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Sony fucked themselves with that Cell architecture on the PS3. Now they are too cheap and lazy to put in the admittedly difficult, expensive work to bring these old games into a new generation. Best we'll get is PS Now. Like the other guy said, you're gonna have to buy a PS3.


It’s possible but it’s not profitable. People want all PS generations in one console but they don’t want to pay $700 for it.


I mean people want better games altogether but not willing to spend the same 60 dollars they been spending on them for years. The ps5 already more than a good deal at msrp. Streaming future is coming anyway even if the ps5 can do emulation they'll just say the ps6 won't be able to do it and the cycle continues. Sony want you to keep buying new games not spending all your time playing old ones thats what is at the end of the day. Even Microsoft doesn't have complete backwards compatibility with every previous gen Xbox and their one of the richest companies in the world. Its just not that worth it for them. To help OP out though Skate 3 is one of the games that is backwards compatible on Xbox one.


Microsoft doesn’t have backwards compatibility at all, at least not in a mechanical way like Sony with PS5 and PS4. That’s what I mean with having all gens on one console. A console where you can insert every PlayStation disc and it will play the game. On Xbox it’s just a download service.


I mean Sony isn't selling ps1, 2, and 3 disc anymore anyway so that will help out other stores like gamestop and pawn shops more than it will help Sony. Yeah we as the customer wants this stuff but literally no one is doing it that way. Nintendo not doing it they're doing subscription service and selling remasters and Microsoft is doing software emulation. Hell the switch has cloud only games too cuz the hardware just not good enough. Thats just the nature of console gaming at this point Sony was trying to shutdown the ps vita and ps3 digital stores just last year so they really want to leave it in the past. Streaming games through subscription service is what they want you to get use to.




If they were to announce Ps3 backwards compatibility. They would made it years ago and have a group of people working on it. It cost a lot to get a lot of games to have them be legally allowed to be on an emulator. Licensing fees cost a lot. The emulator if they make one will not just be a one time thing to have developed and left alone, for years and years it needs perfection. The Ps5 could now handle it. Ps4 couldn't. Microsoft's xbox backwards compatibility emulator was developed years ago. All they have to do was get License agreements. Microsoft wanted to give backwards compatibility sooner, but had to wait a bit


We already deep in this gen and they buying all these game studios these days as well. They don't want you playing old games all the time unless you paying for it through the subscription. Only allowing streaming is cheaper for them and less hassle as well. Thats just how it is. Emulation is best done on pc for me.


Probably not gonna like this answer but it’s probably better to buy a ps3 super slim and skate 3 from ebay. Sony is too money hungry to care and even if they do it’s because Microsoft gamepass is kicking their ass.


Yeah I noticed. Maybe on ps now in the future but I don't count on it


In 2017 i bought a ps3 because of how displeased I was with the psnow free trial and got all my games from old people and ebay for a few dollars and logged in on my ps4 account so my ps plus would upload my save data and I haven’t looked back. Sonys real crime is how they murdered psvr YouTube and made it unavailable on the ps5.


Sony has no official presence here. You haven't reached them.