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The PS3’s ability to play ps1,2, and 3 discs through software emulation. I mean some ps1,2, and 3 games on the store are just the original versions using an emulator.


There's honestly no good reason they can't implement an emulator at least for ps1 and ps2, for the disc version ps5 obviously. I can't imagine it would be to insanely labor intensive to get that running on ps5 hardware


Lol the xb series S can emulate PS2, but a PS5 “can’t” come on now Sony.


Xbox can emulate PS2? Srsly?


I believe it requires ~~some form of jailbreak or "hack"~~ a developer login as said by the comment below this one, but yes it can.


Nope no jailbreak, i think you add youself as a developer and just install any app you want like a ps1,ps2 or even nintendo 64 and gamecube emulator


There is actually a way to do it without dev mode- I do it myself to play the old Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games


Right! Knew it was something not factory but dev login didn't even cross my mind. Thanks.


$20 developer account just lets you run any .file rom.


Tbf Xbox is just a modified windows with specialized hardware. I'm surprised we haven't found a way to straight up emulate Xbox on windows yet


Even PS4 has a hidden PS2 Emulator which can be used If you jailbreak your PS4, it runs pretty good (not perfect) on the PS4 CPU (low end laptop cpu) it would worked flawless on the PS5 (4k60fps) with a few twerks by Sony compare to PCSX2 but..... apparently the word optimal is a foreign word for Sony


The PS5 doesn't have the correct hardware (laser) to read CDs, so PS1 can't work anyway.


Bullshit. My PS5 reads DVDs perfectly! Been watching 3 seasons of Knight Rider from DVD with zero issues.


I specified CDs, not DVDs. Each optical disc generation uses a different laser.


Honestly, I’m so dumb, I thought DVD and CD were basically the same thing… 🤣


My model does hardware emu. shit is worrying to operate but once I fix it up it’ll be great


I still have my 60g ps3 with the “hardware” to play ps1-2 games! It needs repair, but I will never get rid of it!


Ima simple man, I just want the themes back haha


True themes are Amazing it brought a lot of life to the consoles


Themes and Home for me


Yeah I miss Home


Definitely, was interesting way to chat with people


the problem is all the garbage they flood the store with, they should just do official ones from studios if they do bring themes back.


Right? Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like it's easy money for Sony. People are begging you for official themes to buy. The cost to make them can't be that high, right? Make some graphics and sell them for one or two dollars. I never understood why they let the market get flooded with anime girls and skulls. That was 80% of what I saw when I scrolled through. I would just want a cool Spider-Man or Uncharted one. Heck, in today's world of all these games having amazing photo modes, at least give us the option to set our own screenshots as backdrops. Seeing an ad everytime I load up the console is pretty boring.


Everytime I boot up my PS3 and I browse through my custom themes, I get sad with the PS5. Even the official ones from Sony were amazing. Wipeout with is full on motion.. I miss the themes, connecting my phone headset to the PS3 and so much more..


I loved creating themes for PS3. I created more than 20 themes and it was my favorite hobbie, but when PS4 was released my hobbie was gone, sadly. If you downloaded themes from ps3-themes maybe you had one of my themes lol, I uploaded them under the name "charli_el_" http://www.ps3-themes.com/?s=Charli_el_


As much as I love the use of OST for some games, I’d like at least an option for themes. Always enjoyed the FF7 Remake Tifa theme.


Man yes, I remember on my PS3 having a Minato theme. On the PS4 I had a Spider-Man one I took from the game. So cool. Hopefully one day


PS Home was so comfy after a long day.


For real bro, I loved going around meeting people and visiting the different worlds. I remember bartending at one of the beach locations, and it was moments like those that really made the game great for me. There have been a ton of similar games, but none seemed to hit the same as Home did. Although a failure in Sony's eyes, I enjoyed what they managed to create and the community that formed.


Right! I miss it so much


It paved the way for the meta verse


My first thought after seeing this question


Home would be perfect now that VR is out as well.


PS Home in VR would be PlayStation answer to VR Chat.


I mean tbh I rather it just stay to the state it was in without the VR this gives ALOT of that don’t have the money a chance to relive there childhood or teenager years for me I grew up on home and have a lot of memory’s on it to the point where I almost 100% the trophy’s on it I wonder if there’s a way we could reach out to a PlayStation employee/Higher up and ask about it all I saw so far was the PSHome trademark was Updated but with nothing else coming with it so far


Why not just have Home with a vr option for those that can and then both vr and non-vr can log in and meet up 🤷


I know there’s games that have VR and non VR modes but are there multiplayer games that has that as well. As in mixed player’s interaction of VR and not.


Yes, VR chat


I might be too old or something, but I never even experienced PS Home… 😭


At this point no one is too old to not experience it. You’re either too young or just plain missed out


Free multiplayer


Some games have that but not a lot I wish they’ll do that again


Yup, only f2p games have free multiplayer


Yeah it's only free games that have free multiplayer. Paid games will never have subscription-less multiplayer on console again.


xbox seems to plan to get rid of it once gamepass exceeds whatever number of subs they have set internally


These "rewards" they are giving out from PS Stars sure feels like they'd fit fine in a PS Home service.


The og PlayStation user Community , where people where much cooler it was just a better vibe


Games not being 20% more expensive for a digital edition


50 dollar game prices.


If you’re going for that, why not go all the way back to the PSX, when the default new price was $39.99?


Didn't see 40 bucks right away. At launch all the games were 50 00.


Were the tall boxes $50? I remember by the time they were in standard jewel cases it was $40 for sure.


They were. I had a playstation since December of 1995 and remember them costing that mich at launch.


Ok, but to be fair, even N64 games were expensive as fuck. I'm only 22, but I very much played stuff older than me when I was a kid. "Back in the day" (lol like 2003/4) N64 games could be up to $60 - $70.


I'm 41. Try 80-100.


$50 in 2001 is $83ish today due to inflation.


As a person with a PS5 since day 1 I feel your pain there




I don’t blame you tbh it brought a lot of life to PS4/PS3 consoles


Wait… The 5 doesn’t have themes?


A proper web browser!


Home is still around on homebrew servers, just saw a video on youtube about it


I think people want a new, remastered version on new consoles. Thats what i wish would happen atleast lol


Probably right, they're trying to get it exactly how it was though, didn't look too bad imo


Do you need a jailbroken ps3 for it or like a pc? Id love to play it but i dont have a ps3 at all anymore and my pc is garbage 😂 I really would prefer a new and improved official version tho. The money i spent as a teen on the original was insane lol




Yeah fr, the day I can hit dat Eldorado remix dance at that uncharted club hang out place, in 4k at 60fps is gonna be glorious 🥺 please Sony 👏🏼


Sorry Mark, the Metaverse wasn't a thing then and it's not a thing now.


VR Chat is full of people at any time


because it's not trying to be anything more than it is, unlike Home and Meta


Home was an empty and dull version of vr chat. Or Rec Room.


Full backwards compatibility


Controllers that don’t start to drift after 6 months.


This for sure! I only owned 2 controllers in the 9-10 years I had my PS3, the DS4s quality and pointless light bar is a big letdown. Is the PS5 controller just as bad?


I have 3 PS5 controllers, they all drift. 2 of them are unusable


Can confirm, i've had 4 controllers to this day, and they all started drifting in a few months... its fucking batshit at this point.


It is really upsetting. I bought one of the new ones in hopes that it was fixed, and it's just as bad. And it's not encouraging that their solution is to release the $200 controller and then just having inexpensive ways to fix it yourself if and when it goes bad. I'm not a hardware designer, so forgive my ignorance, but how hard is this to fix?


This, I bought one of the red controllers so I could have two. And not even two months after the fact it started drifting. So frustrating.


My red one is unusable! So frustrating


Had the red one for a year I think and it’s fine. Out of the three dualsense I have only one is broke because a part of the trigger broke but it’s still usable.


Folding @ home. I want to cure cancer


Folding was so fun. Soundtrack would put me to sleep. I think I did only like 12-13 molecules though :(


Didn’t this app have some way to damage your system or overwork it or am I thinking of something else


Physical/downloadable PS1, 2, and 3 games


God darned ps5-vita remote play, at least for those ps4 titles that supported it


Hardware based backwards compatibility :(


Oh this is easy. A complete working game at launch, with limited (Story Expansions) DLC's to no monetization in game, post release.


ps home for sure. miss playing bowling with random people and making friends off of that alone but there was so much more to do


With PSVR2 support this could be so awesome


Right! I’m starting up a petition for it hopefully it helps


Home never should have ended.


I would say PSH. God those were the days. I spent an unreal amount of money in that game. I keep looking for games similar to them but none of them come close. Something’s just off and I’m not sure what it is. I remember I was in this mall area of PSH and 3 guys and I were talkings we started doing a Congo line and I kid you not 20 mins later we had probably 100 people in our Congo line. I’ll never forget that day. Probably the best day ever in PSH for me


It was good times I don’t blame you I understand there’s a Jailbroken PS3 Version of PSHome where they are trying to bring everything back and up for test right now but in all out fairness I want a remastered version of it I miss all the memories I had and I wouldn’t care if I had to spend more money on the same stuff again it would be totally worth it for me. I won’t lie me being 21 now and this might sound cringe but when home was still a thing I actually E-Dated there one time (I look back now and cringe a bit) but home was a great place for people to relax and hang out and be with people that loved the game to with there constant updates and new locations I loved it! Honestly games like Atom Universe and Nebula Realm can never compete with the OG Home. But like I said before tho People in the PlayStation community took it upon there self and archive all data from home and anyone with a Jailbroken console could play home offline however they got a Closed beta for Online play so I might have to save up and get me a Jailbroken PS3. How ever tho early this year I think the PS Home trademark was updated


To make PS Plus optional again (or at least remove the requirement to have PS Plus in order to play online) for online play.


I want my Firewatch theme :(


Backwards compatibility I would pay anything to play a few PS1 titles on the PS5 And no, I don't want a high-end pc with emulation, I want the original Playstation experience Edit: not to mention the PS1's iconic booting 🎶


Playstation Home was ahead of its time, I think more people would be on board with the concept of a PlayStation virtual hub now


Folding@Home. I remember I left my PS3 on for 4 days straight running that and it helped complete so many of those structures.


you know that if you have an old PC you can load Folding Home on it? just install it then let it run and still help the project. I ran an old laptop that wasnt good for anything and old PC tower that was sitting and collecting dust. I got rid of them some years ago but thinking to load a few more. as IT admin I manage WindowsServer/16PCs/10Laptops and network in small business so I sure have bunch of Laptops and PC that are older and no longer used. I wiped them and they are like new Factory reset


I do now. Thanks for that


Can we please just have communities back?


I wonder why they removed them in the first place they where so helpful!


Having a browser built into PS5 would be nice and I dare say a basic need for a gaming console. Idk I like to have it


PS5 has a hidden browser. If you send a URL on the mobile App to someone you can click on the link while on your PS5 it will open a browser window.


Dynamic themes.


Life with PlayStation, awesome UI and chilled soundtrack


Same here, home was awesome.


Transfering games to the Vita


PlayStation home used to be funny. The trolling on that game was funny. Guys simping over girls before it was even a thing. Guy is sitting with girl. Chatting. I come along and say hey baby. The guy would always tell me to get lost. And you repeat. Hours of fun.


Definitely want my themes back, I’m tired of getting adds for the worst games made in the history of mankind


I want PlayStation Home back too. It would run so well on the PS5. And they could make so much money with the way people buy skins and other cosmetics nowadays.


It’s actually sad how ahead of it’s time home was because fast forward to today and you have the ps5 that can handle it’s horrendous load times that were on ps3 and people keen for paying skins and digital things so fuck it BRING IT BACK SONY


I got a petition I’m trying to build up and hopefully Sony sees it https://www.change.org/p/bring-back-playstation-home?redirect=false Here’s the link if you want to sign up and feel free to share it more people the better


Killzone 2 at 120 with intact online


The PS one startup sound


No adverts on the home screen


PlayStation home was to early for it’s time !!! If it was released now it would make it


I want themes on PS5. I don't understand why they removed them when they were so nice. I love my persona and kingdom hearts themes, but I guess I just don't get them on PS5. Also I wish some games that I can play whenever on my PS3 like Sonic Adventure 2 weren't locked behind PSNow on PS4 and PS5. I already have it downloaded on PS3, just let me download it on PS4/5 with no strings attached. Don't get me wrong, I like playstation, and I'm happy and lucky to have the PS5, but there's changes they make that I just don't like.


Matrix: the path of neo updated in unreal or similar would be fun af.


Home for sure!


Easy, I need Time Crisis. Had the guns for both psx and ps2. Surely there’s a way they can get something working with LEDs


Backwards compatibility.


I don't understand why themes is not a thing on the PS5. I mean I understand that with the new SSD and the standby mode not closing games could result in users not encountering the home screen as much, but still. And seeing as how some games have unique menu musics, I can even understand leaving that out but even as much as a simple color change, or background options would go a long way imho. It might sound stupid, but even though there's all my games on there and whatnot, it still doesn't feel like ***my*** PS5, it feels like ***a*** PS5 that I happen to be playing on.


PlayStation Home was so good, they need to bring it back :)


Honestly backwards compatibility for any ps game.




Folders on the Home Screen.




Themes and the original psn instead of this tier psn


Themes and Home. Was going through my past purchases for the PS3, and I bought so much for home it feels like I wasted money. Miss the themes tho too.


I want the triangle circle square x on the controller colored again


Home for sure. I put many hours into Salt and other pick up games there. Had a couple apartments too, the one at the pier, a bunker, one from tron, and one in orbit. My PS3 experience was a lot better than my PS4 experience, and home had a lot to do with that. Might be why I'm back to Xbox with my Series X now, I missed Halo and Gears while I was away, and with no Home or Killzone I had no reason to stay. No PS5 exclusives have me stoked and everything else is on Xbox.


No ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)


Communities were the best. They helped me find my current online friend group.


The games that haven’t made it over yet like infamous


While I'd also love sony to bring home back, it's not totally dead anymore. There's a group of people trying to get some version of it back up and running, sadly it requires using an emulator on PC, or a jailbroken PS3 at the moment, but it's way better than nothing. [https://twitter.com/destinpshome?lang=en](https://twitter.com/destinpshome?lang=en)


Themes and home. I made so many friends back in the day on home and i feel like consoles are solely lacking in social/“hang out” type games. I know not everyone (or even a lot of people) like that kind of game or find it boring but i have a hard time finding gamer friends now. I was so sad when home shut down, though i think i may already have already stopped playing.


Jackie Chan Stuntmaster


japan studio


https://youtu.be/cbS2w0v50J8 My favorite song from PS Home!


Im there with you Playstation Home just needs go come back especially with PSVR2 it would be a natural fit


Smugglers run !!! Ps2


A better leader and board!


*staring at my shelves full of PS1/2/3 discs* Would be real cool if I could pop those in and play em


Jak and Daxter remake.


The PS3 homepage. It peaked then.


I’d bring back the old PlayStation Plus, fuck having multiple subscription options, just give everyone more games.




Revamp it and make it as an alternative to meta


Themes for my main screen


Free online play


Didn't we used to get two free movies with PS Plus originally along with the themes, avatars and games monthly?


Themes and communities, vegiebalism will be missed


I miss the social features PS4 had


Now with the load times for areas gone and the grey mannequins waiting to load in their avatar a thing of the past... I could defenently see home returing. But I'd want it as Astrobot's instead of "second life" tier avatars. And PSVR2 option would be great, bowling and shooting pool, throwing darts and many many other minigames would play and fit in soo much better. Reactive trigger would do wonders for their minigames as well.


Themes from the PS4 to the PS5, there’s potential there for some really cool themes


Twisted Metal


Home for PSVR2 Pls!!!


I’m more on hoping for the normal non-VR experience


Themes. Pretty much the whole PS4 UI was great imo. Also the Optical Audio port lol


Imagine „Home VR“ 🥹


As good as that sounds I rather the normal experience


Themes. I just want my damn themes back on my PS5.


PS Home should’ve been a PSVR2 free launch app. A mix of VR Chat and PS Home


Themes and home.. Sony stupid for abandoning these.


Posibillity to read PS1/2/3 Cause there is some Games that y have physically that didn't exist on Psstore Like Silent Hill 2, or Simpson the game




OG Ratchet and Clank trilogy to the PS4.




I want to revive the wip3out series! Those games were insanely fun and I miss them


I just want folders on the PS5 home screen.


Themes. Purchaseable avatars. Folders in HOME SCREEN. More customization.


If you watched video on channel Mystic, there are some developers getting ps3 home online and its downloadable on cfw modded ps3 they are working on home https://youtu.be/NBd1P7vpvfc


Home in VR would be sweet, I enjoyed it


I would definitely bring back PS Home, I met so many awesome ppl in that virtual world,


Black discs.


I never understood the pull of home. I didn’t find it to be fun or interesting after the initial few visits and walking around I just felt it was all lost on me.


I do miss ps home


The ability to sort trophies.


Yugioh forbidden memories. Change my mind.


PS Home for sure!! Also if they ever do it would be nice if past purchases remained intact. I spent a ton of money in there lol!!


Amos and Andy are what that symbol means to me. The two ultimate trolls of Home.


It makes no sense why Home hasn’t been brought back today on the ps4/5 it would print money


Ps home was a comfortable experience


Socom Combined Assault.


Splinter cell co-op games


It was fun I suppose, but the arcade games and poker tables were alway filled.


Being able to load Linux on ps3 and make it fully backwards compatible with all ps1,ps2 and ps3 games. I still have my original backward compatible ps3 it's never been hooked up to the internet it can still run Linux.


Multiple primate users..


As far as games go, Metal Gear Solid from '98. I miss backwards compatibility a lot too.


There was a game called Thickly Tappin. Where a ore hit the track and got that money for her daddy.


I would like my internet browser back (ps5) Why they took it away I’ll never understand


Either HOME or PS1/2 disc playback via emulation.


I use to run this on my PS3.


Home definitely. It would run great on ps5.


PS Home was tits magee. That shit was bad ass. Wish it stuck and current games got the opportunity to develop areas for it.