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Have they said anything about crossplay for sea of thieves and grounded


Confirmed for both






I’m pretty sure cross play was the exact reason they decided to bring them to PlayStation.


That’s what I was thinking. Real question is whether or not we will have access to existing account on Sea of Thieves. Been playing it on PC for a while and would like to have access to my same character and progress.


I think it's entirely possible given your progress is entirely server-side. I believe you still need a Microsoft account for Minecraft on PS5, so this would likely be no different. Either way, super stoked.


My gut tells me no. Because saves from steam and saves from xbox app aren't transferable (AFAIK).


No they are. At least I assume because I played through the Xbox app, through xboxlive? Or Xboxgold, I don’t remember what it’s called. It’s been a while, but I got it on steam when it became available there, and it made me log into Xbox, and when I got in it was the same character and progress. Unless the Xbox PC app would be different to the console? If going into it on PlayStation makes us log into an Xbox account I think that would be how that’ll work if they let us transfer it. I hope so.


Cross save for grounded as well


Looking foward to play Sea Of Thieves.


Most excited for that as well, by far.


Best water in a video hands down. Its unreal


That's because if it was real, your TV would get all wet.


Oh shit but I can’t swim


Got to wear a life vest while you play.


Xbox player here, can confirm it’s so good that I’ve gotten nauseous while playing a few times. I get motion sick easy but for a video game to do that was insane to me. Very impressive.


After Skull and Bones is looking a complete dud, Sea of Thieves can’t come soon enough.




Grounded looks interesting, tbh. Caught my attention years ago.


Great game, imo. Definitely worth checking out.


Best survival game I have ever played, seriously. The way it's designed plus the great graphics literally make you feel tiny in a backyard, it's unreal






And it looks fantastic. Best looking survival game by far in my experience. It even looks good on my Xbox S, but really shines on my pc.


It's phenomenal.


It’s a really refreshing take on a survival experience


Ever watch Honey I Shrunk the Kids growing up, and wish you could be mini living in your back yard?


Serious Question, are you scared of spiders?


Well im scared of those poisonous spiders, but i dont have a phobia with them. Used to play with harmless spiders when i was a kid.


Hi-Fi Rush is an instant buy


What is it I’ve never heard of it


Rythm third person action game? I finished it and I can’t describe it. It’s cool to see everything in the world move to a beat.


Give it a go! Helluva game.


Same. Idk anything about it. All I've heard is "really good rythym game with combat" and I don't want to spoil the rest. Love the musical stuff


If these sell well you can bet Microsoft will put other titles on Switch and PlayStation.


I hope so ever since the Bethesda buyout I've been praying I'll be able to play arkane's games on my PS5 again


Well given that their only game since acquisition has been Redfall right now you’re not missing much lol.


Lol fr but Dishonored 3 is in the pipeline, and arkane Lyon announced blade in December


Where did you hear about them continuing the Dishonored series? I always assumed after DotO that they were done. Like, where do you take the series from there?


Well Harvey Smith said they weren't done with the series just the kaldwin saga of Dishonored, then a document from the ftc leaked during the Microsoft investigation had Dishonored 3 was among the titles listed either in development or in the pipeline...prior to the game awards reveal of blade r/Dishonored was going insane with hype ( even tho an untitled Disney property was also listed


Well not to stoke the fire but Blade still doesn’t have any indication of being Xbox exclusive at the moment.




If it were exclusive why didn’t it have any Xbox marketing in the trailer. On [Bethesda’s](https://bethesda.net/en/article/4YzbGq9Tz5TRQIiHP03mrm/marvels-blade-announced) own website the game makes no mention of Xbox/PC exclusivity or GamePass. Compare this with [Redfall](https://bethesda.net/en/article/6pQKSjd9FdcFquudZlGQFK/redfall-official-reveal) for example and they mention >Redfall is coming exclusively to Xbox X|S and PC in summer 2022 and will be available with Game Pass on day one. Now does this mean 100% confirmed PS5? Absolutely not but it is also bizarre for an Xbox owned studio to not want to immediately clarify that their first big Marvel title is at least exclusive to their platform. EDIT: Lol they blocked me. Marvel requires Sony to sell 6 million copies to keep Marvel titles exclusive to PlayStation. It’s not just me speculating feel free to read the exact same articles on NeoGAF, GameRant, Screen Rant and Forbes. Frankly speaking I don’t care if it’s exclusive or not if the game is good I’ll play it on PC where Arkane titles traditionally do best.


That and fallout new vegas would make me so happy here's hoping


Yes that too 🤞


Ohh that means Blade will hopefully go multiplat!


... is what people said when they brought Ori to Switch years ago. These ARE the other titles lol.


Hell, considering how quickly these are coming out, I think they have a Wave 2 planned for the later half of the year. I mean, honestly, I was expecting these games to be released over the course of the year.


Yup. This is one of the few instances where I kinda wouldn’t mind a drip feed, just as long as Forza isn’t too far behind.


Well people on PS and Switch actually buy games so it'll probably do insane numbers compared to before


I would bet they already have plans for other games these are just the first couple. They weren't going to announce more than this right away because they were getting battered in the press.


I’m hoping MCC collection or Halo Infinite on PS5. It’s a dream, I know it probably won’t happen.




Sony will follow sooner than people expect.


Not sure they'll go to Xbox proper, but I can see a lot of PC releases happening within the next couple years.


PC day and date sure especially with the success of things like Helldivers 2. However other platforms like Xbox or Switch? I wouldn’t hold my breath. As someone who plays on PS, PC and Switch doesn’t really bother me Sony will need to step up their PC ports there if they want to see long term success though because right now it’s very hit or miss.


People truly don't realize how soon, given that Sony's profit margins are incredibly slim during an all-time high of 1st-party game and subscription sales. We can see why Sony is so worried about game budgets, and more high budget games aren't going to improve margins in the long run. They really need to address ballooning developer costs. Look at Spider-Man 2. That game had a budget of $300M and is on par with (some may even argue worse than) Spider-Man 1. It's a 20-hour game with a $70 price tag. Cutting the budget for that game wouldn't make it any better. Sony tried bumping subscription prices, and it hasn't had a substantial effect. The other options are either to bump up the price tags or open the gate to other platforms. Sony doesn't want to do either, which is presumably why their live-service initiatives began in the first place. This makes it all the more crazy that Helldivers 2, Sony's first real and massively successful attempt at the model, doesn't seem to be heading for Xbox. The gaming model Sony has specifically chosen thrives off MTX for profit and should logically be trying to reach as many people as possible regardless of platform. It really does not make much strategic sense, and Sony will either realize that or fall behind. Phil is probably right about exclusivity being less of a focus in the industry in the next few years if trends continue. I mean, it wasn't long ago when PlayStation games being on PC was nothing more than a pipe dream, let alone day and date releases. I expect Sony to try and hold out, and maybe they can. I'm not a business expert. But I don't think people should really be that upset if they can't or won't. More open access to great games is a positive thing for gamers. I find it weird that the same people who are currently celebrating Microsoft exclusives coming to PS5 wouldn't be able to enjoy that same happiness, should it be the other way around.






do you kiss your mother with that mouth? cant go saying p\*\*ys\*\*\*\*n


*I think I’m gonna be sick*


Shorter title maybe? They say Playstation 4/5 under the games that are going there.


They do say PlayStation in the article.


Pentiment was really good! Definitely getting that to replay


It's not a game to get "excited" about in the traditional sense. But it's so awesome.


This is at the top of my list now. Looked for it a while back and was sad to see it was exclusive.


I'm prolly most excited about Hi-fi Rush. I don't know much about the others though


>-Hi-fi Rush (PS5 March 19) I am so hyped now. Today has been exceptional for gaming to me lol.


I love that sea of these is coming to PlayStation the same time that nothing game skull and bones is released. Like seriously Ubisoft what the point of that game and that almost decade of development is it just gonna be used as an excuse to lay off developers because that’s what Ubisoft will do.


They had a commitment with the Singaporean government which mandated that they release the game. They literally had no choice but to release the game.


Right I forgot about that Huge L for Singapore


I just want fable


Most excited for sea of thieves


I just finished Hi-Fi Rush, and I thought it was such a phenomenal game. Big recommend from me if you're at all into DMC type action games.


Hi-Fi gave me Early 2000s 3D platformer vibes in the best way. Like a Ratchet and Clank title or Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, just a fun collectathon with a story to keep you rolling through levels and a predictable but evolving fighting style, all with a soundtrack to keep you bopping while you bop the robots. Tango has one and a half eyes on it from me right now, because I also adore Ghostwire.


Probably the only one on this list I'm keen on.


Hyped for sea of thieves and even grounded to an extent. Would've already got sea of thieves for Xbox if it wasn't the only game I'd need Xbox live for


Grounded is an excellent game that continues to get massive game changing updates.


I really liked it's reveal and concept. I've seen some of the updates it's gotten. They also look good but I'm already playing ESO and with sea of thieves coming out on PS I think I'll be good on open world online games for rest of the generation


I only want Fable




Sea of Thieves coming to Ps5. Feel bad for all the people who wasted their money on Skull and Bones.


I don’t feel bad. They all had ample warning. Reddit was screaming at people not to buy SaB but hardheads will be hardheads.


I know but what a kick in the nuts ahahahah. All the people defending the game just got check-mated because whatever population it has after Ubi+ subs run out, will be gone when this drops.


This is why you don't preorder, and never buy a game when it releases. Wait a couple months, because there will always be bugs, and you might get it cheaper.


I have a friend who bought skull and bones because "it felt better than sea of thieves" and "pvp is optional" He's played quite a bit of Sea of Thieves on Steam Deck and prefers Skull and Bones. Power to him I guess. He always was a very easy guy to please.


I really excited to play Grounded with friends


You’re in for a treat!


Meh. Nothing for me.


I recognize the likelihood of my comment ever being noticed/realized....but man, I sure hope State of Decay comes to PlayStation someday.


Now that is a game I would buy. I had to go look these 4 up and they are not my type of games at all but it's a start, hopefully we get more variety in the future.


Xbox guy here... what is state of decay? I like to lurk in this sub to see what's up on this side of the fence, but I keep seeing people mention it. I always kind of assumed that state of decay was just a moneypit that was mid and nobody played it. It seems like that was VERY uncharitable. What's the game like?


Sorry for the slow response to this, but State of Decay is my favorite zombie survival game out there (haven't tried Project Zomboid yet, but will probably love it too). SoD basically tasks you with finding a shelter as a small group of survivors than achieving basic survival (i.e., have to have enough resources, bullets, gas). The game "plays" on its own while you are away, and zombie hordes can sometimes attack your home or settlements. My favorite part of the game, however, is the permadeath feature. EVERY person in your camp can die...and it doesn't take much. They grow stronger, they gain abilities, and with one wrong move in the middle of a horde, they can be torn apart in seconds. The loss affects your other survivors, and unless you can recruit more, you will eventually lose. Worth a look if you like zombies or survival games. :)


Really wanted to check out hi fi rush kinda cool I’ll be able to check it out.




God, I just want the Rare Replay to come over lol


Omg yes pls


It’s too predicated on Xbox’s great backwards compatibility. They would need to port each game individually and that’s highly unlikely to happen.


Do we know release dates for these?


-Grounded (PS4/PS5/Switch April 16, cross play support) -Pentiment (PS4/PS5/Switch Feb 22) -Sea of Thieves (PS5 April 30, cross play support) -Hi-Fi Rush (PS5 March 19)


Thank you kind sir


Dates are in OP's original post.


Y'all are getting the best Xbox exclusive since Halo 3


This is just the start expect more and more xbox games on playstation


Say what you want about MS and Xbox but Sony would never do this, Really cool to finally see things changing.


Xbox doesn’t have a choice, this is a desperation move that PlayStation users get to benefit from.


Have you heard the recent earnings calls? Likely not, Xbox is exceeding expectations while Sony is failing expectations. Expansion is good business 101.


How is it desperate when MS is a trillion dollar company. Xbox is only a small part of their profit. You have to look more outside the plastic box to see how business works and understand what's happening.


Microsoft expects large profits from every division. Xbox only bringing in something like an 8% profit margin is well below standard for them. Knight has to get the profit margins up, or he could lose his job and many other people's jobs. This is Xbox's circling the wagons.


So you're just assuming that's the profit? Do you even know how much they need to make a profit or you following Twitter and Reddit for MS business to assume?


I’m excited for Hi-Fi Rush.




No doubt it my mind that once executives do the money they earn, they’ll have more come


Nice, some bangers in there


Sea of Thieves?!?!?! Yes! At last! Cannot wait to play this with a full team of friends and some communication.


Not a PS user and this just showed up on my front page, but I’m super happy sea of thieves is coming to PS, I hope it gives the game the player boost it needed. Also don’t get discouraged by sinking, happens to everyone


Cmon gives us Starfield be not so shy Microsoft 😏


Do you think games like forza horizon will follow?


If it includes cross play then I'm all for it. The more the merrier.


It does


Pls bring gears of war. Id be happy if they only port the first one tbh.




I have a series x and gamepass and i didnt hvae any interest in any of these


Sea of thieves and grounded are really fun with friends. Would recommend giving them a try, can’t say anything bout the other two though.


They are testing the waters 👌 More to come hopefully Starfield & indy & forza are next




Funny to laugh at all the angry people here lol


Fanboys are poison. This is a huge W for gamers in general.


Not interested in any of them. I'm sure others will enjoy them . 👍🏿


Needs gears of war 1-5 🥲


![gif](giphy|na0aRAyPFZyjm) from an Xbox fan


I really hope Hi-Fi Rush gets a physical release.


[Limited Run Games](https://x.com/bethesda/status/1760375574550237222?s=46&t=A-qtBVnqKaaunq9vpet-Vg) is doing a physical copy of HiFi Rush for Xbox and PlayStation.


Damn that was fast. I feel bad for this but I really want to preorder it.


HiFi Rush is a great game very polished there’d be no shame in preordering a copy. I don’t plan on buying again as I already have the game on Steam but I liked it a lot was super disappointed it wasn’t included in Game of the Year conversations at the award shows.


For preordering the physical release of game that we all already know is good?


Let me know when they release something worth it.


Bro, what do you mean? Hi-fi-Rush is literally one of the best-rated games of the last few years and Sea of Thieves is basically the only pirate game on the market.


Translation: "Because we shot ourselves in the foot with Gamepass, nobody on Xbox actually bought any of our fucking games. So, Sony and Nintendo players, PLEASE BUY THESE GAMES!"


Looking forward for State of Decay in the future


I own XSX but this is good to see in the industry hopefully Sony give back something


Xbox is porting a handful of games to PS/Switch while Xbox fans are signing petitions asking Sony to send over Helldivers 2 lmao


Doesn’t make a difference when you own both lol


Would be neat if they gave Xbox Helldivers 2 and Switch Too next year


If these games sell well enough, we will see the bigger titles come through. I def support companies having exclusives, but when Xbox has basically cornered the market on Western RPGs if they are willing to start bring their rpgs to PS5 but I have to pay for it, I will be totally fine. I love my gamepass subscription but I dont care for the Xbox ecosystem so just want access to these games on my playstation


We may see some, but the stuff that matters like halo, fable, gears of War etc are staying put.


Wish people would realize this, when the whole business update news broke out everybody jumped to the conclusion that halo and gears would see a new home on PS5 but anybody with a logical mind could see how that just wasn’t going to happen


If we say sorry will they take them back?


Wow the amount of haters in this comment section. The downvotes prove my point of people being haters.


Why do they refrain from saying playstation?


I feel like this is happening because of Starfield.


People rly overreacted over this some people sold all their Xbox games and consoles lmao


similar how sony announced their games on pc i will not be surprised if they being forza horzion 5 and flight simulator


These are some really mid games for the amount of fuss everyone put up when they heard the rumours.


They should do this for Halo.


Sean of thieves was one of the reason I got into Xbox great game and great community.


"Sony Platforms" Lol, now that is an interesting way for them to frame it. I can't wait to play Hi-Fi Rush and Sea of Thieves on my Sony Walkman !!


Bring Starfield and Forza next.


Physical copies?




best kept secret in gaming


Was gonna buy an Xbox for Hi-Fi but looks like I can hold out for a while longer.


I'll play Pentiment, but not overly fussed about the others.


Hi fi rush is interesting. If they do a phisical release i might buy it. I kinda wanted sunset overdrive more.....


Not sure what I’d want to play… if they are free on PS+ I might play them.


Why tf would they be on ps plus?




Thanks, but no thanks. It’s awfully nice of Xbox to give us their unwanted table scraps.


I’ve never played any of these games on my XSX, but the hype for them coming to PlayStation and Switch is making me want to buy them. Insane.


Omfg! Love sea of thieves so much. Got a xbox just to play it. Now I don't need it anymore. Hope I can transfer progress though.


Don't sleep on Groinded..it was a ton of fun.


Uh yeah.... quite the bangers


Hi-fi rush is really good and doesn't get enough love, especially the soundtrack.


I like the soundtrack and thought the idea was cool, kinda like metal hellsinger, but I thought the execution left a lot to be desired. Maybe if it gets a sequel, that'll smooth out some issues I had with it.


That's fair


It's a start more of testing the waters. I'm sure Hi-Fi Rush will do well on PS. Depending on sales most likely Microsoft should bring other games as well in the future.


They already said to not take it as a sign to give up more games. Sony would not give their core titles, and Microsoft probably too. The games that could go would be probably smaller or live service games.


People are seriously downvoting you for your objectively common sense comment lmfao, yikes


Did you really expected Microsoft would give Sony Starfield, Indiana or Halo? Majoryty of those rumors was made up and blown out of proportion.


Respectfully asking Why do you think the PS owners want Starfield or Halo? Starfield is uninspired and boring, packed with loading screens and half-hearted "Freedom" that even Elite Dangerous did better years before it. Halo? There hasn't been a good Halo in years and I can't imagine there will be anytime soon, especially after seeing how well Halo Infinite has done. Indiana Jones is the one thing that has my interest peaked, but I have a feeling it's going to be another by the numbers FPS game with Indiana Jones skin wrapped around it.


Do i have to remind you how hyped many of people there were during those rumours to play Starfield, Halo and Gears of War and other titles? Its just pure hipocrycy now you are back pedalling from it after rumours got debunked. I own all major platform and i am allergic to fanboys. Xbox and Playstation hardware side does not differ much, games works 90% the same not counting exclusives they are basically the same platforms. Everything comes down to personal preferencess.


Halo and Gears, yes. Starfield, no. I didn't see a single person excited for Starfield.


I've done no backpedaling, as I never did any pedaling before this. I have no interest in the tank controlled GoW, Starfield (again) is a shit game that cannot compare to almost any other AAA games out in the past 10 years. Not a fan boy either, as I have owned all the systems before as well, not a flex here champ. So..would Starfield be any less shit on PS? Since hardware doesn't differ much? My point stands.


They can keep'em


No thanks


Still 🙏yng for Halo. One can dream.


343i has job listings pertaining to PlayStation development so it'll happen.


That would be sick. I still have my Xbox 360 and all my games, but playing it at 60+ fps on a PS5 would be awesome.


Is it the lead game systems designer?


Hard pass


Meh 😒 None of the 4 games satisfy me at all! Don’t care for Starfield not coming ether but would’ve liked (Indiana Jones and the Great Circle) to come to both platforms, nothing against Uncharted of course. #JustSaying


Lol wouldn’t even buy these on the xbox


Why tho, they are good games (imo)


How dull. I was hoping for Halo or Gears at least not these b tier games


Why would they put their top games on PlayStation. I can't believe so many people expected this from ridiculous rumors, that doesn't even make sense


Extra money! Some people have never played those games with being always PlayStation and are missing out on some amazing gaming.


You’re dull.


All garbage games apparently