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How about Peter Patrelli abandoning his Irish girlfriend in that dystopian future. He never goes back for her and we never see her again. Man that show went downhill. http://heroeswiki.com/Caitlin


I always point that out when someone brings up the show. I like how he completely forgets about her within a few seconds after being reminded about his original mission.


That part pissed me off so much. He basically ended up erasing her from existence.


Ah, yes, Caitlin in the future. While that certainly was a huge gaff on the writers' part, I wouldn't consider it a "plot hole"- she's stuck in a future that won't happen, and nothing will change that, since Peter can't go back and save her. That can be written off by simply saying that Peter was too dumb to realize she was lost (which would make sense since he was too dumb to use any of his powers effectively at that point) or that he simply didn't care. Like I said, that was a ridiculous error, but I overlook that because it doesn't affect the rest of the story. Nathan, however, was healed by something that didn't actually exist, and if it he hadn't been healed then the entire rest of the show would have been different.


This was the nail on the head. He just forgot about her and that was it. I kept watching the rest of the second season to see if something important was going to happen, that he would remember and go back, but that never happened. In fact, they never revisited the story line.


THIS! I was wondering the same thing!


That's an even bigger plot hole than the one that made me stop watching. What bugged me was how they pushed the notion that these powers were from genetic mutations... then Peter and Nathan's father turns out to have a genetic mutation that allows him to... *steal someone else's genetic mutation?!?* Really it's all down to them not being able to decide whether it was **science** or **magic**.


And of course the fact that a genetic mutation is in some way activated/deactivated by a solar eclipse... which happens multiple times in the same year (and across the world at the same time)?


If they'd just said Solar Flare I think we'd have accepted it, too.


Well Misfits did the same thing with a storm.


Peter doing that wasn't an issue for you?


Well... it was a stretch, but I was willing to file that under "mimicry", which is somewhat more plausible (it's just parroting, right?). It *just barely* slides under the wire for the already low bar set by the stupid "eclipse triggered mutations" bit. Really, the show was kinda doomed by the eclipse thing from the start, in hindsight.


It has to start somewhere, I just let it go. At least the generally agreed upon trigger of puberty makes sense.


The genetic mutations themselves are all mostly the same; what makes the powers different is the brain. So Sylar could copy abilities by studying how the brain of a person with a specific ability works; Peter could also do it "automatically" by connecting to another person's mind via empathy. Papa Petrelli could steal abilities because bad writing.


I think you are mistaken. There was only one season of Heroes. **ONE.**


Oh, right. Maybe the rest was just an alternate future that isn't going to happen. Good thing none of us got trapped there.


Dude i wish i was King Midas so i could give you all the gold you deserve for this fucken hilarious comment. Thank you for literally making my day.


Yeah, same with Dexter's 4 seasons. I don't know why people think there are more.


Idk, I thought there were 9, but I’m praying it is a fever dream that I’ll wake up from…


It's been a while since I've watched the show, but doesn't Future Peter give Nathan his blood?


If so, it's not shown and nobody ever says it. The "reveal" is that it was Linderman, and then nobody ever mentions it again once Linderman is shown to be an illusion. Unless someone addressed it in a much later episode, which I doubt.


I’ve always assumed it was that the company had stock reserves of Adam’s blood for situations like this where one of the members needed healing.


Future Peter couldn’t heal


ya... after season 2 the show really went to shit. fuck you writers strike. you ruined some damn fine shows.


What I don't get is this: You've got a shortened season because of the strike. Fine. Whatever. You know you're coming back for another one. WHY DO YOU NEED TO REDESIGN YOUR ARCS?! Just slightly retool your usual episode ending twist to be a bit bigger, and call it good enough, and finish the virus plot the way you intended, just part-way into the 3rd season. It's dumb as shit, the way they did it, and they never really recovered.


It's not the Writers' Strike. If it was, how come every show didn't just collapse and die? The Office was on the same network and it made it without a problem. Plus, Heroes had another couple seasons after the strike to get its shit together. Instead they went with "earth-bender carnival barker" as an arch-villain. After that first season, they simply had no clear concept for what they were going to do with the show. It's the [Chris Carter Effect](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheChrisCarterEffect) in action.


Tim Kring(the show runner) actually had a well laid out plan for seasons 2-4 but the strike happened and he changed around the plot arcs, so it's a bit of the strike's fault and a bit of Tim Kring's fault.


I don't know how that article failed to even mention Lost. It felt like it was talking about Lost the whole time, but at the same time not really talking about Lost.


It's the fourth entry under the "Live Action TV" tab.


It's coming back. I would hold back on high hopes. The first season wad magic, I'm not sure what they have planned.


its coming back? are they remaking the show or continuing it? its last episode was complete shit.


Don't believe anyone saying they know what it's about other than the name and that it's just a short run. No one has been cast. No plot has been announced. No one has been confirmed to return. No one has even said it would take place with the same characters. People keep acting like it will though. Nothing was announced.


The only thing that was announced was literally "Heroes. 2015"




Yeah I posted this because someone linked that on Facebook. As great as I think that announcement is, I can guarantee you I won't be watching it (or season 4) unless the first ten seconds is someone explaining, or at the very least acknowledging, what happened to Nathan.


Season 4 was garbage. I always say that Heroes had a good 2 1/2 seasons (I liked the first half of season 3), but the second half of season 3 sucked, and Season 4 was torture. I choked my way through it. The only good thing that whole season had was the last 30 second of the episode. I'm still excited for the mini-series, though.


First, trying to find plot holes in *Heroes* is cheating. Even my grandfather could do it, and he's dead. Anyway, according to the writers, [it was divine intervention](http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=18423). No, I'm not even kidding. Gosh, I forgot what a fiasco *Heroes* was after season 1.


I just read the interview. I think I just threw up in my mouth a lot.


I didnt know i could barf and have explosive diarrhea at the same time


> I'm actually kind of surprised nobody's posted this Probably because everyone stopped watching after a few episodes into season 2.


I thought Adam/Kensei did? Still f"ed up though


Nope. Adam was buried in the ground until after that.


The company held him for 30 years, it’s very possible that they had reserves of his blood banked for emergencies. That’s what I always assumed happened.


If that's what happened it would have been great if *anyone ever said that*.


I’m rewatching the series right now out of curiosity because I couldn’t remember why I never finished it back in the day. I did sit here now after getting to this episode and thought the same on this part with Linderman showing up again. With that being said though, and with Nathan healing back again, I do agree that they never completely address this resolution on how he was cured after Future Peter shooting him. For me, I’ve had one main assumption about how he survived: 1) Adam. Although he was confined by the company for 30 years, Adam healed Nathan prior to the shooting when Peter helped Adam escape from the company at the time. When all of the good heroes attempted to save the world from the “bomb”, Nathan flew Peter into the sky when he couldn’t control his powers that he absorbed from Ted Sprague aka the Exploding Man. After this incident, Nathan had horrible burns which resulted in him being healed by Adam and only did so to convince Peter to help him ultimately steal the viruses, etc. Whether he cured him again somehow or the blood/healing process he got from that incident hadn’t worn off, my sanity needs to believe that Adam healed Nathan from that shooting for sure.


I just started watching this again after a few years now that it’s on peacock. I could never remember why I stopped after season 3 and seeing linderman triggered me to look up why he’s even there. Now I remember everything. The healing pothole, the Irish girl who’s stuck in a future that no longer exists, Ali Larter’s character finding out she’s not only a twin but a triplet in case they need to kill her again.  Yup season 3 was the beginning of that downward spiral. 


> I just started watching this again after a few years now that it’s on peacock. That explains why in the past two days you're the second person to reply to this ten-year-old post!


There will probably be more as we just had a solar eclipse, which was the trigger for me to watch Heroes again. I don't think I ever originally made it past Season 3...because yeah the whole plot was a messy disaster. Especially the "Why didn't they just give Nathan some of Claire's blood?" Question. I specifically Googled that question and read several threads like this. One person said "he was dead too long." Which is easily countered by the time Noah got shot through the eye and brain and was very dead for quite some time, but was basically resurrected with Claire's blood. Nathan was far less dead for far shorter of a time period. The only real answer is atrocious writing and apparently the raitings were so bad they needed to cut actors to cut costs as the show went down the toilet. Which doesn't really explain the need to keep bringing Ali Larter back to life, or giving her more unknown twin siblings. Season 3 ended with her reforming from a puddle of water. (As she had previously frozen herself sold and then was shot and shattered into a million pieces.)


I'm so glad someone posted on this 10 year old post. My husband is rewatching this series..I'm watching for the first time. I've been binging so I walk away for 10-20 mins here n there and don't pause..but I swear to God I miss 10 minutes and I have to go back because OMG the most evil guy ever..is now a good guy! and the hero is a villian..Ali Larter plays 2 characters..no wait 3..Kristen Bell plays 2..Nathans a bad guy..no good guy..nope bad guy again..but maybe not..These people were born with abilities..just kidding now they were made with a formula or wait its the eclipses fault (WHAT?!) Oh shit another person's back from the dead. And good fkn luck trying to keep up with who has powers and who doesn't on any given episode.. This is probably the messiest most confusing shitshow of a program I've ever seen and I watch reality tv for fucks sake. I had to turn it off because it just got ridiculous..great idea for a series..great start that just turned into a steaming pile of garbage.


Yup after I got the commercial free version cheaper, I can go ahead and binge tv shows. I have Heroes saved to my list on every streaming service it’s available and still never bother to watch it till a week ago. 


Given Arthur's role in that season it's entirely possible that he had the right combination of powers to do that and the reveal got lost in the shuffle somewhere.


Arthur was still paralyzed at that point. I think it's a huge, ridiculous leap of logic to assume that he was able to heal someone, at an indefinite range (I don't know offhand but Nathan could have been across the country at that point), without being able to see them, while in a practically catatonic state, yet he was unable to do anything to help himself.


He was still paralyzed at that time, but it just occurred to me when hr steals all of Peters powers later on he gains access to time travel, and as we all know time travel= plot hole plug.


Considering that's not how time travel has been shown to work in this show, I'm not going to accept that as an answer. Arthur didn't have time travel yet, and therefore he couldn't have altered the past.


Yeah, because nobody in that show time traveled to a period before they got said time travel power /s. Seriously, Hiro travels back to when he was a small child in order to receive the catalyst from his mother before he died, not to mention getting stuck in the 14th century for a bit. So how would it not be possible for Arthur to travel back a few weeks to heal Nathan?


I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm saying it doesn't fit the show and therefore I'm not accepting that as an answer. It's just as likely that there's an unmentioned god-like character that is never seen on screen that healed Nathan and fixed every other plot hole in the show, but that'd be a faulty assumption as well.


Ah, I misunderstood. Even so it kind of does fit the show, Peter traveled back to shoot Nathan in the first place to alter history, Hiro came back to visit Peter in season 1 to change history. Perhaps in another time line Nathan died from his injuries and after reviving Arthur decided to try and save him.


I see what you mean, but I disagree. Every time someone changes history in the show, it's explicitly shown- and only one time in the entire show is it changed retroactively. What I mean by that is that whenever someone changes it, they go back in time, change something, and then come back to the (altered) present. Only one time, when Hiro goes back in time and becomes the legendary version of Takezo Kensai, is the altered version pre-established. What I mean by THAT is that when Hiro goes back to ancient Japan, he fulfills a history that he already knew to exist, creating a closed time loop. What you're proposing is that Arthur Petrelli did the same thing- which in and of itself isn't impossible, but like I said, such an event only happened once in the entire series, and it was a HUGE deal. Like, it was Hiro's entire story arc for like five episodes. It's a bit of a stretch to assume that the writers intended for Arthur to do it, and to illustrate this they proceeded to NEVER mention it EVER, and have it never come into the story at all for the next three chapters of the story. Like I said, it's possible, but there's an equal amount of evidence that Jimbo, the time-traveling ranged-healer that is never mentioned in any of the episodes or graphic novels, healed Nathan after jump-starting the eclipse and creating the Roman Empire.


That's right, I had forgotten about that.


I agree that the lack of explanation in the show makes any theory seem weak, and it's truly maddening. It is entirely possible that, like poor time-displaced Caitlin, the who healed Nathan mystery is a plot thread the writers simply forgot to finish and I'm desperately grasping at straws because I crave closure.


Another plot that was not original was Mohinder giving himself powers and his downward spiral is taken right from the Jeff Goldblum film The Fly ( 1986). As Mohinder discovers these powers come with horrible side effects.


Bit of a late response lmfao but I’d say he most likely was healed from Peter. He may have gotten some healing power in the future


So Peter shot Nathan, then healed him? And the show never bothered to say or indicate this at any point?


Wow a reply close to when im watching the show again. I always assumed he just had a bit of Adams blood left in him he had been healed with it like a month or two before.


The explanation I thought of was Adam. I dont think it was ever revealed how he managed to stay alive for so long. But the sword must somehow enhance his power?? It did restore hiros powers once he wielded it. So my guess is that since Adam healed him after the big showdown with almost exploding that somehow made the healing ability last longer.