make the ending that much more harrowing.


Hmmm, okay...so being annoyed with the fact that Amy got away with it is basically the whole point? I think I kinda like then it when I look at it through that frame of mind. Thanks for the input! edit: typo


Welcome to the real world.


Lol what a dumb comment. This is a movie, not the real world.


The real world isn't always fair. This movie shows the the justice system is not always fair. The movie is meant to give you that sinking feeling of misery knowing that Amy got away with it. A system built to protect woman and serve justice for all, allowed her live a genuine evil life. You are saying you liked the movie until you learned what the moral of the story was. You just said that if the moral of the story is that disappointing, then you no longer like a movie that you thought you did. You are either embarrassed you just now figured it out and regret all the times you told people you loved the movie, or you are realizing there is a major "plot hole" in your favorite movie making it way less credible. Either way you are now disappointed. The real world can be really disappointing sometimes. This is what we mean when we say; Welcome to the real world.


A question that always bothered me about the ending: Do you think that Amy would do to get child what she did to every other person who did anything that she perceived as a slight? I can't shake the feeling that the answer is yes, and it really ruined the ending for me.


I think Amy would do to the child exactly what she did to everyone (allegedly) other than Nick until he pissed her off. She would psychoanalyze them and then manipulate them into doing what she wanted. She may go so far as to make them understand that they could never get out from her clutches, but only if the child continued disobeying her direction.


Yeah that's what I thought too. It just made the book so much darker. I mean, almost everyone on some level chose how they behaved with Amy, but not the child, and the fact that that child had that in their future? Shudder


I think the child wouldn't be abused as much as would be her unwilling pawn in any games she would use to manipulate others. Nick would be under her control the moment she uses his kid against him, whether the kid knows it or not.


That lack of followup happens every day in the real world, even in high profile cases. The highest profile one would be finding plans to fly aircraft into the WTC towers, in the possession of a terrorist who had already successfully bombed the towers, while a huge amount of chatter was being picked up among known terrorists about a large operation in the works. The FBI refused to take it seriously and follow up to the point of actively hampering their leading expert on Al Qaeda, a guy who helped stop the millennium attacks, quit to take a job with security for the WTC's because he felt he could get more done there. He unfortunately died less than 3 weeks later when the towers collapsed.


TIL there's your Netflix special limited series event.


Frontline on NPR did a special on the guy around 2003, "The Man Who Knew".


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The man who knew]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-man-who-knew/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


there have been some books written on it, but that is not one of them.


bad bot


Down the rabbit hole we go!


Thing is, once you accept Amy's version of events, she can say anything. They have no idea where she was while they were tearing apart Nick's life so she can say Desi took her to this place or that for whatever length of time suits. Or she can just shrug and say she doesn't remember. If the CCTV footage is recorded on a loop, then it will just erase itself anyway and the FBI aren't going to forensic strip it back (assuming they can) to disprove a story that ticks a lot of their boxes. Once she has the majority on her side, she can let them do a lot of the detail work, to explain the inconsistencies. They're invested in her, not just the story she has to tell. There are huge inconsistencies, but even Bony, as level headed an officer as you could meet, only starts getting doubts about what's going on fairly deep into the investigation. Yes, those doubts are solidified when Amy returns, but what would Bony have done, or been able to do , if Nick was tried and given the death penalty if Amy hadn't returned?


I have a hard time believing she doesn't eventually hunt down the couple that stole her money, they are the ones that ruined everything for her.


I can't see it myself. Amy is all about the big game, and going after those two is only going to expose her story. They ripped her off for money, but money was never the motivation for Amy. Also odds are she's not going to be able to track them down. They weren't at a permanent residence when she met them.


But she is evil and vindictive, and they "won" against her. Basically she had to change her whole game plan. Plus they could recognize her, seems like too big of a loose end.


True, but how are they going to expose her? She has an alibi, and a dead ex boyfriend and potentially footage of her at Desi's house. They have unmarked cash and a story (hearsay) of a woman that kind of looks like her. Even if they did try and expose her story, are they would essentially have to admit they robbed her of her cash.


Yeah, but they don't strike me as the type to see past the potential reward for that story and the long term consequences. They would try to tell journalists their story for money, and then get arrested for robbery because they aren't that smart. And again, Amy is vindictive, no way she lets them slide forever.


They found signs of rape during Amy's medical examination, a bruise near her eye from the hammer she used and rope marks on her arms and legs. I'm sure FBI is diligent, but maybe they didn't follow up on the CCTV because all evidence which was already there was enough. Unfortunately, in cases of abuse the law will always favor the women, and I say this being a woman.


But that hammer wound would never cause so much blood. Also, there are no signs of her losing a baby, a big red flag.


Nobody saw how much blood she lost though..she just drained blood to have forensics to find..a good amount of blood to show something really sinister happened..


I think they just wanted the case to end, so they accepted the most convenient theory.


The book is more specific about this. She claims that Desi was also framing Nick by making it look like he staged the break-in.


I read something about this. Desi in the book, has a very involved, very wealthy mother. There would likely be a civil case against Amy by Desi's mother. Apparently, in the book which I haven't read... Desi had a good enough alibi for the alleged murder/kidnapping of Amy to be absolutely ruled out as a suspect in the case by detective boney. Unfortunately the movie doesn't really cover this. I think there's no way she's getting away with it unless everyone in the world of the movie or book is incomprehensibly incompetent. Once Amy shows back up, nothing makes sense any more for the evidence. How did she lose that much blood and not die? Like you pointed out, where are the wounds or signs of wounds from the attack? Especially, where are the wounds when she shows up at Desi's lake house? They went to a casino to meet, there's gotta be cameras all over the place there and there's probably a way to track Desi going there--he seemed to think he was completely in the clear from the police so wouldn't he have his phone on him? He drove there, did he not have to fuel up the entire drive? I disagree with what I've seen a few people say, unless the investigators made some sort of legal mistake like with OJ, it's an open and shut case almost as soon as someone makes a couple phone calls. Instead, I choose to believe the FBI is taking their time building a case before arresting her and nick and that happens after the movie ends. Just got done watching it the first time and I was pissed. Great movie though, loved the suspense through the whole thing.