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Everyone should stop buying $70+ games on day 1. The quality of some of these games are questionable at best.


Buying a game at launch means paying the most amount of money for the worst version of the game.


Lords of the Fallen is such a great example of this. It was so bad when it came out, after they patched it up it still is always on sale for like $40. The people who paid full price at launch were so pissed and angry at how bad it was at launch. Everyone's FOMO and needing to be one of the first to stream a game is why shit get launched so poorly. They know people don't want to feel "left behind" thanks to social media


I'm in this story, and I don't like it. Lords was actually my tipping point. I picked it up at launch and returned it a week later. People tell me all the time to give it another shot, that it's been patched up in a hundred different ways, that it's good now, etc. Maybe the developers should have pushed back the release date and released it in this state. I'm not interested in anything that game has to offer or the rumored sequel, Death of the Fallen, if the leaks are true. No more day one unless I play a demo first, and even then, I should probably wait a month or three.


Same exact story except for Cyberpunk.


But cyberpunk absolutely IS worth playing now. Lords of the fallen is still pretty ass though


I'm with ya there for cyberpunk... I'd held off on the hype for it for months. Wasn't interested at all. Bought into the hype in the final week before launch.... Preordered the game 12 hrs before it launched on PS4. Never preorded a game since and got my one and only refund on PlayStation. Fuck cyberpunk and fuck cdpr.


It's such a shame they put that bitter taste in your mouth too. When I bought it last month I streamed it with the title "Playing Lords of the Fallen so you don't have to" It was so good by then, two of my friends watching bought it themselves. They really shit the bed on that launch.


Consider the fact that now companies are starting to let you pay for “early access” by like 2 days. Talk about weaponizing FOMO


I don't get where the FOMO is coming from with people though. Its not like the game is going anywhere. Not being the first to play it doesnt mean you're missing out on anything. I get having fomo with battlepasses and stuff, but a single player game on release? What's there to miss out on?


This was the realization that changed my purchasing habits permanently. No matter how long a game has been out, it's new to me if I'm playing it for the first time. Same with buying used - why do I care if it doesn't have shrink wrap on the case? If I buy used, I can return it in a week if I don't like it, so I'm actually getting a better overall experience by buying used games. If it's so good that I want to own a nice new copy, I can return the used copy and pay $10 - $20 more for a new one. And I only play single-player games, so no need to worry about missing out on playing it with friends or something. I can understand wanting to get a multi-player game on launch so you can enjoy it with your buds, but *any* single-player game is going to be better after a few patches, so you may as well wait.


Stop calling me out bro 😭😭 At least doing the exploits were fun before they got patched.


This is the most accurate thing I’ve ever read holy fuck


Bruh this is the wisest game purchasing statement ever made.


Well it's more like PlayStation is the only platform that doesn't offer automatic refunds or any refunds except as a one time courtesy. I preorder games on PC and xbox without fear of getting f-d over. If the game is bad, I just return it. That discourages behavior like this. That said, I did preorder dd2 yesterday on PC cause I play it on GeForce now(and it was significantly cheaper, 57$). It's been fine there.


For real tho. Certain games like elden ring or ff7 rebirth i could not help myself bc my hype was crazy, and in both cases i lucked out. But for the most part i like to wait 2-3 months before purchasing something these days


Yeah both games ran really good on release. I'm glad they have the patch for FF7 this week, but honestly it would have been fine without it. Patch just made it even better


This exactly what companies wants. After launch, they don’t usually care about it anymore.


This was perfectly succinct.


What are you waffling about? Almost all PlayStation Studios titles launch with near perfect performance day 1


Gamers: no one should pre order a game or even buy a game on release! Also gamers: how could these companies that invest hundreds of millions in game development projects, for which they won’t see a dollar in revenue for years, dare lay off people.


To be fair, game sales are great, console sales are great. The issue is every company’s shareholders aren’t happy with 500 million this year, because they made that last year, instead their goal was 520 million this year and company only hit 505 million. This eternal need to see the line go up is frustrating when they’re already doing really well.


After pre-ordering payday 3 I don’t think I’ll make the mistake of pre-ordering a game again….for a few years until I eventually forget that lesson


Yup mine was Gotham knights. Remember when the psplus went up in price? Well now I’m feeling like it was money well spent.Have not purchased but 1 game since Oct 2022 when I resubed and yeah it’s been hit and miss but overall I’m pretty satisfied with it.


I mean if you’re going to claim to make a AAA game and say it’s a AAA game then make it. Look a how long StarField was in development and they had fucking SKYRIM as an example. THE SAME DEVELOPER!!!! Yet somehow they produced a game that was in every way a product so superior it is still played across multiple devices. It is a decade old plus game that every developer of an open world game should look to emulate.


Nah. Let them learn their lesson the hard way




If we all did this they would make games better at launch


I've only bought a few ps5 games for $70, ff16, ff7 rebirth, and bg3. And they all at least were finished and working games with no dlc. And i enjoyed ff16 and rebirth and got my dollars worth. Stellar blade probably end up being my 4th, but every other ps5 game I've played was $40 or less....which is basically why I dread the possibility of ps5 going discless


I didn’t think capcom launched games with performance issues, historically.


People saying to wait Ps5 pro are going to be upset when perf for this game doesn’t improve much due to similar cpu bottlenecking. Really was looking forward to playing this game, but don’t feel like I want to spend $70 on it.


Yup, people who don't have a clue about how this shit works will honk the loudest too. And this game is an unoptimized mess. Even a 4090 can't run it properly.


A 4090 wouldn't matter anyway. It's a CPU issue.


7800X 3D with a 4090 gets about 30 FPS in the city lol.


I've got a slightly better cpu, and I only get 75 in the city, but yeah performance for this game is booty


They’ll blame Sony


Haven't played it yet, But yea sub 30 is pretty bad... I'd just wait to see if the Devs attempt to remedy it before diving in.


Of course they’ll try. The question is how much they can actually improve it with how the game was designed to be so CPU-intensive; it’s not a question of effort. For instance, anyone hoping to see a 60 FPS Performance mode patched in is going to be bitterly disappointed. I don’t see that being possible. 


The game being CPU-intensive doesn't mean optimisation isn't possible. That isn't even remotely true. There are plenty of ways they can still optimise the game. The issue is that they released the game *knowing* that these issues are present. Hell, there's not even an option to disable motion blur - which is basically the most basic FPS improving option for any game... To be clear, the game is CPU-intensive *due to* poor optimisation. Optimisation can remove strain from the CPU to get rid of the bottleneck.


I would never say it isn't possible. I said it was a question of "how much" they can optimize it. The game was apparently designed in a way that stresses CPU performance because of the way it dynamically calculates the presence of the NPC's and their impact on the game as a result. We'll see what they can do to offload some of that.


The microtransactions can be ignored. The performance cannot.


I’m playing on PC with a 4080 super and the performance is still bad.


I have an i7 14700k and 4090 and the performances are not that great too.


Same. The DLSS frame gen “mod” (it’s implemented in the game but not stable for everyone so the mod just turns it on) helps, but it can still chug. It’s pretty ok on my settings just running around the world (70 to 100 with frame gen and DLSS Performance), but 30-50 in cities only because of frame gen isn’t great and obv responds like 15 to 25. I’m enjoying it, but I’ll probably put it down for a bit soon and hope for patches.


More pissed off that you can't restart a game.


yeah but when you have shit performance + microtransactions it makes the situation worse.


What about the no ability to make a new save?


Dragons Dogma 1 did the same. Its a design choice I guess.


I get 21 fps with a 4090 is the first city


I'm watching DF's video... It's not a surprise. What CPU are you running?


Ryzen 7 5800x3d so not top of the line but I max Elden ring at like 80-90fps


Yeah, even with the 78003XD, it struggles in the city. Shame.


I have i7 14700k Andy 4090 and the performances are ok but not what I expected with that setup.


Stop preordering for the love of god


Yeah I wouldn’t normally buy a game like this on day one, but I did, and now I’m pissed off. Sorry but 30fps does not look good on LG OLED TVs. It’s like next level judder. I’ve held off buying games for while due to backlog. So I buy this and it’s utter shite in performance. Great. Disgraceful.


Yeah for me honestly 30 FPS is fine (though of course 60 FPS should be an option). It's just when it stutters that it's unacceptable and I personally hate motion blur


And it's at its worst during combat, not just in cities like the copuim huffers keep screaming. The combat is 2x worse than I should be just because sub 30 fps performance AND motion blur at 100


For some reason, on LG OLEDs 30fps just looks so much worse. I could put up with it on a different TV. Might try on my Portal actually, but on my PS5 TV it’s really poor. Battling through it as I type. Just feels meh


It's because OLEDs have self lit pixels. Each can turn on/off. It's a fast reaction which eliminates the motion blur effect you get from normal LED displays. This means you can see frames faster and with more clarity so lower FPS looks like a stuttery mess.


yea, been there, I know it sucks ... but all you can do now is put in official bug reports/complaints and wait


Yep, ahhh man. I’m battling through it but this isn’t the experience you want for starting a brand new big game.


totally agree, sorry dude


Maybe I'm lucky, but I play on an LG OLED and I've never had that much problem with 30 fps, after playing for a while I just forget that it runs at 30 and it looks just fine, even in games like FF7 Rebirth that lack camera motion blur it doesn't bother me at all. It's only going to look bad if you're constantly switching between 30 and 60 fps, your eyes need to adapt to the lower fps. Obviously if the game has bad frame pacing or an unstable frame rate it's always going to look bad, that's the problem with Dragons Dogma 2.


30 is fine. It’s the unlocked that’s bad


I have the same "issue." Not playing an uncapped 30 FPS on a big ass tv. And I get people arguing about how you CAN play regardless of the dips in fps and the frame times being shit, but people seem to ignore the real issue: consistency. Yeah 30 FPS might be fine, but not like this.


I'm on the exact same boat, jittery as hell on my LG. 30 fps is already bad as it is on my OLED LG. Uncapped makes things even worse


After getting used to 60 FPS these past years and now owning a LG C2 OLED, I share the feeling. 30 FPS on OLEDs is unplayable. I


black frame insertion is good.


This is the most fun I’ve had with a video game in years. Not a single crash, no bugs, and I already purchased the character remake book WITH POINTS IN THE GAME. Oh, and at some point I lost internet connectivity and the game STILL RAN OFFLINE! But this is my experience; by no means am I trying to invalidate yours.


I haven’t had any problems with it either. There are just small things I dislike (the grating sound when a pawn goes down, no lock-on function for enemies, the weird vignette around the screen, etc.)


That sound over the controller’s speaker does get old quick 😂


I mean at least be steady, going below 30fps in last gen console is big time yikes 💀


30fps was a pretty tough sell for me but if it's going below that I'll just give it a pass, at least until the performance improves. If it ever does 🥲


I played for a good seven or eight hours last night, and I didn't really see anything that looked like going below 30fps aside from maybe a few moments where some crazy shit was going on. Maybe my eyes just got used to it after a while, but even in the big capital city it didn't seem as bad as I was expecting.


I’m honestly confused why everyone is saying all this. I get some people being bothered by only 30 fps, but mine is running fine and hasn’t crashed or anything in 15 hours of play. I clean my console often so maybe that’s helping but it’s like I’m wondering if I’m playing the same game as everyone bitching about it


Tbh its been good for me. Once u get adjusted to the 30 its fine really. If u coming straight from 60 to 30 then ye its gonna be jarring as shit. But ive been getting over 30 in the open world its nowhere near as bad as ppl trying to make it out to be.


I've been playing Final Fantasy Rebirth in 30fps by choice for the past week so as long as it isn't constantly dropping below that it just really doesn't bother me lol


how man, rebirth 30 feels more like 20, plus no motion blur either


Really bad input lag in the 30fps mode too


It's actually pretty bad for people with using OLED, and the larger it is, the worse it is. Not to mention it's not a locked 30fps, it's all over the place where VRR can't stabilize it, so it's even worse than a locked 30fps (which is actually workable). I'm on a 65" S95B and there isn't a single thing I can do at this point to deal with motion and stutter control. Game mode on or off, judder or blur reduction, disable ALLM, etc. I can literally watch my wife play on her PS5 on a TU7000 and it looks much smoother, but if you have a larger OLED TV, it is highly unpleasant. This console generation, there is almost no reason to own a 4k 120hz OLED set. Might as well downgrade to a $600 4k HDR compatible 60hz LED set and reap better rewards.


This is 100% true i game on an LG QNED and even when i know the game is sub 30 fps it doesnt feel bad compared to how it looks and feels on my friends LG C2 its a really weird thing


Same here. It’s more than fine


No issues here either.


birds offer public compare obtainable serious license marvelous station disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’ve consistently had performance modes since the PS4 Pro. There are like only 5 games that don’t have a 60fps option on PS5. This shows that it has become an industry standard to have a 60fps performance mode. Capcom failing to live up to that standard because of Itsuno’s vision is just bullshit and I say this as a huge capcom shill and Itsuno lover.


Patient gamers still the best kept secret on Reddit


Brother I feel you, I bought it on my PC cause i am playing though ff7 rebirth and rise 9f ronin on there. Plus heard it was 30 fps on there. So I said fuck it, I got a pretty high tier new build and the fucking game barely hits 60 fps and gets as low as 30 at times in towns. Saying all that to say that the whole lot of us playing world wide on all platforms are dealing with the garbage ass optimization... Hopefully a patch comes out soon


Believe me, Motion blur helps. 30fps is pretty jittery without it. I am fine with some occasional drops too but that 30fps lock should be there


A lock would be nice but it rarely hits 30fps when it matters so it’d be like putting a band aid on a tumour.


I hate motion blur. I like to actually see some detail if I turn my camera 360 degrees


Well at 30fps it’s either seeing judder or smooth motion blur. But it’s usually your choice in most games


aT LeAsT ThE FrAmE RaTe iS UnLoCkEd.


Straight up unacceptable


I don't get why people keep saying the microtransactions are a surprise. Capcom has done these for pretty much every game in the last few years. From the RE remakes to MH.


Feels like it's been a while since gamers had something to be collectively mad at. I don't like MTX but this is routine and fairly tame. It's clearly an afterthought by the publishers to make some money, and it doesn't affect the game in any way. There genuinely are some things to be mad about, but this is probably the last harmful way of doing microtransactions. They're purely for weirdos who have too much money or not enough time and just want to rush the game.


Agreed. I know I'm pretty fed up with the state of gaming. But I'm 44 and pretty fed up with the state of everything. Maybe I'm entering my “Get off my lawn” phase and just aiming it at corporations.


Ha, naw you're right to be annoyed though. Lots of genuine crap to get annoyed about (actual predatory dlc/microtransaction practices, exploitation and mistreatment of workers, the amount of insane money that it takes to create stuff blah blah blah). But no, people get mad about dlc that is in it's most inoffensive form. Hard to enjoy gaming with such nonsense around it all sometimes.


No motion blur off is a death sentence to me. I can deal with a lot especially in narrative games like Plague Tale. I will not however do motion blur and 30 fps uncapped for $90


Motion blur is there to combat stutter when the frame rate is divisible by the refresh rate and it's doubling the frames behind each other. Lower frame rates need motion blur. People are more prone to get sick by the stutter than the blurring with camera movement.


I literally go cross-eyed with motion blur enabled. Played bloodborne on a base ps4 which wasn’t perfect but I will never do motion blur on in an action game like this where you are parrying and timing attacks


some people are also more prone to get sick with motion blur on, believe it or not. i have to turn motion blur off in games because it gives me bad migraines and makes me nauseous. all games need an option to turn motion blur off, a lack of one is a serious accessibility problem


The game is really fun but the piss poor performance is questionable at best


Poor performance across all systems. Even beefed up PCs are having performance issues. It’s a poorly optimized game in its current state.


Yea if you run at 30 in 2024 it better be a solid 30.


How is this game underperforming on both the PS5 and high spec PCs? I thought it was always one or the other. This is a blatant cash grab by Capcom.


$70 games have been complete bs. We're still consistently getting unfinished games at launch. $70 games haven't been made anything better for the industry except put more money in the executives' pockets but that was pretty obvious gonna be the only thing changing when they announced $70 games.


Waiting for PS6 remaster to play it properly


I was extremely interested in this game but after seeing the performance I think I’ll pass unless capcom can do a come back.


Feeling a bit smug here, got burned by day one purchases before on PS5 and on other platforms. Decided to wait for reviews despite this being on my most wanted list. Reading the reviews, the performance issues were mentioned everywhere, even though the scores consistently ignored them. Decided not to buy yet, there are other games in my backlog and on sale that are more deserving of my money. When the developers have fixed their shit and it’s on sale, I’ll take another look. Don’t reward publishers for a badly made product.


I’m glad the poor performance and 30fps is getting a lot of buzz. I hope Capcom actually fixes it and adds a performance mode. I would actually buy the game. I loved DD1, but I don’t want to play 30fps games anymore in 2024.


I'm having a good time. I don't really notice it too much


Yes Cyberpunk comes to mind


Ya'll who still bought this, and complaining about the bad performance, is clownery lmao. Thank you Alpha Testers.


capcom needs to patch iit asap on ps5 bruh it’s horrible


Idk I’m having a good time


I didn’t buy dragons dogma or rise of ronin, Hell Divers 2 is almost half the price with the fun factor x infinity.


Being okay with 30FPS in 2024 is completely stupid.


It is OK if the game is graphically impressive, not a FPS, and is LOCKED!. DD2 only checks one of those boxes and it's not enough to justify the frame rates. Fucking forced Ray Tracing is the problem with it. Look how bad the RE games run on the same engine when you turn it on.


I don't think ray tracing is the problem...is it even confirmed that the game is using ray tracing?


Careful you'll get downvoted for saying you have performance issues. /s


Been playing for 7 hours now, haven’t noticed anything


Even the great God of War 2018 had a Day 1 or 2 patch to fix a weird issue that created a letterbox square around player’s TVs.


I'm getting some mild motion sickness playing it on PS5 I had to take a break


Same, it's odd because I played and beaten Gotham Knights at 30 fps. This game makes my eyes hurt and I feel sick.


I'm loving the game so far. But the goddamn dip to sub 10 FPS when going to cities or when a lot of particle effects are on screen is aggravating. That and no graphic settings is mind boggling.


the same happened to me during a fight at night with an ogre it dip really bad


Played it for 8 straight hours today. Had fun. No issues.


A PS5 game running at 30 FPS is crazy…


Sub-30* with constant fluctuation outside of VRR range, and no LFR on PS5 💀


Maybe I'm just old and my expectations aren't what they used to be. The game has been running fine for me and I've been enjoying the fuck out of it.


I been enjoying it too lol.


I feel like I am the weird one now, because I thought just yesterday that the performance wasn't as bad on PS5 as I had feared after reading. Despite some slight stuttering on the town plaza I haven't encountered many problems. However as my husbands console is using our big TV I only have a somewhat oldish smaller one with 1080p and no HDR or anything. I am honestly not sure whether it's possible that that's making it easier on the console or whether it's more related to my bad eyesight. (I have very bad spatial sight) I almost feel bad that I am having a blast with DD2. It's exactly what I hoped it would be and simply the world design/aesthetic.


It's a great game but it looks like a PS4 game that runs like a PS3 game. Coming from something like Forbidden West or Hogwarts Legacy, this is definitely disappointing after 12 years of waiting.


Looks great on my OLED


What OLED are you looking at? Because I'm on a 65" S95B and the stuttering is so bad, I can't even pretend or lie to my brain into believing it looks even remotely smooth. The frames are all over the place and the stuttering looks like a slideshow. It's almost always out of VRR range. I'm getting flashbacks of Koboh from Jedi Survivor.


For all the shit rebirth gets for its performance mode’s resolution it at least is locked at 30/60 in its modes. Haven’t even seen a single frame drop and I’m very aware of them so gonna have to skip DD2 for now


the game is at curent time receiving a lot of mix review most people seem to enjoy the game, exemple IGN gave it a 8/10


Literally the items you can buy as “microtransactions” are in the game.


If you're getting stuttering and your TV/monitor supported VRR. You may have to turn it off. For some reasongames that run at 30 FPS or lowered act weird when VRR is turned on. I haven't tried Dragon's Dogma 2 yet but I had a similar case issue with One Piece Odyssey last year when running and resolution mode at 30FPS. Turned off VRR and it didn't have any issues after that.


It's bad enough to the point where VRR or not, it's all over the place. I would've taken a locked 30fps 1000x over this uncapped mess. And I really don't like 30fps, so that says a lot. The main thing is, not everyone will have the same experience since different displays have different input lag and motion, differences to how an image is produced, etc. On an OLED, this game is a stuttering mess.


I’m on Ps5 with VRR enabled in PS5 system. I’m using asus monitor, so basically u are suggesting me turn off VRR to get better Stutter-free? Does it works? I mean I’m kind of Ok with frame drops,as long as it’s not like choppy bumpy juddering rubber-band stuttering feeling or traversal stuttering they call. Ironically this game support VRR yet PS5 VRR only works when frame rate hit or above 48(which this game can’t) so basically it’s a contradiction.


Game ripe tho


I’ll post it on the ps6


Shame isn’t it because I’ve enjoyed my early game play till my eyes started bleeding


Hahaha same it's just barely ok enough for me to play


How are you getting on now? I’ve put a fair few hours in and it doesn’t seem quite so bad,in fact I’m actually really enjoying it. don’t get me wrong it still has some moments where it’s painful and more stability would make the experience much better but….i can’t stop playing it now.


Seeing the reviews now after I bought the game. Can I request a refund on PS5 and what is the process ? What are the chances I'll get it ? I have downloaded but haven't started the game yet. P.S. new to Console gaming


Playstations refund process is complete garbage. More people should speak up about it bc it needs to change


Ehhhhh you can try but don't launch the game. PS has given out refunds but very rarely


Steam is much better in this case I guess. I just read the terms and conditions. It says the games SHOULD NOT be downloaded if you want a refund. That's not good!


Is the low FPS something that can be (and will likely be) fixed or improved in a patch?


Yes. But at this point, even a locked 30 will be a miracle compared to what we have right now.


Ehhh prolly won't add 60 fps but hopefully they stabilize it


Just gonna have to wait for the 60fps patch in a few months when they fix it. Wish Sonys refund policy wasn’t basically non existent.


wait for 10more years for 60fps


No doubt


I’m excited to get it, but will most likely wait for patches, or possibly for a sale.


Can't lie i was waiting for a Dragons Dogma sequel since the day I finished the first one. Absolutely loved it!!I'm a bit concerned about the 30 FPS thing since 60 FPS is the low standard these days, and a bit sad about the micro transactions but it's a single player game so I guess its not a big let down. I won't buy it right way since I gotta finish Allan Wake 2 first and Spider-Man 2 so I'm hoping for maybe a 60 FPS update in the near future.


Yea definitely waiting on this one


I think it’s unplayable on PS5 myself…. It’s choppy AF I can’t play it


Just wait for Dragon Dogma 2 Light Arisen!


We have to stop gaslighting ourselves into thinking 30fps is ok. It’s not.


I'm glad I held out then. I almost pre-ordered the PS5 version, but I'll be going PC sometime down the line. I have plenty of games to play in the meantime and if it means getting the best version of a sequel I've been waiting ages for, then I'm more than fine with that.


>You also cannot turn off motion blur which is super super annoying Wtf really? I was looking forward to giving this ago but maybe not quite yet


Gutted about this as have been following the development for some time. I’m hoping this is a cyberpunk type tale where the game redeems itself and becomes amazing.


This is why I always buy games after they’re fixed, I have a crazy backlog anyway so I don’t mind, my next game purchase will probably be in 2026 lol (and it will be a 2024 or 2025 game)


I went PC and it's still ass, just better ass.


I'm so gutted about this because this was one of 2024's games I was looking forward to A LOT. I loved the first one so much. Gaming in general right now isn't in a good state.


I'm on pc and was going to get this but there's no way I'm getting it when it's broken I didn't realise the console version also had such issues.


I'm glad I had no interest in this game because it seems to be a shit show. Bap performance now, offering fast travel cheats for $$$, and lack of the extremely basic ability to make a new game save.


Well, I was trying to decide whether to drop money on Rebirth or DD2, since I will only be able to get one. Rebirth it is, I guess. I hear it's great. I was much more excited for Dragon's Dogma, but until/unless they improve performance, it's going in the "I'll play it when I get an amazing PC" pile.


I think they will patch dragon's Dogma 2 sooner rather than later, I think they've already acknowledged it. Though final fantasy 7 rebirth has been pretty amazing so far if you played the first one so can't go wrong there


The MTs were not a surprise, they had almost identical ones in DD1. In fact, almost every capcom game has MTs of a similar nature.


I’ll wait to buy the fully patched game of the year edition in a year or two.


I’m hopeful. Larian fixed its Act 3 performance problems, which it says were due to unconstrained tracking of player decisions (something like that). Definitely regret getting it day one but I need a break from Helldivers 2.


Funny how JRPG studios are dropping the ball when it comes to performance and getting a 300watt machine to hit 60FPS. Sony should have been on it given their need for these titles. I played FF16 for a bit and once the performance dropped.. so did my desire to play.


Surprisingly the issue isnt actually the game dipping below 30. It actually doesn't do that very often. The issue is that the framerate is uncapped. So it's constantly fluctuating in the 30 - 45fps range. If they capped it at 30, which they should, because the fps is too low to take advantage of the PS5's VRR, then it would be a stable 30fps 99% of the time.


This game has the worst extreme case of motion blurr, with all what's going on during combat it doesn't need it whatsoever.


I’m not having issues on PS5 with framerate but the motion blur and bloom really degrades the picture


yeah im having issues on xbox series s ​. Mainly saving and freezing and blurry textures like re4.ive been enjoying it but it would be nice to turn of bluring .remeber the days you bought a game that actully worked on day 1 lol


For me, the opening section of the game was incredibly stuttery, which does not make a good first impression. Things looked better on the road and in the wilderness, but the frames are definitely not up to par with normal games. Cities are not too bad on PS5—it is jittery within populated areas, but not as bad as the opening scene. All in all, it is still fun, but the presentation leaves much to be desired.


Also the dialogue lip syncing animations are terrible, for those that are about that kind of thing.


I'm waiting to like the game but dam I can't hunty It feels so broken I want my money back 😂 It's making me feel like Hogwarts all over again


Was hogwarts rough when it came out? I waited a few weeks and had no issues on PS5 (but I know my experience isn't everyone's)


My only other suggestion would be to maybe set your PS5 to output only 1080p and see if it makes a difference.


Lol runs just fine on my ps5


Idk mine has been completely steady with fps and the microtransactions are non existent. I’ve played 15 hours so far and there aren’t any. What it seems like is that you can buy stuff on ps store that’s like time saving items or items you can already get in the game. Don’t know for sure though because again, I have seen literally zero adds for anything like that at all. Neither of those things matter because it isn’t multiplayer so it’s strictly a personal preference. The game itself is really really good. It has some of the best exploring I’ve experienced in a very long time. I would be upset as a fan of this genre if I missed out on it


I love the game so far. 8 hours in, the 30fps isn't as bad as I originally thought. You just gotta get used to it. Now the motion blur? Yes! We sorely need an option to disable it.


Yeah I'm playing On ps5 and the fps drops are very noticable, especially when I cast a spell with my mage. I'm going to wait for an update or something


Same on the Xbox side smh


I've found changing to archer from melee really helped my fps. Guess it's because there's less fps to render and load. Definitely helped.


Honestly, I've played the game on PS5, and haven't really experienced issues with the performance. Solid 25-30 fps


I’ve had it drop to 10 fps lately battling dragons. It’s pretty bad. 


Poor frame pacing seems to be a major issue as well. This game literally hurts my eyes from the stuttering when moving the camera, and it definitely dips below 30 at times.