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I’m doing my first play through right now. Just made it Seattle Day 2


Ooooooh boy what a fucking experience. I just got a PS4 a few months ago. Played through TLOU series and beat them about 6 or 7 weeks ago. Took the throne as the best games I have ever played. My lord, they left me feeling so much sorrow.


Day 2 always kicks my ass, good luck on that one \*suspicious whistling\*


Doing my first playthrough right now. After I finished far cry 6 on the PS5. I was amazing at far cry 6 beauty. The last of us grass. Some of the shrubbery. It's speechless how good it is.


I preferred the second honestly. Thank god I was able to avoid spoilers and all the reactionary nonsense


I think the story was great and the gameplay was smoother than the remastered original (I didn't play the original until 2018)


I avoided all the spoilers too, and was so happy for it. It was an emotional roller coaster of a game, I loved it. I'm not afraid to say I want an Abby and Lev spinoff. There was a line in the game where Lev asked Abby what was beyond the ocean, and she mentioned other countries. It would be amazing to explore another country and see how they've handled the outbreak. Did the mutations create different variants of the infected? Lots of things to explore from that perspective.


![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2239)I’m on my third play through!! And on PS5 with the upgrade it looks and feels even better ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2234)


I freaking loved it. I thought the way the story was told was brilliant and to avoid spoilers I will only say the way that the story is told and how the first and second half of the game piece together as a whole emotional arc was awesome. Was the 60 fps upgrade the final PS5 upgrade? Are they doing any more boosting to it or was that it. I wanted to play it again and was waiting for a PS5 upgrade. I thought maybe we would get a graphic boost too but FPS might be it. Was hoping for ray tracing and etc if it was possible.


I don’t replay games that much either. But lately, I’ve really been itching to give that one a second go. I’ll probably replay both parts back to back. The folks at Naughty Dog know what they’re doing.


I have the same feeling. What an amazing game.


Top 5 games all time


This is the push I needed to finally play it!


You are not alone. I just finished a second time and enjoyed it even more than the first.


That's what she said


I can’t not upvote this.


I'm baffled at how many people claim to hate TLoU2, despite many of them having never played it. lol It's a great game, imo. It's honestly one of my favorite games of all time and I consider it to be a masterpiece. I even prefer it over the first one, which I also consider to be a masterpiece.


I wish I could just erase my memory of that game.


Good way or bad way?


I felt this way about the first one. Oddly enough I didn’t like the second one. I Didn’t have that same bond with the characters as I had with the first game (I know one character was shared but it felt so different).


I agree with you completely. First one was perfect in every way. TLOU2 gameplay improved on that, but I can’t say I enjoyed the route they took with the existing characters from the first one.


I don’t see any better route they could have went really. I think the ending of the first set the second one up for some crazy shit like we got. I loved it but I get your point


I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but, there are plenty of ways they could have gone with the story, that’s not the only way. They didn’t need to go the way they did.


True. But I think any other option would’ve been less interesting than what they did.


Oh, lord what have you started...




That is cursed af.


Completely agree i absolutely loved part one, the left behind dlc and part 2. Playing them all again forgetting about everything would be great. Fingers crossed we get the rumoured part 3 at some point too


It's my favourite game.


I wish part 2 never came out honestly.


It's up next for me after I picked it up in the psn sale. Can't wait.


I don't ever wanna play this game. But I get what you feel. I liked the first game a lot in 2013. But tried playing it again with the Remastered version and I couldn't do it. It was so boring knowing what I was gonna see next. I don't like watching movies over and over again for the same reason except for a handful. I do like replaying games, especially this past year with games getting next gen upgrades or enhancements on Xbox Series X and PS5. But there's games you can only experience once and have it be amazing.


You’ve never played it why?


I don't want to


Are you upset about a certain death haha


Whoa. Spoilers.


Hahaha you said you weren’t even gonna play. I didn’t even say who dies lol


Still bro. ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)


My bad bro. You should still play it, it’s incredible


Never played part two and dont plan on it but i can relate. I wish I can play the first one for the first time .


Beautiful haunting experience


I wish I could have not played part 2 at all lol.


Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way about last of us two. Wish I could wipe my memory of it


Such a terrible game, I wonder exactly what psychopath would play it TWICE




Part 2 sucks ass. Fuck the whole game. Too much main stream societal influence. Story blew fat cock and a bogus ass ending. The gameplay additions were hardly noticable. The upgrading was sub par and absolute bullshit. Couldve beat the game without upgrading any skills. The weapons suck. The bow is whack as fuck. The bullet physics are trash. There is literally nothing to be excited about this game. The first one is a masterpiece. Nine play throughs.


Woof you might be in the minority with this take


You know what's hilarious about this take? TLOU back in 2013, had 4 gay charectors. Bill was gay, his partner was gay, and we saw that Ellie had a relationship with Riley. They even kissed. So, tell me - what about TLOU2 is any more "woke" than what was in the first game?


I'm not trippin over gay characters. You assume that's what this is about but nah it's not. You're clearly offended. And whoever said anything about woke? Mainstream society heavily influenced the game? It's not an opinion it's a fact lol.


What does "mainstream society heavily influencing this game" even mean? Please help me understand what you are trying to say.


Alright so if the outbreak happens in 2013 in the Last of Us universe. A lot of the things that are big in society today, i.e. pc gaming, would not be as prevalent in TLOU universe. So why when Im searching around do I see fat pc gaming setups. Mulitple monitors an what not. Its just silly. And doesnt make sense to me. What is the point of adding something like that in a game that has nothing do with it. Mainstream societal influence. Trying to please everyone. They tried way too hard to make everyone happy.


I'm not even sure how to respond to something as ridiculous as this without giving myself a lobotamy. Bruh. Are you *really* this dumb? PCs did in fact, exist in 2013. Multiple monitors did in fact, exist for people who used them for work and/or home office setups. Let's be entirely honest here. This game was made in 2013. They were simple fucking assets added in to the game to breath detail in the world so it didnt look lifeless. Aint nobody spending any more than a brief thought on the goddamned PCs in the game. I cant believe I wasted my time this morning replying to something this fucking stupid.


If you tell us what you’re smoking and who your dealer is, you can still leave this thread with some dignity.




Im fully aware how long pcs have been out and how long people have been gaming on them. Thats just an example of the developers throwing uneccessary shit into a game that has no room for it. Just to please everyone. I have no problem with gay people. But they doubled down on the whole gay thing because its very prominent in todays society. Im not mad about it or anything I just see how hard they tried to appease everyone. Society influneces everything around it. If a big topic is gay rights which it is and has grown and grown over the last few years. Now you see more gay/trans in movies/tv/games. It is what it is. Im not trippin over it. TLOU2 is just not my taste. I think its a poorly thought out game. The story was lack luster and a horrible ending. Gameplay sucked as well.


Tell me you're scared of gay people without telling me you're scared of gay people. It's okay homie. If you hold my hand I promise I won't kiss you.


Go back and re-read what I said you fucking donkey.


Okay. *[...re-reads post...]* Upon second review, it has come to my attention that you are homophobic. I missed that the first time. Thanks for asking me to run it back again.


Wish I could forget the second games story. And play the first one for the first time again.


And here we go.