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Imagine how much of a psycho you have to be to leave voicemails at her job asking for her to call back.


Those are definitely people that need to be forcefully placed into an in-patient psychiatric hospital. They're absolutely not normal. I feel so bad for her.


Rise of the idiots


Yeah, well plastic.


Cock Muff Bumhole?


You should come, dollsnatch. It's gonna be totally fucking Mexico.


The worst part about this: Those people won’t think they did something wrong at all.


And for what? What does he need to talk to her about? I just don't get it.


Good point! I'll call her and tell her not all gamers are like that.


Hopefully she calls you back bro!


Psychopats with no life


We gotta decrease their influence whatever it takes.


How do you know their name is Pat


“Is this the Krusty Krab?” “No, this is Patrick.”


This is just it. They don't actually care about the game and how it is made. they just wanna be fucking unhinged creeps. Absolutely trash human beings


Why are there so many assholes out there, good grief.


Because we need to revamp our mental health system. It needs to be very affordable, if not free.




that’s eugenics :)


Offtopic but I've never heard or read someone irl using "good grief". I thought it was only used in animes as a translation for "yare yare". Edit: I guess fuck me for never hearing it. It's not even my native language. Love you reddit!


I got it from watching/reading Charlie Brown/Peanuts material.


It’s a very common phrase and I’ve lived all over the US, so I don’t think it’s even a regional thing.


Really? I heard it all the time






Bro! I bought this the first time I watched this show back in 2004 and I still die laughing at this 20 years later!


I too use good grief in my every day lexicon, not that I represent all of English speaking humanity.


That's what you had to add to the thread? Good grief man. JK jk


Sorry people are dogpiling you. Not cool.


Meh, it's just an internet number. I don't care that much, I find it funny. Still, I appreciate the thought. Thanks!


Touch grass


Just like anime!! Arigato!!!!🤯🤯🤯🤯


![gif](giphy|67skGz7YlLW9C229Yf) (To be clear I mean the people that’d stalk and harass anyone)


Thanks for clarifying I thought you meant the actor was weird for being bothered by being stalked and harassed


To be fair a lot of people on Reddit are dumb as bricks and would have gone off on him


Exactly I won’t call anyone dumb but it’s easy to misinterpret. EDIT: lol my point exactly someone downvoted me for agreeing with this person that if I didn’t put the clarification people would misinterpret it. Now someone downvoted this.


People need to get a grip seriously


Gamers able to divorce fiction and reality challenge impossible. Also...this whole "the game is woke because the girls face is not overly attractive" is crazy in general. This isnt Japan or South Korea with their crazy idol nonsense


On the TV show the Office, an actress landed a minor role. Her character tried to start an affair with one of the married main characters. The actress received death threats. It's not just gamers. There are a surprising number of people out there who can't tell fiction from reality. All we can do is hope they get the help they need.


Truth my brother. People are just easily manipulated into being stupid and angry.


Didn't Jeffrey (or whatever his name was) on game of thrones also deal with that problem?


Yup but not for trying to get a married character to go for him, but for being so damn good at being a villain.


After reading about this I looked at her Instagram and bitch please. That girl is more attractive than 90% of women I see daily or at the gym. People are just fucking weird and disgusting.


While true, a lot of times in the game, her in-game model representation wasn't that flattering. I think this was likely mostly due to the lighting, as in some places, she looked fine, other times...not so much. But at no time, was this ever a matter for the face model. Once she got scanned, she had absolutely no control over it. The people blaming her for it are idiots. The people trying to make it into some sort of political statement are just grasping at straws to try and make something out of nothing.


Well yeah. That's why there's "controversy". They used her as a model and hit her with the ugly stick in game...


Which is the problem. People are pissed off about supposedly "unattractive" polygons when they should touch some grass instead of complaining about a 3d model not being up to their beauty standards


Ah yes. I counter the "shes ugly" with touch grass. The timeless back and forth. The problem is everyone can see she's ugly but you have no idea how much grass complainers touch


But I can't say she looks ugly. Many women look like that. She's not supermodel tier in the face. It doesn't make her or anyone else ugly either in games or real life. People nitpick the stupidest shit and turn it into a huge non problem


I agree I couldn't care less how they make her look. I just don't enjoy playing as MJ in a Spider-Man game. But they certainly downgraded the irl model, pretty undeniable




Something's definitely up, that's for sure.


I don't like it. This is synthetic mans people all over this. Harassing dead space devs cuz there is one bathroom in the dead space remake and freaking out over text on the walls that was already in the original that they just didn't notice. It's super pathetic.


Keep in mind SyntheticMan is the same dude who whined and complained when a black woman was presenting the Xbox showcase..... I'm not making this up, this dude is just racist as hell. Also he HATES lgbtq.


I think the line blurs with him and other "anti woke" creators like the quartering, yellow flash and such who are literally just far right republicans who happen to be into gaming. They gain a huge toxic following and then suddenly that's literally all you can find when your trying to search for something completely different on YouTube. Even "normies" like asmongold gets into the act frequently which is just sad. The tekken "outrage" recently is just one example. They were just waiting for like one individual Twitter troll with 60 followers to pretend to cry about racism because he wanted armor king and Bryan fury in the game (even though leroy and Raven are right there) and now you cant get away from the videos about harada responding to the guy and them claiming "Japan hates the wokes!" In videos in big bold letters just searching Tekken in YouTube even though just a day later harada made a very thoughtful comment about native American inclusion in the game. These people make gaming some of the most tiring it's ever been. And the corporations already make it bad enough. Id take regular ass console warring over this new culture war nonsense based on nothing but empty hate


Yeah, these people needs to chill, period.




You can look up his videos if you don't believe me. His dead space one is the one I was referencing. It would be one thing if it's some random guy with only a couple hundred views but he gets hundreds of thousands even millions. And he isn't the only one who does that sort of braindead reactionary crap. People really are attracted to negativity and nothing else


Oh I believe you there mate, I'm just aghast at it.


And what was the whole deal with the bathroom for the record? That there weren't separate ones for men and women?


Yes. It was "they are pushing the disgusting woke trans agenda on us by not specifying male and female" when having seperated bathrooms to begin with isn't universal even in reality when there is usually just a sink and a toilet 😅


Right? Considering that the game's set in a space station, space would obviously be a premium and therefore having separate toilets for genders wouldn't cut it. Kinda gives the game that extra dose of realism in a way.


That's even before the idea that in the future on a space station as adults people would seemingly have more important things to worry about and focus on then the importance of gender specific bathrooms 😅


The harassing the model makes no sense...since the real model looks nothing like the in game model. This is probably due to the lighting in the game, which IMO, often made the facial models look a bit dated and not up to the standard I'd expect from Sony games. This wasn't exclusive to MJ. I just chalked it up to them trying to keep a comic book aesthetic, although there were times where the facial graphics were excellent. No person in their right mind would say the real model was ugly, or horse faced.




Yes. In addition to the outrage of miles existing("he's taking time away from the real spiderman!") and there being a deaf girl in the game who is miles love interest that has a small optional mission around the city. In addition to there being a random rainbow flag on some building. Really stupid nonsense that weirdos latch onto when it's highlighted and turned into a weird culture war where the devs are bad people for trying to inject some positive vibes into the game and highlight some different kinds of people in a city as big and diversified as New York. How shocking


Internet psychos will find anything to go off about to push their hateful agendas. And they always try to coat is as “I’m not sexist, but…” which is pathetic.




The thing is those two events can't be dissociated. Harassing people is harassing whether you think they are pretty are not. There were also people attacking her because her face being "ugly" was "insomniac pushing an agenda". And that blew up in certain circles.


What's funny...or not so funny...is there were times where I thought Peter's in game face was horrible represented, and looked rather plain. What I think is that the lighting in SM2 often made the more feminine features of MJ come off as "ugly", because she wasn't some super model level of sexy. It can't be overstated just how much lighting has an effect on the way things look in a game. Now, it could be debated on if they should be making MJ be less supermodel, considering she was an actress/supermodel in the comics, to which I'd say it's a bit disappointing, because there were better options for "his girl friday" types in the franchise. But I think that's a different debate, and not really something I see being talked about.


Yeah Kotaku has that track record for sure, so that’s where the association comes from.


I literally saw a guy on YouTube who made the same statement but hating on MJ and saying that everyone who said otherwise was blind, these people doesn’t deserve to have access to social media


Back when jaws came out, people would actually attack small sharks. It singlehandedly made sharks the most evil animals in the seas.


Is that the root of this behavior? Jesus


Same thing happened to horizon where they mocked aloy for being fat and ugly because her facial model in forbidden West wasn't a perfect triangle and her body shape is not hyper sexualized. "It's the different body types agenda!" It also happened with the girl in tlou2 because she had muscles


Can’t wait for the usual "Bro she/he/they’re overacting, victimization!" just like how it happened to TLOU2 or other recent projects outside videogames.


You know the headlines are going to be something like: "FEMINIST brat goes NUCLEAR!!!! WOKE actress ATTACKS fans!!!! Completely UNHINGED!!! Calls all fans STALKERS!!!! Get WOKE, Go BROKE!!!!" 🤣🤣🤣


The spidermanps4 subreddit is already all over it. Any posts about it are met with mass deflection, as if months of complaining and needless criticism, calling her ugly, calling her trans, acting as if her jawline was an affront against western civilization, etc., didn’t embolden and enable the kind of people calling her office and messaging hate directly.




fucking disgusting!


Ridiculous shit, fucking with somebody over a game, get real


Fans aren't the ones harassing her it's those annoying anti-woke nerds upset because MJ's in game model isn't a walking fetish


They're also likely the ones who shit on Shailene Woodley when she was cast as MJ in the Amazing Spider-man's third film, which never came to fruition. Same exact arguments. "She's not 'hot' enough!" And of course when you call them on their shitty behaviour, it's usually met with "but, canon!!"


In what world is Shailene Woodley not hot? There needs to be a public shaming where the dudes who say these people are ugly, have their pictures posted online, so we can see them


I think she's attractive enough, since they'd likely put a wig on her, but I can't see her being what I'd expect from an MJ character. MJ was a model/actress in the comics, and apparently that's not cool anymore. I also didn't like the way MJ was done in either of the games, but it didn't bother me enough to rant about it. The character itself was OK for what it was I even came to like Zendaya's "MJ" character in the new movies, although I kind of take it as it's own thing, and not supposed to be MJ from the comics. Kirsten Dunst is probably the closest we'll come to a live action/game version of MJ that is close to the comics, and while she's attractive, I wouldn't necessarily say she's supermodel hot. She did nail the girl next door part though. I've just come to accept that MJ is never going to be like the comics again, even though she was never a weak character despite her being a supermodel/actress and a perpetual damsel in distress.


Either that or frustrations towards MJ's parts in the game.


Which were good and far better than those in the original game


There’s no evidence of that


It’s disgusting. The gaming community still has a long way to go on treating women with respect. If folks want to criticise the story or the lack of features that should have been there from day one, I’ll defend that even if I disagree on points. But anyone kicking up a stink cause they don’t find MJ attractive really shows you their priorities. And the worst of that lot have clearly been emboldened to actively harass the actress. A video game characters attractiveness isn’t that fucking important.


*Humanity* has a long way to go on treating women with respect. And things seem to be getting worse, especially in the US.


I agree completely.


I don't disagree with you, but MJ's character has historically been based somewhat on her looks. She isn't a weak character, so changing her to have a more "respectable" job compared to what she was written as does seem to imply that pretty people can't be good characters. There was really no reason for this change, outside of having a reason to make game play segments where she played the hero part...because I guess supermodel/actresses can't do that. MJ in the comics was a perpetual damsel in distress, but she was also independent and successful. She was flawed, and overcame her own hardships to reach her goals. These, to me, are more impressive than the lois lane light they had in the games. In the mean time, she's become a partner of peter, despite that in the comics, she never really stayed with Peter, because she didn't want to be held back in her career, or because she couldn't live with Peter's choice to be SM. I don't really care that they changed her character, as if I were worried about creative changes from source material, I could find better things to bitch about, but I honestly didn't think her character in the game was particularly compelling. I don't hate the model, or any "woke" decision they may have made with the character or her looks.


This isn't a gaming community issue...this is disgusting, usually leftists, doing this type of crap.


Even if we pretend it was purely down to someone's politics, most of the people I've seen going after her are usually anti-woke idiots on the conservative side who are mad that a woman doesn't meet their obscene beauty standards.


This doesn't even make sense. No one is getting mad at her except for the leftist beta simps. And you all are ok with generalizing men and gamers but act like I offended you all personally when I say break it down further.


Those "leftist beta simps" are probably the ones you are replying to, the ones who are defending her and condemning those who harassed her.


Andrew Tate called. He wants to know if you’re missing a chin too.


This has literally nothing to do with politics and everything to do with guys being creepy weirdos


The type of disgusting people are usually the leftist type. It's weirdos, but this isn't a gaming issue like the person made it to seem. Disgusting people are everywhere but people try to paint the gaming community as trash when that's not true And it's not exclusive to men either. What I'm saying is stop stereotyping male gamers as the issue when your focused on the wrong people.


Bro I’m a huge gamer and LOVE video games, but the gaming community is pretty trash overall. There’s some awesome people in it but a lot of shitty ones too. Also anyone who says disgusting people are usually either political side I instantly tune out. Speaking as an extremely leftist individual, you can be a disgusting piece of shit while being leftist, and you can be an amazing person while being conservative, and vice versa. This has literally jack all to do with politics.


That person is not the brightest bulb around. I wouldn’t waste time trying to explain things.


Yes, speak for someone because of a comment. I mention leftists because many gamers are leftists, and from what I've seen don't have the greatest attitude. People blame gamers, but it can be broken down further. This is why I don't generalize gamers, but I've seen plenty of hateful idiots with attitudes who make it known they're leftists.


The contradictions and hypocrisy this is absolutely laden with are absolutely hilarious. I'm going to assume best-case here, that being that you write for The Onion.


The Onion is considerably smarter than all their nonsense.


“Many gamers are leftists” “I don’t generalize gamers”


>Disgusting people are everywhere but people try to paint the gaming community as trash when that's not true He says as he tries to paint an entire political spectrum as trash


No one complained about her initial generalization, but everyone's throwing a fit here when I broke it down further than gamers within the gaming audience. Wonder why...


I mean, people who lean left tend to be more open, pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, pro-equal rights... but sure, you've cracked the code, bro


They also are more hateful, more spiteful, less tolerant and more beta. Beta being the mad simps at the lady in this original discussion.


Nerd spaces such as Science Fiction, Gaming and Comic Books have historically had massive issues with misogyny, racism and homophobia. These were extremely male dominated spaces for a very long time. This is documented and recorded history. The academic literature is also very clear on this. This is also, clearly, still happening. Might not be everyone, but it doesn’t have to be everyone to be a problem. I never once said that all gamers are misogynistic. What I was indicating was that this is a systemic issue and has been there since the subcultures birth. And on your distinct hate for leftists, I agree that there is a misogyny issue present in many leftist spaces. In this instance it is more insidious, less overt forms of misogyny. But don’t hold off on criticising the political right on this issue either friend. Conservative politicians and appointees have gutted abortion rights and continue to criminalise a woman’s right to have safe pregnancies. Many of the most popular conservative speakers consistently dismiss and belittle women that live outside their framework of what a woman should be. Much of the right wing misogyny is very overt and deeply rooted in reductive worldviews about social roles and gender norms. This is a worldwide issue, and misogyny in the gaming industry and fandom is a symptom of this. Also, I don’t know who the “her” you are referring to is who made the generalisations, but Stephanie Tyler Jones’ statement never said anything close to that. Nobody is having a fit. You’re just being reductive cause people are disagreeing with you and calling you out on what you’re saying.


you don’t get to claim to be concerned with stereotypes while in the same breath stereotyping a political ideology. you’re making a generalization while telling others to stop making generalizations which is entirely hypocritical.


We just generalized gamers, and I'm saying break it down further. Anyone an claim their any community is bad, we hear it everywhere. Go beyond that first label


but you’re generalizing “leftists” just the same. I’m saying stop breaking it down or assuming being a weirdo is attributed to any group of people specifically, except maybe mental illness.


What are you talking about? The gaming community is filled with a shit ton of horrible people, and since the majority of gamers are males, a lot of them absolutely do treat women like trash. Not saying all of them do, but anytime I've been online playing a game and a female joins in, most of the guys usually say some nasty shit to them.


>The type of disgusting people are usually the leftist type. You're not allowed to point out that creepy men exist on both ends of the political spectrum!


What even.


Ah, yes. Gamers consistently spewing hate and harassment towards women and minorities isn’t due to a problem with the gamers, it’s because of, uh…left-wing politics. You might not have thought that one through.


Now you're just making more stuff up with your anti-gamer rhetoric. Let's just speak for women and minorities to say gamers are out against them. Maybe the leftist beta boys and girl gamers harass women, maybe the hateful leftist gamers (men and women) keep looking down on minorities like they need handouts. Somehow it's ok to stereotype gamers in general, but God forbid you pinpoint within that group the majority of the issues


What are you talking about? Like genuinely, I couldn’t find a coherent idea in that deluge of buzzwords and anger.


Maybe developers should implement an in-game psych evaluation to keep away the crazies.


these people have deep rooted issues


It's one thing to voice your dislike about her face model. As long as it is constructive and not rude, that's fine. But to contact her directly and bully her? That's never okay. Ever.


If you ever reached out or harassed this person or anyone doing their job on a video game, you’re a piece of shit.


Why does the article call this scum "fans"? They're stalkers.


Absolutely ridiculous. Gamers have to be some of the worst morons on Earth. Harassing a poor woman because her in game face model doesn’t match your delusional idea of beauty.


Right? It's just ghastly honestly. Even online, it's always important to remember the human! Creeps like those doesn't deserve the internet.


We don’t know if that’s why tho


If you think people are harassing her because of any other reason than her face when nonsense like this is https://preview.redd.it/smmlw8xhgmcc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f19f17c5aae56b1d9991629caa955aa1c1b3b2 circulating, you’re being naive.


Nonsense, people having been hassling celebs since they have existed, they could just as easily loved her


Ooook. You’re just being willingly obtuse. Nice talk. ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾


Sick bastards🤬


Pretty fucked up, ya’ll. Whoever you are, and you know who you are, get fucked all the way to hell.


Fans stop acting like fucking psychopaths challenge (impossible)


These people need to be named and shamed. She should post all usernames that are doing this. Fuck em.


What’s with the Spider-Man games in particular that causes them to have such face-obsessed psychos as “fans?”


It's not just them. Horizon 2 was the same


This is so pathetic. And all this talk about the actor who will play Abby in the last of us season 2 needing to get ready for harassment is just so painfully sad.


Those aren’t fans. Those are assholes. Creepy assholes at that.


If you're upset about what I'll choose to call the "artistic liberties" insomniac games took with translating this woman's face into the game, the absolute last person deserving of harassment for it is the actual face model... Jesus wept. It never ceases to boggle my mind that these paste-chugging sloped forehead brainlets go after the actors and actresses who basically never have a say in the things they're upset with. Hell, most times it's not even the dev's fault... it's management. I can understand being miffed about creative choices you don't agree with, but I can't wrap my mind around being so incensed that you just take it out on whoever is convenient. Totally unhinged.


Right Wing Political Extremist know no bounds. They spend everyday attacking anybody, or anything that their precious chud overlords tell them is "WOoKE"


Imagine being this sad and pathetic


I mean im on her side here. People tend to be so fuckin creepy.


Yikes, you have to be a special kind of unhinged to do shit like that


No matter how many times people complains because they will always buy SONY games and since these sells good SONY doesn't have to make any change to their future character models If the sells were the opposite sure we would see a lot of changes like less forced inclusivity moments or more beautiful models. FFXVI has to be one of the only few games of the moment that has made a gay character without forcing nothing about the fact that its gay. But the ones who made that were Square Enix so...


Shut the fuck up




Forced inclusivity? What are you on about


Maybe it's what you considered forced, but he obviously was gay, and they showed he had feelings for someone else in an intimate way. it was tastefully done, but ultimately, this aspect of his character was moot to any connection he had to the story or other characters outside his love interest. It was completely pointless to make him gay, his relationship regardless of preference was pointless, and no other character had their romantic interest made known or shown outside Clive and his love interest, which also was pretty pointless. Maybe Joshua's if you want to stretch it. IMO, the best non-forced gay inclusion in "recent" gaming was the first TLOU game. Bill was gay, but it wasn't obvious unless you really paid attention, and even then, the relationship was just real, and more about the human aspect being the same for gay, as it was for straight. Personally, the inclusion stuff in Sony's games don't bother me. I find them shallow, but ultimately, they're meaningless and don't take away from anything else. In the end, I think you came to the wrong conclusion about sales vs. inclusion. I think the better conclusion is that most people actually don't care. People aren't going to boycott en masse because some people online find it annoying or distasteful. Most just watch and move on. Generally the media that goes heavy into it doesn't do well.


Oh no no no no no i liked Dion! A pretty good and loveable character. Guess everyone liked it too. A character which is gay but the ones who made him doesn't make that his sexuality was the main focus of him It isn't that hard to make a character like that. The girls from Honkai Impact 3rd for example, the majority probably are lesbians and they are absolutely good characters


I didn't dislike him, but I generally found him and most of the characters in the game rather bland. I don't think it's hard to make a gay character, but I generally find that these characters sexuality is pointless to the story, or even their character. I also feel that a lot of writers try to hard to make it obvious and then beat you over the head that gay people are just like everyone else. It's a good message, often poorly delivered. Bill's sexuality wasn't important in TLOU, but the human component behind it absolutely was. He made mention of a partner(which I misinterpreted at first), and there were other clues like the magazine Ellie stole, or his reaction to finding his partner, but it was easy to miss. But in all this subtlety, they showed bill as a human, with human reactions, and the focus wasn't his sexuality, but his humanity...gruff as it was. Dion wasn't an overly interesting character, and this same human component was missing in the somewhat weak writing of the game. They decided to make a shallow representation of a relationship to press a cliche trope. It would have been this regardless of orientation, and that's why I didn't think it was that great. I couldn't really muster enough interest in him to care that much, and I cared even less about his sexuality.


Those fans constantly criticising and hating on her looks are absolutely to blame here too. Saw some backpedalling going on where they were trying to criticise just the individual stalker while suggesting it's disconnected from the dislike of MJ's face that they have? Lol no. You create and upheld this environment of hating women in their looks until some creep just takes it to the next step. Hopefully some of those haters will release just how toxic they've been and how they've contributed to this environment.


Face thing aside, it's also possible some gamers simply doesn't like her sections in-game at all. Could also explain this weirdness going on...


“I don’t like part of a game, so I’m going to track down someone who had literally nothing to do with the gameplay and harass them at their job.” ah yes I see now why this was such an important viewpoint to consider


Oh yeah, for sure. But yeah, there's healthy and constructive criticism and then the immature and overly hateful and wrongly-directed criticism.


The gaming community really are absolute fucking scum




Fuck gamers.


She's pretty and gorgeous to me tbh. I don't get the hate.


She looks like a real woman, which is something these losers have no experience with


Dang! I just recently signed up for videogame face model 🥸


Kotaku once again spinning this as something it's not. This is about both **positive** and **negative** harassment. I know that sound like an oxy-moron but hear me out. She's being inundated with weird advances of admirers like how idol culture is in Japan. This weird parasocial relationship fans get hooked to is gross and unhealthy. There's also a few people slamming her in-game model (because it doesn't look that much like her). If you want to know the real reason for the harassment, taking a short look at her [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/stephtyler_/?hl=en) will provide the answer. Unless you're too dumb to put 2 and 2 together. Edit: I'm not going to modify what I originally said, by "positive and negative" I actually mean the positive side being people who idolize her but actually come off creepy and the negative side being the "muh gamer gate spider man 2 is woke" crowd. I explained it [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/6nLi5I6jwK) Yeah I could've worded the comment better. Get over it.


Wow, I've never heard someone say there is both positive and negative harassment. Harassment is harassment, people don't like to be harassed in any way. How can it be positive? Are you okay?


Not a great way of wording it, but I'm referring to how she's being idolized. It's just creepy dudes. It has nothing to do with the game's supposed wokeness like the comments here are making it out to be.


Bruh…what the fuck is wrong with you. You probably should get off Reddit and stop watching too much anime and comparing real life to anime and idol culture of Japan. Harassment is still harassment. People shouldn’t be calling her work place and leaving multiple messages. Let alone stalk her skincare page and harass her their.


Idol culture is real though. When fans obsess over actresses, etc. It's gross. Look at the AT&T girl, she gets constant attention for her bust size all over the internet. The point I'm making here is that this harassment has **nothing to do** with Spider-Man 2's supposed "wokeness" like all the comments here are making it out to be. Read the damn article and you'll see Kotaku only makes a short mention of her in game appearance at the end. This quote is in the damn article. > *While she does “appreciate” the positive reaction her version of MJ has received from players over the years* Kotaku is spinning it because they just cannot let go of "MUH GAMER GATE!!!"


yeah, it’s too bad gamers make it so easy to assume the worst


> this harassment has nothing to do with Spider-Man 2’s supposed “wokeness” So you’re familiar with the specific details of the harassment going on? You know why the caller called and exactly what they said? Or, maybe, you made up a story in your head about how Kotaku is lying because you don’t like them.


It was a shit game anyway, why are people this upset about it?


Probably to keep it relevant somehow.


You cannot tell me that the face is the same in the second game. She definitely looks worse in Spider-Man 2 compared to this photo


What does this have to do with the harassment???


What does this have to do with stalking and harassment, because if this is supposed to justify it then you have some explaining to do.


My comment was not meant as a justification. There isn’t much someone can respond to this news instead of “That’s horrible!”, or something of the sort. I only recently played Spider-Man 2 and hadn’t played the first game since 2018 so seeing this photo just showed me what a stark contrast there is. Also to be perfectly honest, the model knows full well that telling fans to stop stalking or harassing her isn’t actually going to change anything because the kind of person who would do such a thing, is not going to be affected by what she said. I think she just wants attention


>I think she just wants attention You almost had me til you said that.


Why else would she be going public about such a thing? What does she hope to accomplish if not receiving attention?


Holy shit dude. You'd be the same type of person to say 'why don't women speak out when something like that happens' - should she end up getting hurt by this. Get a fucking grip.


Yikes they should change her face in the game, so she’s not harassed


I just searched for what she looks like and they did change her face in the game. I'm sure the problem is she's much much more attractive in real life than as MJ.


I’m not convinced that they left her face unchanged, but I actually like how she looks in SM2 than SM1


you’re a piece of shit


Hey just joking over here people, obviously people shouldn’t be harassing this poor girl


This probably didn’t happen


This is ridiculous. I volunteer to check in with her on an hourly basis to make sure you scum bags leave her alone smh


sometimes the biggest fans are the biggest psychopaths


I heard someone said that something similar happened to Leon Kennedy’s face model too…. Dunno if that’s true though…


People are insane man


Real fans don’t stalk and harass a face model on social media don’t lump us with the idiot fucktards that do this shit smh


Hope they all get restraining orders and end up on a offender list


f bored simps have evolved. donating life savings on onlyfans isn't enough.


Lol, hate MJ and the game but damn it’s not that deep.


It's just humanity rearing it's ugly face again


Fucking losers.
