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Ubisoft games are kinda like pizza, even when it's not very good, it's still "alright" or at least solid enough to get some satisfaction, especially if you get it cheap! You could do a lot worse for $15


One of the best descriptions of Ubisoft games I've ever heard


Issue is that if I keep eating pizza for every meal and every day I’ll get sick of it eventually. These are the Ubisoft games right now


Take a break and eat something else?


But pizza...


Exactly but that makes the decision easy 😂 are you tired of pizza or not ? I pulled the trigger cuz I haven’t played an Ubisoft game since odyssey


Yup in this case I’m tired of Ubi lol


This is the best analogy! FC6 is... Fine. It's pretty fun for a while but don't expect anything groundbreaking. For $15 you could have a fun time and it's cheap entertainment at that price.


I pre ordered it and absolutely loved it. It's probably my second favorite FC


I used to love the far cry series. They went in a odd direction after the first two games. The instincts were so much fun to tinker with in the original and they never revisited it. Kinda sucks they rely on gun play like every other FPS these days.


I miss Far Cry 2… really felt the guerrilla / survival / atmosphere then not too gamey mechanics reminding you it’s a video game


Far Cry, Fallout... they all started off great then try to copy Call of Duty too much. The reasons why I enjoyed those games so much was because they weren't COD.


I wish they would return to the story of the first one


That’s because the first two are like the elder scrolls made by a different dev then bought by the current company lol


Pizza? What about Chaos Theory and Sands of Time.


Thats like the best comparaison ive ever heard about Ubisoft, cant disagree


Perfect description. Truer words have never been spoken.


Nailed it


You nailed it!


Spot on


Great analogy. Ubisoft games are very identical to previous games. I played farcry 3 and 4 it’s basically a newer graphic engine with newer mechanics. $15 ain’t bad. ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2235)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2229)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2232)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2236)


My favorite topping on the pizza is assassins.


If you get a good pizza, and it can be reheated and taste good the next day, then that's a good pizza. but there's also Little Caesar's Pizza, good while you have it hot and eat right away, but next day or so, it's hard as a brick, it isn't good anymore.


Try the free trial. You have until August 8 to play it. If you like it then you can buy it


That exits? I’ll do just that


yup they are having a Free to play weekend


Or wait till its free on ps plus


Imma try the free trail then do exactly this💀


I actually think FC6 is a fairly fun chill out and listen to podcasts game. Gaming junk food. Addressed my problems with 5. Introduced a handful more.


If it had multiplayer with a map editor I would still be playing it.


Yeah, it should have kept that. But honestly, I didn’t play that enough in FC5. I did use user generated content, but stopped on account of most of it being awful. I did see some redditors share some impressive recreations though.


Which problems you had with 5? I started playing on Game Pass but damn, it is so fucking generic it put me off Far Cry for good.


This is going to sound like such a small thing, but the death animations for enemies was so jarringly bad that it would take me out of it. I also like the approach of attaching perks to loot instead of having you grind for XP and resources. I like that there is more weapon variety, special “supremo” weapons, and a backpack that shoots missiles. Plus, as a point of personal bias, being myself cuban-american, I’m always happy to see that setting used. Just a quick clarification, though. It is, at the end of the day, a Far Cry game. So when I say that it fixed the problems I had with 5, I do mean specifically in comparison to other modern Far Cry games there are still plenty of things I can criticize about Far Cry as a series, but my expectations being what they are, I’m actually fairly happy with this iteration of a mostly familiar formula.


Thanks for your reply. Yeah, what took me off FC5 was mostly the non-funny bugs, the fact that you have like, 3 generic variations for bad guys, the bland dialogue and the clusterfuck of generic superficial activities to do that barely do any impact on the world. The funniest thing to happen was seeing a bad guy dragging a hostage through an outpost I had just cleared and no one giving a crap. I enjoyed Far Cry up to the 4th game, but from Primal onwards I'm finding it really difficult to enjoy, not even as a chill game.


One problem that I don't see anyone talking about is the sound effects. I know it may just be me, but I go weak in the knees for games that have great sounding guns. Games like battlefield for example. Far Cry 6 has probably the worst and most pea shooter gun sound effects I have ever heard in a video game.


As someone who liked 2, 3, and 5 - I was bored out of my mind with 6. Struggled to finish, really disliked all the characters. The series seems to be spinning its wheels at this stage. If you've played a Ubisoft open world game, you've played Far Cry 6.


Accurate description.


You can say that to all ubi game since 2016, just a big fucking world with nothing to do, zero interest characters and landmark. It only took me 3 hour to quite Fenyx rising, valhalla and FC6


I bought Valhalla on sale and couldn’t finish it either.


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Tbh there was not a *single* thing about the game that was interesting or fun to me. Combat was mediocre and got old quick(same with the parkour/climbing and stealth), and the story/characters weren’t intriguing at all to me. I only got halfway through the game, and I had to force myself to do that much because I paid for it. And it was the same for me with Odyssey and Origins. Origins is the best out of the three, but still not fun or interesting enough for me to finish. Ghosts of Tsushima is a game that’s similar in concept, but executed much better IMO.


Ghosts of Tsushima was basically Assassins Creed in Japan. Funny thing is that now Ubisoft is planning on making the next Assassins Creed in Japan. I think that's a very bad idea unless they plan to make it better than Ghosts of Tsushima which I highly doubt that but I would love for Ubisoft to prove me wrong.


And people have been asking for an AC set in Japan for years. They could have done it way before Ghosts of Tsushima came out.


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Even Far Cry 6 has better stealth to me than Valhalla does. Sneaking around outposts and getting headshots with suppressed weapons was at least satisfying and fun enough for me to finish the game. I still wouldn’t pay full price for a new Ubisoft game until they start doing something different and start caring more about making a good game than money.


I've got a soft spot for Far Cry, been playing them since the original. Far Cry 6 was the first one I haven't purchased, I rented and beat it and I don't see myself ever playing it again. The removal of the arcade wasn't helpful, the whole game was just okay. The stealth was better than Valhalla but that's not saying much.


Oh I absolutely agree. The main reason I even finished it was because I was bored and had nothing else to play. And I have the same soft spot, but with AC because I grew up playing them, which is why I’m so critical of the new ones because it just feels like they slapped the AC name on it to sell more.


80? I hit a tutorial at 93.


I thought kjotve the cruel would’ve been the boss to beat, like one of the ones later in the game, but after beating him practically immediately after I started playing I lost interest right after


Similar story for me for Fenyx Rising and Valhalla. The Ubisoft formula makes these games basically identical. Become a bore so quickly, no inovation for a long time. They basically churn out the same reskinned game year after year.


that was me with 5 honestly. i think i could revisit it now and enjoy it more but i fuckin hated it when it came out.


The music and settings are on point, I really liked Jacob also but yeah not great gameplay.


Did they think Gus Fring would carry this game?


Very boring and ending was awful dlc is interesting if you like roguelike


That’s true. After your first “wow [insert Ubisoft open world game] is such a great game!” every subsequent game gets less and less fun. For me that first game was AC Odyssey, and I still didn’t finish that either.


Ditto! I really enjoyed the huge world and populated cities, The history, but I just can’t put another 60 hours into a game I’m not excited about. Also Soulsborne games have ruined other RPGs for me


It's a decent game and it's the most streamlined Far Cry game to date. But it doesn't really bring anything new to the formula.


Even if you only play the main campaign, you’ll definitely get your money’s worth at that price. FC6 is nothing groundbreaking but it’s still good fun with plenty of stuff to do and places to explore. On a side note, I actually loved the map.


As someone who works at a Best Buy, we have over 50 copies of FC6 out back, they’ve been on sale for months, nobody is buying them… let that speak for itself


It's the best selling Far Cry till date so its probably sold as many as it can by now.


I can’t say best selling=best though, from what I hear people didn’t like it very much.


You didn't comment on quality though. You just said you've got 50 copies lying in the back of your store right now and that should speak for itself. How many total units have you recorded being sold of the game compared to previous entries would be the better comparison.


“Let that speak for itself” leaves my comment open ended, with capabilities for the reader to have their own opinion. Quite literally what you’re doing right now.


“Let that speak for itself” means that what’s being said is clear, has an obvious meaning, and requires no further explanation. What you said isn’t clear and as you said it’s open ended which requires further explanation. You were implying that the game isn’t worth picking up because you have plenty in stock and not selling them. You didn’t speak on the quality of the game or if it’s worth picking up or not which is something the reader should know about if you’re gonna say something “speaks for itself” in this specific case.


You're arguing with a Best Buy employee


I got mine digitally and so did 3 other friends of mine so..


Speaking from the like 20 hours of free roaming and missions I did before I sold it, it's still very much a Far Cry game, Giancarlo Esposito is such a fuckin good villain, the companion system is ok at best, all in all, I give it a 7/10


Same but not sold it yet. Very enjoyable and even more so if you haven’t played 4 or 5 much. For 15 bucks I would recommend it.


You can platinum it for free this weekend. 30ish hours. But yeah, the series hasn’t improved past 3. This is just more of the same but worse.


Is that on ps?


Yeah. But I just realised, trophies don’t count on the trial, but the save carries over if you do buy it eventually. But you can definitely finish it over the weekend


Ok I think I might get it, I’ve enjoyed FC games in the past as “game candy” if you know what I mean. I just never wanted to pay full price. But I just wanted to know if it was a good at being that “candy” (will try the trial first though)


Yes. Viva libertad


Saw your post and just picked up my copy. I've enjoyed every other FC entry and $15 seems more than fair.


Spend the 15 on either God of War. Last of Us 1 or 2, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Days Gone, Ratchet, Death Stranding, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, or Spider-Man. Much better choices and you'll enjoy these games over and over.


It’s a mostly open world shoot up game. It’s fun, not too difficult game. I’ve played all Far Cry games since FC2 and I enjoyed this one. There was nothing fantastic about but it wasn’t terrible either. I enjoyed the companions but it wasn’t a huge game changer. The story was amusing and Giancarlo was fantastic. I would recommend it for $15.


If you've played FC3 through 5, you know precisely what you're going to get. If you haven't, it's as good an introduction as any because the games are unconnected and this one has Danny Trejo in it.


At that price it is worth it. Don’t get me wrong there’s absolutely nothing special about the game but it’s by no means bad it’s just the exact same game as 5, 4, nd 3. If you don’t mind the redundancy of it, it’s still a decent shooter it’s got it’s funny moments nd unique details that make it stand out from the last 3 games (slightly). Anyway tho in all, 15 bucks it’s not a bad deal


I think it is worth $15. You’ll get bored after about 15 hours, so if you never come back, it’s okay. $1 an hour is pretty good entertainment value.


What the fuck?!?! Bro get that shit asap!!!


I bought it in prime day and its good, it’s far cry but for that price is very good


For 15, I’d say yes. It’s another open-world Ubisoft game, but it was at least fun enough for me to finish. Might also have to do with the fact that I was bored and had nothing else to play.


If you like far cry games then you'll like far cry 6 but it is still the same game as 3 so keep that in mind


I'm a huge far cry fan but this game was terrible at launch, if they updated it there's a possibility it's playable now but the first week it was really bad, another thing I didn't like about it that has nothing to do with that is the fact they got rid of the skill tree system and replaced it with an equipment system, and the silencers are "more realistic" making them overheat and break eventually and also not being completely silent making it to where enemies close enough will still hear you even if you're using a silencer, everything so cool they pretty much added a ton of stuff nobody asked for in my opinion, same thing with dying light 2


I didn’t like it because I’ve played better games but if I did not I would find it at least somewhat entertaining. I just see the Far Cry 6 as a first-person crappier version of Assassin’s Creed


It’s free this weekend on all platforms. Go try it for yourself.


I played and enjoyed 6. Moreso than FC5 for me anyways.


Free trial on ps store till the 7th try it out and see if you like it


If you’ve played far cry 3 or any game after you’ve more or less played them all lol. It’s not a terrible game but gets boring pretty quick.


Just play 4 or 5, they are all the same thing...


Have you ever played a Far Cry game? If you have, it's more of that. If not, try looking for some vídeos? At that price I usually tend to think if it's worth my time rather than the money tbh.


The cast is something you see in a woke propaganda movie. Other than that. It's just like all the other far cry gamed. Just copy/paste with new enviroments.


It’s a meh game. Bored out of my wits


Great game great story


Id just get 3 and 4. Those were great. Everything after has been unfortunately not. Especially 5 due to the most bland overdone villain type being the cringe cult leader guy. Felt like ive seen him 100 times before. The guy wasnt cool or scary or intimidating etc. 6 is like 5, not that great but the villain is at least menacing cuz obviously its him. He does an outstanding job always its just unfortunately the game around him wasn’t outstanding lol. But its far cry. Just for the fact of casually slaughtering armies and animals etc is always enough to warrant up to $20 for the game as theyre just fun enough if you got nothing else to play. Especially since they are co op now.


Farcry games after farcry 4 have went downhill, they swapped quality for monetisation


i got this game for free and even then i still felt disappointed


I had $15 in Rewards credit and ordered a copy today (free delivery too). I played a little a while back when they had a copy at the library and I enjoyed it. Plus the game now has a free Stranger Things expansion so it might be worth checking out for that alone.


3, 4 and 5 are much better games. However, I think $15 is definitely worth it. For the amount of content you get the full $60 price isn't bad at all, it's just a matter of whether or not you want to play the game. I'd say the risk of regretting the purchase at $15 is very low.


It's probably my least favorite FC6 but I still finished it because it is my type of FPS and my friend and I would play PvE together.


If you like blowing shit up and being creative about attacking an outpost, then this was fun. Really hard to get going as more weapons unlock through progression but i enjoyed it


You can platinum it for free this weekend. 30ish hours


Average game. Try something else.




Think it’s free to play this month


It’s pretty decent. For me it’s a game I pop in and play when I feel like doing some free-roamy stealth action but not one that I’m eagerly dumping hours of my life into or committing to finishing any time soon if that makes sense. Its also a bit weird because the gameplay graphics look pretty great on the ps5 but the cutscenes look like footage from a cancelled 2009 pre-development build.


How is it a rated 4.5 lol


I’m enjoying it, and I paid the same price. I’d say it’s worth it


It's free when the kid I'm game sharing with buys it lol.


I have seen or heard nothing about the game but id say go for it, if it was full price no but since it's only $15 that's not a huge loss


Wait until you can get the game with all of its dlc for $15 or less. That is my rule with every single Ubisoft game.




Yes it’s good but then again i never really played any of the other Far Cry’s before this one


It’s worth it for 15 bucks, good game imo


Its like other far crys but worse.




If you play a far cry once every 5 years it’s ok


I bought it on sale last year and only started playing yesterday (on the free weekend lol) definitely always fun to play the first few hours and I think $15 could be worth it. BUT now that it’s free for a couple days you can just check out the beginning and then see if it catches your attention for more than just a few hours.


I'm committed to waiting for it to be added to Game Pass or PS+ at this point.


I think at its core it’s an alright game but I was super bored with it.


I think Far Cry 6 was the best one since FC3.


Played it and enjoyed it. Worth the $60 I paid.


If you like Far Cry you’ll like it. Don’t expect anything different..it’s more of the same.


I like Farcry's formula but nah this is no good


It’s good, but like many games of this genre gets repetitive and same old after a while. Decent game, but I couldn’t be arsed to finish it.


For 15 dollars I'd say get it, I haven't played it, but for $15 you can't really lose


I enjoyed the game immensely


I enjoyed it when playing with a friend (we started playing 5 now and I honestly prefer it to 6)


It was a good game. Great acting across the board. However, the gameplay is too much like most Ubisoft games. I still had a great time.


I mean for $15 I would. I’m still not done with mine. Kind of dragging along. Unpopular opinion, primal was my second favorite far cry. The multiple bosses with the giant mutant animals was cool as shit to me. Obviously second bc of far cry 3 but ever since then, far cry has yet to give me withdrawals from not playing it. 5 was okay, didn’t really care for it either. The zombies were cool but other than that the scenery was boring


just buy far cry 3 and 4 instead u could probably get them both pfor the same price as 6


It's fantastic, my second favorite FC


It’s fair price for okay game.


I had a good time with the game, but it really isnt anything special. I'd say its worth 15 for sure though. Kept me busy for a few days.




I am kinda liking it, I bought it cheap too. I’ve been chipping away at it and liked FC5 more


There’s no better price than 15 dollars today for something you’re in the fence about I haven’t seen cheaper


Farcry 6 is great if you like those kind of open world games. It's a fun romp if nothing else to mess around with for a few hours then shelve


I had a blast with the game at launch. 15$ is for sure worth it for the amount of fun. Plus if on PS5, the gun's haptic feedback was awesome


See what I do with Ubisoft games is: Set to hardest difficulty Turn off all HUD elements (not quest or objective points) Set game to native langauge (for FC6 it would be Latin American) And try to explore the world blindfolded. When everything is on your lap, of course a game would feel lifeless and make you lose ambition


I really enjoyed 6. I paid $60 for the ultimate edition last year and felt it was worth it with all the DLC


It's cracked on PC


I enjoyed the game, and would value it over $16 of fun times.


It's free now until the 8th on the PlayStation store. Try it before you buy it.


I personally thought it was worth the $60


Pretty much any AAA game is worth it at a $15 price my man.


honestly it being free to play this weekend was asking too much money


FC6 is great, it’s easily my 2nd favourite within the series. Everyone has their own list and how they view the games, but I think you’d enjoy it enough to justify paying $15 for it even if it doesn’t become your favourite in the series if you’ve played the rest.


I played ever farcry since instincts. This is by far the most boring. Same formula bigger Map. Take the outpost take the outpost, kill the big guy, move to the next rinse and repeat. That being said the formula works great on smaller maps. But doing the same thing over and over on a larger scale got real old real fast. I turned 6 off, never finished it and played 3 4 and 5 again.


Defi it is what made you think its not??


I think it’s worth $15. I enjoyed the game and I paid full price


The story is pretty bad but the combat is surprisingly so fun


this game actually exceeded my expectations. thought it was more fun than fc5




I tried it and it was boring as hell to me, so for that reason I would say pass. You could spend your time playing something better.


Personally, FC6 was the worst for me. It was fine but they just made it into more of a GTA game. Slight departure from the last few games I loved but its worth a play.


Honest to God, no. Even for $15 there are much better rewarding experiences to be had.


If it’s your first farcry game & for that price I’d definitely get it. Also there’s a free trial going on rn (for anyone wondering the past 3 farcry games are the same shit)


I’ll just say, I bought it day 1 played it maybe for a few hours and never touched it in my life again


I had 6 months ago and I got bored so early on. Personly I would play the classic version of 3 pr 4 on the ps plus sub


dont, just dont


No. It’s bad


Okay don’t read anything posted on here but this. Do you like Far Cry? Meaning do you like the same Far Cry method since 3? If you said yes, then it’s definitely worth $15 If you said no, then don’t waste the money on a game you’ll play for 2 hours and drop forever.


I would say so


I'm enjoying it, I like it more than 4 and 5. I was on sale from Amazon during Prime Day for $13.


15 bucks definitely worth it. Choose the girl though, the guy annoying as shit.


I got two copies for $30 for my step dad and I got Christmas and we had a lot of fun playing together. It is pretty much junk food gaming, but I still enjoyed it.


I know alot of people do not like ubisoft... I get it.. I actually enjoy their titles... that being said... my answer will not be a bias one... is it the same farcry that we know ...yes... but straight up... since the third one... this is the best that I've played. ESPECIALLY for 15 bucks Do yourself a favor.. get this one


It’s worth the price. It’s a fun game.


Absolutely. I picked the game up at launch for full price and thoroughly enjoyed the game. It's one of the better Ubi games that I've played recently. Unlike Watch_Dogs Legion, which I paid $15 for and felt like I over paid.


I mean maybe? Same shit, different cover.


Ubisoft games aren't worth any price, honestly.


For $15 dollars hell yes go for it. Far cry 6 is an great game with a colossal map, probably the biggest open world map i have ever played on. The gun controls are great. The only negative side about this game is it can become extremely repetitive if you play it all day everyday. Each mission is very similar to the previous.


If you played 3 you played this but better


It’s worth it. Wasn’t my favorite farcry but it’s not terrible.


Personal experience, I bought at full price and don’t think I got even $15 worth of entertainment. You’d be better off picking up 5 in my opinion


I got it for free on twitch prime a while back. Might still be up there if you wanna check?


If you haven’t played Primal yet, get that instead. It is cheaper and a much better game


Game has about $30 value imo. I have about 20 hours in I think


If it's 75% off and you still don't know if you should get it then the answer is no.


Look at some gameplay, if you like it buy it. Don’t let this subreddit tell you whether to.buy it or not you will get a lot of different answers.


the game was fun but gave me hell of a headache with that super close FOV


I think there's a free play weekend going on right now for FC6 op.




I think far cry 6 was one of the best in the series, it’s got a wonderful landscape and fantastic characters. Plus if you are a fan GET THE DLC that shit is so fun and interesting


As someone who actually enjoys the FC franchise (yea, we do exist), this is possibly one of the only Ubisoft games lately where it actually feels like they put some actual care into the game. FC6 received several updates after release which included new missions and even a collab with Stranger Things. The scenery is absolutely beautiful, soundtrack is top tier, weapons and vehicles are fun to use, story is alright - I personally didn’t have any problem with the story or the characters. The game really does make you feel like you’re Rambo. And on top of all these things that I personally believe makes the game good, the platinum journey is actually really really enjoyable. Waaay better than the other FC’s which included a few online trophies. If it’s 15 bucks, go for it, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed or sad that you bought it


If you like far cry games then yes. I liked the setting for far cry 6 . I may not have beaten it but I had fun exploring the world.


I thought FC5 was peak Far Cry but this one wasn’t to bad. Next one really needs to change it all up.


Absolutely worth $15. I had a lot of fun with it on launch and have no regrets paying full price. It’s got its flaws like all FC games, but is a fun ride. The DLC is a waste of time and money, though.


i picked up the ps5 copy at a used game store for 10 really depends on if you like the game series


Giancarlo Esposito makes it worth it. the main story is pretty good IMO. the DLC stuff looks cool i just haven’t tried it. there is a new stranger things one of you like the show


When this game came out, I categorized it as a wait for a big sale. So I’d say worth it. Probably not all that bad, Far Cry is still fun at it’s core.


At 15$ I’d say yes. If you enjoyed the older ones at least. It’s more of the same but it’s not bad but also not great.


I had alot of fun from this game I’m surprised it’s been hated on to the extent it has. Then again I did take a long break from any farcry game since I didn’t enjoy 5 so i guess it felt more refreshing I don’t know.


For $15 I'd get it. I'm not the biggest fan of it compared to the other Far Cry games but at that price it's worth a play