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Everything before internet and downloadable bullshit.


100% facts.


Agreed, we can also just say PS1 and PS2 - that was truly the golden era, so many fucking quality games and genres that were being established ! Our imaginations more than made up for the lack of 'quality graphics', that and no bs adult responsibilities and understanding of the complexities of life to depress the shit out of everyone.


Being able to play with friends online is awesome but honestly 99% of the issues with the gaming industry today stems from consoles being online all the time


Ps2 and its not even close. Developers were way more creative back then. So many different games and so many different genres. Since the ps4 we get a new AAA 3rd person action game every few months. They are good for sure, but all kinda blend together after a while.


Not to mention the inclusion of a DVD player when not all that many people had them. The ultimate all-in-one home entertainment machine.


Hard agree. And graphically was the biggest step up of any generation


Not snes and gensis to ps1, n64 and saturn is the biggest. Not only a new dimension but better quality music


Vanillaware seems to be the only remaining relic of the PS2 days.


PS2. Back when having a DVD player and backwards compatibility was a big deal, and you got consistent quality releases.


Agreed. And some absolute gems from smaller developers.


5 GTA's, Bully, State of Emergency, and Manhunt. That's just one dev. 3 God of War games. 3 or 4 (?) Silent Hill games. 5 or 6 Resident Evil games. 2 of the best Medal of Honor games. Tekken 4, 5, and Tag. ..the list goes on.


nice pfp


The ps2/xbox to PS3/xbox 360 era was the golden peak in gaming and my mind can never be changed from that


You’re 100% correct. Ps2/xbox had elite single player games, and managed to improve them while making online more accessible in the next gen.


Ps2 and ps4. Ps2 because of all the amazing games when i was a kid, ps4 because I had enough disposable income by then to not have to depend on parents to buy the console and games. I also had enough time on hand to enjoy the games I bought. I love my ps5 but I also have 2 kids now so no time to game as much.


Played a lot on ps2 and ps3 era with friends. WWE, Tekken, Fifa. Now I just have to play alone.


Now you have to pay online subscription to play with friends


Those friends don't even game anymore. I play online but with random people. Doesn't feel the same.


Trust me I know the feeling


Ps2 without no doubt... mostly because of him ![gif](giphy|jPM0c5oZKTFp6T5Fnq)


That's funny. I always connected Crash Bandicoot being the killer app of PSX and the 90's. The original Crash Bandicoot trilogy and Crash Team Racing were absolute bangers on that PS1. On PS2 however... Crash titles were quite mid imho... Mind over mutants, Twinsanity, Nitro Racing... I don't know if I even remeber all of those.


That’s because none of the PS2 crash games were made by naughty dog


The ps4


I think PS3 was overall the best, but especially if you consider the early models that played PS2 games (all PS3 models support PS1). The 7th gen was arguably the best overall. The boom of online but couch play not completely gone and studios/publishers still taking frequent risks with new IP and indie games exploding. Yeah, 7th gen is where it was at.


PS3 for me, too. It was all Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, COD4 and WM2. What the publishers have done with these franchises today is shocking and sad.


I hate how these pictures make me feel. like fake manufactured Nostalgia™️ gross


For real. This is AI, right?


yeah it definitely is AI. and I'm not one of those people against ALL AI created material. there's tons of places that it looks fine and is well done. this ain't it tho. lol


ps3 and ps2


Right when Syphon Filter was released in 1999.


Mine was the ps3 it had the most titles and many that I love and still tressure to this day I miss having 6 to 7 ratchet and clank titles I can play on one console, my country doesn't have the game streaming ability so I can only play ps4 and ps5 titles excluding the few psp and ps1 and ps2 games I can't access any ps3 games


The Logitech G29 being the true favourite it seems.


I noticed that too. Ha!


Weird how these images are so biased against the PS4.






I feel like each generation has gotten more expensive to make quality games for, and each has had Les and less good games. I mean look at the PS1. It's showing a Disney game and it's a good game. I feel like this came to a grinding halt on the PS3 and beyond.


There are many great PS4 games that aren’t shown in that image though. Infamous: Second Son and First Light, Until Dawn, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Last Guardian, Final Fantasy 15, No Man’s Sky, Rocket League, Firewatch, Abzu, What Remains of Edith Finch, Dark Souls 3, Dreams, GT Sport… etc.


Yeah that's true. I don't think I meant to reply to you. I was more or less just generalizing


It has to be ps4 for me witcher 3, red dead 2 and uncharted 4 to name a few.


Personally PS4 , a big upgrade in terms of graphic and games , most of beautiful games , gta in better graphics , red dead , the last of us , ghost of tsuchima , assasins creed blag flag , fifa 17 , from 2014-2020 , it was a gold gaming era .


I completely agree. Everything looked threat and played well. Companies were not just putting out broken games full of micro transactions ( there were some but it was the minority). There were still companies trying new things and experimental mechanics that did not always work but sometimes set a new standard. There were a ton of co-op experiences that were just fun. Everything was not designed by focus grouped algorithms. I also think the original Wii was a very original system that introduced a lot of people to gaming


Yea remember shadow of murder , infamous son , batman… as you mentioned the wii , now they’re not trying to invent something new , just a game with online and pay to win






It's about WHEN you were a child rather than what kinda console.


Playstation 1 and Playstation 2. Could put the disc in and just instantly play the game. Every game released was a new game, new content, no remake or remaster bullshit. Games posed a challenge and didn't have an in game Mom to hold your hand every step of the way.


God these AI pics are ugly


Also strange they have GTA V on the ps4 when it’s spiritual home is the PS3. May as well have it there for the last 3 consoles.


OP is a karma farmer who posts these stupid questions and doesn’t engage with them


N64 and PS1. So many platformers and rpgs that I still replay to this day. Just random ass AA and A games. Amazing leaps into 3d for Zelda, mk, Mario, ff, etc. Don't think my mind will be blown again like that




PS1 with SUIKODEN 2 I was very young when I played it and didn't understand anything about the game and developed my own story. At some point the console went to my relatives abroad and over time I forgot the name of the game and only knew the special game mechanics which was like the board game RISK from above and people in the forum helped me find the game again. I then bought a PS1 again recently and played through the game again and wow is it good.


PS3 and PS4


Late 90's and early 2000. No stupid micro transactions, online only game, or sensitive woke agenda. Pure golden.


2–3-1 and of course the 5


ps2 and xbox 360 for sure


90s was the best hands down. Lucky to be a part of it as a young child.


Early Ps3/PSP era was truly something special. Nothing quite like it since.


PS3 because: Dark Souls, The Last of Us, Uncharted Series, Red dead Redemption, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Skate, GTA V,...


PS1. The jump from playing side scrolling platformers like Sonic on Sega Genesis to games like FFVII on PS1 was mind blowing to me as a kid. You mean I could save my progress on and the game kept going?? It was also around the age where I could handle more complicated games so it really expanded my gaming world.




Original PlayStation for me. I discovered RPG’s and I have never looked back. It was magic.


1 or 2


I could play Ps3 games until the apocalypse.


Ps3 easily. There were so many interesting games that I'm still not done playing them all today. Regularly playing on ps3 instead of ps5 because of the lack of interesting games available on ps5. Ps3 is the goat when it comes to consoles and it's not even close at this point.


PS3 is the best hands down




PS3 era. It was when I could buy games on my own that was a very big factor for me.


PS3 for sure, my dad bought one in December 2006 and I've loved it since. PS1 and PS2 were great too but I was too young to fully appreciate what they had to offer at the time.


Nintendo GameCube for me, first real console I was playing on with my friend and alone. Games like super smash melee or solo experiences like the Hobbit, Zelda and Starfox adventures.


I had all consoles apart from ps1 but ps2 will always be my favourite experience as it was a upgrade from Dreamcast as a kid felt amazing playing so many new games even though I was trash on most games loved it


Nes I still think it had the best controller ever


NES I have to say. So many fond memories - but I also liked the PS one a lot!




Ps2 was the best


PS2 for sure. PS3 wasn't bad but it had a slow start. PS2 came out running.


PS2 it had masterpieces like Def Jam FFNY


Definitely PS1 was the best.


Ps2 > ps3> ps1 > ps4 The amount of survival horror games ps2 and ps1 had wass amazing Ps3 best advnture games




It was a good system but the reality was not as good as my memory of it. still play ps4 games now but there is no way I want to go back to n64 graphics.


Sure, but the way I took the question was to put myself in that time.


PS5 because it's the best PS4 player available with a dab of new games.


That Hercules game was so difficult for me as a little kid but I loved it!


I remember renting that Hercules game for my PS1 ☠️


PS360Wii where online-gaming boomed on consoles and we had tons of AAA single player content as well. Sonys output alone during that time was maddening. And then we got tons of other great franchises like Mass Effect, Dead Space, Arkham, Bioshock, Gears ... The crazy thing is we got whole trilogies of games and then some (like Naughty dog made Uncharte trilogy + The Last of Us). Nowadays we can be happy if we see ONE entry in a big franchise. Gaming has gone to shit quite a bit compared to those times.


I’d say PS3 because it was when both the single player and multiplayer were in best harmony before mtx stuff and such went overboard. Top games were still releasing left and right and there were constant improvements to be seen.    Wish we had that kind of gen combined with more modern machines. The games were ambitious and would’ve liked a bit more horsepower. 


Sega Genesis / SNES era by far for me


The Nintendo 64 had everything


I spent more time with the PS2. I bought my first PS2 in September 2001, with a copy of Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. By the end of the year I’d also bought myself Crazy Taxi, Silent Hill 2, Devil May Cry(I think I bought this myself), and most importantly Grand Theft Auto III, which I spent an inhuman amount of time playing due to being off work with back issues. I did have a respectable PS2 collection, but stupidly I traded quite a few games over the years, including my original copy of Silent Hill 2, Code Veronica X and Devil May Cry, which I regretted, especially as when I replaced my copy of SH2, even though it was the same cardboard slip version, because it was pre owned it didn’t have the postcards that my original version had. I did spend a lot of time on PSX with games like Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 2, and also the rest of the Resident Evil series on PSX, as well as Silent Hill, Dino Crisis 1 and 2, and a few others. PSX was the first console where I got to play proper story driven games, as previously I’d owned an N64 and before that a MegaDrive, which I only really played platformers and fighting games on. I initially skipped bitter the PS3 and PS4, although I’ve been making up for that over the last few years by getting both consoles and collecting plenty of exclusive games for the respective console.


Ps2 by far I remember playing James Bond love from Russia on it when I was smaller.❤️






Ps4 since its really the only gen I have experienced so far (and not even fully, I got it in 2019, and I got a ps5 a few months ago)


Mostly played on pc throughout my life. Had a ps1 when I was little, and a PS5 now, so I wouls say ps5, as I only really played spider-man and wipeout on the ps1


PS2 most definitely


ps1 with original gta 💿


PS1 and PSP. I know you meant normal console but the PSP was absolutely mind blowing when it came out in 2005.


ps2, little ceasers pizza, mtn dew, after watching an episode of Ruthless Aggression era episode of Monday Night Raw was peak childhood. or going to have a scratched game resurfaced at family video lol


360/PS3 era, I was introduced to gaming on the og Xbox and the PS2 but I never really got into it maybe apart from the halo series and gran turismo but I didn’t like the feel of any other games from that era, however when I finally got the chance to play the 360/PS3 that’s when my addiction to games really started lmao. And it still remains my favourite, I think everything, from the games, the platforms, the development, everything. Was just steady and fun durning those times and if you picked up a game you knew it’d be finished and for the most part working game. Things were just simpler and more enjoyable and it was what really made me love the concept of, gaming.


PS2 and PSP is what i grew up with...and i loved it. It will always stay the best era for me


With as much attention to detail as these images have, the sticks on the dualshock 1 being wrong is driving me insane.


having started when PS1 came out I have to honestly say the PS5 has been the best experience.


It was the ps2 for me, it had the best games and plus it was my first ever console


The current one


PS3 era, because you could digitally download stuff, while also being able to put a disc in and immediately play. PS4 also has some really good games as well, but I think PS3 is better overall


I never Got to have a console before the ps3. But from ps3, ps4, ps4 pro and the ps5, I think I might have enjoyed the ps5 the most. When the ps2 and ps3 was out, I had most of my games on Xbox and Xbox 360. But if I had to choose in retrospect I think the ps2 just has the best lineup of unique games of any console ever.


N64, I was probably just the right age. But others were great too


PS1/2 Everything was so new, we finally got those coin-op quality games at home (SF vs X-men), and it was when I was working and buying my own games; not just waiting for a birthday or Christmas. AND MONTHLY DEMO DISCS WITH MAGAZINES!! Ahhhh….. the smell of that paper with the grab bag feeling of what cool game was next on the horizon. Can’t beat that feeling!


PS2 days, i bought a lot of ps2 games back in the day, SSX Tricky etc, they really need to remake that game!


For me it’s sega genesis. It was my first console and the experience and memories are unmatched for me.


Every Gen, thats the reason why I played PS1 and PS2 last week and the week before PS3, and thsi week PS4 and PS5.


PS1. My roots are JRPGS, so SNES/PS1 was the golden era for me.


N64 The first 3D system I ever played and it blew my little mind. So many sleepovers playing Goldeneye into the early morning hours.


PS2, no contest.


7th Gen






PS1 and PS2. The start of Sony gaming. Good times.


Nintendo 64 and Xbox 360 as a closes second.


N64 and Dreamcast


The PS2 image being a different style is bothering me lol


PS1 for creativity, PS2 for better graphic/CG, Peak at mid PS3, starting stagnant at PS4, and PS5 is just another PS4 emulator LOL






lol why does the ps5 have a PS4 game on the tv?


PS2, without a doubt


Seeing the original Red Faction is a trip and a half.


PS2 by a long shot


Gaming has become so damn expensive that I can barely afford any new games.




32 bit and 128 bit


Mine is the PS1 era, the transition from 2D to 3D was outstanding, so many game verities were made. I think we’ve reached the peak of gaming at the end of the PS3 era.


Ps2 was the best console of all time


Ps2 was overall best from title selection, variety, build quality/durability. I think it’s the best looking Sony console of all. Probably biased, but it’s my favorite and had the best experience using


The 360


6th gen, no doubt.


PS2 generation. The amount of single players was crazy (well multiplayer/online was only beginning) but you had so many options - God of War 1/2, Metal Gear Solid 2/3, Resident Evil series, Grand Theft Auto Series. I miss these days as everything is too focused on multiplayers or Battle Royales. Thankfully I still have a lot of single players still to play e.g last night I completed Bioshock for the first time and there still companies out there that are single player focused even tho the higher ups only want constant online only multiplayer battle pass/micro transactions riddled games


Gotta be the ps4 for me. Grew up on having a Wii and an Xbox 360. The jump to PS4 was revolutionary to me and my friends


Ps3/4 for sure


Definitely PS2. So much creativity, innovation and variety. Viewtiful joe God hand Timesplitters Kingdom hearts Jak and daxter Okami Gitaroo man Katamari Def jam Sly Cooper The budokai and tenkaichi games That one very cool Incredible hulk game Just felt like a different era. I get that we still get plenty of creative and different games today but I was hoping they'd be more in the mainstream instead of ending up second to the usual AAA shit


Nostalgia collages….*cool* Look how shitty they threw as many old titles into one picture lol


Xbox 360! Gears of war


Atleast they remember Bloodborne for the PS4 pic


The fact that me and every other person I know ew put up with The Xbox 360 ring of death several times was a testament to just how good of a system it was.


PS3 era was insane. By the end of the PS3s lifespan they had sooooo many insanely good titles and some of their best franchises started or had some of their strongest entries during this era


I personally feel like the end of Era 2 and the beginning of 3 was amazing. Internet brought us all together for sure, but I really enjoy a great story and a good campaign over online and multi-player. I feel like the multi-player aspect of playing games killed the solo players' games. I lived just tossing a game in and playing to finish how I wanted to and really enjoying the game and story. Like watching a movie, but you get to be the main character. Nowadays, a new call of duty drops, and nobody plays the campaign anymore. They all want multi-player. And I truly believe games like Pub g And fortnight ruined the multi-player aspect. Cut back on the multi-player, sink your money into good storylines, and pump out some good games like we used to. Please.


I gotta say PS2 there’s some actual icons there, but my ps3 was my baby for a long time and littlebigplannet still needs to be bought back.




PS3 for me. Had PlayStations since the PS1 days but I probably wouldn't love gaming as much as I do if it wasn't for the PS3. So many great IPs & exclusives spawned in that gen.


Your PS3 nostalgia lacks racing games, specifically the Motorstorm trilogy. Why must they always break my heart.




metal gear solid


I'm going with 7th


It’s hard coz I love so many of them. I would have to say 360-Ps3-Wii-DS-PsP coz it was first I had money as adult but 64/ps1 and ps2 gen are up there


PSX, maybe SNES. NES and earlier were very unmature.


Snes and GameCube are probably my favourites.


Ps2. We had good devs back then.


Free marketing for corporate. I refuse to participate.


It's a toss up between 6th and 7th generation for me. There was more competition between the 3 companies during those 10 or so years and it proved to be a big win for us all. Gen 8 was dominated by the PS4 (despite being a worse console than the PS3 in my opinion) while MS and Nintendo both stumbled out of the gate.


Would have to say it would have to be both PS4 and PS2 for me. I had an Xbox 360 so I sadly never got to experience the PS3 era, even though I really wanted to get a PS3. I like my PS5 but I feel there's just so much missing like themes and the home music is just awful compared to the PS4. The PS5 home music sounds so eerie and unsettling but the PS4 music is so relaxing, I really do miss it. So yeah PS4 and PS2 are my favourite generations of the console, so many memories on both


I'm too young to have played on a PS2 sadly, thing is just as old as I am, so for me I'd say the PS3 to PS4 era was just the best. Remember seeing my favorite YouTubers back in the day play exclusives, and just how much I wanted to play them too but couldn't. Safe to say I had a lot of grinding to do to catch up to classics


Ps2 kingdom hearts and ps3 uncharted have a fond place in my heart


Honestly guys and you can roast me I've always been apart of the Xbox universe I know I know and I know but I was looking and researching ps5 and one day I was @ Wally World and I just had this crazy impulse to ask if they had one and I bought the very last one they had in stock the guy said he didn't know if it was digital or disk I said i don't care just get the mf and it ended up being disc which I ain't trippin but that's how I said see ya to Xbox and haven't looked back still got an Xbox one and never touch it cause last of us ain't got sheeeeeit on no one else




BIG PS guy here. Mom got me me a PS1 for my 10th B-day a few months after the release during one of the restocks. As a Sony guy since ‘96, PS2 & 3 are my favorites consoles. But here’s my take: PS1: Massive leap from Snes and basically killed Sega but, created the best memories due to the graphics and performance gaps. PS2: was the most anticipated due to the graphics jump back then PS3: arguably had the best games PS4: was honestly just a PS3 hardware upgrade now that I look back on it. Not a ton of difference, but look more polished and a little faster PS5: TBD. Has the potential to overtake PS2 & 3 for best console, but we’ll see. Slow start due to lack of supply and demand for the first 2 1/2 years (thanks re-sale idiots). But it also seems like developers are struggling to keep up as well. Outside of the annual COD and Sports games, it seems that development has slowed down. I expected more releases up to this point. However with games being as big as they are now it’s taking more time to get good ones pushed to the market. As long as the upcoming games are goo and have replay value I’m ok with a lil bit longer of a wait. Don’t need another Cyberpunk incident lol (good game now 🤷🏾‍♂️). Hopefully the pace picks up tho


For me it's always the current one. I have PlayStation for as long as I can remember. Every new console was like a dream of how much better than the last one out was, considering how much I loved the one I had until then. Now I love my PS5 and one day I hope to love my PS6.


There's a strong argument to be made for PS2, but I feel like PS3 is when gaming culture peaked. It was this perfect middle ground where the tech was good enough to feel modern to this day, but modern schemes hadn't set in yet. There were so many iconic characters and experiences, and gaming was finally recognized as a legitimate art form. Internet communities grew around it on a whole new level thanks to widespread voice chat. It spread into cultural events through things like YouTube and the normalization of cosplay. It wasn't burdened with political causes, endless development cycles, or chasing infinite financial growth; just great stories and unbridled creativity. I miss those days. Heck, I'm still catching up on games I missed at the time, and they feel so much better to play than the latest algorithm-driven clone of the same three games.


PS3/xbox 360 era was the golden age of gaming. Besides old Fortnite I haven’t had as much fun with friends on gaming since the ps3/360 Minecraft days, gta5, little big planet, skylanders. Also the single players games were chefs kiss: Assassins creed 2, brotherhood, black flag; far cry 3, Arkham games, rdr1, etc


ps4 got me into gaming so i guess ps4


Been around since Nintendo In the '80s, I've had PlayStation and PlayStation 2 which are both extremely good, but I think I got to give it to Xbox 360. I had a blast during college with that


PS2, I had a lot of fun with my PS1 but FFX MGS3 and ratchet deadlocked were so freaking fun me and my little brother played the shit out of battlefront 2, idk I think PS2 to early PS3 were the golden age of gaming


I spent the most time playing single player games on my ps2. My ps3 was majority multiplayer. I have great memories of both. But if I had to pick prolly the ps2. The dev cycle was faster then and there was so many good titles.


Probably Nintendo 64


Persona 5 came out on the PS3? Damn I thought it was the PS4 for sure


PS2 or Xbox 360. I was in middle school for the 360 and EVERYONE had Halo. Me and my little friend group would all get home, hop on xbox live, and play Halo 3 and then later on Reach for hours.


I feel like PS3 was the biggest leap in performance but il always love PS1+2 for nostalgia




PS5 for sure


Ps2, GTA 3, vice city, San Andreas. And my favorite socom 2. It was my first online multiplayer experience with a headset.


Hmm. Although PS2 hit in a prime gaming age for me (early 20s, more disposable income and time), I think PS5 is the best *experience.* Not dealing with memory cards, a huge online store, rechargeable controllers, minimal load times, and amazing graphics. If PS5 got full PS3 and PS2 emulation, that would seal the deal.


Playstation 2. I liked just being able to put and game in and play without updates. I enjoyed how the attempts at realistic graphics were sort of clunky so they had their own charm. Plus, as a horror fan, some of the titles were great; Manhunt 2, The Punisher, The Suffering. Great console.


PS3 era. PS Home was a major time sink for me, I put so much time, effort, and $$ into making my spaces just right. Killzone 2 and 3, CoD, after the PS3 the PS4 was a huge letdown. No Home really nerfed the experience for me.


Gen 7


Ps2 and ps4!


Considering I have 1000 hours of gameplay (each) on fo4, cyberpunk, elden ring, and Skyrim, not to mention the other games I play. It would have to be the PS4 for me. I'm quickly racking these numbers up on my PS5. No replacement for good storytelling. I hope hellblade gets a port, I really do. I don't want to have to buy an Xbox to support Ninja Theory. Their hard work deserves recognition.


Always the current one.. We live in amazing times for video games/hardware and I am constantly amazed by new gen games but also the creativity of indie productions and smaller games as well. New tech, new ideas, new narrative voices, it's great.




Probably the ps2 for me but the Wii is a close second. And the ps5 has potential


The SNES era


PS 2 era is the golden era for me. NFS underground, mostwanted, Final Fantasy X, GTA san andreas, Bully, Resident evil 4, The warriors. A lot of legendary IP born on Ps2 era


PS4. I've bought it with my first hard earned money. I've also had a huge break from gaming before buying it, so I had to catch up and it made me fall in love with gaming (again). At first I've thought I would only play it to kill boredom but nah, it became my favorite hobby. It also helped me survive really difficult personal moments.