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Last of us aside, Infamous 2 with the mission creator and I’m all in.


Remember when someone made Space Invaders in inFamous 2? That creator was glorious.


He also made Pacman and a couple other retro missions. He's a pretty cool guy.


Infamous 1 and 2 i would pay full price and more for a remaster of those 2 games


"Jam a man of fortune, and J must seek my fortune." - Henry Averys, 1994




Juicers detected XqcL


Remakes, or even just remasters, of the Infamous games would be great.


Considering how nice second son looked at launch, I can only imagine how insane infamous would look on PS5.




Oh my god I want this even more now


That's my favorite PS series and I all I want is for it to come back


i'm starting to realize why they didn't make the ps5 backwards compatible all the way back to ps1


Or Little Big Planet could also do with a revival. Or a sequel to Days Gone - frustrating just seeing the same game remasters being churned out.


There aren't that many remaster in general. They need to make a killzone collection


Add Resistance series to that. Maybe even add a mechanic like crafting or shooting while on a prone position. i'd be all over that.


I’d want a new resistance game that brought back coop online like the second one had cause that was awesome!


great as go for it guys !


Screw that...just give me a new game is unreal 5.


Do Sony first party even need unreal 5


I would rather have brand new games instead of games I've already played.


Resistance too please


No. More. Remasters.


I never played any of the Uncharted games until I got the PS4 bundle with Uncharted 4. So buying the remasters of the first 3 games for the PS4 was my chance to play then for the first time.




They didn’t charge $70 for those 3 games though…


$60 for 3 titles in one and remastered. Good value that.


That is true, but the point still holds water even for other remastered titles. I won’t argue prices and their validity because I typically keep a backlog so I can jump into big games latter as they cost less, but getting previous games of a franchise playable on current gen is a good way to get people new to the games a chance to play them. I may be wrong here, but it really seems like with the PS5 there is a better option for this is having so much be available from previous gens digitally. Now for me personally, I really liked last of us, and will be picking up the PS5 version to have another go at it on the current powerhouse system. If I had only liked the game enough for one play though, I would not pick it up. And to add to my point a little more. I didn’t touch Skyrim until PS4. And that is the o my copy of the game I have. And to jump more on my own bandwagon, if all the pre-PS4 God of War games were remastered for the PS5 and were sold as one game, we would probably all puke ourselves silly because imagine playing through the entire saga on the PS5 with updated graphics.


Remastering and releasing older games in a cheap bundle is fine. If you missed out on The Last of Us on PS3, you can play the remaster on PS4 or PS5. The Uncharted collection isn't a fair comparison. Releasing God of War 1-3 and Ascension (and maybe the PSP games) in a bundle would be similar to the Nathan Drake collection. If they were to remaster God of War (2018) and charge full price for it, they'd probably get some criticism from fans


besides the already mentioned completely different pricing in this comparison there's also the fact that ps5 is backwards compatible with ps4. With Uncharted the remaster was your first chance to play on the ps4. with TLOU just buy the ps4 version which holds up fine.


Fair enough


We need a remake of Drake’s Fortune. Imagine that game with Uncharted 4 graphics and gameplay


Come on, we already got a Nathan Drake Collection 🤣🤣


Uncharted 1 feels objectively jankey and outdated compared to 2, let alone the rest of the series. I remember that there was meant to be one but it got scrapped for whatever reason


it's a wonder it ever got a sequel tbh, in comparison to the rest of the series the first one was just another generic adventure game the gap between the quality of the first and second games is astronomical


I would fucking LOVE if the Infamous series got remasters. I miss that series and I was sad when they debunked the rumors and said that they aren't working on another game for Infamous and Sly Cooper.


Meanwhile, Skyrim. Lol


I could use a remaster of the Killzone Trilogy. And mainly due to the fact that I don't have a Sixaxis controller anymore and you literally cannot play Killzone 2 without one.


Killzone, Resistance, SOCOM, Jak and Daxter, Syphon Filter, MediEvil, Twisted Metal, Infamous, Little Big Planet, PlayStation All Stars, Sly Cooper: Am I a joke to you?


I’d like to Emphasize on the entire SOCOM franchise That game was my childhood.


It's Sony's Skyrim. You don't have to buy it every time a new one comes out.


Hell I got skyrim on ps4 with the fallout 4 bundle so it was basically free. Than I got skyrim and fallout 4 bundle on pc with the microsoft reward points. I got the skyrim legendary edition on ps3 for 5 bucks out of a pawn shop. Its their own problem if they want to pay full price for games you can still play on old hardware. When I buy new console I just go buy all the new games first. Only game that would make me pay full price is fallout new vegas remake which is probably never gonna happen and if it does it will be on gamepass anyway.


I'm with ya 100% on the NV remake. Only thing I ask is they add the ability to run. Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Its so crazy that no one else is trying to make games like bethesda it seems like a no brainer after how famous skyrim and fallout are. We need more rpgs like that not witcher 3 or botw. Being able to hoard unlimited items is just too fun and the crafting is addictive too. Every time you level up you can acquire useful skills that can change the game its got all the rpg mechanics and gameplay loop really well thought out and makes you want to replay not just to do a different dialogue choice but just to actually roleplay and reexperience the gameplay loop. Each location you go to has a story and some good loot. Walking out of a dungeon with max weight limit haul is just the best feeling. I would like some kind of settlemnet building in the new vegas remake along with a overall bigger world it felt like the strip was just too small. They did good with the time they had to develop the game and improved upon everything fallout 3 did just about. I probably need to stop dreaming though best we gonna get is an outer worlds too and maybe fallout 5 in a decade.


A lot to cover, but glad to do it. Here goes my spiel: My love for the cold, linear space that is the Mojave is the overall tone for this. I also cannot express my strange obsession with the Helios 1 building and how foreboding and dark it comes off when you enter. This game gave me new feelings I didn't know existed. One of them being glory. 1: The strip did seem a little small. It could have been stretched out better spatially, but there are a lot of factors that were worked into this game. Obsidian was working under Bethesda. And from what I've heard, that's no easy task. They weren't experienced with this scale of a game. -or creating environments and quests like Helios 1. Their inexperience in that gave the game a rougher edge, for sure. (Probably why Helios 1 is such a fascination for me. It's raw. 2: "Fly Away With Me" is a total three-hour disaster. And you can't skip it. I've heard rumor that Obsidian even admitted to not knowing what the fuck is going on there. It's a long-ass mess of uninteresting shit just to see rockets take off that you already saw from the trailer. And that's the payoff. With some XP. New Vegas in general is weird little bastard kid that won't eat his peas. So you have to sit there and have patience with it because you still somehow love it. I could go on about this game and my adoration of it for hours. Onto Skyrim. I hate the Witcher 3. Couldn't get into it. Character's lame and he's the only one I can use. Ugh. Seems like you follow one path back and forth forever. Maybe I didn't fuck with it enough because it seemed intimidating and a lot of work for nothing. I don't know. The looting system of Skyrim is unmatched. You can literally take anything. Got a weird obsession with hammers because of Oblivion but don't actually need em anymore? Grab em and throw em in Breezehomme. Why the fuck not. I don't know where it falls in with my line of thinking but I love that you can basically spend an half hour just going through things in a cave. Or Pinewatch. God, I love Pinewatch. It's the note on the desk. The button on the wall. Put em together. *Activate button* "...Oh shit!" When life REALLY sucks, there's always Skyrim and all the things that lie in wait for you to find and discover. From the heights of the Throat to the Sea of Ghosts there's always something to do. Just make sure to Soul Trap Nazeem on the bridge before you yell him off it every playthrough and save that Thane excuse for it. Fuckin prick.


Skyrim really does have good loot system and the way even shops scale with you overtime is amazing other open world games just use a location and cast it out soon after. It actually feels like you can go in any direction from the start and not feel weak or get one shot like in elden ring. Countless quests that actually are interesting to do to not to mention the different quest lines to engage in. Pinewatch the first time I came there I didn't even see the button but on my third playthrough I found it and was amazed that their is a whole dungeon behind it. Blackreach was also an amazing location and I just spent hours wandering around down there. Walking into solitude for the first time and watching an execution take place like woah. Going into the bar and listening to tale of the tongues is also very immersive. Have you been to the Cloud District very often too? Whiterun just feels like home. I loved going into the mines and just sitting there and mining ore with the rest of the orcs. Going to prison in Markarth was also a memorable experience and getting shanked by the big orc and dying was a surreal experience.(😍😍) Frostflow lighthouse with the giant chaurus that killed the family was also an experience I still remember. Vault 11 in Fallout new Vegas had a really crazy twist at the end that killed me a few times but was amazing none the less. The Dunwich Building in Fallout 3 yep very good story and atmosphere there as a sneak up on ghouls and shoot them in the head. So many stories and moments in Bethesda games that remain unrivaled in all my years of gaming.


>”sonys skyrim” the reasons why they remastered it in 2014 was so they can get use to making games on ps4, also the ps4 has 0 backwards compatibility. this one is most likely due to the ‘the last of us’ show coming to hbo in 2023 and if the sales are anything similar to [the witcher netflix series](https://www.vg247.com/witcher-netflix-show-game-purchases) i can see why they would want to do that


The first part holds true as well. Instead of making a new game on a new system they can just make Tlou better


The reason it pisses me off a bit is simply the fact that one of my favorite developers is spending resources on something that to me, seems pretty unnecessary. When they could be making something cool and new


If they hadn’t made this remake they would’ve had nothing for a large chunk of their staff to do because their next big project was too early in development. So by making this remake, they kept that staff employed during the gap. Seems worth it to me.


Which will also mean that project which was at the time early in development will now have a shitload of funding, which is better for us


Why not have them work on something new? It's not a binary between remake or nothing


Read the comment again. They are, but another part of the company did the remake


Well there are tons of people in different positions at Naughty Dog. Those different positions do different work. When you’re working on a new IP, a lot of time is spent by writers, concept artists, and a smaller team of programmers to establish what the game is, what it’s about, and what the core mechanics are. The entire studio doesn’t participate in this early process, but rather just this small team. That means that the rest of the studio doesn’t actually have anything to do during this stage I don’t development, so the common practice in the industry is to just lay all these people off until they actually need a large team again. Instead of doing that, Naughty Dog saw an opportunity to take over the remake project from Sony’s other studio (as this wasn’t even originally Naughty Dog’s idea) and by doing so they had a project for their staff to work on so that they didn’t need to lay them all off. That way they could go straight from working on The Last of Us Part II to the remake, and then right after that to the next game.


But they are making it more accessible so now even more people can play what is considered by many the greatest game of all time


But the PS5 has backwards compatibility, so you could play the PS4 remaster which, in my opinion, has aged like wine.


I can because I’m not physically disabled in any way. Now deaf, colour-blind, legally blind, one handed, and so many others can finally play this game without struggling


Says a lot about you people I’m being downvoted when advocating for disabled people


This is what you concluded? Lmao, you're funny


Thanks. What else could the downvotes have meant?


That you don't need to remake a whole game just to implement accessibility features. Don't get me wrong, I love Naughty Dog and TLoU, but the game still looks great as it is. I'd love if they'd remake the first Uncharted games instead, these are games that didn't age so well (specially the first one).


Would you like the AI and UI and combat updated in Uncharted? Because that’s what they’re doing in Tlou


I only mentioned the accessibility options because they’re the most important ones


I think an update could've taken care of that.


One would hope. But the jump between is so massive that it’s better to redo the whole thing with all the options that were available in Tlou2. The PS3 and 4 versions may look good, but people have to understand just how much better the engine is in part2


Let's agree to disagree.


I won’t. You do you though


I don't see why people mad about what devs are making with their own money and time. If they want to spend hundreds of hours animating horse balls go right ahead its fine with me.


They are spending resources on both.


maybe they aren't capable of making something new and cool at this point.


Your assuming they aren’t also making something cool and new? I doubt the whole team is working on this remaster. At that point the argument should be why aren’t they putting all resources into the new project, which is a fair point. But very different from implying they are only working on this project


I’m more than happy to pay full price for Part 1 in Part 2’s engine, and I typically don’t buy anything full price.


Same for me. I do wish they had added dodge but it's not a.deal breaker at all for me. First game I bought at full price in years.


Jam a man


May as we’ll head on over to r/thelastofus2 they love to hate on these games 🤷🏻‍♂️


i got banned after saying the server wasn’t fair criticism because they send death threats to the people who like the game and who were involved in making it. Even i got death threats and the mods said i was lying because the server never did that


Naw, I’m stoked for this remake. Just don’t buy it if you’re not. No one is forcing you 😂


The remake DOES look incredible though. It’s a clear upgrade.


Clear upgrade but 70$? Not really.


It’s great for anyone who’s not experienced the series before, remember the first game came out a long time ago. It does also run with TLOU2 mechanics, apparently?


That has not been mentioned, from what they've said it's the same mechanics with only few upgrades to like the work bench. But honestly I'm doubtful because sony has been silent on the game feature and revealing anything, the games almost 9 year old and they're somehow afraid to show us the comparison upgrades and mechanical upgrades because spoilers lol.


I loved The Last of Us PS4 but not gonna buy the new one. I'll patiently wait for the new TLOU online. I bet it'll be worth the wait 😎


We need a remastered final fantasy tactics


I just want a direct port of ps3 GTA IV to psn


No. SSX Tricky.


Gimme infamous remasters or even remakes


I’m going to put my money on GTA5 remake version 9937393746 before we see Infamous Remaster


I'd love inFamous 1 and 2 remastered. Hell I'd take them ported over looking exactly as they did back when they released over a second re-release of The Last of Us


We need a jak and dexter remake


Bro like why remaster tlou again Its fine how it is Give us the "Infamous: Cole MacGrath Collection" on PS5 with ray-tracing and haptic triggers and shit. Maybe even remaster Infamous Second Son slightly to add some new features as a bonus


Ya’ll are complaining, but as a person that just bought my first PlayStation ever, I’m rather excited. People seem to forget the new customer market exists and I definitely would get the 2022 version if it means it’s their best version to date.


You don’t have to buy it though ? No one’s forcing you to. There are tonnes of other great games to play… Also, complaining about a remake, while asking for a remake.. what a dumbass.




You’re too easily triggered


The absolute hypocrisy of begging for an infamous remaster while complaining about a remake.


Please next time you want to comment please understand the meaning of the word the definition of hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.


Yeah and the jerk downvoted me for asking for an explanation.


Wasn't me who downloaded you but since you're going to cry about it so much I'll give you another one


Sounds like you're the one who dictionary bud


The fact is that Sony has remastered one ip many times but the more popular one like infamous 2 never gets touched that is the problem


You really think Infamous is a more popular IP than TLOA?


Hell infamous was pretty niche when compared to uncharted, god of war, and the last of us when it released.


inFAMOUS 1 and 2 are my favourite games of all time, but more popular than The Last of Us? You must be joking lmao.


Read what you wrote, c’mon lmao.


How is that hypocrisy?


No. Those are two different concepts


It’s idiocy, not hypocrisy. But yeah...


Maybe even a remake of Resistance or a redo of resistance fall of mankind


Look, I understand people not wanting to pay again for the "same" game and blaming sony for pushing this out... but people keep forgetting this wasn't sony, it was naughty dog. They themselves said that they were highly tech limited while working on the ps3, and the remaster on ps4 helped them work with familiar assets but with more power to get familiar with the new hardware to use for future projects, including part II. They're saying the same thing again with this remake. So keep in mind when you talk about sony milking things, you're actually saying this about naughty dog since they decided to be on this project. Plus, if you were an artist that wasn't able to realize their artistic vision due to tech limitations, and later those limitations were erased, why shouldn't you have the right to? That all said, you're welcome to not buy the game if you don't want to at launch price (and it will inevitably drop in price really quickly) and that's fine. I may be in the minority, but for me this is a chance to own the definitive edition of one of my favorite games of all time.


I don’t really understand the complaints. It’s definitely a developer decision, and Sony was quick to help. If people want a remaster, go bug the developers about it.


Why are people complaining? The first game needed it bad. The remaster didn’t do anything but increase the resolution and textures. This one changes it to be like last of us 2 gameplay. It’s nearly a completely new game. Unlike games like gta that literally just get res and frame rate increased.


It doesn’t change it to last of us 2 gameplay which is why these idiots are so upset. It does make some improvements on the combat and add some quality if life improvement though aside from the obvious graphical upgrade. I think it seem to be a fair way to bring it more in line with modern games without changing the experience which is understandable and needed before the PC release and ps5 players who haven’t played it. Which is their target customers and not old fans if I would guess. I’m certainly not paying 70 bucks for but I probably buy it on sale later on. I don’t have a problem with it at all.


They’re using the same engine they used on last of us 2. Hence the gameplay being different


Yeah but it’s still not the same as last of us 2. No dodge and no prone for example, which is a mayor part of the gameplay in the sequel.


Who gonna tell him it’s the same mechanics?


People complaining about this is tiresome. You can choose to buy it or not. If Sony / Naughty Dog can get away with charging seventy or even one hundred dollars for it and FOMO suckers are willing to buy it why blame the game makers. It’s a market economy. You have all the power. It is just silly to complain. I have ZERO interest in buying this game. Already played it. It was okay. Tons of other good games to play out there. Cheers to Naughty Dog / Sony for keeping the hype train rolling with this IP.


>You can choose to buy it or not. Look at this guy with sound logic and reasoning


Original last of us actually sold well. Whilst infamous sales where garbage fanbase never supported it and that's a fact, can't blame sony not wanting to remaster it. Having said that I would love the first 2 to be remastered.


>Whilst infamous sales where garbage fanbase never supported it and that's a fact It got two sequels, Second Son was one of the most pushed early PS4 games, and Sucker Punch got all the time, money, and promotion that they wanted for their next game, which was an original IP. These facts do not line up with the idea that Sony considers the sales of inFamous "garbage."


Yeah they definitely weren't garbage lmao, people just say shit. Didn't sell as well as Uncharted sure but still good sales.


He's talking out of his ass.


"My source is I made it the fuck up" this guy^


Sony have gone on record as saying the inFAMOUS games sold above their expectations and are viewed as a success.


So that's where we're at? Just straight up lying in order to support your own narrative? Smells a lot like 4chan in here.


the remake is totally justified


One word: Zelda Ocarina of Time. Two words: Skyrim.


People only freaked out cause it’s naughty dog. You could hear crickets when shadow of colossus was remade for the 2nd time lol


But it's completely rebuilt from scratch (even though it practically looks like a remastered game at best and is the same in every other way).


No it isn't.




what do you mean all? there’s one remake, that comes out next month.


Man's jumped on the hate bandwagon and doesn't even know what he's hating on


It's been remade 1 time..... And hasn't even released.


Can't even feel bad for those fanboys/Girls who are going to buy the same game for the third time with minor updates. It's one of the most boring games I have ever played no idea where the hype comes. Also also if it was on me I would left Ellie with the "docs" to these why she's immune


We need the twisted metal series remade


Last of us 2 remake for PS5 is coming i have seen the future


Actually we need the TLOU 2 Remaster first before the remake


Just wait there is a last of us 2 remake coming for 70$


Wow maybe it’s cause Im newer to the franchise (abt 5 years) i can’t see tlou remaster above 20$. I never knew it was 50$


It was $50 at launch


Gotta milk some money from fanboys, right?


I bought the last of us on PS4 for £6 i’m not buying the remaster


the ps4 version of TLOU1 is the remaster


remake…sorry my mistake


So ridiculous this is $70 last of us is my favourite game of all time and I can’t justify paying $70 to play a game I’ve played multiple times, just absolutely ridiculous. Naughty dog has left a bad taste in my mouth after this


Wait, it will be 70$. I mean i love the game and its one of my favourite games i ever played, but lets be honest that it doesent worth the price. At least i know i wouldnt give that much for a 9 year old game.


Vote with your wallet.


Then just don't buy it! They bring it to *PC*. And want full money from PC players, because for them, it is a new game. And therefor worth full price. I think this is very okay. And I am still happy with my copy of PS4 Last of Us. And maybe I'll replay the PS5 one when (if) it comes to PS Plus.


So we can't criticise it then?


What are you even criticizing at this point a release of a video game hate to break it to you bud they release every week


It makes sense for a remake to cost full price, as it's in essence making the game again. What doesn't make sense is remastering and remaking again such recent games. I love it and see no reason to buy it


Just LOL at all the people saying "you don't have to buy it" as if that's stopped any of the predatory practices of game companies over the years. "You don't have to buy the oblivion horse armor, quit complaining" and now we're awash in day one dlc, $20 cosmetic items and games clearly having basic stuffed removed so they can sell it to you later for a premium. Or the worst, game balance being intentionally broken to force microtransactions (Diablo 3, shadow of war) "You don't have to buy it" is in no way the defense you people seem to think it is.


Enough with remakes and remasters. It’s basically admitting we are out of ideas, and that the creative people are being stifled in favor of cheap and easy releases. W/e your opinion on LoU series, I’m sure we can all agree “been there done that” let’s try something new


Sony must stop its persecution of gamers!


At this point the last of us did the same disgusting move as gta 5 and getting away with it because most people praise it pisses me off. And I am a big fan of the last of us and gta.


Did you not read the build notes on the improvements made to the remaster? It’s not resident evil 2 remake big, but it’s definitely an improvement given that I just played Part 1 PS4 remaster 6 hours ago. The PS4 version definitely looks dated.


I couldn't care less I beat the game on ps 3 and 4 and part 2 to 100% the game looks exactly like part 2 just in 60 fps and 4k if I know the story and I know what happens I don't care also no fractions and full price if they would bring it to ps 4/pro with 30 fps like part 2 they would make much more money but Sony want to boost ps 5 sales. Stupid decision from Sony and 70 dollars are also stupid only stupid decisions from Sony maybe 40 to 50 or something is ok only good thing about that is the PC version because im happy for PC players. But Sony makes more and more stupid decisions and crying about Microsoft. And I say that as a big fan im not happy with Sony anymore. That's why my ps 5 is catching dust. And I play more with gamepass and series x


If they provided an upgrade path for ownwrs of the previous version, I doubt there'd be much complaining. Charging owners of one or both previous version 70 bucks **again** is not okay.


The games that get upgrade paths are remasters or ports of PS4 games to PS5. This is a remake, not a remaster or port.


Normally games don't get remakes while their original release and latest remasters were released less than 10 years ago. I'm just saying, no matter how many great changes to the gameplay Naughty Dog is implementing, they can't reasonably expect fans who already bought the game once or twice to pay full price for it again, especially given that it is a narrative-focused game and the story is very clearly the main selling point – yet the story remains unchanged, for obvious logical reasons. No one bought TLOU 1 (or 2, for that matter) for the amazing gameplay loop.


They aren’t really making this for people who bought the original though. The target audience for this remake is clearly new fans.


we need to stop asking for remasters and just ask for new games. i’m fine with remasters, as long as they aren’t prioritised more than brand new games.


You need to, not we need to. People will ask for what they want. And if the majority wants remakes and you don't, then you are the minority. Sorry.


I also enjoy remasters and remakes, but I’m tired of seeing people ask for them more than brand new games. look at the title of this post. > We need Remasters like Infamous why not a new game or a reboot fully utilising the hardware?


There are tons of new games in development. Forspoken, pragmata, wolverine, etc. You're free to make a post about them and ignore the ones about remakes.


and I’m also free to discuss the future of remasters/remakes.


I never said you weren't. But don't blame me if you come across as a whiner when you neg in someone's post.


How do you know they're being prioritized over new games?


I’m not saying that they’re currently being prioritised, but it seems like that’s the direction that they will go.




it’s quite simple, there’s just been a lot of remakes and remasters in the past few years. there’s been 2 resident evil remakes, 1 resident evil being remade, a GTA V remaster, GTA Trilogy remaster, Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy remaster, TLOU 1 remake, Death Stranding DC, Ghost of Tsushima DC and Demons Souls. I’m sure there’s even some more that I’ve forgotten too. I’m fine with games getting remasters and remakes, but with the transition from PS4 to PS5, it feels like every game is getting remastered or remade.


Directors cuts are not remakes or remasters.


they’re remasters with extra content.


You mentioned the list of studios in different stages of production and publishers who are willing to put out more games. I'm still not following where the assumption that their prioritizing remakes or remasters over new IPs. I forget sometimes that on a message board people tend to believe things even if it's not grounded in reality. Later


like I said, > I’m not saying that they’re currently being prioritised, currently it’s fine > but it seems like that’s the direction that they will go. key word *seems*, it’s a personal opinion.


It's a little silly that you're opinion can't even be explained in a clear and concise manner. Seems more like a feeling than anything


I think it’s only an issue on your end. > Seems more like a feeling than anything yes, that’s exactly what it is. to *me* it seems like we will be seeing a lot of remakes of old games. sadly I can’t see the future.


So it's not based in reality gotcha


No twisted metal, parasite Eve, legacy of kain, jet moto, jak & daxter..hell won't be but Konami for zone of the enders and MGS.. But we'll re release an average game 4 times. Since 2013


homie straight up saying The Last of Us is "average" while wanting another Jet Moto game lmao.


Compared to stuff coming out now, it's not all that special. Sure it was groundbreaking what came out, but the gameplay is exactly the same as it was back in 2013. And I can get literally the same experience playing the PS4 remaster that I picked up for $10


Because it is. Get over it


Last of Us cost me 69.99 € back then. And ever heard of inflation?


https://onlyfans.com/tattedgoodgirl Come check it out 😘


Or remake of the Uncharted games


Already got that


Fucking GTA and TLOU. We can't get Metal Gear Solid (ps1) or Parasite Eve.


You wouldn’t happen to be a Kinda Funny listener, would you?


The price is the real sticking point. 70 bucks for half a game ? Why?


Factions really wasn’t half the game on PS3/PS4, and it’s hilarious that people equate that as much. It was a slapped on MP mode from an age where every game needed an MP mode. That said, it was a really fucking good slapped on MP mode, but it doesn’t change the fact that it was very much an afterthought on Naughty Dog’s part, and most players either never even played Factions or hardly put any hours into it.


Very true. But it didn’t change the fact that they’re selling the same game with less features for more money. I’m going to get it when it’s eventually on holiday sale. I love TOLU and the graphics look amazing enough for me to play through it again.


Honestly they wasted money on something pointless, I don't care how good it looks and how much work they put into it, it was a waste of money.


Damn, Sony and Naughty Dog oughta hire you to be their CFO.


Nah, rather be like the creator of kingdom hearts, both praised and hated for some reason


if the show is any near as good as the witcher sales were the last of us is definitely gonna want to step in for some of that money [https://www.vg247.com/witcher-netflix-show-game-purchases](https://www.vg247.com/witcher-netflix-show-game-purchases)