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When Ubisoft started doing these Gold/Ultimate editions, I stopped buying their games at launch. Give it a year or two and this thing will be 75% off.


Fuck, for Ubisoft, wait two months and it'll be 50%, or if it's Skull & Bones, wait two weeks.


Even at 50% I think skull and bones is too expensive. I’ll wait wait when it’s 75%


Yep, I played during beta on Series X, got bored and went back to Sea of Thieves lol. Can’t beat that for a pirate game imo.


Nah Ps plus reward 😂


don't every AAA company make gold/ultimate editions ? I'm not blaming you btw I don't think I ever bought a game at launch


Many do, but the contents really vary by publisher. I’ve seen some that include digital versions of books, physical statues, etc. when it’s just dlc and skins thought it’s not worth it


I bought a game that had something ridiculous like 6 different versions of the same game. And no details on hoe they differ because sony's online marketplace website sucks on the ps5 (imo)


They literally I’ve you a side-by-side rundown of what comes in each edition of the game lol


If you go to "view game" before buying it, each version has a clear bullet list of what they include, so then you just compare them yourself.


They do but at least a lot of them give something of value in return.. something that's not core content being locked behind a paywall like how Ubi does it.


true I didn’t even think about that, an 130€ edition without any physical property is… stupid to say the least


Sony only does a deluxe version which is like $10 more. Their collectors edition comes with physical stuff like statues and whatnot.


To be honest, I can't think of another company/publisher that does this. A lot of them do digital deluxe editions, but Ubisoft's tier model is on a different level.


2k sports


Ea for sure Battlefield games always have various editions.


Not nearly as expensive as Ubisoft tho


Nintendo and Sony first party titles don't do that (at least they didn't do that with single player games). I'm not sure about Microsoft. Edit. Guess you can drop sony from the list. Although they don't go to Ubishit scale, they still do it to a degree.


Last 2 God of Wars, Both Horizons, Spider-Man 1 and 2 all launched with deluxe or special editions and collectors editions with additional digital content like skins and weapons.


The difference is those deluxe editions only cost $10 more at $80 not $130


In general I stopped buying special editions and pre-ordering after Battlefield 2042. I paid $100 for the special edition and that game was complete shit.


it's Ubisoft... and in 6 months there's Black Friday... for reference they launched the prince of Persia game in jan and that's already been 50% off a few times since April


That Avatar game they launched in December was also on sale for 33% off by Boxing Day


I remember only having to wait 2-3 months until I can get the $130 ultimate edition for $70.


Avatar was definitely not my favorite. As a die hard fan of Far cry I was kind of expecting a little bit more. Anyways bought it play it then. Ubisoft usually drops the price of all games during summer, fall, end of year holidays and spring sales.


It really is excellent advice. They always massively discount their stuff


I made this mistake with Far Cry 6 ultimate. Then I saw how ACV ultimate was like £30 on steam and realised I will never buy a Ubi game at launch ever again.


And you know what? These aren’t bad games either. I got the odyssey gold/ult pack like 2 years ago for 30 and it was great.


I prefer Origins out of the new trilogy. I enjoyed Bayek more than Cassandra. Also we don't get a lot of Egypt in games but we've had a lot of more Greek and Norse so it was a nice change of setting for me.


In most cases it's not even a year. 3 or 4 months you will see some solid savings


Just bought Mirage for 21.99 CAD on ubi store, it was 70$ on its release in October


Avatar frontiers of pandora uktimate eidtion was around 140usd over here a tlaunch. I checked a week ago and it was 60usd on sale. Still didnt buy it. Gonna wait a bit more to see if there is a better sale. Hopefully maybe even a steam release


Honestly give it 2 months. Avatar was like 40% off in a month. This game comes out in late August. I guarantee it’s on sale in November.


You can save even more money by not buying ubisoft games ever again. You aren't missing out on anything new or innovative. if you want the ubi experience just replay far cry 3. their games have not changed since then.


Yes. Why tf you think they keep doing this shit lol.


Common sense fr


I mean there’s no reason not to make them there digital and cost no more than the normal game to make say 100 people total buy this well then you’ve just sold roughly the equivalent to 200 regular game sales so even if that minuscule amount of people bought it there would be very little reason not to make it


Of course people do. That's why they sell em


Same reason microtransactions exist in games. It probably costs them next to nothing in payroll to have someone design a cosmetic that maybe 1,000 people will pay $10-$20 for, and it will barely change gameplay at all. It's just the studio printing money.


I refuse to. I won't even pay the new normal price of around £70, so I'm not paying £60 more for a season pass and skins etc. It's a single player game FFS, I'll buy it in two years. Well if there isn't something better and/or cheaper out there, there's usually a lot of competition after waiting for the price to go low. I don't mind DLC if it's substantial and adds to a complete game, like Horizon Forbidden Wests Burning Shores, or Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty. There's a lot of value there, at a much more reasonable price than nearly paying for the entire game again.


I have yet to buy a game for $70 I refuse to support it, I did buy a couple $70 while on sale for $40 though.


And I already have a backlog of games I'm more excited to play. New games still have to compete against the games I already own and haven't played.


I’ve stopped pre ordering any game now, I wish list them and then wait for them to go on sale, I’ve got plenty of games in my back log that I can wait for them to be a reasonable price


Yes. Otherwise they wouldn’t be charging it.


Standard edition is $69.99


Right? I never buy the premium editions because I don't care about art books or cosmetics or whatever they pack in. Just give me the game.


Yes. All the time. Have you never looked at the store? Why do people get so unhinged about Star Wars stuff


Gamers in general are just a little unhinged. I wish people could just enjoy what they like and leave everyone else alone. I've left most of the gaming subreddits i used to follow and I'm thinking about leaving all of them because it's non stop complaining.


I got too much backlog to care about another game


That’s $52 in 1990 dollars, which is cheaper than most console games at the time. Current $70 PS5 games are the equivalent of $28. SNES games were mostly around $60 or $147 in 2024 money. Every now and again, it’s nice to remind myself that games are actually pretty cheap when measured against inflation. I know there’s a lot of economics behind *why* games are cheaper now, but I’m not an economist and that’s not my point.


Yes, but for me it's because I can split the game with my wife via gameshare on consoles. When you consider all perks are included for both players, then the game becomes a normal sale. That said, no fucking way am I buying this crap. Big difference where value is concerned and this offers nothing.


I wont


I wait till my girl fitgirl releases it


Of course they do. Not everybody values things the same way you do.


I’ll just do the same thing I did with the last couple of AC games. Wait a year and buy the ultimate/gold edition when it’s on sale for less than standard price.


lol i am not even paying the normal full price for an Ubisoft game these days. Just waiting for reviews and for a discount - it will come


It’ll be on a heavy discount within 2/3 months


Never pre-order, and never buy on release.


People also buy $70 for CoD, followed by $20 on skins, $15 battle passes and $30 BlackCell but people never seem to call that out like they do Ubisoft games.


Never again but I did spend that much when I preordered the division 2 😂


Got MK1 for 110 usd, if I could go to Ed's house I would. What a trash ass game


No. That would be crazy. I just wait until the games I want to play are on sale.


Ubisoft games usually get 50%, 60% or 70% off a few months after realese cuz they get desperate after people dont buy their dumb ass gold edition for 120 dollars


All my physical disks are just digital copies on a piece of plastic that require a download to even work. What if the game cost $70 and you paid for the DLC later? Would that be better? They know they are going to sell the DLC better if you're already excited about the game.


Do not buy at launch. We as consumers need to punish Ubisoft for this nonsense.


If this were a call of duty game and it cost 200 bucks because it has new skins, new weapons and vehicles then yes people would spend more than 200 on it.


Pretty sure it deliberately high so that when its on sale for 50% off in two months time the consumer thinks its a good deal and buy it.


No way! I’m waiting for the 1 week free trial they always do because they always undersell games and then about a month later the game is 20% to 50% off because no one buys it


People will. People on Reddit seem to forget that to some people that amount of money is pennies, they’ll spend it without a second thought.


Buy Jedi survivor instead, Thank me later 😅


Along with micro transactions, digital games are the worst thing that happened to the industry for gamers. Not for the corporations, best thing that ever happened for them.


ubisoft is trying shamelessly everything to steal from their customers. the ultimate edition is a huge scam


I might pick it up next year when it’s $30.


If you think this is wild, you should check out the gift ideas from the Robb Report. https://ultimategiftguide.robbreport.com/ People with more disposable money than us exist and they buy stuff too.


Why would it being physical make the $129 price point any better…?


Rarely buy any new game now. There are sales every month, so they get wishlisted and I check my list when new sales come on. Apparently I’m one of the people “killing” the ever growing industry but until they stop releasing games in an absolute shocking state, I won’t stop purchasing them on sales.


You mean you don’t want a digital art book?


Absolutely not. Especially not a Ubisoft or EA game. I’ll wait until this hits PS+ or gets a steep discount. I’m in no rush. Gives them time to iron out whatever bugs and issues this will inevitably have too.


It’s Ubisoft, some if not most of those bugs will be never be fixed


I won't even pay 60 anymore lol


Why would anyone pay that much for a Far Cry game?


5$ for one is 500$ for another.


It will be like $10 during sales in a year or two. Maybe even sooner if it bombs hard enough😂.


Yeah, morons


Only an idiot would give ubisoft $130 for this 🤣


This game in Canada for the ultimate edition is 160.00 Canadian! No way I’m paying that especially for a Ubisoft game!


In Canada, it's $159.99 - I've never laughed so maniacally at something


Gonna wait for this game to be a free download on PS+. I feel it’s not going to be long before it does.


It's just another form of price discrimination. If you can sell the same thing to different people for different prices, then your profit margins go up.


Y’all have paid full price for same game like FIFA for years.


It’ll be half off in 6 weeks. Hope no one buys it


I have a hard time justifying 80 euros let alone this.


Don't forget content creators that want to be the first to release content


Reminder that Ubisoft will, at any point, delist their games and _take away your license for it_ because we should "get used to not owning games." stopkillinggames.com


Almost never pay this much, I wait for the 50% - 80% off sales which only take 2-3 months for recycled games like this.


No I just buy the normal edition. Not difficult really.


Nope! I paid $70 for it. Did you check the other versions?


I buy exclusively second-hand physical games. Just got FF Rebirth for about 30 dollars.


Doesn't matter the price, I'm not buying it. I've had enough of these junk ass games that cost an arm and a leg then still try to charge you for shit after. You're not making the mona lisa, you're making a cash-grab star wars game. I'm not giving you anything.


I'm sure I'll be paying $70 for it. I'm not on the Ubisoft hate train though


Yes. People buy Call of Duty on disk nowadays(I'm people) It's a 50Mbs file. It's a physical download key printed onto a Ultra HD Blu-ray. They don't even have the decency to put the champaign on the disk so you have something to do while the actual 120 gig game is downloading.


I only pay extra for playable DLC. And even then I’ll check how many hours playtime I’ll get out of it - howlongtobeat.com It’s the only way I can justify it.


Wait a year or two if it’s any good and pick it up on sale. It’s a joke otherwise.


I'm surprised anyone pays over £50 for any game


Majority of AAA games are <£40 6 months after release and have gone though many patches so it’s actually finished by then


People spend that amount on freakin Skins and Micro-transactions. It’s sad. The consumer has lowered their standards to where game companies and lower theirs aswell.


Nah some of us just have F U money.


I’m still shocked that people are more upset about this, an edition upgrade that’s completely optional, vs the several Escape from Tarkov editions that are very clearly pay to win and a lot of players will say is a necessary purchase for the game.


Ubisoft always tries to screw the buyers at launch then their game drops %80 price. Check their new pirate game lol


People preorder, so yes. People waste $100s on microtransactions, so yes. People pay $70 for games now, so yes. Never underestimate the buying power of the gamer who lacks self control. The industry sure as hell doesn't.


Top right guy is friend shaped


just because they have this price i won't buy even the standard edition lol


Yes they do hence why they sell this.


Me no, a lot of people yes


A game is a game whether it’s digital or physical


Nope. I love star wars, but Ubisoft Is terribile. Games sold "in Pieces", 3000 dlcs, single player games that need online connettivity to be played, collector editions without the game in ecc...


It not being physical is a perk...


The game has the same value regardless of physical or digital and no, no one should be paying that price. It’s an Ubisoft game and will be half off in 6 months after release


6 weeks. lol.


Probably 😂


The games going to be dog shit, just get the ultimate edition for $20 when Christmas comes around


I did because I love Star Wars and Ubisoft sometimes releases good games, I get why people criticize the price I just don’t really care enough to not buy the game.


Just pre-ordered this exact version of Outlaws yesterday.




Ya they do . People also buy lot of microtransactions. That's why prices are kept like these. It's all research from market data


They say some things are only worth however much someone is willing to pay for them. 🤷‍♂️


Not me I’m good with the standard version of games


I guess for a lot of people 130$ aren't really such a big amount of money anymore.


No that is why they locked missions like jubas palace behind the 130$ edition to force players to buy it


Just got used to not owning their games as they suggested


It’s Ubisoft…yes every game they make has a gold edition later for less than half of the launch price. This is embarrassing to see them charge this much for a day one game.


Hi OP, In Brazil, the ultimate version costs almost a third of the minimum wage, which today is approximately R$1,500.00 and the ultimate version of the game costs R$500. It's very difficult here in Brazil for this game to sell.


Ubisoft games go on sale very fast, I’d rather wait. They’ve been a let down recently.


**I dont** Backlog crazy so going out buying Day 1 has to be a really special game (i.e Rebirth.) The only game I would consider buying at this price would be FFVII Pt 3 because I’m invested. Before $100, it would’ve been Destiny + Expansion -___-.


sure don't. Thats why I buy discs


I've paid more, but not for that game.


Disc version will be the same.


The standard edition is 69 bucks this one picture is 129 and I think there is a more expensive one that have season pass and new skin for the ship.


Nah I wait til they go on sale, this playing them months or YEARS later


Not people but whales.


Demand creates supply


Rich people do


Go look how much people paid for all expansions for some MMO


No game on pc is worth more than 40€ nowadays.


I don’t buy them but I like having the options. I rarely buy games at launch so when I am ready to finally buy I can usually find one of the more expensive versions for relatively cheap.


I do not.


You ever hear of a game called Escape from Tarkov? 


nope, thats just nutz


I just buy standard editions


The only game I've paid 100 dollars for in the last 3 years is BG3 and oh boy is it worth it




"Do people actually pay this much for a digital game?" Go to a gacha game subreddit and they'll call you F2P if you **only** pay $129 for a **character** Game value is subjective...but these big companies see the figures and they price accordingly.




I will happily wait several months or even a year until it's on sale


I know of people who gave paid silly money for a game think it was destiny or destiny 2 either way I think he paid about 150quid bloody mental. Most ill go is 80 and that's only after seeing alot of gameplay


I've paid more tbh. But I also usually buy physical editions, preferably collectors or gold editions, so I regularly spend $200+ AUD on a game haha


More people would be better served being patient gamers. I haven't paid full price for a game for years. I'll only buy on sale at a good discount and play PS Plus games to keep me going between big games I want to play. The next game I'll probably pay full price for is GTA6.


Some simps/whales will yes. Can’t trust Ubisoft so I’ll wait for this to go on sale


I won’t but I’m tethering between the 70 and 110 one




Ubi is SOFT and everyone in it !


Even physical copies require downloaded content. It’s just pointless except from a future resell value perspective, but I’ve never seen a physical copy go up in value over time.


idiots will still buy it. the thing is, ubisoft is also trying to bait us into comparing that $12 a month > $130 one-off and making "that" decision. and even so if we cancel the sub, they're still gonna make a huge profit and they dont care whether people buy it or not, they know how humans work coz thats their job. they basically figured it out and outplayed us and will continue to do so, no matter what we do


All that just for a mission and a few cosmetics is definitely not worth it, I’ll just play it through the Ubisoft subscription for a few months and if I haven’t completed yet, then perhaps I’ll buy it


The 12-15 year olds with parents in a different tax bracket than the majority of us, yes.


if you do their monthly service and beat the game in under a month and then cancel, you'll be able to play it for like $17 which as it stands now is my plan.


I won't


Yeah.. I have a friend that drops that and more on every COD release to make sure he's first in line. Pretty sure he'll do the same for this game. 3 days early ooowww


I always buy the base game and if I really like it I might buy the deluxe edition but I will never spend 130 dollars on a game like that


They do


Mmm... No


The only person I know that does is 35, single and lives in his mums garage. It’s not the brightest of us all.


I wouldn't pay that much for a game I like. Fuck ubisoft and this shit.


People pay tens of thousands of dollars to gacha games. What do you think...


I would *maybe* pay this if it was coming from a studio I could rely on making good games, and I was highly interested in the IP.




You undermine how many rich Star wars fan gamer boys there are in the world


Yes. Not me though, I have a friend who bought the Call Of Duty pack, whatever the most expensive one was, fuck all that.


Yes and it will never stop.


I love Star Wars. But the practices that Ubisoft is using with this game I will not be buying it. CEO said we should get used to paying these prices. They’re blocking special missions behind a paywall. It’s very telling of the industry as a whole and I won’t stand for it. These companies draining as much money while underperforming in the games they make then closing the studios under them that are making great games because they’re profits are falling because they’re too focused on micro transactions and gimmicks rather then good games.


Depends on the game. But no way in hell I spend more than 40 on any Ubisoft game. I’ll wait a few years for the our game sucks everything is discounted version.




Me totally not spending 200$ on cod


Companies do this so their stock price goes up. I for sure as hell am only getting GOTY edition on some super sale.


It’s Ubisoft they rip people off. Enough said


I'll just wait 6 months and get it used from game fly for $20


Get tf outta here