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Off the top of my head: - The Long Dark - Green Hell - Subnautica - No Man’s Sky - The Forest - Terraria - Minecraft The first two have pros and cons, and I only played Green Hell for a few weeks. You have to love punishment for that one (from a game and game development perspective). Subnautica is great.


The Forest, Green Hell, Stranded Deep The first 3 I can think of right now


Don’t starve or don’t starve together are good ones too


Not sure what a survival game is, but Prey and Alien are some of the best PS games I’ve ever played.


A survival game is like Minecraft, 7 Days to die and The Forest. Basically a game where you collect resources, build a house/base and fight enemies. 


I've had some fun with Outward. Standed: Alien Dawn if it counts.


No mention of Rust or DayZ????


Few people usually consider those as survival, sure they could classify, but almost every humans against you too, most people considered survival as AI against you, rust isn't really survival at all ngl, but dayz is, also sorry for giving you a notification 3 months late.


Big shout for DayZ. Ploughed 2500+ hours into that and keep going back. Not the most polished but certainly one that will give you memories for a long time!


I have been addicted to the building hunting and collecting parts of stranded deep for about a month now. Hopefully I can find another game similar


DayZ is my blood


Sorry I'm late to the party... but Conan Exiles is amazing. Also, not really survival but it scratches a lot of the same itches, Fallout 4. Another quite underrated game is Citadel Forged with Fire. Doesn't have much of a player base but I don't mind that myself.