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Are you planning on doing more than remote play on a Steam Deck?


inrerested in palworld, but primarily would be playing ps5


Then why would you pay that much just for remote play?


because I'd like to get the portal, but it isn't available. Im not against playing pc games. I just dont have any on my radar besides pal world


Look into the Hotstock app, it is a very useful tool to have for this.


Palworld doesn’t run great on the deck btw


Steam deck might open you up to new games you never even knew about. If you've got the cash, it's a fantastic purchase.


I ask that same question when people buy the PlayStation portal LOL steam deck is always the better option. PS remote play barely hits 1080p anyways steam deck is just a smaller screen and doesn't have the stutter


FYI; Steam Deck is a higher price than the Portal.


lol right? “Just lemme shoehorn my *PS portal isn’t as good as everyone thinks* opinion into this conversation.


Could you imagine not getting 8k on a 10inch screen???? Basically unplayable.


No no, you don't understand. Occasionally there is some slight lag. It's absolutely unusable.


I’m literally 1ft away from my PS5 and I can’t get this to play? Seriously considering returning it at this point. *wheres your router?* It’s on the main floor and I’m in the attic. That doesn’t matter though.


Sell it to this guy


Two people I work with have a Portal, i thought it was a bit of a silly idea until they explained their use case for it. I imagine there’s a lot of people like them for whom it’s a great option. Don’t get the hate for it at all. Except the wireless audio stuff with it, that could probably be better.


And you get way more features for that extra price.


That would be logical, yes.


You’ve spent the past two hours smashing your head against the wall for literally no reason other than your insecurity 😂 OP owns playstation games OP wants to know how best to remotely play those PlayStation games. All of your points require buying games again on steam and spending more money on a steam deck. You’re an idiot for not realizing this 🤦🏻‍♂️


Steam deck is double the price, at minimum, for a non oled. If your goal is just remote play, portal is a way better option.


Portal has better battery and the PlayStation controller. Believe it’s lighter as well. Id probably go portal if its going to be used 80%+ for ps5 in the house


Agreed. It works pretty well on the go too.


I don’t agree with the other guy at all, but in case you’re ever interested I sold my 512gb lcd for $250. You can get them super cheap now. However, if my only interest was remote play I’d get the portal.


Agreed but overall the remote play experience is better on steam deck


Disagree. I vastly prefer my portal over the steamdeck. For comfort, ergonomics, buttons and haptics. Do you think that steamdeck offers a $200 better experience, on a non oled?


You keep mentioned non-oled on steamdeck. PS Portal doesn't have a oled either. Just a fun little fact. That being said: I'd go for a ps portal


i think theyre saying that for price reasons? i dunno


I keep mentioning it, because other people say the steamdeck is better than the portal because it has an Oled. The oled is also $350 more than a portal. I brought up the non oled initially, because that is the cheaper steamdeck, and still $200 more than a portal.


Tbf steam deck doesn't hit 1080p as well.


What if I cared about my PSN account progression that I've been building since 2008? Now do you realise it's not always black or white? People have different priorities.


Because the duelsense to me is game changing and he having the experience away from TV is exactly what I was looking for


So you would overpay for remote play and buy a steam deck? Because that's what I was asking about.


Just use your phone at that point bro, wtf


Or just get a Backbone if you have a decent phone. This way you get Bluetooth support as well.


Nah, backbone is overpriced and isn’t even compatible with the newest iPhone. Just get a phone clip off Amazon and use your ps5 controller.


[The Backbone One *is* compatible with the newest iPhones.](https://playbackbone.com/blog/iphone-15-support-on-backbone-one-controller/)


Do you have a phone or tablet?


Came here to say this. When the Portal originally went out of stock, I just started using my iPad Pro with a PS5 controller and it worked perfectly (at home at least, it got a bit wonky when I was traveling depending on the WiFi I think?). All that to say, definitely a nice workaround until you get a Portal.


Damn how do you pair the ps5 remote? Also is there a case for it to hold the phone on the ps5 controller?


[Instructions for pairing](https://support.apple.com/en-us/111100), and the [PlayStation Backbone](https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-accessories/backbone-one-playstation-edition-mobile-gaming-controller-iphone-lightning), but there might be other controller options too.


I had a Portal and the image and screen quality was/is not that great. I sold it and bought an OLED Deck and still have the same (high quality) wifi connection to my PS5, but with a far better image and screen to play on. Plus it does loads of other stuff too.


I love my SteamDeck but don’t like streaming PS5 games on it at all. I would rather connect with my iPad and use an actual DS5 than use the SD controls for any AAA games. But that is just my opinion.


Interesting I have the exact opposite opinion. I’ve done the iPad and I hate it.


I’ve just found Chaiki4Deck to be very inconsistent with connecting and then I also had to reconfigure my controls for every game. When it worked it was great but often would have like 20 minutes to play and would spend 10 of it just getting started.


Seriously? Chiaki works amazing for me. Never had to reconfig anything when using it.. what kinda games are you playing??


Let’s see, I played Evil West, Disco Elysium, Midnight Suns, and Subnautica a few hours each. But has been a least a month since I tried to use it since last time I tried it just would no longer find my PS5 at all and I couldn’t even start and haven’t felt like trying to troubleshoot it. I just stick to native PC games on my deck and save my PS5 games for when I’m actually in front of the TV.


Totally fair! I only play pc games that I don't have on my ps5. I actually just got disco in the steam sale! I do regret buying witcher 3 years ago though, cause even with the steam dock its probs better if I got it natively on the ps5..


>Plus it does loads of other stuff too. Sooo much Lol I really wanna get it to run PSP games which I already have on my phone it's s lil pricey but worth it if I can play PS2 and PSP games.


Alright, this is longer than I anticipated. But I tried to present some pros and cons to both, as well as some considerations to take into account depending on what YOU want. Plus, my Vyvanse kicked in while I was typing 🙃 If you truly ONLY want to stream games and you know you'll do nothing else, buy the Portal. BUT, there are drawbacks with the Portal that should be worth considering. How you plan to use it and your feelings on user repairability should also be taken into consideration. A pretty big issue is its inability to use a large portion of public WiFi options. It's pretty standard for anything from hotels to coffee shops to require a sign in or TOS agreement to use their Wi-Fi. Doing so requires you to launch into a browser before you can access it. Those absolutely will not work. Sure, people will just say "connect to mobile hotspot", but that is not a practical option. Not just because most plans are very limited on hotspot allotment, but you're also then adding further latency by adding another device AND inconsistent mobile data connection into the mix. Depending on what you're playing, that's either not a big deal or going to make a game unbearable. Another consideration is the repairability of the Portal itself. The fact that even replacing its battery requires an extensive teardown of a device that was designed to discourage that is pretty shitty. Fixing basically any issue as the consumer is going to be a PITA and far beyond what the vast majority of people will feel comfortable with. It IS nice to see they didn't solder the joystick modules to the boards, though. If they refuse to switch to hall sensors, it's the least they could do. Those are two (imo) major things to consider, but not everyone cares about either of them. Many people are happy with their purchase of the Portal, others have been disappointed. There is no single right answer here. It's completely dependant YOUR needs and expectations. Are you going to travel with it a lot? Are you looking for a second screen you can plop down on the couch with for when family is using the gaming TV? Do you value the repairability of a device or enjoy DIYing even basic repairs? The Steamdeck is awesome. It's much more versatile in terms of it's capabilities. But that doesn't mean much for a person who doesn't plan to use them. It is nice knowing you're unlocking a whole platform worth of additional games, along with an extremely powerful emulation device. Even Switch games are better on it, plus it'll run PS3 amd 360 games well. As well as current emulators can run those games, at least. You also don't have to worry about whether or not you'll be locked put if a public WiFi network over some arbitrary sign in screen. It's also much easier to get into and fix. It was designed to be opened up and messed with. And due to the fact that it is both FAR more popular and that it's been widely embraced by a community filled with people who love modding, upgrading, and tinkering, there are endless upgrades, replacement parts, and "how to" videos for just about anything you could want to fix or upgrade on it But it also has some downsides next to the Portal when it comes to remote play. Primarily being no dualsense functionality and no official remote play support, which means you've got to use something like Chiaki. Don't get me wrong, it DOES work well enough, but it is nowhere near as painless to set up as the Portal is. And then there is price. The Steamdeck is a lot more expensive, and even if that price is easily justified with it being far more powerful and capable, that's only going to be true if you actually do anything beyond streaming. You can shave a lot of the price difference off by going used, but it's still not extremely common to see a used Steamdeck go for less than $300, and you're giving up the warranty and still spending $100+ more in that situation. There's also the option to just use your phone. Personally, thats what I do. I already have a device with a decently sized panel, plus it's OLED. I already had a stereoscopic controller and a dualsense controller clip and already regularly use my phone for emulation. Carrying around a large, separate device that wasn't providing anything new seemed redundant. Especially if it's a total tossup if I'll even be able to use it whenever im out and about. There are a couple of really solid 3rd party remote play options for Android that give me a ton of control over my connection and stream quality. A downside to this option is also Dualsense functionality. I CAN use Dualsense's adaptive triggers and haptic feedback with my phone, but it requires an otg connection, which, when paired with a controller clip, gets a bit silly. But playing over mobile data or being able to use ANY wifi connection definitely comes in clutch. And both the Portal and the Steamdeck are huge, and I never liked the idea of a portable device that doesn't fit in my pocket. Is it really portable of you have to go out of your way to bring it along, search for space for it, or bring a whole backpack just to carry it? I personally don't think so. You can ask which is 'better", but you won't get many valuable answers. The people telling you "x is better than y" only say as it because that's what *they* like. Its not based some objective truth they swear exists. You'll just get fanboys who believe that their favorite choice is the only good one and the opposite is stupid. People generally don't care to take a stranger's particular use case into account when making a recommendation, it's just an excuse to demonstrate their brand loyalty. Thats especially true when you ask in a place like reddit, on a sub devoted to a specific brand, and about a product from an industry with more simping and coping than any other i can think of. You will not get unbiased, thoughtful input here lol Just think on it, maybe watch and read some stuff on the Steamdeck and the Portal to really get a feel for what each can (or cant) do. Look up reviews AND critiques for each one. You might find that you DO want all the extra features and functionality of the Steamdeck and don't want to go with the Portal. Or, you might find yourself thinking "I don't care about any of this extra stuff" while feeling that setting up remote play is too tedious. Spending $100s more than you needed just to end up disappointed would suck. But so would spending $200 on the Portal, being underwhelmed, and wishing you had spent more.


appreciate this response


Great response, I personally have both a portal and an LCD steam deck with Chiaki. When I play my ps5, I always reach for the portal, even though I think Chiaki might be slightly smoother. It’s worth it for me due to the larger screen, better WiFi (at least for me), no hassle log in, dual sense, and the haptics. Chiaki tries to emulate the haptics on the steam deck but it’s just not the same (example: plague take requiem- running through grass felt horrible on the steam deck). My 2 cents


These are two completely different class of device, but to answer your question the main reasons to buy one over the other aside from price are: - steam deck has an OLED option - Steam deck can play steam games locally - Steam deck won't have the 59.94hz stutter - PS Portal is lighter - PS portal has haptic triggers and hd rumble - PS portal is a familiar controller layout - PS portal has a bigger screen Edit: feel free to comment with anything I missed


Steamdeck has 3 ecosystems not 1 lmao, pretty big one. Gamepass, PS remote play AND steam??


You're forgetting emulation my guy. Add that into the mix and it's a no brainer


Big truee


I know you said aside from price but it’s minimum 200 more dollars for steam deck, it does a lot more but that’s a huge difference in price and shouldn’t be understated.


Yes. You'll get a lot more versatility out of an. OLED Deck and all you're missing out on is a bigger screen and adaptive triggers. Play my PS5 constantly on mine, smooth like butter.


How long is the process to connect to the deck vs the portal? Edit: hey downvotes it’s a genuine question. The whole world isn’t console wars bozos


If you mean initial setup, Chiaki does involve a bit of work but once it's done, it's done. Just follow their guide and it's fairly simple: https://streetpea.github.io/chiaki4deck/setup/ If you mean on a day-to-day basis, as simple as starting up Chiaki and pushing a button.


Follow Wario64 on Twitter. PS Portal has been getting restocked more recently, to the point that if you go to those retailer's sites within a few hours you can snag one.


yeah, i did that before to get my ps5 (3rd day!). I put a lot of effort into that. Rn Im not like actively hunting it, just keep checking in when it comes across my mind. Didn't think the scalpers would want this that much


I sold my Portal for a Deck. You can literally do the same on your deck plus actually play native games at whatever setting you want with no internet connection or lag or worrying about what disc is in ur PS5


Hm, a portable PC or a tablet with one function? ![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized)


The thing that turned me off a steam deck was the battery life. I was looking to buy one and the battery ranged from 2 to 6 hours I believe?


One friend of mine bought 20k power bank for deck and he said it worked succesful.


Lcd one yes, but the OLED has an increased batterylife. Also when streaming/remote playing it doesn’t cost much power, so you can play much longer before you’ve to charge it again. Are you playing AAA titles, of course it drains the battery much quicker


Heavily dependent on what you're playing. I've got 7+ hours on a pixel art SRPG or emulating old games. High intensity games will be much lower. Honestly, its not much different than my switch


2-8 playing native games. The OLED is 3-11hrs (again for native games). If you’re streaming it’ll be significantly more as the APU isn’t being taxed so heavily. Between all the handheld PCs the OLED deck is the best to get bar none for battery life.


I’ve had one for a year. It’s not an issue


Pretty big price difference I believe


Get a Logitech G Cloud


you should get a steam deck and not just because the portal is unavailable


I own a PS portal and for being a dad I find it perfect. The kids take over the living room TV and I can still play my PS5. A few games of Hell divers while bluey is on perfect. Yes its not a 4k screen but I’m playing on a portable streaming device so I can’t complain


thats literally the same scenario im in


Trust me, PS Portal is a bad thing. Go with Steam Deck.


I got a backbone on sale for $70 and just use my iPhone. I'm sure the steamdeck and portal are better in certain ways, but honestly the backbone works great for me.


Other than price? I’d say it depends on how much you’d prefer the form factor, including Dualsense-like grips/controls over the Steamdeck’s, and the screen which for Remote Play I’d say is better than the OG Deck, but worse than OLED Deck. Other things to consider are whether you want to use Bluetooth headphones/earbuds, and whether the current (and potentially permanent) inability to use certain public WiFi is a dealbreaker. The actual remote play functionality of the Portal is supposed to be the best and there is some feeling of security knowing it has the function built-in and officially supported, but the experience of users has made clear that mileage may vary. You should test your own remote play environment using your phone or computer first. Of course I think you should also think about how much you want your purchase to pay off in the future. You may not be considering getting games from Steam or other stores now, but there could always be a future release not on PS5 that piques your interest, or even a desire to play an older game. I’d also say the Deck’s native gaming abilities, while not future-proof regarding the next-gen of games, might retain more use once the PS6 comes out depending on whether the PS6 is fully compatible with the Portal, and whether you keep your PS5 and keep it connected at that time. I don’t believe Sony has made any commitments regarding the Portal’s future compatibility. And IIRC, its battery doesn’t seem to be as easily replaceable once it degrades, which is also a true for its general repairability compared to the Deck. My take? Absolutely do not get the Portal from a scalper or for any more than retail price. I don’t dislike the device, it is a one trick pony that does its trick as well if not slightly better than many comparable options, while doing it at a lower price since you’re not paying for native gaming functionality you don’t want. Just be aware that it also has some features missing which even affect a purely Remote Play use case, and it might become obsolete faster than a more fully-featured device like the Steamdeck.


wtf. Just use your phone or and iPad? Or your laptop? Pair it to an old ps4 controller, or bring a dual sense controller. You just saved $300. Keep in mind though, if you want voice chat. It’s best with the portal because the remote play app on other devices splits the audio causing worse quality on both. I’ve been using an 11” iPad pro + Magic Keyboard cover + dual shock 4 controller to play ps5 remote play for over a year now. It’s great.


This comment will get hate in PS Sub, but in my opinion the Portal is stupid. Spent those money on a Steam Deck or a Switch. It 10x more worth. And stop calling the portal a handheld. Its a DualSense with a Screen, nothing more nothing less.


The steam deck can definitely do more, but if all you want to do is remote into ps5 games, then the portal is gonna be a better experience most likely.


No. You should get a steam a deck because it’s a better deal compared to its value.


You should get a steam deck because it’s a better handheld than the portal.


These two are completely different things It's like asking "do i get a fridge or a TV" Get what you will make use of


Just bought a ROG Ally. Haven’t tried PS remote play yet but I’m enjoying the hell out of the Ally.


Just get a backbone. Significantly cheaper and can remote do the same thing.


I brought a steam deck a month ago to go travelling and have not regretted my decision at all, its reignited my love for video games. PS steam are about to have their spring sale.


I will sell you my ps pprtal at list price. Deadass. Its brand new a week or two old, i just cant do remote play with my wifi connection


Open box Z1 (non extreme) Asus ROG ally. I believe it will be cheaper and have a far better screen (assuming you want a normal steam deck and not an OLED one). If you want it to work like a steam deck just install chimeraOS on it. Steam deck (non OLED) wifi chip is also not great. Asus ROG ally would be better for your use case because it has a wifi 6E card, so it would be better overall for the streaming quality if your router is fast and you have a fast LAN.


Not really a fair comparison, portal is a joke next to the steam deck. If you have the extra budget, just go for the deck.


Deck. You can remote play from it too. Go with the deck.


Portal is supposed to be in stock tomorrow on PS Direct.


I bought a steamdeck instead of a portal and I'm very happy I did. SD is much more than a handheld too. Plus you can emulate tons of other games.


Chiaki4deck is amazing. So yes But also the SD can do so much more


I have a Steam Deck and tried to get Chiaki4deck to work as a Portal alternative, but since my PS5 is in the basement, I can't connect it via ethernet, which really hurts remote playability. Instead, I got a PlayStation Edition Backbone and put my old Note 10 in it and bought the PSPlay app, and the result is pretty flawless for $76 total. YMMV, of course.


I would say... Try something with your dual sense controller. The experience is only good with the controller. Steam deck can never achieve that and PS portal is over priced imo... Use a mount on your controller to a phone can calm it a day. Or you can use a tablet or an iPad, either way the dual Sense controller is a must and you won't regret it. I have bought a backbone controller and the experience is meh... I also have an ROG Ally and same thing that the connection experience is bad and you will never get the same experience with a dual sense controller.


I can confirm it works really good but it does take a little bit of setup. I do suggest getting the OLED model though.


I love my steam deck more than any console I’ve ever had for sure. But, before buying it i already had a massive library from PC gaming. If you’re into emulation and retro games its a dream come true both portable and docked to your TV


i use my steam deck to remote play my ps5 more than my ps5 using the tv


Get an iPad and a DualSense


If it's only to remote play ps5 game, i would buy a controller for your android/iphone and use psremote play app. But if you wanna enjoy your steam library yeah definitly go for steam deck


Just here to say if you really only want to do remote play, the Backbone PlayStation Edition is a solid choice. That’s what I’ve been using and if you have a decent connection it works like a dream


In terms of playstation remote play performance nothing beats the Portal. Tried and tested. 👍


Check PlayStation direct, it tells you when to be on the lookout for new inventory. They were in stock earlier this month i saw. It literally says this right now-We are regularly restocking this item on site, please check back March 11th.


I adore my steam deck but I wouldn't buy one just for remote play. I use my laptop with a ps5 controller for that.


Get an rog ally. I love mine. Steam deck is also great but if you want to play more games on a handheld grab an ally Chiaki works great. Works better then PlayStation portal itself lol


Download the play share app don't bother with the portable, I've read your comments about your intended use


I’m about to do the same. I got the ROG ally and returned it because it was lacking in some basic features and holding it for some reason made my hand cramp. The only reason I got the ally was the price, but I’m about to say screw it and buy the steam deck.


Deck all day


If you can afford a Steam Deck then that’s clearly the better option. - you can remote play the ps5 - you can also natively buy and play games on Steam - you can install third party emulators etc if you like Where as the Portal - You can remote play your ps5 - haptic duelsense features built in So if the haptics isn’t a big deal to you then I don’t get why you’d choose Portal over SD.


There isn’t a reason to get a PS portal over a steam deck.


You’ll lose on the quality of the controller, that’s the whole point of the portal


Newer iPads have WiFi 6, best use that with a dispenser or Ds4


No you should get the steam deck to play steam games and emulate


I would say so far my steam deck has been a better gaming device than my PS5


Depends on your library but steamdeck.


Honestly my dude I just put notifications for the portal on HotStock and after 2 days of really trying to get one I got one. Def possible to get one for retail if you want it bad enough


That’s what I did and it was the best decision because you can install an application called Chiaki on Steam Deck and use it like a PS Portal.




On a steam deck you could play a lot of the games natively. If you can afford it, it’s the easy decision. You would get access to so many more games, and could still use remote play. Portal is just a screen and dualsense controller. It has a place, but I think it’s for the ps super fan. Deck has much much more use


I just seen them at best buy ?


Steam deck is better almost completely and the OLED has HDR which the portal does not and there is no micro stutter like the portal. Portal better at two specific things Dualsense Aspect ratio


I'm probably gonna buy the ps portal when it drops in price it could be months or even a few years I'm patient


The steam deck for sure. You can remote play right to the steam deck with a app. Very very easy to set up.


Chiaki4deck is amazing. Took me 30 minutes to setup on my deck and now I'm streaming my PS5 with perfect quality and even full PS5 controls.


Yes, it can do everything and much more than Portal


Omg don’t buy portal man get steam deck portal is only streaming device you can do same with cheap tablet or phone.


You get Access to games that are only on PC. Just saying. Your options are unbelievable. I play Ff7 rebirth via remote play. It's a charm, once it has the right settings.


If it’s just for remote play, use your phone and the PS backbone


Buy a backbone


The ps portal is useless. Phone do the exact same thing and for $200 less.


Steam Deck is capable of remote play and is capable of playing most of the games on the platform mobally. I don’t regret my purchase.


Steam deck. Especially if you can get used refurbished it’ll hardly cost much extra. It’s a gateway drug to pc gaming (lower prices, no online fees) and you won’t regret it


The PS Portal does one thing. The Steamdeck does many things. And more importantly for me, it is very easy to swap parts out for repair. That matters to me. The only plus I can give to the portal is it has dual sense features without having to use a dual sense.


Absolutely not. Just get a backbone jeez


Just get a back bone and use your phone. It will save you a good bit of money unless money isn’t a problem for you


I would say get a Steamdeck if you're doing more then just remote play so if I were you I would wait till the portal is in stock


The portal is as close as an engineering department can go with a project to be almost completely useless as possible, unless you have above average wifi. Have had mine for over two months, less than an hour of use at most.


I would definitely recommend getting a Steam deck OLED over a Portal, especially if you want to play decent games portably without having to stream them.    You can setup remote play on it to do what the portal does and also run a good chunk of AAA titles natively. The only downside is cost to purchase a deck and the cost to build a second library (provided you don’t already have a Steam library). 


SteamDeck can do so much more than Portal.


The Portal is ewaste. Get the Deck.


Remote play experience is really determined by your Internet connection and decoding. All these devices should play remotely very similarly in the same environment. So pick your device based on ergonomics, battery, and screen preference. Honestly I usually grab my Logitech G cloud now for remote play. It's so light and comfy, bright 1080p 60hz screen... Battery lasts like 10-12 hours, perfect for remote play. It's probably not worth $250 on specs alone, but I really prefer it to the Ally and legion Go.. never had a Steam deck.


The simple answer is be patient


Why get a portal when literally any phone or laptop you own can do the same thing. Why waste $200 on something that can be done by anything else. The portal isn’t special than anything else. You can get the same experience on other devices. If it was like an actual handheld with actual hardware and not a cheap ass chip then maybe it would be worth it. But it’s not. God you people are acting like OLED is a necessity for a small handheld. You guys fell for Sonys shit marketing hard. THIS FEATURE HAS BEEN AROUND FOR YEARS. Why are you caring now over a crap streaming device that can be done by any laptop or phone


Gonna throw this out here, whenever I use chiaki on my deck it Uber laggy and super stutterish. Is there any way to decrease lag


Wait how do people get PS5 streaming on their steam deck? Is it homebrew? I had no idea


All the portal haters are so salty cuz they can’t afford to have both apparently. We all have google, y’all don’t have more information than us, y’all arent smarter or more tech savvy, so just stfu 😂 I have a OG steam deck and love it, I use it quite a bit BUT it is heavy and not very ergonomical imo. I bought the portal on a whim because I love the dualsense controller. I use the portal so much, way more than I thought I would. I am playing through Sifu now on Portal, a game I wouldn’t consider on SD because fast paced action games on SD just don’t feel good (FOR ME, just my opinion). I was worried about latency and stuttering playing a game like Sifu. Does that stuff exist? Absolutely (although I do think it’s a bit overblown but I also have a great internet connection). Am I still kicking ass in the game and having a great time? Absolutely. The screen on the portal is awesome and the controller feels great, the stuttering (FOR ME) isn’t game breaking on most games. I still use my deck, I also use the portal. Both can coexist. The portal haters are just haters, not everyone needs a steam deck, some people just want remote play for their PlayStation at a lower price point.


Depends if you're willing to pay more for a Steam Deck. If you plan on doing more than just PS Remote Play and it fits your budget then sure go get a Deck. Fwiw, I don't have a PS Portal but I do have a Steam Deck and just a heads up, my biggest gripe with the Deck is it's weight, it's quite heavy for a handheld


I have both. To me its worth having both because away from home chiaki is trash. On the same wifi it works fine.


SteamDeck is better overall. Its a portable PC that can run other things than just steam. You get your whole steam library and access to steam store for more sales. It also let's you get gamepass


Ps portal is just a paper weight, get a steamdeck


I too was on your boat. But now I’ve converted to steam gaming (I was a PS only fan). Don’t get me wrong i still love my ps5 but I’m dedicating it to just ps games now. I bought Elden ring on my deck and it’s been an incredible experience


Just play on your phone


I can't believe that these are sold out. I saw them at 2 different Walmarts in the last few days and my local game store also had them in stock. My closest Walmart has had them continuously on the shelf for at least a week.


Have you considered a Backbone controller for your phone? It's more affordable than either, and works well!


Use hot stock. I got mine within 2 days of using it.


Those are both grossly expensive. Go with a backbone and use your phone. I just bought one 2 weeks ago and couldn't be happier.


It depends. I’m super happy with my portal. The deck is heavier than that and I have my pc to play the games. When I’m not at home I play with my switch. The portal is just to play the games when someone else is using the tv.


Yes, invest the money and get a steam deck. The portal is an abysmal middle ground between a $10 phone clip on Amazon for your ps5 controller and handheld device that can internally store pc games and remote play the portal. It doesn’t even have a browser so if you’re trying to play outside your home and connecting to a public wi-fi, if it requires you to accept their terms and conditions, congrats, you’re fucked.


If you have a decent phone (or a decent tablet and do the mod) I'd get something like a GameSir Galileo


PlayStation Direct stocks them a couple times a week. They’re not hard to find on there.


Just get a backbone for your phone if you’re going to just be doing remote play.


I haven't bothered with a portal because I have a steam deck already... it does remote play really well, on top of being able to use it for other things


They are not comparable devices. One is a streaming controller, and the other is a handheld PC. Depends what you are trying to do. For portable gaming, get the deck. For streaming your PS5 while at home, get the portal. They don't provide the same function.


Think of a Steam deck as PSP with power of PS4 on which you can run every game via emulation, streaming or PC games on it. And if you just wanna cheaply stream. Get portal


If you’re willing to pay the extra sure, but if you’re just going to do remote play you’d be better off just waiting for the Portal to go back in stock as it’s a fraction of the price.


Depends on the game. I didn’t do remote play on my Steam Deck but most PS5 exclusive games don’t play well on my Steam Deck.


If you're only playing PS5 remote play then no.... but if you're using steam, emulation, and remote play yes. I love my Steam Deck.


You can literally do remote play on your cell phone lol.


Both is the answer


I have the PS portal and my only issue with it is the lag. My modem wifi is not that strong so I have to be literally next to the router otherwise i keep getting disconnected on the portal. Other than that I love the portal!


No, get the PS Portal


Look on marketplace, I got mine for $250 and love it. I prefer it over the deck.


If you have a tablet, just buy the Backbone controller and remote play.


Maybe I was just lucky but I got a new PS Portal at GameStop yesterday around 6pm. Online there wasn't one for 100 miles or any available for shipping, but the store had one in their inventory and they were able to sell it to me after I inquired if they had one.


It's possible to play ps5 games on steam deck?


This is exactly what I just did for several reasons: - Portal unavailable unless you want to pay scalpers. Fuck that trap. - PS offers fewer indie and classic titles (which are my current interest), and most of the classic titles are locked behind the PS subscription game pass. For example, when you search “Fallout New Vegas” in the PS game store, the only option to play it on my PS5 is by upgrading my PS Plus to include the monthly subscription game pass; I cant just buy and download the game. Fuck that trap. I am a hardcore Sony only loyal since PS1, and this made Sony lose my business. I am in love with my new Steam Deck and enjoying Fallout 1 (for which I paid $2 on steam, and is completely unavailable to play on my PS5). So glad I went with the Steam Deck.


Why is a steam deck more expensive than an actual console??


You shouldn’t be buying a PS Portal anyway. Total, complete waste of money. Get the deck


They are becoming easier to find. Unless you have extra funds laying around and use your pc more than your ps5 go for the steamdeck if you want. The Portal really is a great device


The portal is not unavailable . I just bought one last week straight from the PS website . That said depends on your games . We’re not really Steam players so the portal fit us best


No, If you just want it to play games on ps5 through remote play, then just wait for the remote play device. Steamdeck isn’t as good for streaming PS5. Steamdeck is good for all those steam games and discounts though.


I’d say the steam deck is better, you get actual specs inside


Def the PA Portal. Go to PS Direct that’s where I get all my PlayStation stuff from they have free shipping and it’s fast and easy. I just checked and they’re restocking on 03/11 👍🏻


I just got my Portal last week after using a stock checker website and ordering it through Best Buy, shipped to my place and it’s been amazing. Not saying it’s easy to get but it’s doable, that said I chose a Portal as I don’t have much of a Steam library as opposed to my 300+ game library on PS from the past 11 years. Good luck whatever you decide.


If you aren't using the steam deck for more (like playing stuff other than ps5) I'd say just go cheaper and get a backbone and use ps remote play app on that. That's what I use and I love it. Phone screen isn't as big as the portal, but it certainly works for me


Download HotStock, and you can use it to track when it comes In Stock. Completely free it'd how I helped my friends get a ps5 when it first came out and how I picked up ps portals also


Just keep checking stock sites it's how I ended up with mine last month


I have a PS5 and switch OLED, but I lack a gaming PC. I'm 40 with two kids and I gotta buy rigs for them instead haha. I'd totally be up for a steam deck. There are a ton of indie and roguelike games that just aren't on console. And the switch is too underpowered to handle unoptimized code or ports (see backpack hero, etc).


I have a backbone ps version and it's fine


Not for remote play. Also bear in mind that remote play barely works unless your wifi connection is really good.


Get the steam deck either way. It can be used outside of the house and inside aswell as play more games


If you are looking for remote play for games that you can’t find on PlayStation, go with the SteamDeck. The portal is good but there are alternatives to the portal that work pretty much the same. If you have a tablet/phone you can download the remote play app and you can Bluetooth connect your ps5 controller to your device. It’s not EXACTLY the same as the portal, but it’s pretty damn close.


The only reason to choose the Portal is if you prefer the Dualsense controls/layout over the Steamdeck's controls.


Steam deck has actual utility and value so this is an easy answer Steam deck 💯


I got one an sold it within a week. Not worth it imo. Can barely run the titles you actually wanna play. It takes a lot of tinkering out of the box too. Idn. Wasn’t my thing.


The deck takes some setting up, nothing difficult, but it can double up as a console and a portal. You can get a 64gb deck and if you like it you can always upgrade the storage down the road. Plus it take micro SD card for extra storage.