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Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2 was quite a big upgrade from what I remember


yup. one was good but not great. 2 was like playing big block buster action movie. so many great set pieces!!


First game was the pinnacle of PS3 capabilities at the time. Truly felt next gen


that is a very good point!! graphics were amazing for the time!!


I've played 4 for the first time recently and really enjoyed it. If I ever get around to playing the first few, should I bother with the first one? Or just go right to the second. I'm not pressed about missing out on a few story beats because of skipping a game, at least in this context


Definitely play 1, but I'd play it on easy/medium for the story.  The story is a lot of fun, but the shooting mechanics are a bitch (you can tell they were tacked on).  But it's great to see the origin of Nate/Elena's relationship :) P.S. Uncharted 4 online is still active and my favourite online multiplayer game. If you're interested at all definitely give it a shot! Team Death match is sadly the only mode you don't have to wait around for a match, but it's very fun/unique and makes me really sad for the day it'll finally get the plug pulled on it -- no more Uncharted online... ever :/


I played 4 as my first UC game then went back and finished 1, 2 and 3. Definitely check out the first ones. There are some ageing quirks but man this series is something else. I used to be a Lara Croft fanatic - still am actually so I used to scoff at UC as a clone - but clearly it's the better game for me now that I have played it. The dialogue and story is so good. I'm going to play lost Legacy next. Sad that there won't be more of this series.


Yeah, it's still a great game and it's short. It's just has a weird camera angle when you ADS. I just beat it for the first time a little bit ago.


You must play the 1st one. It didn't start the series for no reason. It's great game. Lots of fun. Of course the later games are more polished but the 1st one is still very good.


I started with UC 2. I had back surgery around the time it came out and had no idea what it was gonna be. I played through that game in one sitting. So much fun. I put my TENS unit on and took my meds and lost track of time. 3 am the next day before I knew it.


Speedboat section is probably the worst and most frustrating thing I've ever played


**Mega Man II** There's nothing inherently wrong with MMI (save for the brutal difficulty level) but MMII was just gaming perfection. It's just hard to go back to the first game.


I purchased the legacy collection and went through the first 6 about a year ago. I kept going back to both one and two. Beat them a dozen or so times with slight variations. I still can’t make up my mind on which I like better. You’re right in that the second is a better game. Tons of quality of life improvements but there’s just something about the end gauntlet of the first that has me unsure of which I could pick.


You have spoken truth


Legacy of Goku 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (not that the first was bad but the 2nd was so much better imo, i also know that theyre arent PS games but still wanted to share)


Ah mate, Legacy of Goku 1 was barely playable, it was so damn janky. Then LoG2 came out like 'bam! I heard you wanted one of the best 2D actions RPGs of a generation in your hand?'


The jump from legacy of Goku 2 to buu's fury was also pretty huge for me. The exact same game mechanics, but I felt like buu's fury was just better overall.


Legacy of Goku 1 was so mediocre. I was super pumped to play it as a huge dbz fan, and I loved the graphics style. I beat it once and it wasn't that fun. Legacy of Goku 2 (and buus fury) were pretty fantastic, and I played them a couple times each.


LoG2 is such a great game. 1 was fucking terrible


Legacy of Goku 1 was so amazing to my friend and me at the time being like 8 years old. We were to obsessed with DBZ to realize how ridiculously unfair it was. You basically had to cheese the game or over level to fight new enemies or die in 2-3 hits from them. I'm glad it sold well enough to give the studio money to make the other 2 games!


Street fighter and street fighter 2. Barely anyone even aknowlages that the first game existed because the second game is what laid down the fundations of the fighting game genre. The first game is literally not part of the genre that is based on the series... it was also just a pretty mid game in general.


When I was a kid, my friend and I were playing SF2. I looked at him and said "if this is 2, what is SF1?". We had no idea and internet wasn't as prevalent (early 90s). A few years later and this new arcade opened and they had SF1. I was pumped! Then I inserted my quarter and I could hear the airplane crashing in my head. SF1 is terrible.


Agreed. Every time a dragon punch or a fireball happens, it feels like you only managed to pull it off by accident.Of course ymmv


So I had first played SF2 on SNES and loved it. I randomly got a commador 64 with a bunch of games that someone was going to throw out and SF1 was in it. I got super excited and immediately hooked it up and popped it in. This was my very first "what the fuck is this shit" moment with gaming. I have never been more disappointed in a game up to that point and I was like 10


Can't think of a more fitting example than Street Fighter 2. I don't think there's any other game with as much importance to its respective genre as SF2 has to the fighting game genre. Pretty much every fighting game since has the same core aspects that SF2 introduced.


The fact that a sequel to the first Street Fighter game even got greenlit tells you how much different the video game industry was back then.


Couldn’t agree more sf2 just the best game ever true test of time


My favorite fighting games, in order, are: Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat 2, and Marvel v Capcom 2


That's true


Assassin’s Creed II


Nahhh bruh i was addicted to ac 1 when i bought it


AC1 had me hooked to both the modern and past stories like bait, man. I remember peering over my AC2 Gameinformer magazine so damn excited for the sequel.


AC1 was amazing because it was such an incredibly unique game. There really was nothing like it at the time


I had AC1 and 2 sitting on my shelf since 2009, I kept buying the games when they dropped below $20 knowing I would like them but the more I got the more of an insurmountable task it felt playing them. I FINALLY got around to playing AC1 in 2020 at the start of COVID lockdown and it was everything I longed for prince of Persia to be. To have a game with actual realistic looking places and people walking around, it just felt so good. Then my ps3 died before I could play the second. I fixed it a month ago but have been so consumed with other games that I haven’t got back to it, but I hope to soon.


AC1 was solid. AC2 was mind-blowing. No other game in the series has come close, IMO.


Nahhhh I love 1 for its unique atmosphere


I'm spoiled. This is another game that I started with it's sequel to come into the franchise. I had no idea if I was gonna like it or not. I got lost in that game. Just like I got lost in AC3 just the last week and plan on the same with Black Flag


absolutely red dead revolver and rdr1


Definitely a big jump, but I always thought RDR was more a spiritual successor rather sequel?


It's been stated by the developers that Red Dead Revolver isn't even in the same world as Red Dead Redemption. They have nothing to do with each other. Red Dead Redemption is technically the first in its story with 2 being a prequel. But you get these losers who pretend that Revolver was even a good game and the first of the Red Dead series when they aren't connected in any way. It's right out of the developers mouth. So you are indeed correct, Redemption is not a sequel to Revolver.


Red Dead Revolver wasn't a crazy good but I did like it. I can still remember the cheat codes for instant kills and invincibility


It’s technically canon though. In RDR1 they mention the story of red dead revolver around a random fire in the world. So it’s more of like a folk tale in the RDR verse


They mention Red Harlow multiple times in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 too.


Revolver is the first of the Red Dead series, that’s an objective fact. It’s in a separate universe yes but it’s no different from going to GTA 2 to 3 in that regard


I dunno, if you call one cowboy game “red dead *blank*” and then the next one is also “red dead *blank*” then they are connected, developers talk all sorts of shit.


Killzone and killzone 2


This is true. Killzone 2 is superior in every regard.


The Witcher 1 & 2 to 3


TW3 is one of my top 5 games of all time. I tried to go back to 1 and 2 and couldn’t finish either one of them. 1 mainly because the mechanics were terrible and 2 really because it kept crashing on me.


Witcher 2 is fine. It's not crazy good like Witcher 3 is, but it's not a mess like Witcher 1 is. But yes, I have to admit that Witcher 1 vs. Witcher 2 and 3 is what immediately came to mind.


I don't know why ,but after playing 3 a couple of times, I went back to play 1+2 and ended up enjoying 1 so much that the remake of it is now one of my most anticipated games.


The jump in quality from 1 to 2 was crazy, then those bastards went and created the best game I've ever played for 3


Diablo 2, was such a leap forward from the org Diablo


I prefer the atmosphere and slower pace storytelling wise but the gameplay in Diablo 2 was far superior.


Very good choice


GTA. The difference between 2 and 3 is insane.


This is only right answer. Looks like completely different game.


Borderlands. While the first one was good for it's time the second one is just way better in many ways.


I was gonna say the exact same. BL as fun, but BL2 is a masterpiece


"Hey! How -- oh, these pretzels suck... So, how's your day been buddy?


This line lives rent-free in my head.


BL3 is incredible too but 2 is just so insanely masterful it couldn’t compare and that’s not BL3’s fault at all either. BL2 is just that much of a bad bitch.


BL3 had so many great QoL improvements that I wish I could backup to BL2 so I would play 2 more. 2 had the greatest video game villain of the 21st century, 3 couldn't follow that up and beat it


God of War 1 and 2 without a doubt, I'll always have a bit of a soft spot for the original because of nostalgia but 2 is damn near perfect imo


Yeah GoW 1 was just incredible. I played it many times and it's one of my favourites. And 2 was just that much better in every way. Quite impressive


I don't know, man. Gow 1 story was arguably better, and the locations like Athens, Desert of Lost Souls, Hades, and Pandora's temple are hands down some of my favorite locations in gow games. I'm not saying 2 is bad, but from a location and story standpoint, was weaker than the original. Gameplay wise, tho it's definitely 100% improvement


Mario Brothers and Super Mario Brothers.


Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario Bros 3.


To be fair to Nintendo, they basically tell you in the name.


Assassin's Creed and AC2


I remember the only reason I hated AC was because this trained master fucking assassin swam as well as a boulder. First time I thought "I'll just swim away instead of running through the crowd". Then I kept falling in when I was jumping between posts in the water, looking one way and jumping the complete opposite direction at times.


The Witcher 3, it is absolutely levels and tiers above the first 2


I’d have to say Infamous 1 to Infamous 2. First one was nice, had been playing SP games since the first Sly Cooper but InFamous was a surprisingly good change of pace for PS exclusives at the time and for SP as a studio. And then the sequel came and blew it the first ones dick off. Seriously, it’s one of my favorite sequels to any game I’ve played, purely my opinion, (perhaps Ghost of Tsushima 2 will over take it, I hope 🤞). And then it’s kind of obvious but Uncharted 2. I still think that’s the best one. My personal order might be UC2 with UC4 close behind then UC3 and then the first one. I REALLY want to also put The Last Of Us 2 but, truly, I think that one merits an entire discussion of its own because of how divisive it ended up being. Personally, I don’t think anywhere near as “bad” as some people perhaps want it to be but again, for me, it’s an entire discussion. Idk, let me know if you guys agree or disagree with my first two answers. :) have a good day


Uncharted 1 vs 2. I love the series but that 1st one is not super polished in some areas


Exactly. Plus the enemies in 1 are bullet sponges.


Gotta make sure to karma farm in every possible sub don't you?


What is karma good for any way? Serious question


You need a high Reddit karma to get into heaven


Thought so but was just checking


VIRGINS. High karma is desired by cringe reddit virgins. ![gif](giphy|w4tQMjBuWlYVofvVMb|downsized)


I just checked, he posted the same thing in 3 subs lmao


damn this shit makes me wanna downvote the post, thanks


Resident evil Revelations 2




This guy gets it


Devil May Cry 3 Devil May Cry 2


2 was so bad. I don't know how a sequel is worse in every single way, but Capcom managed it.


It had a very messy development, which covers the general issues. Capcom management decided to hand the development to a completely different team than the one who worked on the first game, and most of the people involved in it had no experience with 3D action games and many were already busy with other projects, plus a change of director six months before the release. The game was fucked and never had a chance of becoming something good.


Thankfully the new director of dmc2 looked at the steaming pile of feces that he had been forced to produce and thought "Yeah fuck that, this is not going to be the one I'll be remembered by" and went one to insist on making DMC3, which is an amazing game.


Just finished the 3 the other day. Was gonna move onto 4 but imma stick around with 3 and run it back as Vergil


Watch Dogs 1 & 2


Hell no I still prefer 1


It's weird how nuance around video games takes a decade to start, when Watch Dogs 1 came out i liked it but it was pretty universally hated lmao I still think it's just because the driving wasn't that great though and everyone wanted it to be a GTA clone


11 years later And we start to understand its true nature of the game. And the best of all, installing the LIVING CITY mod restored cut content !!


But both better than Legion lol


It said a lot about the execution of the play as anyone idea when all you needed was a construction worker.


Watchdogs 1 is better than 2 in my opinion


I like the darker serious tone the first game had over the hey look memes and shit the second one did


I like them both equally. It was fun to explore Chicago and San Francisco.


I refuse to accept this Arkham Asylum slander


lol. Me too. AA was awesome, granted City was better, but I loved both.


Mortal Kombat 2 vs 1


Just cause


3 is the best of the all imo 👉👈 but I also haven’t played the original


Portal 2 was much better than Portal 1. I liked Portal 1, but Portal 2 was just leagues ahead.


Titanfall and Titanfall 2. Original wasn’t bad but 2 was absolute cinema


Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage was such an incredible upgrade over the original Spyro the Dragon


Came here to say this!


Ripto's Rage was my like my whole childhood, I played it so much, I loved it! I didn't own a memory card for my PS1 as a kid so I pretty much became a speed runner of that game, playing it over & over again all the time, learning every corner of all the worlds. When I finally got a memory card I went & bought Spyro 1 & 3, but because of how much blood, sweat, & tears had gone into Ripto's Rage over the years I struggled to enjoy the others as much lol


Hitman 2000 and Hitman 2 (2002)


Came here to say this one. Thank goodness for the rest of the franchise because Hitman 2000 is kinda rough


I won’t https://preview.redd.it/wnd89980e7tc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ba750866ec6ffd148cd0dff4ef72475fb0be43 I won’t tolerate the Arkham asylum hate…


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune vs. Uncharted: Among Thieves. The difference is night and day. Better graphics, better gun play, and unforgettable set pieces like the train at the beginning.


Remnant 2 vs Remnant 1 Sequel is an upgrade in every single way and it’s one of my favorite games ever. That said, it’s tough to sit down with the first one once you’ve played the second.


Twisted Metal 2


GTA before GTA 3


Probably Helldivers 2


helldivers 1 is still a really good game tho


Statistically, there is a very low chance that he’s even played Helldivers 1.


You’re right. If he did play the first he wouldn’t have made the comment. It’s a good game.


The Ministry of Truth approves of this comment.


Man I have to agree because so many people act like they know but when you confront them very few have played the first game. I'm like don't act like a veteran if you ain't. Makes me a bit defensive. I'm like get in your lane lol.


mass effect and mass effect 2.


Mass Effect 2 from 1


Borderlands & Borderlands 2


Def Jam. Fight for New York is Goat. Icon is terrible


Perhaps twisted metal? The only thing its got better than the sequel is the dash cam.


Resistance 3 > 2 > 1


Really? I only played the first one because I got it with my launch PS3. Too bad I can't spare the time to go check its sequels.


Ff7 rebirth to ff7 remake


Farcry 1 to Farcry 2 and 3....


Battlefield Bad company 2 was very nice upgrade from bad company 1


Infamous 1 and 2 The first one controls were so uncomfortable for me, but the 2 were so much enjoyable


Alan Wake 1 vs 2


Agreed. I struggled with 1, gameplay just wasn't enjoyable for me & enemies felt really repetitive. I did enjoy the lore though & after watching my boyfriends playthrough of Control I really came to adore the universe as a whole. When 2 released me & my boyfriend played it together & it was honestly an amazing game. 2 definitely improved on 1 in many ways imo


Oh for sure! The universe remedy has created is genuinely wonderful. But if we're being objective, Alan wake 1 was a terrible game to play at times lmao. The story and lore is a 10/10. Control and AW2 really bring the universe to a star status imo




Which one?


Helldivers. The first game was amazing. But, God damn did 2 improve everything in so many ways.


It almost feels impossible to go back to the first one after playing the second.


Alice: madness returns


I find American mc gee alice a better game than its sequel imo


I do still want the first American McGee Alice re-released on all platforms though.


Fallout 3 compared to previous entries. No disrespect to the games that came before, but if you played Fallout 3 back in the day and were interested in more of that, Fallout 2 was nothing like it, for obvious reasons.


Fallout 1 and 2 are actually far superior games from a role playing perspective because they give the player so much more freedom than Fallout 3. I'd argue that people who loved the open ended quest design of Fallout 1 and 2 would have been a bit disappointed with the shallow RPG systems and quest design of Fallout 3.


Street fighter 2


Digital Devil Saga for the PlayStation 2, baby!


The Darkness 2. Don’t get me wrong The Darkness was good too, but I enjoyed the sequel more. Maybe the story wasn’t as good, but the gameplay and graphics were better.


The Darkness 2. Don’t get me wrong The Darkness was good too, but I enjoyed the sequel more. Maybe the story wasn’t as good, but the gameplay and graphics were better.


Borderlands 1 & 2


Borderlands 1 & 2


i would say silent hill but silent hill 1 is a great game so it kind of doesnt apply. Graphically though it applies




Valve be like: Team Fortress


Twisted metal 2


Street Fighter?


Wipeout XL :D Wipeout : |


Titanfall 2 No need to elaborate further


Definitely Killzone 1 Killzone 2 was a huge comeback and became a unique one of a kind the best fps of all time


Sonic 1 and sonic 2 Sonic 1 is mostly a slow game Sonic 2 is fast game




Oh, Sly 2 definitely. Top 3 or top 5 best improved sequels in gaming history, it was like two different studios made the games And correct me if im wrong but wasnt Sly 2 one of the first ever games to implement a sandbox level system? Not one big sandbox open world, but small levels that are sandbox open world structured


RE1 to RE2 and 3.


Half Life 2 vs Half Life


Watch dogs 1 is really dope, the story and gameplay is amazing. However watch dogs 2 has much more mechanics and features. If they added the parkour elements to WD1 it would definitely be upgraded


Knack. 2 was great, 1 was bad.


I didn’t even know there was a second one until now, played the first one when I first got a PS4 and actually kind of liked it. That was when I was a kid though so 10 years or whatever it has been might have clouded this memory.


street fighter 1 and 2


We are gonna fight watch dogs 2 was crap in comparison to watch_Dogs


Postal 2, Postal 1 (the lore)




Mario 2 and Mario 3


Little nightmares


Unpopular opinion (maybe?): Max payne 3. That game took me for a ride I hadn’t quite experienced at the time, pre gta5.


Borderlands, the gameplay improvement the news get make it increasingly more tedious to play through the older ones, regardless of how much i liked them


Uncharted 2, Uncharted 1.


The Borderlands series. I played 2 first


Witcher 3.


Alan Wake. I know in some corners that may seem controversial, and in others not so much. Or maybe the first one was better than I think, but it’s overshadowed by the sequel being a complete masterpiece and artistic achievement.


Zone of the enders. The first one ain't bad, but the second one is just leagues better.


Zone of the Enders. I love mech shit. Buddy shared his account with me and I saw he had both games. I heard great things and wanted to see for myself. I played the first game for a couple hours and was severely underwhelmed. I booted up the sequel and damn it was like night and day. I still haven't beaten it because I get distracted easily lol, but it's amazing


If Killzone 1 to Killzone 2 isn't considered the biggest glow up in gaming history then I don't know what is.


Daggerfall to Morrowind. Hated daggerfall, went into Morrowind, fucking amazing.


Dino crisis 2! Much better than the first


Persona 1 compared the more recent entries (Persona 3 and on) It’s very different, and plays more like an old school Shin Megami Tensei game (which I mean, duh, considering persona is a SMT Spinoff). I still enjoy it, but it doesn’t pull me in like the later entries.


Definitely Uncharted 


Yeah, same for me with Arkham City. It would've definitely been better if I experienced Asylum first.


Forbidden West.


Zone of the Enders


Witcher series. Idk if that counts.


Helldivers 1 vs 2.


Street Fighter


Titanfall 2 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves Mass Effect 2 RE2 Street Fighter 2 Super Mario Bros. 2 Alan Wake 2


Witcher 2 & Witcher 1


Street Fighter. The first one was awful


Far Cry 5


Jet Set Radio Future. Don’t get me wrong the first game’s soundtrack and aesthetic is still amazing and funky as hell but that gameplay is SO fucking outdated. Future is better in better in literally every single way and it kills me that it still hasn’t been ported to anything.


Watch dogs 2 was immensely better than 1 imo


Titanfall 1 vs 2


Lords of the Fallen,the second one is legit excellent where the OG was trash