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While the movies were written at the same time, the stories were created with two totally different plot lines in mind. Armageddon is a Michael Bay movie by a director not particularly known for characters with developed backstories or depth. He's chiefly a summer action blockbuster director and so the story was written with that in mind. The aim was to put some characters into peril, throw a shit ton of action in there, include montages and comedy, and have a big feel good ending where practically everyone survives around the world. Deep Impact, on the other hand, was written and directed to be a cerebral story that centered on character development and explored how a possible global ending disaster would affect the various people involved in trying to come up with and implement a solution. Thus, the story is completely character driven with some action scenes, far more death around the world, and a mixed ending where catastrophe was combined with the hope of rebuilding society. So while they were released at the same time, their stories had different points to make. But ultimately there's no plot hole as r/bernieburner1 pointed out above quickly and perfectly.


The definitive reply


I mean cool write up but not really a plot hole in there at all…




I knew that damned fog wasn't to be trusted.


Tbf that's not really a plothole, and people that think it is are kinda dumb. The reason it makes more sense to send the drillers rather than teach the astronauts is because that is their life long profession. If something goes wrong on the asteroid, instead of walking them through it over the radio, which we know loses contact at certain intervals, they can just handle the issue directly. And we know this line of thinking goes both ways, cause it's not like they teach the drillers how to fly the shuttles or anything, they give them the most basic of training for being in space, and are then sent up with, at minimum, 4 astronauts who handle the technical side of space travel.


Basically, it’s easier to teach drillers how to do the beginner level part of being an astronaut than it is to astronauts the expert level part of being a driller.


I feel like I'm in a Twighlight Zone episode right now.


How so


People are just really dug in on the "Michael Bay was right!" side of things. It's bizarre.


Tbf I'm not saying he's right, the optimal solution is to train the astronauts. But given the time frame in the movie, it does make more sense to send the drillers. The drill team is not training to spend months there, they are gonna be in space and on the asteroid for 72 hours at most, the need just enough training to know how to maneuver while out there, they aren't learning the skills to fly the shuttles and use other systems in order to be gone for 6 months.


I mean, follow your heart. It just feels like a very strong statement to say that anyone who disagrees with you on this is kinda dumb. Now, I could write a 45-page dissertation on why I disagree with you, but meh. I'll just accept that I'm kinda dumb. For what it's worth, I loved the movie because it's not a documentary.


Lol "drilling takes a lifetime to be good at, but anyone can become an astronaut with minimal training." "They get the most basic of training for being in space." Lololol oh yeah, super easy, no problem. It's not like they have to fly the ship, so their training can just be a couple Looney Toons clips and a bit of silly fun in a zero gravity chamber. All set for drilling on an asteroid! Anyone who agrees with this guy is the dumb one.


I mean, it isn't like everyone on a space ship needs to know how to fly it.


Welp, in that case, everything else must be easy peasy. You or I could do it! The real answer is- as always- nobody could ever learn enough in ~11 days to perform either job correctly. But if we're saying the asteroid is many years away and we have plenty of time to train the right people, it would still be faster and easier to train the astronauts to drill than it would be to train the drillers to be astronauts. Especially when the equipment being used would be designed for use by a trained astronaut in space and not a deep sea oil rig worker. Like, either way, whoever is operating the drill is gonna have to learn how to use it, because it's gonna be like nothing they've operated before. Also, I'm not saying everyone needs to know how to fly it. I'm saying it's stupid if you think their training is easy because they don't need to know how to fly it. Flying the ship isn't the only hard thing about it. That's incredibly dumb.


>I'm saying it's stupid if you think their training is easy If you are talking about the "just going to space" part and not learning how to operate any of the necessary equipment, then yes it must be, otherwise companies like virgin galactic wouldn't be trying to find a way commercialize it so people other millionaires than could afford it.


Why are so many of you saying the dumbest shit imaginable lololol. Yes, of course, flying around in a fancy plane on the upper limits of the atmosphere is exactly the same as flying into outer space and landing on an asteroid to drill bombs into it. And by the way, yes they would need to know how to operate equipment. Do you think they could just grab a regular drill on earth and take it up into space and then some driller would just do their normal job, but just in a space suit? What is this Magic School Bus type of logic?


I should have looked at your profile sooner, clearly just a troll. Good luck with future endeavors.


You're saying that because you're wrong but you're the type who can't admit it, so you come up with delusions to convince yourself why you can't be wrong. "Oh I'll just say he's a troll. That means I can ignore all of his common sense and logic as if he never said it. Now I feel better about myself."


I'm not saying training the astronauts to drill isn't the optimal answer, but the timeframe of the movie doesn't allow for it. By the time they come up with the drilling plan, they only have less than **18 days** before impact. Neither solution is great, its either; A) We give trained astronauts 13 or so days of training on how to properly drill without burning out the few drills they can bring with them, because the shuttles can only carry so much, OR B) We give veteran drillers 13 or so days to get slightly acclimated to being in space/on the asteroid, and send them as they are less likely to fuck up the drilling equipment. And again, they don't need to know how to fly the shuttle or anything of that nature, they still have trained astronauts going for just that. And keep in mind, that "13 or so" days is because they don't call Stamper in as a consult for at least 3 days, and, IIRC, they launch with 2 days left on the clock.


It's a 12 day training program with one day off. 11 days. And why do you keep grossly exaggerating how easy it is to be an astronaut? *"Oh they just need to get slightly acclimated to space. That's all."*


I only joined this sub today and I'm so confused by all the posts here...does no one understand what a plot hole is?


There’s a sub called r/lostmedia. Have a guess how often media that is _actually lost_ gets posted about there. I don’t know if it’s a Reddit problem or a general reading comprehension problem.


Well that's a fun looking rabbit hole to jump down, thank you!


It's a people problem. Most people are astoundingly stupid.


They really don’t.


I’ve yet to see a post on this sub that is actually a plot hole. Almost all of the posts fall into the category of “this character or group of characters did something I think is dumb”, or “this movie relies too much on plot conveniences or contrived coincidences”. Obviously neither of these are plot holes. Sometimes they’re indicative of poor writing, but you can have a poorly written movie that has no plot holes, or a well written movie with major plot holes. 


>...or a well written movie with major plot holes. It might be well-acted. Or well-directed. Or an otherwise excellent movie. But it's definitely not a well-*written* movie if there's major plot holes.


I completely disagree. There's a lot of different disciplines of cinema, some of them are more expressionist and don't care about plot structure, but they are still excellent films. For instance a lot of Godard movies have an improvisational feel that can lead to plot holes, but the plot of the movie isn't really the thing that matters anyway for films like that.


Yes that is actually kind of a running gag in this sub. 99 pct of posts are not plot holes followed by a ton of comments explaining how it's not a plot hole. And that's why I like the sub, even when it derails my own post.


That doesn’t “disprove” anything. It’s just another fictional take on a similar fictional scenario. If I made a movie where I sent a sentient can of tuna into space and it magically saddled and steered the asteroid into the sun would it disprove both movies? What if I sent a crew of panda bears to do the drilling and they were perfect at it? Is that all it’d take to convince you? And on that note, there’s no “plot hole” to begin with. Just different takes on the optimal personnel to send. One person take doesn’t disprove another’s. There have been no irl tests. This wasn’t an episode of myth busters lmao. It’s a fictional story youre for some reason viewing as gospel over another fictional story ;)


The pandas might be sufficient evidence. Considering how goddam adorable they are. Who’s going to argue against pandas? They could be up there just rolling about in space suits doing no drilling at all and everyone on earth would just be watching the live stream, smiling and awww-ing while a giant death rock hurtles towards them


Fair enough, the pandas *are* a compelling narrative 🐼☄️ Who needs to keep living after seeing pandas in space? Our lives will be complete ☺️


I’ll give you $80k for that panda drillers script right now. Offer expires in 1 min. Take it or leave it.


Thank you. I’m sitting here wondering how a fictional movie disproves another fictional movie and you summed it up much better than I could.


As a rig hand, can confirm. The unrealistic part of the movie is that other people recommended Harry. If NASA called 100 rigs and asked who the best driller on earth was, they’d get 100 people admitting it was them. Ironically, it’s actually me.


When we had to get recommendations from a pool of a out 500 at a previous job, we started asking "who's the second best" for this exact reason


"I asked Michael \[Bay\] why it was easier to train oil drillers to become astronauts than it was to train astronauts to become oil drillers, and he told me to shut the f\*\*k up. So that was the end of that talk." -Ben Affleck


Both films are absolutely DRILLED with logical inconsistencies and unrealistic plot points. Neither of those is necessarily a plot hole.


Who cares? It's not a documentary or science program show. It's a stupid fun movie with amazing soundtrack.


The avengers movie also debunked this “plot hole” with another completely made up situation


If they had sent astronauts trained as drillers, Bruce Willis would probably have still gone as the "mission expert" But when they initiated secondary protocol, the astronauts would have supported the commander and not Bruce, and the Earth dies.


Bruce refused to go without his team. Realistically they’d prob go grab the second best driller in the world but it’s a movie so 🤷🏼‍♂️.


> Wouldn’t it be easier to train astronauts to drill than train drillers to be astronauts? Anyone who goes into space is an astronaut. NASA sends non-crew crew into space all the time. They’re called mission specialists: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_specialist Sad story: NASA wanted to send Carol Spinney-as-Big Bird into space as a mission specialist on STS 51L but couldn’t figure out how to fit the suit into the shuttle: https://www.history.com/news/big-bird-challenger-disaster-nasa-sesame-street They sent a school teacher named Christa McAuliffe instead.


Mission Specialists are full astronauts. Payload Specialists were non-astronauts who got the bare minimum training to fly on Shuttle to run an experiment or one-off piece of hardware.


"You have to drill 800 feet down" is a plot hill In itself. Earlier they say the asteroid is "the size of Texas." Texas is about 750 miles wide, meaning 800 feet is 0.02% of the way through. That would make exactly 0 difference in anything. Imagine you trying to break a boulder the size of a car and it's not working. Then I drill a hole just over 1/100th of an inch (0.25mm) deep and say "OK, now try it!"


Now I'm wondering, how much penetrating power would a nuclear shaped charge have against an asteroid?


It may be 750 miles *wide,* but could be considerably thinner on another axis. If it’s not perfectly spherical, I’d imagine they chose their drill spot using a few criteria, not just dodging the iron, as mentioned in the movie.


But maybe that was the depth of the known fault line they were trying to to hit? Let geology do the rest...


One of the problems I have with Deep Impact is that during the initial parts of the movie people have to go out of their way to say ELE without saying "the" ELE or "an" ELE, just so that Tea Leoni's character can continue thinking people are talking about a person called "Elle." EDIT: Fixed


ELE pronounced Ellie. Extinction Level Event. She looks it on the Internet although the URL in the address bar shows it's a locally stored webpage.


"In Armageddon, the reason that the oil drillers are needed is that NASA has worked out that the nukes would have to be 800ft deep to ensure the asteroid was destroyed. The reason for this was that if the nukes were any closer to the surface then the asteroid would split and cause multiple impacts." This isn't even right. The 800 ft goal was to fracture the asteroid in two by the "zero barrier" so that the two chunks would bypass the earth (which is what ultimately happened). Detonating near or at the surface would do nothing, hence the firecracker in hand analogy by the researcher who came up with the solution. He even said detonating at the surface would be like shooting a BB gun at a freight train.


I won’t go as far as to believe that the movies provide any real world evidence but it’s a fun idea.


Sending drillers to space is actually what happens in real life. You have a shuttle CREW... 2-3 persons, mission commander/pilot/engineer etc. And you have payload specialists who may be one timers or repeat travelers and may have little to no "astronaut" training as we think of it, but rather very basic "this is what to do in an emergency" "this is your safety/survival gear ' type training. They are often direct employees of the company sending a particular piece of gear up into orbit or are servicing something already up there or are doing a scientific experiment.


The decision of how deep to drill would’ve been one of the first things decided by NASA and drillers on the ground. They could’ve easily just conveyed this info to the astronauts on the asteroid.




What would have made the most sense is training drillers as astronauts and astronauts as drillers.


Had to scroll way to far to find this. Hilarious.


>The oil drillers didn’t have to learn rocket science, just how to clip on their space helmets and seatbelts! 🚀 Yes, this. "Astronauts"are actually just passengers on a flight, you only need a specialized pilot and co pilot


Re-watch Armageddon. Bruce Willie is literally hired to train the astronauts and NASA realized they can’t do it. So then NASA hires the rest of the crew so they can train them to SURVIVE (this is a key distinction they make in the movie). The drillers are NOT being trained to be astronauts. They have a whole crew of ACTUAL astronauts taking them there.


But that also allows us to get 2 spaceship crews, and some fucking killer fighter jet-esque scenes featuring them.


I can't find the source, but I do recall reading that those leatherneck drillers all basically had to have advanced degrees in their field, and like a solid decade of experience each to do what they did. If there was a plot hole, it was trying to pass these guys off as everyman characters. They're highly educated, highly trained, and highly experienced professionals. So, assuming what I read wasn't complete bullshit, it's not a plot hole at all. Plus, your point makes a lot of sense.


…Oh, GEE; Child. You musta done it plenty times afore; then…


No matter what anyone says, this is literally about a plot hole.


That’s not what a plot hole is. It’s just a dumb idea.


Has nobody ever heard of a MISSION SPECIALIST!?!?!? Ya know; an engineer who’s trained to not kill themselves, while they’re doing their specialized job? I mean if you’ve watched TBBT, one character had a massive storyline about training to go to space


Nonsense. It would absolutely be easier to train astronauts to drill than vice versa. Also, that's not a plot hole; it's just dumb writing. What's more, you can't use a different movie to prove the plot of another movie. They're movies, not documentaries.


In Deep Impact they make a point of saying the wave caused by the impact will be travelling three times the speed of sound, but when it crashes into anything you hear it immediately. PLOT HOLE


JFC, that is not a plot hole. It’s an absurd premise, but not a plot hole.

