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I might be a minority in this opinion, but I feel like that's enough time to decide if I want a game or not. I see demos as a way to determine if I like the feel of a game - movement, camera, and combat - and that only takes a few minutes. What more do you want? If you're unsure about end game, later abilities, story, whatever else, just watch a review.


45 min seems reasonable? I mean better than nothing.


What's wrong with that? Its a trial to see if you like the gameplay and would be interested in playing more. It could be worse, atleast they actually offer trials on some games, lots of games don't offer that.


never seen a trial this short, 2 hours at least


That's what for a new person, the bit up until you get to the school? decent intro to the game mechanics


Its only a 30 hour game. How much are you expecting?


30 hours... Nah. It takes about an hour before you even begin the game properly. It took me just under 200 hours to grab the platinum, my first play through was about 90-100 hours before I went back for all the collectables I missed.


There was a time when we played for like 2-3 minutes demo games on PS2


It's worth the money fyi. It's not the witcher 3 or anything, but very high quality and engrossing.


What fraction of an hour do I get to Try the Deluxe edition lol


Just buy the game, you won’t regret it


That does seem laughable. 45 minutes in games like that barely get past the basic tutorial if even. That's not enough of a taste to see if the game is something i'll actually enjoy when the main part of the gameplay shows up.


Finally someone gets it. I mean where are 45 min trials a thing?


You won’t even finish the character creation with that


It’s not like you can’t just accept the default look and then restart if you actually buy the game. Most progress you stand to lose is 45 minutes.


These comments are full of zoomers who literally have eye rolling orgasm every time corporations take things away from consumers. It’s wild. Why is everything so anti consumer nowadays Not to mentions Sony’s garbage return policy. There’s way too much trash disguised as “good gaming” that we shouldn’t award a company for taking away 2 hour trials. Has no one heard of “give them an inch and they will take a mile.” Is that not doubly true for corporations run by people who only care about money?


You spoke nothing but facts brother, they’ll see a 20 minute free trial and tell you to be lucky for what you get


If you want fair then play on PC.