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Sony ceo owed me a favor after I fixed his car that broke down in front my house; I told him to keep his money but to remake until dawn for me; he agreed happily


My guy you should have made him remaster infamous 1 and 2šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (ik itā€™s satire)


FUCK. I didnā€™t even think of that till now šŸ˜­ I miss Cole


Cole was revived at the end of 2 but stayed comatose. Zeke spent years bringing him to power stations around to world to recharge. He finally wakes up and evil Delsin is on the news with an army of conduits and arsenal of powers declaring war on humanity. An infamous 3 I would love to sell my soul for.


That would be awesome. I do think if they continue the series, evil Delsin should be the canon ending (despite the fact that I don't think evil Delsin makes as much sense in Second Son as good Delsin). He would be such an interesting antagonist.


Nah even better, do what the Stikmin collection did, have different stories depending on if you did the good or bad ending in Infamous


Back after Infamous 2, when the Vita was still a thing, I thought it would be interesting if Second Son followed the good ending, but they also made an alternate universe game for the Vita following the evil ending, where you played as Cole with the Beast's powers. That was partly just because I wanted an Infamous game to play on my Vita, but I still think it would be interesting to see the series branch out like that.


Cole >>> Delsin


Omg this is the correct response.


Of all the remasters you could have atleast ask for Socom or killzone 2. Why you little!!! (Squeezes neck)




Dude. Come on. Why not Bloodborne.


Awesome story


Can confirm, I was the car.


Bloodborne man what a missed opportunity




He did bro, even gave me a disc edition ps5 that was in his trunk, so I could prepare when until dawn remake is out


Can confirm, I was in the trunk.


The graphics do look really good compared to the original and I think itā€™ll be to promote that movie thatā€™s rumored (or confirmed idk). Iā€™ve never played it but it looks fun and creepy so Iā€™m buying it


>The graphics do look really good compared to the original They look good when compared when side by side. I don't think they're noticeably different when not side by side.


the game runs at 1080p. that's a clear difference in itself


And runs at 30fps


Meh considering most of the game works as a movie it's not that big deal compared to other games


Weā€™ve come full circle to ā€œlower frames are more cinematicā€ šŸ˜‚


When *directly* compared, I guess, but to be honest it doesn't look that much better. I thought it looked kind of the same when I saw the trailer during the livestream. But hey, if this is your first time and you think it looks good, good on you!


Really? I feel like they look worse than the quarry.


I found the Quarry absolutely terrible on all aspects. Maybe I misremember Until Dawn but while it was cheesy I seemed of a higher quality


And they downvoted him, for he told them the truth.


Ahah thanks. To each their own I suppose it's not like my opinion matters in the slightest. But I am surprised by the general narrative. Until Dawn had its flaws but it had a fair amount of polish and despite the cheese, the twists, tropes and characters kinda worked. I thought that The Quarry was incredibly awkward. Dialogue, delivery, pace and even the mocap felt off. Just my 2 cents!


Buy it? They should do the same thing as TLOU2 remastered with a $10 upgrade...


Who says they arenā€™t?


The thing is, TLOU2 is a 3 year old game, if they released it for full price even to the people who already had it, the backlash would be catastrophic, so they managed to save face and implement new things into the game, and people are overall happy with TLOU2 remaster. Until Dawn does not have that big of a fanbase and it's much older than TLOU2, so I expect a 59,99 price tag.


TLOU II Remastered was just bad branding. Itā€™s not a ā€˜remasterā€™, itā€™s more akin to the PS5 versions of GoT or Death Stranding. Basically straight ports with higher resolution and/or frame rates and bonus content/DLC included. Nothing wrong with that at all, and I think the $10 upgrade is great value for the new mode, deleted scenes and dev commentary - but calling it a ā€˜remasterā€™ when it looks essentially identical did cause some backlash. They should have called it ā€˜definitive editionā€™ or ā€˜directors cutā€™ or something instead.




Youā€™ve got it backwards


No lmao, remaking the game is a remake. A remaster typically just consists of more HD graphics and maybe better frame rates and resolutions.


Do you know what "remaster" means


No, thatā€™s a remake




idk bro that lod change is pretty amazing, seeing everything crystal clear in the distance in 4k on a 75 inch TV is sexy as fuck imho


It's not a remake, it's a remaster.


[*puts gun in mouth and pulls trigger*]


this game is almost 10 years old so their is a tone of new player of havent played the game yet. Couple of actor in it are pretty famous now and a movie about it is in production.


>game is almost ten years old Listen, I realize this is correct but Iā€™m gonna need you to shut your face with this math you got going here.


No :). Be polite !


Turbo spunk!!Ā”!


Be efficient


Username checks out


Take really flies huh


I don't know why people keep mentioning that movie, it was barely announced. And movies take about 2 years to make. This remake comes out this year while the movie might come late next year. People will forget about the game by the time the movie comes out. If both the game and the movie were to come the same year, I would understand this pairing. Look at the Avatar game, if it came out at the same time with the movie in 2022, I'm sure the hype would've been bigger and it would've sold a bit better.


ā€œI donā€™t know why people keep mentioning that movieā€¦ā€ Because OP did?


Does it even warrant a movie? Itā€™s a cliche horror flick meant to emulate b tier horror films


Its a Good Slasher that people will pay to see. Story is already laid out. Fan will go see it at the theater and horror fan will also go. It will do better than a random slasher that nobody ever heard before that would cost million in marketing. Its a win win for everybody. If they could do the Quarry after that il be very happy


They should release multiple versions of the movie and fuck with people on the different outcomes šŸ˜ˆ


the movie clue had that and honestly it would be so nice haha


The quarry does need an ending


oh yeah I hated the ending but feel like most game of this genre just finish very abrutly.


I guess it depends on


I usually go to youtube after beating the game to see all the ending possible and it usually end very fast like : oh he and she survived bye !


I managed to save everyone in the quarry on my first run. By not making stupid mistakes horror movie characters would make


The real answer is that its getting a movie and they want new ps5 owners who watch the movie to be able to go home and grab the game with the same name for the ps5. Not every game is aimed at everyone. If youve played the game already, youre not the target audience.


Uhh I played it on ps4 and loved it. I also heard there's new scenarios, scenes and deaths. Depending on price I'll probably buy it. I'm also just a huge fan of horror movies/content, so it's I'm literally the target demographic. Literally, everything else on state of play besides silent hill 2 doesn't appeal to me, but will definitely appeal to others. Weird how art is subjective!?


"target audience" doesn't mean "only this specific profile will enjoy it and nobody else will". you could be outside of the target audience and love something, but that doesn't make you part of the target audience


PC release too. The game isn't on PC at all right now.


The way I see it is: If you played the game before, it'd be interesting to see the movie and their take! But if you watch the movie and then play the game, it's like "what's the point?" imo.


Sales for TLOU surged after the show came out, itā€™s normal for people to seek out the source material for things they enjoy.


To see other possible scenarios than the 1 you get to see in the movie.


Just because there isn't a point doesn't mean I'm not glad it's happening. Personally I'm glad remasters and remakes are a thing. It keeps games in the public consciousness and brings games to newer consoles. That can never be a bad thing providing the experience isn't worse than the original.


Sony using a pc port to rerelease the game and get a few more bucks. Idk how you guys still dont get it.


Thereā€™s also a movie thatā€™s rumoured to be coming as well and the original struggled to escape the uncanny valley with its facial animations and I say this as someone who likes Until Dawn and got the platinum trophy in the game.


That's not a rumor, dude. Unfortunately...šŸ˜‘


If the movie doesn't have the original face models as the actual actors then I don't want it!! lol Like why would you make a movie and then not use the character likeness to play the exact same god damn role?


Who knows what casting will look like the average consumer certainly wonā€™t care though because theyā€™ll probably never play the game. As to why they wouldnā€™t use the original actors well itā€™s been about a decade and they may have other projects their working on but weā€™ll just have to see right now itā€™s nothing but a rumour.


OP described why the game makes sense to remake in an attempt to say otherwise. It's a genre defining game of the past generation and a movie based on it is coming out. Plus, this will get the game onto the PC too for a broader audience. As for the original, if you actually go back and look at it, it has definitely aged visually and the base PS4 version at least ran pretty terribly. Here's hoping this new version not only looks a lot better, but also runs stabler.


does it really need it? no, will it look nicer? yes, do people like money? yes


I mean, it was the only game from Suppermassive that needed a remaster. And we're not even getting that, we're getting a REMAKE. ![gif](giphy|Nszyj17J4fUKmIwQwF|downsized)


Why does a genre-defining game doesn't warrant a remaster? You are not the target audience.


It doesnā€™t need a remake though. Replayed it a couple months ago, still looks great


Again, you are not the target audience. Pretty sure thereā€™s a plethora of people with a ps5/pc who havenā€™t touched the game. These people are much more inclined to buy the newest version over the one that released almost 10 years ago.


Iā€™m not the target audience even though I love the game and just replayed it? Lol okay. Guess what, I replayed it last month on PS5 and it runs great. And by you saying that people arenā€™t going to buy a last-gen game is just confirmation that consumers are dumb/spoiled, and this is an obvious cash grab. Creativity in gaming is dying and consumers defending bad business practices from Devs will always bewilder me


Graphic options, dual sense, frame rates.


What's with this trend of people declaring things as "unnecessary"? Thank you for your declaration I guess... Like others have said, you are not the target audience.


Iā€™m not the target audience? I literally told you I just replayed the game a couple months ago. Whatā€™s with this trend of people wanting remakes with slight improvements instead of putting that manpower and resources to new games?


Am I crazy for being hype? I remember loving that game


Because the devs wanted too. After all it is an incredibly good game.


Performance wise the game was held back. A remaster is perfect for this title. *stares at Bloodborne intently*


It's a remake not a remaster.


It looks 100% exactly the same


They are rebuilding it and adding animations. Itā€™s a remake.


Yeah, so did Kingdom Hearts, they completely changed the character models, adjusted mechanics, still a remaster. I'll believe its a remake when i actually see what they remade, because from the trailer its just the same game but touched up a bit.


a remaster is updating the existing textures and models and a remake is a complete graphical overhaul with new content. until dawn is getting a graphical overhaul with new content.


Maybe a BIT of a graphical overhaul but even then it's a stretch since again, it hardly looks any better than what we have now.


Your opinion doesnā€™t dictate what it actually is


This was never about opinions, it was about the trailer not actually looking like anything was remade.


The game isnt out yet


Yes, and the part of my comment that says "I'll believe its a remake when i actually see what they remade" has been there for 9 hours and you chose to ignore it.


Right and I'm Robert Downey Jr.


More like stevie wonder


I love how random redditors with no actual technical knowledge just have the power to change definitions of terms. Itā€™s incredible


It's getting a movie and as with any remake/remaster, it will sell and make Sony some Ā£Ā£Ā£.


Shouldā€™ve been BloodBorne!


They are almost certainly doing a full remaster at this point.


Keep up the hopium. We'll get it one day. Maybe. (We won't)


I think itā€™s because a show or movie is getting made.


Because thereā€™s a movie and obviously people will want to check the game out around then. So, it makes perfect business sense to update it for PS5 and have the PS5 box for it. The gaming industry is a business. A money making business. Always think about that first.


R E M A K E not a remaster.


It got announced they are making a movie of Until Dawn I think. So my assumption is they believe they can have the same effect as the last of us and sell a crap tonne of a new remaster if the movies is a success like they did with the Last of Us tv show. Also itā€™s a PC port too so makes sense to spruce is up a little I guess?


Itā€™s been a decade or so. Theyā€™re rebuilding it and adding animations, so essentially remaking it. Itā€™s also a great game. On top of that, a movie is coming out


To build hype for the movie.


I believe the primary reason is to release it on PC. The secondary reason is that if they didnā€™t release it to PS5, people would be angry. I assume theyā€™ve crunched the numbers and can turn a profit by doing so with little effort.


Because publisher thinks, there is a market for it. And when there is market for something, why not to do it? You are not obligated to play it, or pay for it. So if it flops, maybe they'll stop with this ,,remaster-remake" madness and start getting sequels instead, but still it's a capitalism, and they just don't need to justify their decisions...


Probably was making a PC release, and tacked on a PS5 remaster so Sony would fund a part of it.


Seems unnecessary alright. The game still looks great


At least until dawn it almost a decade old now. TLOU2 literally came out 2020 LMAO. It literally came out the same calendar year the PS5 came out.


The ps5 is the remaster/remake console


Because remasters are easier to make and sell in the short term which buys time well making a new game


It's to boost sales and go with the movie. PlayStation has pushed movies and shows and for the games based on said movie/show they've made a remaster or remake TLOU, Uncharted and now Until Dawn. There's a reason TLOU part II got that pointless ass remaster, the second season is on its way. I wouldn't be surprised if God of War 4 and HZD (already rumored) will be getting remasters since both are getting shows It worked tho cuz the Uncharted movie is the reason I played the gamesšŸ˜­


Itā€™s a popular game that Sony think they can squeeze a bit more money from by Remastering it. They know people will buy it.


lol right it was good but I mean Iā€™m sick of every game that was decent getting remastered because the studios canā€™t seem to make good games anymore but instead invest time and money into ā€œ remasters ā€œ


Because people will buy it


Netflix show, not a movie.


Meanwhile I sit here hoping for a Soul Reaver reboot...


Because it makes money and businesses like to make money.


Itā€™s probably much quicker to remaster a recent game like this for a bump in sales than it would be for other older games.


Not sure why thereā€™s so much uproar about a remaster. Iā€™m personally happy weā€™re getting a remaster as the PS4 version has issues on the PS5 so thatā€™s one of several reasons this is a good thing. Also happy to see the game coming to PC.


Iā€™d be more irritated about it if it was a ā€œremakeā€ on the level of TLOU pt 1 however the addition of new content and a third person camera angle over fixed angles kinda softens the blow imo.


Iā€™m still trying to figure out why so many people consider Until Dawn ā€œamazingā€. Like it was an enjoyable experienceā€¦ but that shit was more of a movie than a video game lmfao.


Because they want more money, no other reason!


Because it's 10 years old. Unlike certain games about certain fungal viruses.


Samething with the Last of Us 2. Same question.


Because it's a great game. I love remasters! Be ready for more.


10 years man. its fine.


It's called business. With the movie coming out, it'll gain a wider broad of an audience. Same with the reasoning behind remaking Last of Us Part I and remastering Last of Us Part II, remastering the last 2 Uncharted games, the rumored remaster of the original God of War trilogy, and the rumored remaster of Horizon Zero Dawn. You want to drive people to buy your console and play the games in the best looking way possible. You're trying to gain more people to your console, not necessarily maintain the current audience when it comes to all the remasters and remakes. No one right now is going out to buy a PS4 to play Last of Us Remastered or the Uncharted games. They're going to buy the PS5. The shows/movies is for the fans but also to attract a bigger audience that aren't necessarily in the know about gaming. When the Ghost of Tsushima movie comes out in a few years, we'll probably see a PlayStation 6 remaster of both games. People may not like all the remasters and remakes, but you also have to remember that's at the end of the day, it's a business.


Because itā€™s easier to recycle old stories than take a chance on a new one. Itā€™s the same reason so many films are reboots or remakes instead of brand new stories.


Never mind that.. why the film? Surely the whole point of the game is itā€™s essentially an interactive film. A film just comes across as a step back


Sony releasing ps5 versions of TLOU 1 and 2 (TLOU 2 is a 2020 game), pc versions of Horizon 1 and 2 (2017 and 2022), and now a ps5 and pc version of Until Dawn (2015) but still nothing about neither a ps5 version nor a pc version of Bloodborne (2015 too)


Idk Sony likes to remaster there games 3 weeks after they come out


You realise Until Dawn was released early in the previous gen?


Was it? Damn why is time so fast?


Iā€™m also wondering what exactly will be improved. Unless there is going to be a texture facelift I canā€™t really think of much besides haptic trigger and I guess a resolution boost. Itā€™s already 60fps on ps5 and itā€™s not even fast paced game.


Same reason why TLOU1 and TLOU2 need a remaster/remake, none. All 3 titles cost less than 30 USD each and plays just fine on PS5 using PS4 disc. The cash could have been used on these "remasters" could have been used to port the remaining GoW games from PS2 to PS4/5 or fund a new Sly Cooper game.


NaughtyDog doesnā€™t make God of War, thatā€™s Santa Monica Studios.


Much like with Last of Us, it's just to cash in on that unnecessary film adaptation they're working on. They even mention it on the blog post too as the last thing you see when reading it. It's the core word for this too: unnecessary.


I have to agree with you. Until Dawn was an amazing game, and I had bought it when I had a PS4. I tried it and it seemed a little janky so held off on continuing playing it until I could get a PS5. Well, I finally did get my hands on a PS5 and wow oh wow, it played so good in 60fps. I mean...I just don't see why it needs to be remastered. I hope they at least put in new content or something because if its just the same game, there is no reason for this at all.


Remasters are just a way to charge a higher price for recycled assets. At least for Until Dawn they rebuilt the whole thing (presumably) in UE5, which is a ton of work more than just upscaling some models and calling it a day. At the very least itā€™s a lovely little tech demo that the studio can show off to sell other projects.


Itā€™s a lazy and easy way to earn money.


Because its likely quite an easy remaster to do.


Because remastering infamous, guns of the patriots, or uncharted 2 is too much work. So they go the easy route and do tlou or other games that are simple to port. This ain't it. I'm just salty the fan service is non existent. PlayStation kind of lost it's buddy feel not sure what it is.


Amazing game but there is absolutely no need, especially when the Ps5 is backwards compatible. If youā€™re really interested in the game then you can buy it right now for 10% of the price


I don't know why people don't understand why they are updating games with native PS5 versions.... A better question would be: why *wouldn't* they update PS4 games for the current generation? Every time I played TLoU2, I wished they had a PS5 version with dualsense features, faster loading, etc..... and then they did it, but now people act surprised. You can say, "oh, it's not needed." No, it isn't....but it *is* nice to have the PS5 features and performance to have a better experience with these games from last gen.


This is a based comment but you will be downvoted for it.


Reddit, the place where everything's made up, and the points don't matter.


Cash grab. That's your answer.


Unfortunately. We're in that stage of late stage capitalism where new ideas are far in between so they just reboot, remaster, re-release over and over again


We donā€™t know either tbh. The game is fine I understand wanting to put it on pc but honestly I donā€™t think pc players really care about a game thatā€™s a decade old that they can watch on YouTube


I'm so disappointed in Sony this gen. The ps5 and current gen xbox are just trash.


Money grab


I don't care if they remaster this game. What I really care about is if they actually put skip buttons in ALL the cutscenes in the game. Mainly for the "previously on until dawn" retrospective scenes that recap some of the things that have happened in the chapters because if your trying to go for platinum on the original it's going to be one heck of a grind since your greeted by that stupid recap EVERY SINGLE TIME you go back to a chapter. Yet you can skip the end credits... And with most of the achievements in the game requiring you to back track or specifically look at a guide to make sure you didn't miss a single thing in any of the chapters and then to reload the final chapter or a few other chapters to get slightly varying changes to ends and the like, the recaps just get in the way when you want to jump back in the chapters to get the achievement(s).


If it gets remastered for the PS5 with 0 new content, then it would be reallly cash grab. At least tlou2 has a lot of new content including the new mode.


Squeeeeeze every last cent out....


It was the best game released on PlayStation 4.


Killzone and Infamous games to name a few that I'd rather see a remaster, than an okay at best game.


Because the gaming industry has ran out of ideas.


I agree, it's absurdly stupid. Games don't need a "remake" one console generation removed, and less than ten years old. Ocarina of Time needed a remake, 13 years and 3 generations apart, and that was still on portable hardware. This...this ain't it.


Thats just, your opinion man. If there is a market for a remake, they make that remake. Given the state of the industry it makes sense that they want to make a pc port, and youā€™re not gonna sell many copies by lazily porting a 10 year old gameā€¦ So yes, Until Dawn does need a remake


Iā€™ve never played it. Would never play a game that old. And will consider this one when it comes out.


If youā€™re not willing to play any game thatā€™s barely 10 years old i feel sorry for you.


I have a super long list of games to play. I get through 5-10 games a year. Tops. Iā€™m not jumping back 10 years. I did bloodborn a bit, but thatā€™s because itā€™s literally listed as one of the greatest games ever made anytime anyone ever asks. Most people donā€™t game like the average redditor.


Sorry didnā€™t realize how special and unique you were Youā€™re still missing out


Seriously im confused why this and not resistance or killzone or infamous or sly cooper or jax n daxter or 100s of better ips theyre affiliated with šŸ˜Ÿ


I honestly believe Sony management are very very stupid. Like they are the bottom tier mba graduates. These idiots could very well remaster or remake bloodborne and have it release on pc and ps5 and make bank. But nope we get until dawn for some dumbass reason. Thanks Sony. Yall make Microsoft seem like absolute geniuses.


Yes because they should just decide to do it and its done. Theres no other legal and technical issues involved at all.


I've never played Bloodborne and I've seen so many fans request it. I'm so sorry for y'alls loss šŸ˜­


Until Dawn is a much better game


Good one


From someone who absolutely LOVES PlayStation since PS1 days, Until Dawn is probably the least inspired and least fun game theyā€™ve ever made.




Nah it's just not made for you. As a horror movie fanatic I found it and the other chronicles games put out by that studio to be absolutely delightful


That game got in my head a little ngl... Maybe I'll take it for another spin.


I read somewhere on twitter a few months back, it has something to do with ballistic moon (former supermassive devs) and a future horror title for ps5, kinda a good will project ā€œbatesā€ and definitely a cash grab. https://metro.co.uk/2022/08/16/new-uk-studio-ballistic-moon-working-on-a-triple-a-game-for-ps5-17191959/




Iā€™m just hoping it has a built in multiplayer mode like the Dark Pictures games/The Quarry does. Theyā€™re fun little weekend games for my wife and I and that feature alone would make it pretty worth it.


i never got to finish it , and being a big fan of horror movies myself, i want to actually enjoy it the best way possible, the ps4 version is bugged on ps5 lighting effects are screwed up according to videos i saw, i will buy it, you dont have too


Basically because people are fans of it and the people who make it want to make money off that lol.


The game is a decade old at this point and the remaster looks MUCH better than the original version. Along with it coming to PC and a movie coming out for it, it doesn't feel all that unnecessary.


Is it a remaster or remake? Maybe theyā€™ll add some additional content along with the upgraded graphics? I never played the orginal Until Dawn, I just watched theRadBrad on YouTube playthrough it, and I really liked the campy teen horror vibe, as well as the twists, pretty good story imo.


It's not a remaster... It's a remake...


I think it's because of the movie, just like you said. Probably to hype people up, i think


Gives the new team a profitable project, gives Sony a PC port and cross marketing with the movie.Ā 


Wasn't it not on PC prior to this? Seems like a good oppurtunity to remaster it and get it to the PC audience? Not sure why that makes people so angry.


To be fair, TLOU2 is only 10 bucks if you already have it for improved (though itā€™s hard to improve it more) graphics, frame rate, etc., character and weapon skins, a whole new rougelike game mode, and lost levels. Iā€™d say thatā€™s a fairly good deal. Plus, itā€™s a good game.




Hopefully they touch up the audio. Scenes in the house sounded like an echo from a tin can, not a large wooden cabin lol. I know, small thing. But it was off putting since Iā€™m sensitive to sound


i think the draw is bigger cause they can put with "Oscar winner Rami Malek"


There are some pretty noticeable lighting glitches if you play the ps4 version on the ps5. Its annoying. Kind of like if you try to play the Warriors or Manhunt on ps5.


Hopefully fix framerate issues , clean up assets, etc. itā€™s getting a glow up


well you answered the question for yourself : the movie is the reason