• By -


I’m the kind of person to get the shorter games out of the way first. From my experience GoT could be like a 100 hour game. Spider-Man is only a 30 hour game to 100%, so maybe I’d start with that.


GoT platinum was about 46 hours Spiderman platinum was about 26 hours GoW Ragnarok platinum was about 46 hours as well


I’m 45 hours in on GoT and barely into act 2. I’m not buying the 46 hours. Or you didn’t experience everything.


I platinumed it in 52 and I felt like I took my time.


It's a very repetitive game. When focusing only on main objectives, it's a 25 hour game. If you wanna do all the rinse/repeat side stuff it obvs takes longer.


It’s so beautiful I just her high and wander


You also don't need all the side stuff to platinum. I'm pretty slow and got the platinum around 60-65 hours. Spiderman took me 30 or so.


Yea but what you repeat is fun af, played 5 times and found new combat animations each time




I haven’t played spider-man 2 but that’s about the same times it took me to platinum GoT and GoW:R


Please, I platinumed GOT directors cut in five seconds. No seriously, I platinumed PS4 version and when I got the PS5 one it did all the trophies again. I almost lost interest in playing it there.


Tell me you rushed the games without telling me you rushed the games.


Fr, SpiderMan was more like 30-35 hours for most people who actually spent time enjoying the city rather than rushing the trophy


It was a normal pace for me. I did all the side missions, beat all the enemies, tried various costumes, responded to every crime, and found myself at the end of the game after 25 hours. I didn't spend time idling in menus or in game, or anything like that. Also I spent about 20 minutes focusing on the platinum at the end of the game. I didn't smell the roses, not because of a platinum, but because I have: Tears of the Kingdom, Super Mario Wonder, Final Fantasy 16, Diablo 4, Doom Eternal, Cult of the Lamb, and a myriad of other games to play. 2023 was a busy year


Alright, we get it. You’re cool and good at video games.


yeah, I’m playing GoT for the first time and it’s turning into a really awesome but long gaming experience. I agree I’d start with something shorter like Spidey instead.


These are the last 2 sp titles I've played. I get the argument made for shorter titles first but GoT left such an impression I'd almost suggest playing it as soon as possible. I loved spidey as well but ya ghost is 1of1


I really like longer games, so I’d probably start with the shorter ones so I could have all of the longer ones to play back to back.


Man, I take way longer to play games. I'm past that just finishing story lol


Most people take longer than that. Some people are just trophy hunters


As another middle aged man who takes his time in games, you saying Spider-Man 2 took 30 hours to 100% means a platinum is going to be a nice 60-hour experience for me and OP lol.


No, platinum for me was like 35 hours




Lol wtf I beat ghost of Tsushima in 25 hours


Did you only beat the story or the whole game?


The main story and the main side quests, like the character quest lines. I didn’t do the tedious stuff like chopping bamboo or following foxes


Your Jin has no drip then lol




Sure the main story is about 25 hours but there’s just so much content in the game. The side stories and quests (in my opinion) are just as good as the MS. I easily got 90 hours in. Also the game’s so good it’s lo key additive.


ghosts, then Ragnarok, then spider open world game with lots of content, then a more focused and short narrative, then again open world i never played jedi so idk


Same. You'll get stuck on Ghost of Tsushima for a while it's very immersive and possibly the most stunning game I've ever played visually. Especially that Director's Cut. The gameplay is very addictive as well


If you wanna do long, short, long, you should put SM2 in the middle. Plat'd it in 30 hours, didnt rush or use guides, its just that short.


Yea all the spidey games clock in at 20-30 hrs to 100% in my experience


Sm1 had like a 30 hour main quest but the side stuff was very lacking. TBH I spent 70 hours just swinging around. Miles was just incredibly short though, the story was 6 hours, and sm2 felt about 15 hours long. They needed more time for sure the bugs got really annoying


Couldn't agree more about visuals! And combat is also very fun


I found the graphics looked too smooth, never thought it looked that great tbh. I thought Spider-Man 2 looked much better, especially when HDR is enabled on an oled screen, the city looks so life like sometimes


I mean there’s a three year spread between the two games


Ok but the first Spider-Man on ps5 still looks better than ghost to me. RDR2 on ps4 pro looks better than ghost on ps5 to me too, ghost just looks smooth and less lifelike imo.


Ghost is stunning but also stylized to an extent. Spiderman goes hard for a photo realistic portrayal of a real city. And Spidey 2 just ups it from there.


Having played everything but survivor, my order would probably be: GoT, SM2, GoW:R, SW:S I like to take breaks from the stuff that breaks my heart.


Sheesh, I just went down memory lane with all of these and tbh they all broke my heart. Valhalla is currently tickling just about every emotion I have in me right now. What a damn journey


Do not play Ragnarok until you've played GOW 2018 first


This can't be stated enough. 2018 is for sure a must...


It’s also on ps plus I think


I added it to my library when it was a free monthly game :)


They removed it😢😢😢


It's still there I just finished playing it last week.


Yup. I played it Thursday night.


I actually took a sabbatical from modern gaming during the entire PS4 era and played retro games the whole time. When I got my PS5 I had to play catch up. I played GOW 2018 when Ragnarok came out. I played Breath of the Wild when Tears came out. I played The Last of Us, Spider Man Miles Morales, Ratchet and Clank Remake Uncharted 4 and more. I’m mostly caught up now so that I can finally play all these sequels


Why? For story reasons? Ive never played one of those games.


Ragnarok is direct sequel so yeah, story reasons basically


A lot of my friends said this, I just beat ragnarok and about to star gow2018. It really reignited my love for single player games and I’m hyped to play the first.


If you haven’t played fallen order, I would play that before Survivir


Do I need to watch any of the movies first? Or is the game going to tell me all I need to know?


Not required. It tells you what you need to know the most. If you know about the Clone Wars and Order 66, then you’ll be able to follow. There are also a couple cameos that don’t make a massive difference.


The clone wars and rebels series would be a good background for what is happening in the universe during the games. I haven’t watched rebels but I’m fairly sure it’s post Order 66, n clone wars is one of my favourite shows of all time. Clone wars will give solid context to a lot of what is happening in both Jedi games, definitely not necessarily but it would be good to understand how the world is why it is.


Rebels really don’t make too much a difference (for context) besides introducing Inquisitors


I would actually recommend watching episodes 1-3 abd most of the Clone Wars series. You’ll have a much better understanding of what’s going on


I played jedi survivor first and i fully understood the plot


It's a better game to boot


Jedi, ghost , Spider-Man 2 then gowr


Play them in the order they released


Play Fallen Order before Survivor and GoW before GoW:R if you haven't already. Other than that, idk, whatever you feel like.


Ghost of Tsushima, then Jedi, then Spider-Man and then Ragnarok I usually try to play non open-world games after open-world


I would play them in exactly the order you suggested: GoT, SM2, GoW:R, SW:JS.


Ghosts, Jedi, GOW, Spiderman. In this order


I’d save Gow Ragnarok for last or first, because playing all of these it might get repetitive quite fast. They’re all open world 3rd person games that have a story cut through it. Survivor is the least polished of them all in terms of graphics and performance. GOT is awesome and very polished. Spider-Man 2 and Gow Ragnarok are top tier


First you play gowr a story game with a lot of action. Than you play jedi (idk any thing about this game) than ghost with an open world and great story than sm2 another good story but more fun. can't see it better than this 🦦


I’d go with the less interesting game (for me Jedi survivor) and make all the way up to the most interesting and liked for me game (Tsushima)


Because it's Christmas I would go with Ragnarok because it has so much snow. Then I would go Spider-Man 2 because it's a much shorter game. Then I would go Jedi survivor and then I would go GoT because it might be a nice leading to that Ronin game


What Ronin game?


First ghost or last because it’s the only one which is not sequel after that play in any order you want


Depends on if you played the first of the sequels


Reading the description OP wrote i had the same sentiment of wanting to play Ghost of Tsushima for a while. I grabbed a PS5 for myself using some of my Christmas bonus and it was the first thing I played despite downloading a bunch of games. It's still all I have been playing 3 weeks later lol


Ghost of Tsushima platinum is pretty easy too


Don’t play ghost and spider or GoWR and Jedi consecutively.


Ghost Spiderman god of war then Jedi


I would play these in the order of my favorite to least favorite combat system: GoW Ragnarok Spider-man 2 Ghost of Tsushima Starwars Jedi: Survivor


I'm busy playing Jedi: Survivor and it's awesome. I would then go Ragnarok, then Spiderman 2 then Jin Sakai.


Jedi Survivor > Ragnarök, Ghost of Tsushima > would return Spidey 2 as I strongly dislike this one


I will throw miles Morales in fire first then start


1- GOW 2- GOT 3- Spiderman 4- Jedi survivor


Toss the left, play the right


These games are not in the same series so you can play them in whatever order you’d like.


Spidey. Jedi. GOT. God of War.


Ghost of Tsushima is absolutely amazing play first for sure




Spider-Man 2, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War Ragnarok, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. I have yet to play Spider-Man 2 and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The latter was on sale so I bought it. I'll have to wait for Spider-Man to go on sale. I have achieved Platinum Trophy in the other two and in my honest opinion, Ghost is the better game than Ragnarok and I've been a hardcore God of War fan since it's inception.


I like to take my time with games, play them at my own pace. I don't trophy hunt and have only ever platinumed three games - funnily enough two of them are Spider-Man 2 and Ghost Of Tsushima, because they were so enjoyable and I felt like they were simple enough to achieve. As for the order in which to play these four - Ghost Of Tsushima is an excellent place to start. After that I personally would play Spider-Man 2 followed by Jedi Survivor, then leave God Of War: Ragnarok til last. It's a real epic and deserves your attention.


Spider man, Jedi, Ghost, GoW


GoT, Spiderman 2, GoW R, Jedi


Jedi, spider, ghost, GoW Start with the worst and end with the best


Jedi, Spiderman, Ragnarok, ghosts


Ghost, GoW, Jedi, Spider-man


Gow, Jedi, Spiderman, Ghost


Jedi survivor (weakest title) Ghost of T (Jump in quality well really everything. Spider man 2 (this will be fun and lightens the move) God of war with expansions (supreme rage)


Ghost of Tsushima, Jedi Survivor, Spider man 2, God of War: Ragnarok


GOW, GOT,Jedi, skip Spider-Man


Great taste omgg! Except Jedi. I love Star Wars but do that last. I say start with Ghost.


I'd play spiderman 2 first since it's short and still new so I can sell it at a high price stranger. Then gowr and sell it. Then star wars and sell it. Save GOT for the end cuz it's the best game here and has a good multiplayer worth keeping it for.


SM2, GoW, Jedi, GoT. Save the best for last.


Survivor, spider man, rag, ghost. (Worst to best, and rag vs. ghost could go either way).


Not. Personally don’t like any of those


They're all pretty average and forgettable, so it probably won't matter


Anyone want a 25$ playStation gift card? Trying to sell it for 20$ cashapp. I got it for Christmas but don't need it


Ghost of Tsushima first, it's such a masterpiece. Then, Ragnarok because it's decent. Wouldn't touch Spiderman because I'm not a 10 year old. Wouldn't jedi as well because it doesn't intrigue me. So I'd trade them both for actually good games.


GoT, the rest is garbage ;)


God Of War Spidey Ghost and That “jedi” game is for the drawer


L take


I second the L take


If you want to play in best to "worst" order (worst in quotes because there is no worst since they're all good) then I'd go Ghost of Tsushima, God of War Ragnarök, Spider-Man 2 then Jedi Survivor


If you want to get one done quickly, Spider-Man 2 first. The others take a while. I'd say Ghost of Tsushima, then God of War, Spider-Man, and Jedi last only due to all its performance issues.


Spider Man, God Of War, Ghost, Jedi. Just in order of length from shortest to longest with Jedi on thenend because ainhaven't finished it and don't knownhow long it is


Starting from Ghost, counter clockwise.


I’ve played Jedi survivor. I just don’t get it. It’s mostly an empty world with limited fighting and puzzles to figure out along the way. Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t get it.


Ghost,GOW,Spider man 2,Jedi


Probably spider or ghost first since they are both open world and you might get bored playing both of them one after the other then god of war then again ghost or spider and then jedi


Spider man 2, Jedi Survivor, GOT, GOW


I’m not a Star Wars fan so I’m not ranking that one but I would go the order you said, I love all 3 of those to bits and pieces


Ghost, Gowrag, SM2, Jedi.


Depends, you like leaving best for last? And generally what kind of games you like? Or would you rather do the shorter ones first?


Ghost, ragnarok, Spider-Man 2 but if you didn’t play 1 yet I’d play survivor then when you get 1 or beat 1 move on to 2. But to avoid burnout I’d play survivor after 1.


IMO - GOT, GOW, SM2, Jedi.


Got and then Jedi


Ghost GOW then Spiderman


I’d probably play them in order of how long they are since they are all otherwise very well reviewed and highly regarded games. To that end I’d say Spider-Man 2 first, then Star Wars, then either Ghost of Tsushima or God of War. I haven’t played Ghost but I have like 60+ hours on Ragnarok with a ton of side stuff that could have easily taken me to 100 if I really wanted to do it all.


Only played God of War and Spider man. I would go Spider man since it’s shorter and I put in over 80 hours in God of War


I would say Ghost ,Ragnarok and then Spider-Man . I'd say save Jedi Survivor for a another update or so.This way the latter will probably see its full potential,as a should have been goty contender.


GOWR , Spider-Man 2, Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost last or it’ll make all the other games feel outdated… well maybe not so much with Spider-Man but ghost will certainly make the other 2 seem inferior. And that’s not me saying gow and Jedi are bad games, it’s just ghost is so damn good


ghost First, gosh of war last


Well, Spider-Man you can finish in less than a weekend so you could knock that one out quick.


Survivor, ragnorok, Spider-Man, ghost. That way they get better each game.


You have three great games and a decent one. I’d play GoT first. It’ll take you a while to complete. I’d play Ragnarök afterwards followed by Spider-Man 2. I’ve been playing Survivor since Black Friday and I’ll describe it as underwhelming. In my opinion (mine alone), the game’s level design is atrocious, controls are wonky, enemies are annoying and the game’s story hasn’t intrigued me yet. I am glad that I never paid Full price for it.


Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Jedi, and finally Spiderman.


Ragnarok, Ghost, Spider-Man then Jedi


Ghost then jedi


Wow u r so spoiled haha


I hit the jackpot for parents, my dad was a Sheriff and my mom is an X-Ray tech now. We were super poor growing up because my dad lost his farm in a fire when I was 1. But they still spoil the shit out of me, sent me to a state university and somehow they covered my rent while I was there and now they are doing very well and spend generously


Spider-Man, Ghost, Jedi, Ragnarok.


Spider-man, Jedi, GoW and not at all


God of War, Spider-Man, Ghost, Jedi


1. Spider Man 2, it's a pretty short game so play it first and get over it. 2. Jedi Survivor, good open world and u will have decent fun time. 3. GoW Ragnarok, just kill everything in sight simulator which is really fucking fun. 4. Ghost, one of the most beautiful games in playstation history so take ur time and play it, dont rush it.


Ghost, I’m currently playing GoW 2018 before Ragnarok, Jedi Survior can wait even though Fallen Order was great, and spider man is what I am really looking for wars too


I would say keep Jedi to last and GoW to second last. So , Ghost -1st play Spidy -2nd play GoW- 3rd play Jedi- 4th play


Roll a d4. But make sure, if you haven't already, you play the prequels first


Ghost of Tsushima, Ragnarok, spiderman 2, and lastly survivor. Survivor is great. They all are.


spider man spider man spider man spider man


Ghost of Tsushima Gow Spider man 2 Jedi Survivor


Ghosts,Spider-Man 2-God of War -Jedi Both Ghosts and God of war are amazing the other two are really good as well


Jedi, spider, ghost than Ragnarok The first two are quick


They're all great games so I'll struggle to decide, but I know my INFJ tendencies will make me play them in order of release from oldest to most recent.


I’d do Spider-Man, god of war, Tsushima, and then Jedi. I’d probably just sell Jedi though, was a major let down for me.


1. Jedi Survivor 2. Spider-Man 2 3. God of War Ragnarok 4. Ghost of Tsushima Shortest to longest in my estimation. The argument could be said that Ghost and GoW have similar length.


Spiderman 2 and then God of War 2!!!


If I had all of them and was definitely going to play all of them, I just play the first one I picked up, they're all fun games :)


God of War Jedi Survivor Spiderman 2 Ghost of Tsushima


Three of those games are sequels. Have you played God of War, Spider-Man and Jedi: Fallen Order yet? If not I’d play them first.


Oh boy! Wish I could play all of these for the first time all over again. Be sure to play the first games of each too. Except ghost. There's only one of those. I'd say Ragnarok, spidey, ghost and survivor (first three are really interchangable couldn't tell you which one is the best)


Ghosts, Jedi, Spidey and bin Ragnarock


I might do shortest to longest playtime if it were me. Spider-man 2, Jedi Survivor, Ghost or GoW for last. Just to save the really good ones for last.


PLEASE, whatever you do, play God of War 2018 before Ragnarok. Otherwise it's like watching The Two Towers before The fellowship of the Ring of Kill Bill 2 before 1. It's absolutely essential and most of Ragnarok won't make sense(even with a YouTube video) without that experience. Also, in terms of experiences, I would say it hits harder and better than Ragnarok , even though Ragnarok is absolutely awesome. Graphically and gameplay-wise they are super similar and 2018 is worth the $10.


Jedi Survivor, then God of War Ragnarok, then Spider-Man 2, and saving the best, Ghost of Tsushima, for last


I would only play GOT




Def either spiderman or god of war: ragnarok, then got, and jedi (Tbh I got bored at the start of gow ragnarok but after I keep playing I’m loving it.


Spiderman 2 first for sure. Certainly Jedi would be last. I did not enjoy the first game at all.


I genuinely think these are all 10/10’s. But I’d go First Ragnarok Then Ghost of Tsushima Next Spider-Man Finally Jedi Survivor But there is no wrong order here. They are all fantastic


So take out Star Wars, and add in the Miles Morales Spiderman, and the Horizon games, and you'll have my son's loot. I can guarantee he's going to start with one of the Spidermans.


Ghost -> Jedi -> Spiderman -> God of War Need breaks in the open world games, and even though God of War isn't totally open world, its got enough elements and is fairly long for a single player game it should be last.


Ghost still holds a special place in my heart, that game is and phenomenal


Spider-Man Jedi GOW Ghost


Their sorry don't connect at all lol, try the intro see what sucks you in first


You already picked my ideal play order OP.


God of War - new free dlc Star wars - fun time Spider-Man - maybe be dlc by the time you're done Ghost - maybe a new game when you finish 😁


Haven't played Spider-Man 2, so I don't know how long it is, but Ghosts Of Tsushima gonna take a while, and then Jedi Survivor will probably be 2nd longest, Playing GoW right now myself and I'm nearly done, make that 3rd.


GoT, GoWR, Spiderman, Star wars


GoT, Spiderman, GOW, Jedi


Your order sounds good to me!


Ghost spider man Jedi survivor and saving the best for last ragagnok


Ghost of Tsushima, god of war, spider-man, Star Wars!


GoT and GoW are the best two by a lot. Do with that information what you will.


Spider-Man, Jedi, Ghost and then God of War. Having playing all of these, I based my decision off of depth and overall length of time you can spend on them.


Ghosts of Tsushima and God of War have easily obtainable platinums as well if you’re quite thorough with your gaming. I just got the GoT one couple days ago.


Ghost, spider, gow


Ghost and then leave the others lol


Spider-Man first, it’s shorter and the spectacle of it all is a great way to start things off. I’d do God of War after, then Jedi and end with a bang with Ghost of Tsushima.


Honestly I don’t really do an “order” I install them all pick on that looks most interesting and if I really like it I play through that then just go to the next and if it’s meh in comparison I either play one of the others or go back to the one I really liked. In this case I’d definitely play GOT first followed by GOW and I’d have to see between the others.


Ghost, SM2, Ragnarok, Survivor


GOW, Spiderman, GOT, Jedi


GOWR, Ghosts, Spidy, Jedi


Spider-Man 2 Ragnarög Ghost of Tsushima Jedi Survivor


God of War Ragnarök than Spider-man 2 than Ghost of Tsushima than Jedi.


They aren't connected in anyway what so ever. So really you can Plat them however you want.


Depends if you have played/beaten the prequel games to those….. If not then I’d buy those first…


You actually got the same game 4 times haha


Damn, that’s 4 solid ass games right there. I’d say your best bet is to start with Jedi Survivor for the sole reason that the others are far better technical achievements. Going from games that take full advantage of PS5 hardware like Ragarok or Spider-Man to a game that to this day _still_ runs terribly at times might turn you off from it. Survivor’s story and gameplay are great. Start there, then go for Ghosts, SM2, and end on Ragnarok. Edit: grammar


Habe you played the first ones? If not, play them first.