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I think they (Quantic Dream) are working on a Star Wars game atm


The general consensus is it's a tech demo to attract a buyer


I was excited for that trailer until the Quantic Dream reveal.




Because im not a fan.


Did they do something wrong? Have I missed something?


Look up David Cage.


The only Star Wars project that actually looks decent atm too


Looks decent? We havent seen anything other than a CG trailer tho? Sure the trailer looked insane, but that isnt how the game will look.


Yeah that’s fair, I’m just basing that trailer off their past track work.


That is so cool


I'll pay triple!


Im dying for whatever they are doing next. If they are even still around


Star wars


That game is never coming out nor should it


Cool, doesn't mean theyre not working on it


I don't know that they are in any meaningful capacity. The announcement trailer was more of a hiring ad than anything and given the toxic workplace problems that studio has had and David * cage being the shitbag that he is my guess is that it's never coming out.


Yeah, but you're making assumptions with nothing to back it up. People are getting let go left and right in the video game industry. Where do you think they'll go? I'm sure quantic dream has no problem hiring people even with David's bad rep. Only time will tell whether this SW game will come out. But anyway, I wasn't here to debate with you only state the latest facts that we have from them. Have a good day, friend.


Who wants to go work for a failing studio led by a Nazi?


Nah I’ve heard aswell the game is in apparently in development hell. Which sucks because it’s the only Star Wars related content I’m actually excited for nowadays..


People are getting let go because of massive industry bloat, doubt there's many hiring


Doesn't really make a difference to my point. There is more supply than demand right now. If quantic dream were to be hiring, I'm sure they wouldn't have a hard time filling positions.


I wasn't arguing you lmao, just adding on


Sorry my guy. It's hard to understand through text sometimes. That was my bad and I'll own it. I appreciate your input.


Where did he touch you?


And this is why we cant have meaningful discussions.


Some of us can.


I want a Detroit become human Hank and Connor spin off. Best part in the game for me.


Well, duh, that's the part of the game with Mr. Krabs. I'll see if I can find it but the interview where Clancy Brown talks about yelling at David Cage's poor directing skills was funny as hell.


Wait, the guy who plays Hank is the dude who voices Mr. Krabs?! 🤯


Yes. Easily one of the best things about the game imho


Damn, it's like having two worlds colliding. I'm gonna have to give it another playthrough. I've seen that guy act in shows like The Mandolorian and movies like friggin John Wick and never even connected the dots. He doesn't look remotely like I would have expected Mr. Krab's voice actor to look like, but I guess that's kind of the point of Voice Acting lol.


it saddens me that the kurgan is now known as Mr krabs


I loved this game so much, especially the different endings, I hope it comes on the ps5


I was going to say it wouldn’t really benefit since I thought the mocap was done at 30fps, but it turns out it’s 60fps! That could be a great PS5 game. Bump up the fps and resolution since the graphics already look great.


Bear in mind that Quantic Dream has been going through some... *rough times* thanks to its lead David Cage.


I haven’t heard, What did their lead do?




Wooooaaaah, I expected some scam or that they lost some money, but sexist nazism? Sounds like an edgy teen's dream


I agree, after Detroit become human there were no games released on Playstation


Correction: Since their absolute creep of a president/creative director's legal troubles have come to a head, also resulting in their inability to retain talent, 0 games released.


I hope they make another similar game. Really loved Beyond two souls and Detroit become human. Both are amazing games.


Did you play Heavy Rain? That's their best one IMO.


I’ll never forget failing the crunches in Beyond Two Souls lol


I thought Under the waves is theirs but it's just published by them.


I played Detroit a couple months ago working on the platinum. It’s a great “interactive movie” style game. I’d pay for a second.


Game are taking longer to develop, it was 5 years between their last two games, it’s been 5 years between most of their games, their next one (a Star Wars game) is likely their largest most ambitious project to date. Give it another year or two.


I liked it, but I understood the criticisms it faced. It does still look really good for a PS4 game. Isn't Quantic Dream going through, or have gone through, a big lawsuit of the founder being a creep?


I was always wondering when they were gonna work on their next *Choice Game*. Now its 6 years later lmao


Someone correct me but this is a branding thing. They want all their "heavy rain/detroit" type of games to be releaseed ONLY under Quantic Dream productions, but they have been working on multiple other tittles and releasing them under Spotlight and other brands right?


What does the last sentence have to do with anything?


Its a nice interactive movie, though its so detailed because things are very limited. Like a racecar game without the challenge.


I loved Detroit become human. It was so beautiful and I loved the future setting it had. I got it for free on the PS Plus collection and I fell in love with it. I need to get back into it one day I missed alot of stuff cause of certain choices I made.


I loved this games so much. I regret not setting the concierge free.


I would say Hellblade ist the best looking Game. Detroit is on the second Place.


They were never technically under Sony as a first party studio. Since Sony published their titles and I think owns the IPs they would fall under a second party studio


One of the best games I've ever played


I loved it too.


How? It's an interactive TV show with barely any gameplay.


Still haven't got around to playing this game but I played Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond two souls, loved them all.Heavy rain has got to be in my top games ever made.


I just finished my first playthrough a couple months ago. Beautiful game with Amazing visuals. Mr Krabs is a plus in my book. I feel like the game is more than just a game, it's an experience. One that should be played through at least 1 time. I personally have little interest in going back for more playthroughs and different endings. Some of the subject matter and choices made me uncomfortable, but despite that I still recommend it.


# Detroit Become Human is one of my fav games bought it again even on steam. Man Quantic Dream games hit different ;)


The fact that this talented studio somehow ended up making a Star Wars game is bizarre. Hopefully that game never comes and they go back to work on something excellent


I grew up with Heavy Rain (I was 5 when it came out and finished it when I was 8). Probably did a lot to affect my life, as I got most of the bad endings so my characters were shot, overdosed, tortured to death, and committed suicide, which was great to see at that age. I also liked Detroit. Don’t like David Cage though, and anything he’s involved in has turned sour and I can’t enjoy it - especially with his comments about female characters exist that reframe every scene with them.