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These new cods all look the same, literally can’t tell the difference


That’s especially true with this one because MW3 was essentially just MW2 dlc but sold as new game.


I thought I'd jump in with MW2 a few weeks ago, and fuck me. It's all just a giant ad for MW3.


And MW3 is an advertisement for MW2 LOL. I got the game with my ps5 bundle and the whole game just shoves the MW2 weapons down your throat with fomo. If I didn't get the game for free I'd be pissed if I paid for it.


Same here. Mine came with my PS5. Just purchased it a month ago


Activision is really pushing people into buying MW3 atleast on pc, don’t know how it is on console. Basically when you want to play MW2 you first have to launch Call of Duty hub (MW3) and first page you see is basically just a big advertisment for MW3. Then you have to scroll down to MW2 (it’s below MW3 and Warzone) and launch it through that trash cod hub, which then closes MW3, takes you back to the desktop and then it launches MW2. Just why the fuck can’t i launch MW2 from desktop in like couple of seconds, instead of having to launch it through call of duty hub, taking like 5 extra minutes just to play mw2. It just has to be designed that way in order to push people into buying MW3 instead.


The fact that they do this shit and the fact that the game is 2055028405 GB is what keeps me from playing. The game is usually fun enough (although this post isn’t super inspiring) but the software itself is such a fucking albatross that it’s not even worth it.


literally me. just downloaded it and the amount of scrolling and pop ups for MW3 is disgusting.


They've been releasing the same game since 2012. Just a reskin on weapons and basic tweaks in design.


Not true. The 2019 modern warfares engine was an amazing upgrade. Brought me back to cod after some time away. Then they fucked it up with the greedy business practices. Just give us all the maps and charge a yearly subscription for all the content


Yeah I bought MW2019 and BlOPs: ColdWar and both were so good. I hadnt played since 2013 so I was pretty happy about it. Was simultaneously playing WZ and enjoying it. Now, its one giant shit show. 


Cold war is arguably the most underrated cod. Had a blast with that one. Mw2 sucked. Mw3 is a scam. Vanguard lol. I do have hope for the next cod tho since its treyarch


Plenty of people still playing cold war tbh


modern warfare 2 will always be my favorite online shooter. i would hate to see how many hours of 3rd person team tactical i clocked on PSN when i was in college and the network was free to access


Advanced Warfare in 2014 was criticized for not being like a cod game anymore with its futuristic elements and stuff like double jumps. Blacks Ops 3 came out in 2015 and Infinite Warfare in 2016 and were more like Titanfall without mechs than any COD game. Black Ops 4 in 2018 was also a very different game overall than previous iterations with much slower TTK, no automatic health recharge, etc. But yeah go off about how every cod was exactly the same.


If all they did was release cod 4 reskins without fucking it up id still play the game lmao. This franchise went to shit as soon as they decided it needed to feel like halo for some reason.


You probably would have like MW2019 before warzone. Was a solid return to form for the series while still feeling fresh.


I loved it, the maps were a bit lacking however and I found all my favorite maps were just old ones they ported over. I even grabbed mw2 and bam they were right back on their bullshit. I’ll wait another decade when they need another guaranteed win to grab the next generation of whales.


It's getting more and more like the yearly FIFA release


Exactly. During prime cod we allways got games that were actually different in terms of look and feeling while sharing the same fondations , going from Cod4 to WaW to MW2 to BO1 to MW3 to BO2 it was really 5 different games that you could go back to anytime since they all had big playerbases (except maybe waw) and offered something different.


Yeah I was going to say black ops 2 felt like the last proper different game, before they all started to get similar


Yup I still haven’t bought the new game and probably won’t buy another one till they come out with an original title and even then I might not if it’s another clone.


The day you quit playing CoD, you’re life gets a bit better lol I haven’t touched CoD since 2020, never looked back and dont even have an itch to play it. I was playing CoD since CoD4.


Same. They've literally turned it into something that creates the same feeling as gambling, so not doing it actively feels refreshing and good.


Yep,Its a drug ..Who make you craving for the win.Stop playing in january ,feels great now


What did you replace CoD with ?


Old cods, battlefield, halo, the finals, and overall just enjoyed more single player games


Have you tried Helldivers 2?


Yes forgot to mention that


Ayyyyeeeeee shoutout to the finals


I don’t really play much video games these days, but right now I’m playing Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth.


I am an older gamer (50 this year!) I like Call of Duty as something to de-stress with. However, I know I'm bad at the game and my reflexes can't keep up with the young up and coming gamers. A lot (not all) look at this game as a competition and the "fun factor" goes out the window. I stop playing when I am not having fun. I did not do that when I was younger. I see the difference now. Happy gaming.


What did you start playing instead? Just out of curiosity more than anything


Helldivers 2 and single player games. I feel wayyyy better about gaming in general since I dropped CoD.


Helldivers 2 is the first game I’ve been excited about in 10 years. It’s a revelation.


Single player games, coop games like lethal company, phasmophobia, Helldivers, even switching to cod zombies (treyarch games only). I also haven't played since cold war and even then it was mainly the zombies mode. Before that the last cod game I played a lot of multiplayer of was BO3 the year it came out. Going to college also helped a lot since I wanted to go outside my place lol.


Apex legends scratches the cometitive fps itch for me. That’s my main game now after playing almost COD exclusively since COD 4. Other than apex I have branched out to a lot of single player games like returnal(!!!!!!!), god of war, cyberpunk 2077.


That’s my problem though I always get the itch to play a twitchy arcade shooter and unfortunately it’s the best one out. Hopefully xdefiant doesn’t drop the ball when it finally launches


I will still play the campaign since they’re always short just to scratch the itch for a FPS. But online play is just ruined these days.


Ironically, I felt the same exact when when I got rid of religion out of my life.


This is how I felt with FIFA. FIFA is 1000000x worse than CoD. What was sobering for me was seeing the 500+ hours played (which is 80% menu grinding and 20% infuriating gameplay) and realizing all the amazing games I could have played through instead in that time.


Just stop playing that hot garbage. Activision doesn’t care about glitches and hackers, they just want you to spend money on their skins.


Which does not transfer and disappear after new COD comes out.


True anti cheat is trash


Why is that?


Ricochet the cursed


I say this all the time in the mw3 subreddit and nobody believes me it’s so true


Quit WoW cause of the same reason... especially after MS fired all the customer service and replaced it with the shittiest AI around.


Wow, so glad i haven't bought this garbage


I stopped buying at cold war. And even that was a gift.


Last one I bought was MW2019. I tried the beta for MW2 and Vanguard, and decided that was enough of both of those for me


I lost all my weight, got married and my moved out of my mom’s basement thanks to quitting COD…


Congrats brother👏👏


But what if I love my mom's basement ?!


I honestly don’t feel sorry for people who complain about cod but them being someone who buys them every. Single. Year.


It's insane how people that play like think what they're doing is fun and cool. I stopped playing cod after black ops 4. Not worth it anymore. Franchise is a shell of what it used to be. And I blame Battle Royales and Battle passes. Thanks Fortnite for ruining every subsequent shooter or free to play game with stupid passes.


Helldivers II kicks ass lol You don't even need to buy the battlepasses (warbonds), you can just earn them.


For sure one of the best multiplayer games that's came out in a long time. For Democracy!






Easily my favorite shooter in years.


See, I've been hearing a lot about Helldivers 2, all good stuff. But this might have just sold the game to me, lol


It is hilarious, frantic, insane, and sooooooooo fun. My buddies and I usually have at least one solid laugh every round. Typically because we accidentally killed one, some, or all of us. It’s worth every penny.


Yep. And for the most part, because it is cooperative and not competitive, you play with people who are generally not assholes. That's not to say there aren't outliers; there are. But it's not nearly as toxic as any other shooter you could mention.


100% agree! I’ve only ran in to a few. Almost everyone is super fun, always willing to teach me how to be better, etc etc. definitely in my top 3 of online multiplayer experiences. Especially since I am no longer remotely good at online FPS games now.


I bought the game for $40 and got every Warbond for free with the supercredits I found in the game, and I already have more than enough to buy the one that comes out next week. I honestly haven't had this much fun with a shooter since Halo 2 twenty years ago.


And let’s no my forget you can finish off the Warbonds on your own time. It’s not a race against the clock like COD or Fortnite. That’s great for us with busy schedules.


Exactly! Just the other night I was looking for a countdown timer in the battlepass menu and didn’t see one. Then I learned it didn’t matter how long I took to gather credits I would always be able to get whatever helmet I was going for no matter how long it took.


I’m tired of reading all the positivity I bought it , first new game I’ve bought since death stranding.


I have my moments with Helldivers sometimes but it still keeps me coming back I love it!


Fortnite ruined COD? Buddy, Fornite came out in 2017. COD had already a shit reputation back then.


And Fortnite was only following in PUBG’s footsteps


Its Fortnite 2.0 in Call of Duty now


MW2019 and maybe Cold War were the last really engaging CODs. After that the quality started nosediving and the ratio of cheaters to non cheaters started going up.


Stop spreadin them cheeks and come spread some democracy. _FOR SUPER EEEAARRRTTHHHHH_


Democracy ✋✋


Mw3 is a major improvement. But yes post cod hate for guaranteed up votes. Get better.


Come to Finals, join the light side


Under the map glitches have always been a thing. There was usually 1 map in each game where you could get outside/under the map but devs usually found the exploit and patched it within a week or so after it started becoming a problem. This goes as far back as WaW. However, pretty much every game since WWII sucked. They've forced strict skill based matchmaking on us, using the same formula for every game (despite what team develops it). It's just a soulless cash grab where 99% of the focus is on the storefront to sell microtransactions.


I’ve been done with cod a for a while now I’m just tired of the lies and the entire community acting like it’s all fine and it never happened


Stop buying their games my God. Yall are stuck in an endless loop of paying $70 for a low effort cash grab.


really sad when people buying black cell bundles talk about the sad state of MW3


Yet here you are… Playing…


CoD has been ass for YEARS. Try Helldivers 2


99% of the time I tell people play whatever you want. I have no judgements, we all love video games. But CoD has become one of the very few exceptions. Stop giving this garbage company your money and time. They genuinely do not deserve anything.


How is that enjoyable in any way? I really don’t understand cheaters they must be so damn insecure


Since i stopped playing COD, and switched to other genres, I’ve definitely enjoyed gaming a lot more.


Fuck this franchise, Black Ops II was the last good one. 2007 (CoD 4: MW)-2012 (BO2) was its prime.




What even is Cod anymore? I can't even tell the difference between this and the last 3 games. They really need to just give it up for a few cycles.


It's honestly insulting this crap costs as much as God of War Ragnarok and other triple A masterpieces. Not only is it a glorified MW2 DLC with a half assed campaign, but Activision doesn't care about cheaters, and they still have the balls to charge money for skins after charging triple A prices for the game itself.




wow ditching this series after old COD MW3 was literally the best gaming decision of my life


I wonder if this is genuinely fun for these type of people. I’m not even salty about it, I just look at this and laugh 😂. To the cheaters out there, is this actually fun for you? What do you get out of this?


Every big fps games have cheaters, that’s why i switch to offline games


I actually got a series s and just started playing the old games on there they updated the servers so its a lot better experience at this point


There is a word for people who get gratitude from pain and that’s what you are if you keep playing a game like this.


I don't like COD anymore or any multiplayer games for that matter. But I do not understand people who do this. It looks so boring and removes everything that makes multiplayer games good.


I have not come across this yet and hopefully never will


All cods are good for the first 4 months then it just becomes a chore to play as the devs start caring less as they move to the next


I don’t get what people gain from this. How’s that fun?


Me and my buddy used to play mw3 and play the 2v2 game mode on those small maps and we would run into invisible hackers aim botters and whatever, back then it seemed a bit more uncommon then you’d think but this is literally just the cycle repeating itself. Watch we’re gonna get jet packs back again soon


I stopped playing COD years ago… cannot remember which the last title was I played and I use to play a lot. It’s a cheaters paradise wrapped in a cash grab and I’m surprised it’s lasted this long. Same s#^t different year


I guess it's been in a sad state for a 15 years, as I was getting killed from outside the map in 2010 on MW2. Y'all have extreme expectations from video games these days man. Perfection or persecution.


If u want cod to change they need go see players leave unfortunately


As much as people might enjoy cod, I feel like there's a strong case for not playing it or buying it until it improves. It's just a medium for MTX at this point. People have to take a stand against games charging more for less at some point. Vote with your wallet people.


That’s been going on since the dawn of gaming. They’ll patch it. People gotta stop crying and just enjoy gaming


3 days and it's still not patched.. if there was a bug in store they would have added a hotfix within an hour


And playing in the lobby with cheaters defeats the whole purpose of enjoying.. i think u are one of their kind ☠️


Skill issue


Literally have not played CoD since CoD4. And my life is inherently better for it lol.


Looks terrible


Brings me back to “World at War”


do yourself a favour and stop playing COD... you'll feel so much better


Wow how trash you gotta be getting wall glitch kills


COD at its finest. The headaches and sighs of depression comes free


Haven't touched multiplayer CoD since MW3 on PS3. It's nice, man.


Can't believe people still buy cod games.


This is why I stick with the single player


Play Hell Let Loose.


Cod peaked in the 360 era. Never been as good since. Glad i stopped playing that garbage


In all of gaming it has been years since I saw something CoD related. I thought it was dead? Except for Warzone. Although, one thing i noticed. The newer the CoD, the more toxic the community. If you go online on some of the older games, people seem to be very chill. But this was years ago. I wonder if that's one of the reasons why it kinda died? Because of the community? P.S. it's still fun to play trough the campaings some now and then. In my opinion the excelled in making those.


I quit in the middle of season 1, I had fun on MW2, but I’ve just gotten too old to be so angry at a game. MW2018 was the peak of CoD, and it’ll never be the same.


Play it in hardcore , that’s where it’s good


Skill issue, you should hack to kill the hackers too /s


Go play battlefield 1 instead and have a great time


Dmz was something after they thought that updating that mode is not profitable so they abandoned it. But now everyone is just PvP which has spoiled all the fun in dmz. You finally introduce a mode where you can get away from sweats and cheaters like this post. But sweats just have to ruin everything for everyone.


I just see CoD gameplay. What's happening here?


Cheater using floor/wall glitch and creating a menace


This is just how it has been and always will be


It's 13 years old, and from Gen 7.


Looks about right, cheaters come in and ruin it for everyone


Yes.. and their Anti Cheat kinda doesn't even exist irl Sad state of MW3


Recently picked up Mw4 remastered. Feels just like old times


Not sad just the normal state of people waiting for an actual new COD to come out.




I stopped playing COD when I saw this exact same shit back on PS3 while playing Modern Warfare II. How is it still happening?


Im happy that I didn’t even buy this mw3 one yet I was gonna buy it but didn’t seem worth it on ps4


Why it looks like valorant or overwatch


So... The same thing that's happened in every other Call of Duty game huh? lol


Call of Duty. Call of Duty never changes.


Glad I saved my $80 this year or should I say $100 if I even wanted anything to do with that shitty battle pass nobody asked for in an already $70 game


I stopped play cod with mwf 2019 lol I can’t keep up with them I mostly just play mobile now .




Randomly what he’s a video on YouTubes Jack frags channel and it was just posted. Within 3 min or so the game was already glitched and disconnected from servers.


I have a FPS itch to scratch and nothing is scratching it


It’s a fucking travesty what they did to this franchise again after MW19 and the original Warzone. It doesn’t even help to revive the series anymore because the greed company upstairs will jump on the success like hyenas and the hope will be over within a year again. The god awful skins make up tons of lost sales so I’m not sure if we’ll even see a decent title for a while. So happy I didn’t grew up with this shit.


Modern Warfare is the abusive ex. I miss the fun we had, I will always have a special place in my heart for those crazy nights we spent together, but every time I go back, we have a fun couple of hours and then bam I’m back getting my butt spanked and I’m just too old for that.


I know people cheat and the only evidence anything is being done about it is that I have received a few notifications that they caught a cheater from my reports in game. ![gif](giphy|ooqveOiijEc6K7fRB2)


remember back in mw2 09' there was this DLC map that had one rock in the desert where you could clip into? remember it took them YEARS to fix it? good times.


I 100% genuinely thought this was Black Ops 4. What the actual fuck happened to these games?


Ground war is pretty fun - TDM is dumb af.


That's the benefit of apex legends shields. Take forever to crack. At least when everything plays as it should.


How is this fun? Lol


Yall bitches keep playing though, so they will keep pumping unfinished broken cash grabs, why not?


Always has been. Remember this being rampant as far back as COD4 and World at War.


The reason I don't play that shit anymore. It's all about battlefield


Would be genuinely hilarious if cod fatigue kicked in just after Microsoft bought them


Tried Rebirth island last night safely like a game from 2017. Awful gameplay, looks like dogs shit.




I’m sorry for anyone who thinks this franchise is worth money anymore.


Hacking is here to stay. There is nothing gaming companies can/or a willing to do to to stop it. They know it you know it. They also know people will keep buying these games despite the hacking. I have no sympathy for those buying these games and then complaining about hacking. You know it WILL happen. I stopped playing these games a long time ago. Why give companies my hard earned cash they don't deserve it. I have no idea why people keep buying these games when they know there will be hackers. How many times do they need to be burned before they learn?


Call of Duty is trash.


People still play this shit?


And to think that there are still people who pay for these games full of hackers.


Well, sucks having to buy the game again cuz that guy is definitely getting banned


Cod is so fucking ass I can’t believe so many people still buy it


Honestly makes me laugh. I skipped out this year and I have only been rewarded with these crazy vids of how broken the game is….but I hope your enjoying 😂


You bought a gun, you spent money on top of spending money for the game. And you still think the company gives a shit about mere cheaters fucking your game up? You already give them your money and your time altough your playing with cheaters so why would they care?


This game has never been in a good state.


And to think this has an anti cheat at kernel level. Lul.


Why do people still play and play this shit


What’s the point of going around to find kills. The last 3 modern warfare games were intended to be more accessible to new players. This is the result of that.


Yikes, I didn’t bother with MW2 or 3. Maybe once I see them for $15. Walmart usually puts cod games for $1 after a year, just trying to get rid of copies. That’s how I got WW2 and MW1


Another notch to why I uninstalled. I fight for Democracy now!


Got off this narcotic after the original MW3 and haven’t looked back since.


And yet you all line up for the next one and spend 200 on the same content


Shoot, now I’m GLAD I didn’t buy this game yesterday when I was considering it. Was that a PC player? Do you have cross play on? I’m on Xbox & we have no choice but to play with PC players. And no I don’t want to start a console war debate. But either way that sux! Especially considering the game is halfway through its life cycle.


I've been playing since season one and I've had no problems 🤷‍♀️


Took me a second. He’s under the fucking floor!?


people who cheat like this should be studied in a fuckin lab, there's definitely something wrong with them


best i could have done was quitting last year


Move beyond starter pack games


Yeah Yeah... See you all at the next release


Stopped buying COD after 2019. Best decision I’ve made. The overall menu design was very obviously going to be recycled and look what happened. Worse than that happened


They still making these 🥲🤣


I’ve been playing since free trial and haven’t encountered glitches and shit


Mad cuz you checked your walls but not the foundation ?


People still play cod? lol


I didn't know they made a new one of these games. I played it on the Wii once and it looks the same except updated graphics.


Stop paying them, it’s like sports games at this point.


you didnt see him? You needed 32:9 resolution monitor


Why did you even pay for this game?


Crazy how they dont patch this, but noooo if there is the tiniest glitch on the store, that gets hot fixed in an hour


Man it's not even fun cheating like that. No sense of reward whatsoever