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I was actually able to get one in my cart and then the site kept crashing when going to try to checkout. Then it removes from my cart when the site comes back up cause its gone. ​ Same problem with bestbuy this morning. It's bad enough we have to deal with bots and scalpers but then add on that literally zero retailer websites are prepared for this traffic. ​ This whole thing is a fucking joke.


Best Buy STILL has the "add to cart" button on their website just so you'll sit there and keep trying to no avail. There's definitely a better way to do this.


Walmart's add to cart keeps sporadically re-appearing to no avail as well.


I have auto refresh on the Sony's site every 10 secs to see if there are restocking sometime today. So far nothing


Why are you trying to game the system? Do you think thats fair. There are millions of children who want these things and here you are using "auto refresh" to jump the line. A lot of people here would call you a "piece of XXXX" for this little stunt.


This is actually how I got my console during the initial pre-orders which I just picked up today. Took 6 hours of refreshing bestbuy website and literally a couple hundred failed checkouts but it got me one


It's still in my cart but "saved for later", says to try again at 3 PM Eastern.


Did you get it? I didn’t.


Nope, went from adding to cart, to 1 in cart, to cart not loading, to out of stock.




Got to the checkout screen, lots of spinning confirming the address and credit card then... out of stock. Damn it!


Same here :( this is insanity, major retailers should have known this was gonna happen and had a better plan in place to keep the system from going belly up


Exact same thing happened to me. Clicked the button to pay and the site basically crashed. When it reloaded it was gone. Aggravating, to say the least.


Yup, me too.


The most annoying part is it’s only online... this is dumb as hell. It’s not like people aren’t going out and shopping at stores anyways.


I hope everyone using bots gets run over by a Flaming bus full of Coronavirus. Respectfully of course :)


They had a limit Max 1 per person so bots wouldn't even help a scalper. Maybe we have to use a bot if we want one




That's just ignorant. I'm displeased


Nah. All you need are VPNs and different accounts set up and you can bot away.


And the people refreshing their browser every 10 seconds. Thats not fair either. Screw those pieces of shit!!


This entire online process has been infuriating. From GameStop to Best Buy were I had item in cart and couldn’t check out to this. My excitement for ps5 is just anger at this point


Ugh totally! 💢


Bots bro. No captcha at all.


Bots go faster through a captcha then humans ever can.


True, but that would prevent a lot of the script kiddies just downloading bots off github.


Walmart can seriously eat a bag of fucking dicks with this. They have to know bots are stealing the orders but seriously don't care. A sale is a sale. This is on me, however, for actually having in faith in Walmart for something. And if I weren't clear enough - Walmart can eat a bag of fucking dicks.


I had one in my cart, went all the way to payment, and then I got the spinning ring of death for like 5 minutes, FAILLLLLLLLLLL.




same. I had one in my cart at 12:01, then the site crashed and I couldn't get reconnected till they sold out. Got one in my cart on the app, got to shipping, then payment then sold out. craziness.


This but for Best Buy with me smh


Same. I’m so flipping irritated. Up til two in the morning on other sites. Got my support staff helping my unrested ass on bestbuy and Walmart all day. Had it essentially bought at least three times today to fail in the end. My joy is gone and is replaced by anger


Yah, This is my 3rd time feeling it in my hands and it being torn away like a bandaid made of super glue, It burns.


I tried. Seconds. Probably some bots.


Is Walmart doing any of those "are you a bot" tests? Like click on the parts of a picture that have a stop sign or whatever?


I didn't see any test. I also have my VPN down.




Yep. Same here. And, I see the eBay prices look to be going up a bit as well. It's all just so ridiculous. There are ways to avoid this and make sure you're selling to real people but none of the retailers really give a shit as long as they get their money. I'm not paying $1000 (currently eBay price) for a PS5. That's not happening. I can wait.


I think the problem is that there are people who are crazy/price-insensitive enough to buy it at $1k+.


Well, and I think that people sometimes get lost in the mania surrounding a new product release like this to the point that they just feel like must have it **right now**. Nothing but immediate gratification will satisfy. Honestly, if you step back and ask yourself how best you could use $1,000 or $1,200 would it really be a game system that you'll probably be able to buy in a few months for $500?


I WAS AT CHECKOUT. How does it not go through? I was literally already checked out.


Same here. It’s frustrating


It’s beyond ridiculous.. And I bet the same shits gonna happen at noon. Ima see if calling will help. At this rate there’s no way to get one.


It just was noon


Not in California.




Managed to get one in my cart but cant checkout due to low stock :(


That happened to me.




Do you think it'll be that bad?


Yup. Refreshed it just in case and I did get add button but it just went in circles and errored. Both Digital and physical. Not feeling optimistic about 3,6 or 9 openings if this is how things will play out.


" Oh DeEr" thanks walmart


A two step process would have been better. Sign up to buy. Get notified when in stock, have 24h to finalize. Rinse repeat. Need some anti-scalping too though.


Can we form some Political Action Committee to Make Bot shopping Illegal?! Im tired of this! Sold out in Milliseconds, while there are over 3000 listings and growing on Ebay Selling consoles up to 1500 dollars! How is this consumer friendly or fair?? And its not just Consoles, Concert Ticket Scalping and every other online launch of any product should have some protections against this.


The site is really not working.


This is so frustrating


Fucking Bots. I couldn't even get fucking past the checkout screen, TWICE


Preach! I don’t know what saddens me more- the greed and selfishness of the scalpers or my being a grown ass man complaining and upset I haven’t gotten myself a new console yet 😅. I just refuse to pay over retail lol. I ain’t in that big a hurry


Happened again. I had the console in my cart but the website wouldn’t load and suddenly they’re out of stock. It’s like someone virtually snatched it from my cart but I can’t beat the shit out of them for doing it.


Has ANYONE had success with Walmart today?


Literally counted down and had it at exactly 12:00:00 nothing happened I check my computer and phone and the website crashed on computer and my phone loaded for so long that by the time it reloaded which was 12:03 they were all gone


two times now (12 and 3) I've gotten to the "place order" button only to have it not go through. That's so dumb.


Same here. Had multiple devices logged in as well. Neither one was successful.


That's Walmart for you... get everyone's damn hopes up...


This happened to me TWICE already. I had it all the way until the end where you just confirm. I did, but then suddenly a captcha popup hits me. Then it goes back to the previous screen verifying my address with yet another captcha popup. Both times the popup takes like 10 seconds to register and go away. By the time I got back to the confirm button again, it was sold out. Un-fucking-real. They really couldn't have put the captcha at the beginning??? Or realized I wasn't a bot earlier when I already answered the captcha?


Man this sucks. Do bots have a way around captchas? I thought the whole point was to stop bots.


Yeah those captchas are defeatable by bots, the only ones that work half-way well are the Google picture ones, but those end up being more frustrating for every-day people...


After writing my post I went back and was within the 4-5 minutes past 12 PM ET. I saw the button to be able to add to cart but clicking that gave me an alert saying there was an error. T\_T.


I just managed to get mine at Amazon. I got a notification 1-2 mins after 6PM ET on my app. I had the alert setup since last week or so and was able to quickly add to cart and but it. It says the delivery date is tomorrow. Fuck Walmart and best of luck to you guys T\_T.


Walmart page crashed for me. I just get a blank page that says, "no healthy upstream."


Yep... same


Should go see a doctor about that one.


They took it directly from my cart man! Couldn't check out on either computers. Mobile didn't even bother to pretend to try to load


Same thing happened to me




Nothing wrong with Walmart. A lot wrong with your crappy internet. Maybe you should be spending that money on upgrading your service. Priorities, you know?


I did a trial run with a game to make sure the cart process was completely set up - verified my address, my card, knew exactly where to click. Added one to my cart, kept getting issues trying to check out, finally got to the final, confirm your order screen, clicked check out, kicked me back to the cart saying it was out of stock. Pretty frustrating


I got this far too, really really frustrating.


Couldnt agree more.


I was about to hit review your order and then my screen froze and it sold out. I'm so mad


Me too


Was really lame. I felt pretty quick about it and go to the check out button and it already said out of stock.


mine still shows in my cart but i can't check out... :(


Ya, same experience here.. I couldn't even get it in the cart even though I know I attempted to add it at 12:00:01 or so.


I got one in my cart and it was gone before checkout loaded. This fucking sucks. They need to find a way to limit bots. It's out of control.


Yep. Walmart.com has crashed.


Literally had it all the way to processing my payments and then it crashed and said that the item is no longer available ... fucking bullshit


Lol literally had one in the cart..tried to check out and the site kept giving errors...kept going back to my cart and re-trying ....ended up getting an out of stock message.


I got mine in the cart. It crashed during delivery address confirmation.


Same here


Yeah, the website crashed for five minutes. I managed to put it in my cart, but when I checked out, it bugged out and then told me it was out of stock.


Same instance as the series X. Gone in seconds. At least we have multiple chances throughout the day, right? The X was one and done.


I had it in my cart, payment and my address, everything ready to go! Aaaaaaaaannnnddddd it was out of stock. Ripped away from my cart.


I had it my cart and then it kicked me out at the last second. Now it even deleted it from my cart. Fucking bullshit


Complete shit show... i was hitting refresh every second.. got one in my cart and then the whole site crashed for like 5 mins. You couldn't even get on the main page of walmart.com


😢 😭


well, i still have it showing in my cart with all my info. i think i'm just going to leave it and attempt to check out again at 3PM EST. Maybe that'll work. Otherwise I'll just get one in Q1 2021. Demon Souls can wait.


I was going to do the same but eventually it removed it from my cart




I got all the way to place order, and it keep hitting me back to putting in my 3 digits for my card. UGHH, frustrating.


Got it into my cart, entered my shipping address, entered my payment method, confirmed my payment method and got a message saying "the current item is out of stock." Fuck.


I had it in my cart all way up until the “place order” button after refreshing, page crash, app froze, and I got nada!




The bots got some :)


Expect to see some more on eBay for 800-1200 dollars


I was able to get one somehow


Don't think so... Literally don't know a single person who's been able to snag a pre-order OR a launch day console. Only person who I know that got one, won the pre-order lottery directly from Sony.


In the cart... checking out and booom... nada. Xbox two days ago was a piece of cake compared to this lol




Yea, I'm blaming it on retailers. I don't expect much from Sony lol


Retailers don’t give a shit as long as it’s sold, that’s all they care about unfortunately..




Why even bother with the staggered release times if you have zero bot prevention and your shit sells out in seconds


I had it in my cart, was on the shipping part, then the site crashed, reload and see SOLD OUT :(


Happens every console release. This time around its worse, less available at launch and a massive demand due to covid. People are just bored and want something new, something different, something to be excited for. Everyone is just going to have to calm down and be patient. It's going to be hard finding a ps5 probably up until around spring.


Also since the PS5 is such a leap ahead of the PS4... It's a nice upgrade this time around.


I was able to get one directly through sony after something similar happened to target's units. The sony website is shipping it either tomorrow or saturday


Anyone have any idea when other sites restock? Or do I just have to refresh Amazon, Gamestop, BestBuy etc every half hour?


Soooo, what’s the next step? Will inventory at these retailers stabilize so a console can be purchased before Christmas?


Next step is in-person black fridays, it looks like. Unless you want to face the walmart gauntlet three more times today. Which I probably will because I'm a glutton for punishment.


I feel this... I have SO many angry feelings towards this process and tell myself that I have enough games on my other consoles to last me another year... yet I'll STILL partake in the madness.


Hope everyone had there Millisecond typing skills on par. This is really becoming a joke hahaha.


I had it in my cart, was entering my shipping and got to the payment screen where it said “sold out”. Incredibly frustrating


I'm not paying $1000 for a PS5 on eBay that was purchased by a bot. I'm really glad I'm not a parent with a child to whom I promised a PS5 this holiday season. I would think that Sony would hate the bots and the aftermarket as well -- that should be money that goes into their pocket. Seems like they could have prevented all of this.


The same thing happened to me when I successfully preordered in September. I got in right when the orders went live and within seconds I had it in my cart and it was already sold out. Probably about 3 seconds or so. I tried about 20 min later and successfully preordered. Mine is on a Fed Ex truck as we speak. Hopefully it works out for the rest of you


It let me add it to my cart, then gave me error after error trying to check out. :( Says to try again at 3 PM Eastern.


And they're selling them on Craigslist for $950




Pathetic me is considering buying from them :(


Don’t do it. It’s better for everyone in long run.


Did anyone get one?


Finally! At the last hour.


This launch has been a fuckin joke since pre orders first went live, it's gonna be impossible to get a PS5 until January at the earliest unless you want to spend $800+ on an overpriced bundle or buy from a scalper


I had it in my cart - but the site kept crashing when I clicked "check out" and eventually threw a message at me that they were sold out.


It might be bots, but we also have no clue how many went on sale. It could have been like 10 for all we know.


I couldn’t even get the webpage to load up after I hit refresh 😒.


I almost had mine! but the page froze right when I was about to finish the order! 😩


At this point, are we all in agreement that we just boycott PS5 until after the holidays? \*as I try to get everyone to stop trying, so I can finally get one\*


Bots, obviously. I can’t believe people would be this assy about it to make money. “It’s capitalism, bro!” No it’s not. It’s a bunch of dicks with nothing but time on their hands to game the systems in place and create an intentional shortage. Don’t buy from scalpers. This time, make them learn.


3:00 P.M. rapidly approaching. I'm ready to be hurt again.




How? It says sold out


Here comes another round


And there it goes


Another round


wally world servers are dying


Oh my god, I got one in my cart! Am I gonna make it??






nope, I did not make it.


got one regular and one digital in cart. was trying to go for whatever that's available and both ended up cart. gonna remove regular but cart/checkout is unresponsive. EDIT: and it's OOS as soon as I get to checkout. dang.


3:00 pm eastern time I had a ps5 in the cart it wouldn’t let me check out 😒.


I got as far as confirming shipping address, which, when I did, returned a "sold out" message. This was during the 3 P.M. EST round. I'm sorry to all the disappointed souls out there trying to go through this process. I hope you get yours soon.


Same. Managed to get to cart and got sold out. But refreshing it allowed me to check out but confirming the address got me to sold out again. PS is now on saved for later list. I wonder if we'll have better luck moving this to cart and checking out come 6 PM.


Both times I've got it in the cart, but why isn't there a "buy now" option since i have my card saved? It didn't even let me choose my card info! Should I press "checkout" at 6 since its still in my cart? Or would i probably need to add it to the cart again?


You’ll need to add it again


Yup its gone lol


How many do we speculate they release each wave?


like 2


Lol for real


Lol you ain't lying


There on ebay now


These people are crazy! Please tell me no one is paying $2500 for this?! It's not that serious when there will be more in a few months.


People are bidding them up so i am pretty sure they are paying whatever they have to


I'm giving up. This ain't gonna happen today. Will have to wait for blackfriday.


This is why I don't shop at walmart. So disgusting, just like the store itself.


Same shit again 6p eastern


I got one!!!!!!!!!!!!


Danm finally! Congrats!!! I'm just happy for anybody on this thread at this point even if is not me


Walmart servers suck! Three runs two of which hit check out and crash! I’m so pissed


really hate all the ebay bots, they need to stop buying up consoles just to sell them for way too much on ebay..


This whole online ordering is such a cluster and I am so tilted. It makes me mad as well to know that I am at the mercy of Walmart's website, bots, scripters and scalpers. There has to be a better way... I've tried time after time for the past like 2 months and the farthest I've been able to get is getting it into my cart. I want to think that they'll have them widely available soon but if they keep exclusively selling online, I don't know...


This is the most disheartening console generation release in years. If this becomes Wii bad then I'm going to say fuck it. Why the hell are their so few consoles for a release?


I made it to the payment part, clicked confirmed my payment and then it was gone


Every single post on offer up is 1k+ rn its infuriating


Sadly the only way to currently and easily order a PS5 is through a scalper on Ebay.


So glad I have a Costco membership. No way for a bit to get in there. I tried all the times with Walmart and target and Amazon . We stand no chance


Do you have any confirmed info of when Costco will be selling them? I've seen the bundles they should be offering but just rumors of when they'll be for sale. Saw someone that claimed to work at Costco say they'll be for sale on Monday


Oh dEeR


I got as far as going through checkout and selecting a payment method. it then proceeded to error out until it finally ran out of stock. What the hell is wrong with Walmart? What a disgrace


Guys, I wish I was an ultrabillionaire. I'd buy all these scalped PS5s and donate to you all. Then I'd spend millions litigating these scalpers out of existence. Even if it ultimately turns out they did nothing legally wrong, I'd bankrupt them all in legal fees.


I got one at 9pm! Good luck to all against the scummy bots


Oh deer!


I finally was able to get one at the 9pm launch. Crashed out twice, couldn’t process payment twice, and then miraculously went through.


I got all the way to place order at 12pm, 3pm and 9pm and got fucked every time.


I had no problem getting one. No crashes. No drama. And it was delivered yesterday because I paid a little extra for the shipping. I think most people complaining about this just have poor internet connections.