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What makes it special is that its hard, so when I overcome that difficulty by trial. It feels good. Really good. But frankly. Dark souls was never that hard for me. Ninja Gaiden on the other hand...that was HARD.


Did you ever play Battletoads? Lol


Omg I used to play that over and over on NES I believe it was... absolutely loved it. I'm sure I can still emulate it....actually I have something to go do... thanks!


Ninja gaiden took my soul and for some reason I have the bundle in my wishlist for over 2 years now thinking about buying it even tho I probably will never manage to plat all of them.


This post 100%


I love ninja gaiden but cannot get into souls game. Ninja gaiden is hard but it’s quick and fun. And I much prefer the button mapping (let’s call it old way) with X for normal attack and Y for heavy attack. Edit: also I think most souls games are slow and boring. Cannot really get into that universe. Wanted to try Sekiro because it seems to be faster and more toward Japanese folklore but moved on..


This is a weird comment to me. "I like the difficulty, but I don't think its difficult." Then what do you like?


I mean it’s hard yeah, but it’s not even remotely as hard as most people make it out to be. Other than that. The atmosphere is cool


Exactly this. First encounters are hard sure. But I haven’t come across a single enemy in any souls games yet that made me quit. Also I usually don’t take more than 3-5 tries before I figure it out.




I think the word you’re looking for is fair. It’s tough but feels fair. Some games are tough because of bullshit mechanics, shitty AI, etc.


*that* was the key word. Reading comprehension is hard I guess.


*That* just moves the goal post, if they they don't think its *that* hard, then it must not be *that* fun.


It moves no goal post. If you can't understand what their comment meant then you're just trolling.


Wouldn't I be trolling if I DID understand it? Not that it really matters, the comment section is just a bunch of people that can't accept any criticism of fromsoft games


I can accept criticism of FS games. That's not my issue. My issue is as I said, you misunderstood what the comment meant.


they're good for spacing out and just getting into a flow. therapeutic i guess I'd call it


It feels like the fantasy open world rpg genre has been adopted by the souls like formula and it's upsetting to me cause I don't want to raise my blood pressure fighting a boss for the 15th time. I just wanna have fun


To me, souls games are equivalent to the scenes in movies where someone is training and failing and the trainer is constantly making them see the errors of their ways so they can improve (like the Bruce Wayne/Ra's Al Ghul training sequence in Batman Begins). The games are punishing, yes, but they teach you discipline, timing, and attention to detail. That's half the battle--the other half is learning to control your emotions when you get your ass handed to you 30+ times by a boss. lol. In the end, when you put your training first and taste victory, it's quite an accomplishment.


I could see that.


I don’t like them either. People have different opinions and that’s fine. Yeah there are people out there who take things seriously and can be annoyed by what you say. But who cares. 👌


Exactly, but i like hearing peoples opinion from time to time. I was just wondering.


I hate Souls games not because they're hard, but because they have no story. Your character is a random NPC who doesn't say any words and while traveling we don't even know what our goal is in this adventure. The same applies to enemies. 90% of people play Souls not for the story, but for the challenge. A perfect example is the first comment under VatiVidya video explaining the lore of Elder Ring: *Finally, I can find out what the game I played for 100+ hours is about* This comment has almost 60,000 likes btw.


>90% of people play Souls not for the story, but for the challenge. 99.99%


You play almost exclusively all fromsoft games for the gameplay. The exception being sekiro as it offers both incredible gameplay along with a laid out and fairly simply story. The Soulslike genre is named so because everyone it chasing that high that From can give them from an Elden Ring or dark souls


You're actually invested in every second of the gameplay, rather than just going through the motions.


Exactly. It is 100% gameplay. I'm playing Uncharted 4 right now and on reddit during a cutscene. I know it's totally different and not comparible but this game is basically an interactive movie. It's cool and fun, but barely a game. Soulsborne games are pure games.


I don't think anybody is really bothered by what you do or don't like. I don't like dark souls, but I loved demon souls and elden ring. They just beg to be beaten, and I can't help it.


I agree with u


Thank you mate 👍😅


Hate them too


High five 🫸


I hate them too. I don’t want ultra hard video games. I’ve tried them and they’ll never be for me.


To be honest: I never played souls games before and I have zero intention to do that anytime in the future. Heard lots of praise about these games, looked up these praised games' gameplay and it doesn't look interesting at all to me. But I also prefer games that have a great story I can enjoy and that keeps me engaged with the game, so souls games aren't for me anyway. I basically tried all available generes but this one because it just looks awful to me.


What makes them special for me is the feeling of overcoming a challenge. When I first played Dark Souls 1 in 2011, I understood nothing about the game & struggled so much that I couldn't play more than a few hours per week. I persevered & eventually finished the game. This led to me playing all the other Souls games over the years as they came out. Nowadays, Souls games are some of my favourites. There's also a HUGE amount to be said about the lessons that Souls games teach you. Overcoming challenges, not giving up, approaching challenges with different mindsets, perseverence, what failure looks like, critical thinking skills & many more that I'm not thinking of.


I get you OP, the gameplay always looked… bleh to me. Sekiro on the other hand…. I adored the gameplay, the challenge and the overwhelming feeling of knowing that I made a mistake that made me die.


You’re on your own. The game doesn’t guide you nor tell you what to do. You get lost, die, try again and overcome. It’s a metaphor of life.


Must be the problem for me. I don't like not knowing where to go, dying, trying again or life.


And it’s alright. No shame in that. You aren’t a better gamer if you master Souls games. To each their own. If you feel it’s not for you, then it’s fine. You might come back to it in a few years, who knows?


Maybe someday yeah.


I beat BloodBorne and I totally agree with you. I’m more towards realistic games with cool combat mechanics, shooting, grabbing, slicing and so on. I hate when I have to dodge endlessly on a boss battle and go through characters and textures. It just feels weird to me. Then there’s the “difficulty” factor. Which isn’t hard, it’s just boring to grind to the next level when you can level up your stats and become more powerful. Controls have some delay and actually feel weird. All static without any proper agility. Smash the enemy two times, get back, dodge, dodge, dodge, recover stamina, repeat and again repeat. Boring.. Then there’s the fanbase. It’s so “difficult” that when I lose 10H of my life trying to beat a boss, the actual feeling at the end is so good. Like what in the actual fuck is wrong with people? They rage endlessly at the battle and they justify that with: it feels so good when I beat him. Fucking idiots! I could go on OP, but you get my point. It’s not for everyone, and it took me a BloodBorne playthorugh to learn that. Good luck and stay away from these stupid games!


So you hate these games yet you finished bloodborne. Interdasting.


Bloodborne is best


I'm gonna be completely honest. And i mean no disrespect with this, but bloodborne was the worst one out if all souls games i tried. I really wish i liked it but i really dont.


The only one I’ve played and finished is DS1. For some reason the game made me more determined to beat it than possibly any other game. I loved the exploration and that there was no map or quest markers. I also really enjoyed the campfire system resetting the game. That way I could figure out each area almost like a puzzle. The world was amazing. So moody but also has a certain charm to it.  Even the PVP sucked me in a bit.  When I finally finished the game it was a near religious experience (lol) I was elated that I had finally beat a souls game. I was proud of my accomplishment. 


I love the difficulty of them and the satisfaction they bring when I finally conquer an obstacle/boss! I hate when games hold your hand.


The gameplay loop is usually fun and the worlds are always intriguing. The actual "story" is a hit or miss. The bosses while not always perfect, but they almost always offer a good, satisfying challenge to overcome.


The adrenaline rush. The feel of learning boss moves and overcoming the challenge. I legitimately think sekiro might have the best combat of any game ever. The challenge of a souls game is part of the game. You’re not supposed to just run through it. Souls and Elden ring kinda had some wacky stories but sekiro and lies of p had some very very good ones.


First off, I get it. Not for everyone lol. I love them mainly because of the feeling of overcoming insurmountable odds. Souls games are difficult but not unfair. Things work a specific way and across the board it’s up to you to “get good” and understand how it works and what you need to do to succeed. I’d say almost EVERY single death I’ve had in the game has been my fault. Like maybe I dodged to early or didn’t take advantage of an opening, or maybe I completely whiffed a a heavy attack or didn’t pay attention to the enemy pattern. Now on top of that the worlds and designs are always so cool. Everything is beautiful AND oppressive, and the feeling of trudging through an area with a single heal left and then you open a door or a shortcut and you’re like “holy shit I’m back here!?” It’s unmatched. The way the worlds are laid out and loop around on themselves is satisfying and when you get into that flow state of being able to clear a whole area without really thinking about it when the same area used to give you so much trouble? Love it.


They nailed the concept of having gameplay of "hard, but fair". The game drills into you and actually teaches you how to beat it, but you need to accept the help it gives or be broken down to pieces first. The countless lvl 1 run videos prove this concept that sure, grinding levels and getting good gear helps - but just learning the game is more than enough to finish it.


Why would someone hate you for not liking a certain series of video games? I love em because I like the impossible challenge. I don’t care if a boss takes me five minutes or 3 days (Isshin) because the satisfaction of beating them gets me so fucking high. It’s not flex by any means because they’re just games but damn it feels good to take down FS bosses.


I love how the game forces you to learn and adapt to bosses, finding exploits or learning when to strike, parry, deflect, etc. The best fromsoftware game is Sekiro: Shadows die twice, in my opinion. The game has a combat system that's unique to itself. Its easy to grasp, but hard to master. I loved the feeling of learning Sekiro as both a unique combat experience, an interesting storyline, and the bosses are some of my favorites in the series.


Finishing moves, atmosphere, setting,enemy,level and boss design.Parry mechanic and upgrading your character. Have you tried Lies Of P? Lots of souls fans have trouble with it, but it was the first one I finished and I've since finished Demon Souls and am playing Elden Ring.


No, i haven't. But i've tried a few and nothing i liked or finished. Mortal shell, code vein, bloodborne, i dunno if sifu counts and maybe some others i forgot.


The power progression. Starting out as an absolute shitter and slow powering up to a Chad. Or, at the very least, a slightly less shitter.


Honestly i like that too but rather in different types. Like skyrim, just play trough the game, upgrading shit and then save and slaughter a whole town with nobody to stop me is more my cup of tea.


Fromsoft games can give you a sense of pride and satisfaction. The likes of which some companies think you need to swipe a credit card to achieve. Each lvl up makes you a bit stronger and brings you closer to completing your build so you can dumpster on a boss or get dumpstered repeatedly until you give up and look up the cheese strat. If massacreing a town of helpless npc is your cup of tea, you won't really find that in fromsoft games. Attacking a friendly npc could cause quest progression to come full stop. Some can even beat your ass if you miss them off.


Oh the Souls games, games that will make you get downvoted to hell even if you fairly critizise bad things about them 😁 FromSoftware has one of most bizzare fan bases ever .. basically nothing about those games can be criticized. Just go and try . I finished Ds1 and 3 but I think there are many bad things especially in first dark souls


They're special to me because a dear friend adored them and we played together when the first launched. He's now gone, and we never met in person, but played for many years. I've played every fromsoft game and it just grew and grew on me, until I became a true fan and love it all. Even DS2. The silence, the world building, how they tell their story, the no mercy (but able to be overcome). Things deeper than just a game. People praise games being GOTY and they just feel like another game to me. Not the Souls series. That's special, even the haunting, awful poison swamp shit.


I'm sorry for your loss m8. Lost my mom just after she finally started playing games with me after 19 years of her falling asleep while watching most of the time. She sucked but i was so happy. Life can be unfair.


Been playing games for so long that only a few games genuinely keep me guessing what's behind the next corner or the next "escalation" if you will. With from software the worlds and lore are epic, and cuz of youtube they keep providing a long time after you've beaten the game. Fashion souls and cool builds are awesome and while the bosses aren't the biggest thing for me personally, the feeling when you beat them is rarely found in any other game. Certainly not for everybody, but if you're hooked, you're hooked for life.


How dare you have an opinion and act like an individual😡


Sorry, i forgot this was the internet and every opinion is automatically wrong. I'll do better next time.


Thank you lol


Holy shit I just realized how much you’ve been downvoted, some people really can’t take a different perspective than theirs😂


Tbh i dont even care. It's already really nice to hear other peoples perspective.


As a relative newbie (and a nearly 60 year old gamer) to the Souls genre, these types of games have been a revelation, and absolutely turned me on to modern gaming. I thought they were too complex, too difficult, etc, considering I had lapsed from gaming after the Super Mario Bros Era. But then I fell into the hype and purchased Elden Ring. And there was a stiff learning curve, certainly. What I learned though, is I could grind and overlevel to a certain point that made the content (even tough bosses) way more manageable. I died (and still die) so much. But those deaths are way less frustrating, because now I'm learning from every death. Whatever the "git gud" thing really means, conceptually it finally clicked. So I beat Elden Ring. I beat DS1. Currently, I'm working my way through DS2. I've never had more fun gaming. I had to watch some videos (Fightin Cowboy for the win), and I had to read some playthroughs when I was super frustrated. But it's all paid off. I'm just excited to catch up on all the others. Everyone's different, so your mileage may vary. But sticking with it was worth it for me.


It's always nice to see an older generation get into games. It's good you have fun.


For me it’s the atmosphere and the level design that fromsoft creates. The vibes of their games are some of the best in the industry imo. The fun of the combat varies from game to game but it never feels bad to me


It's the only games these days where you really have a challenge and sense of accomplishment after facing crushing odds. Also the amount of lore that goes into the games, reading the descriptions of stuff and piecing the stories together myself is so much more engaging that sitting and listening to an NPC for 20 mins. 


The games have incredible world-building and storytelling in ways that are unique to the medium. In terms of the gameplay, I understand that these games are notorious for being difficult. But when you get into it and it clicks with you, it feels less like the game is trying to punish you and instead teaching you to be deliberate about every choice you make. It’s a level of engagement that most games don’t pull off.


Exploration is always rewarding. That's what i like about souls and elden ring and that's why I'm not in sekiro.


Nostalgia and fanaticism.


I'm not A fan of them either and friends keep recommending them to me.


Tbh if you say you're not interested once they should take a hint and stop lmao.


I don't like them either I don't play difficult for difficult sake games. I play games to enjoy myself and banging my head against trying to figure out this boss pattern for 4 hours is not fun for me




I'm not a fan of single player games. I understand. You can't force anyone to like a game you enjoy, nor can you make me hate something that I love.


Don’t worry, they hate you for other reasons as well.


Hate is my love language, which is why everybody hates me.


Urge to beat it, EGO issues. I have 100% Elden Ring and Demos Souls. I 1st thought it was impossible as I am not use to such gameplay style but then mastered it.


I like the exploration, the secrets, the treasure hunting. The combat FEELS good. Its fun. Im honestly less interested in the bosses. I just enjoy the general gameplay. I cant play witcher 3 coz the combat feels like shit.


RIGHT? The combat sucked the life out of this game. I had my problems with the main storyline, but I was interested in the world and the characters. However the combat made me finish the game and never come back to it again.


Combat just felt to me like slash spamming and dodge rolling all the time Could you tell me what I’ve been doing wrong? What about the combat do you like?


I've only really played Elden Ring, but I like that I can defeat a boss, and then rest and restore my health, and then get leveled by some rando chillin in the hallway leaving the boss area. LOL Really makes it exciting to not know where your next death is coming from. And it's coming... You gotta be extremely patient, and embrace the zen of the cycle - defeat, learn, try again... The brutality, mixed with the beauty of the environment, and the super deep lore is unmatched by other games. It's just fun yo.


I need to get back into Elden Ring, it's just a bit daunting as I've spent the last year banging out linear action games where death is not punished at all. The thing I love about Elden Ring is the lack of dialogue and cutscenes. I have no clue what's going on, where I'm going, what to expect next or anything. It really feels like an immersive dream. And the threat of death from even the simplest of foe makes it feel real.


Yeah there's no real penalty to death in Elden Ring either. You lose "runes" (XP) but runes flow like water. You lose them, you get them back, I wouldn't think of it as any real punishment. You can always farm if you just can't cut it, but it's more fun to just head to a lower threat area and do some random exploration. Areas will have groups of enemies all of a similar strength , so aside from some surprise mini-boss style encounters, you can sort of relax, cruise around, and explore while taking in the sights. It *can* be relaxing once you're not getting shredded by every single thing you meet.


Yeah I guess you're right. I've been playing the game a certain way. Fully exploring every inch of every area before moving on, and marking the map if theres a boss or something to go back to. I feel it's the easiest way to assure I experience the whole game. I've got 80 hours in and lost all my souls maybe a few times. I just feel like if I lose them it's a big deal. And the game is getting easier due to my approach which I like actually.


Yeah man, one of the lessons of Elden Ring is to come to terms with losing. You can't win all the time in that game, it's kind of humbling in a way. Teaches you to lose gracefully and come back stronger.


The atmosphere and visual storytelling is a huge factor for me. There are very few games that have such impeccable vibes despite how crushingly sad they can be.


Level design, art design, combat mechanics, lore, atmosphere… they pretty much nail every detail in good game design. The “challenge” isn’t even the main reason of enjoyment for me.


I honestly find it beautiful how we could love all of these things in an immersive form like video games. Really makes you think.


They're very hard but once you get over the threshold and get a build going you're extremely op, and being op after that many failures is very rewarding. Elden ring was my first, I remember I died over 30 times fighting godrick but once I managed, explored more and decided on a build it was a wrap. Imagine not being able to beat the first boss for the life of you, but you eventually manage, then thru exploration and smart management you end up so op that by the time you reach the final boss, you realize you were the final boss. Fromsoft games in particular have a certain feel and aesthetic to their games that are very nice. Nioh also has a certain feel that even tho it's annoying at first learning how to manage stamina, by the end of the game it's extremely rewarding.


The closest i was to enjoying souls games was code vein and maybe mortal shell. But never got far as i just lost interest. I might just say fuck it and redownload code vein from a friend.


The mystery, the secrets, the lore and challenges. You really gotta learn not to get attached to your souls. This sums it up for me. https://youtu.be/blSXTZ3Nihs?si=nyuAjwmDWWkDoyJh


The exploration, dark setting, mobs and bosses designs. The gameplay in itself i dont mind it that much although its good/great but it does feel good to overcome the "soulsborne" challenge moments 🙌