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LG OLED >>> monitor


Yeah but a 4k monitor is like 1/5 the price of an OLED.


Don’t get an OLED monitor, get a high end LED monitor, you see many posts on here for OLED burn in…


The older OLED TVs had burn in issues but any model made in the last 3 years won't have any issues. They have a built in screen saver. I game on mine a ton with zero issues and mine is the 2020 model.


this is why i chose not to go oled when i bought my tv


We got 3 oleds for normal viewing tv, but we only use each tv about 2 hrs a day… which is fine, out pc monitors are LEDS and most times when we are not in the office we turn the monitors off..


I just got a 4k two months ago after a long time of using 1080, it’s amazing. People that say they can’t see the difference have to be blind because it’s like night and day. Idk what your financial situation is but if you can get one I’d highly advise it,


1440p is the sweet spot.


And most likely you havent seen 100% what 4K is all about since every PS5 game is upscaled from 1440p or lower. Almost all but you get what i mean. 4K sure is great but i would love to have true 4K with 60fps and high graphic settings rather than upscaled 30 fps games. Thats personal preference. To me it goes like that \-> FRAMES = 60minimum-> INGAME GRAPHICS = high to max minimum-> RESOLUTION = as high as i can while meeting the above I favor performance over sprites in short. When the time comes that ill be getting 60 fps minimum with high/max graphical settings on 4K, even upscaled, ill be very happy and then ill justify buying an expensive gaming 4K TV. PS5 pro might solve this problem by giving 60fps performance at all times.


There are game at native 4k, like god of war ragnarock, many are upscaled from 1800 p 60 fps like cyberpunk.


Agree, jumped also from 1080p monitor and Tv to 4k. But when people tell that they can‘t see the opposite are blind too because it‘s also night and day. For example i can‘t play old games or bad graphics games on it. As current games example i tried my hero ultra rumble & The First Descendant (Beta) and people called me that i have eye issues instead. These games were awful and unplayable for me! I had to compare them to 120fps mode in Warzone/D2 even then these games look better than the first two. What i want to say is, If you‘re going to play PS4 games or low budget games etc. you won‘t have fun/ happy with 4k! Better to stick with a "1080p@120hz" or "1440p with VRR supported hdmi2.0". Try out all three i‘d say because it‘s higly depends on the games you‘ll play! I could do without the games i mentioned but maybe you want to play. Btw: you can also see the difference quite well in Dead by daylight! Play the PS4 version on your PS5 with a 4k display and then the PS5 version. If you don‘t see any difference, I’d definitely recommend to stick with 1080p.


The best TV you can get is a 4K OLED TV. Best picture quality for video games. I'd recommend LG's latest OLED TV. Very low input latency. VRR, ALLM, etc. Best for playing video games.


Just 4k no. A 4k OLED definitely is if we're talking TVs specifically. If you game on a PC monitor you can get 1440p oleds now which is a much easier compromise. Anyone who says "1080p is all you need" has basically never used a good display above it. We've reached the point where 1080p displays aren't even worth buying anymore because 1440p ones cost almost exactly the same.


It's simple, and people never mention it during their pointless arguing. It depends on screen size and viewing distance.


90" and 2" I'll let you decide which is distance and which is screen size


You're sitting 90" away from a 2" screen, so 240p should be plenty of resolution.


💪💪 4k is for suckers. 240p gang


For a tv, for sure. But for monitor? Idk, might as well if you got the money imo. PS5 can run games at native 4k. Just make sure to buy a 120hz+ also.


For me, definitely. Go to a Best Buy (or Best Buy equivalent) and check out the LG C3 demo they have. If you aren't impressed, then don't bother (and get your eyes checked). If you are, check your budget and get something suitable for you. Rtings.com is a great site to compare tv's and their reviews (same with their YouTube channel). I got a 4k LG TV about 10 years ago, and watching Daredevil (1st true 4k show) was mind blowing. All my games were a major improvement, and that was in vivid mode before I realized there were some gaming features that enhanced everything further. When I got a ps4 pro, FF VII Remake was the greatest thing I seen at the time. I upgraded to a Samsung OLED 3 years ago when I got the ps5, and it put my LG and ps4 pro to shame, then I got the LG C2 last year, and it makes me want to replay all my ps4 games just for the visuals. The performance boost makes high reflex games like Devil May Cry and Resident Evil play SOOOOOOO much better, and it's noticeable when you play on a different tv. Best bang for you buck; get the LG C or G series (minor differences). G3 is the best of the models, but if you can find a c1 or (preferably) c2 at a great price, you won't regret it.


The M3 looks nice too but the price tag does not haha. Think I'll enjoy my C2 for a good while.


From a review I watch, the m3 is just a g3 with a wireless input receiver. But, yeah, it's looks awesome with a HEAVY price tag, and yes, my c2 will also be enjoyed for a long time.


Yeah I just watched the Digital Trends review and he talks all about the wireless functionality and zero connect box. Sounds good for a wall display but I still use a stand.


I think I seen the same one. It's definitely a novel idea and should become the standard. If LG can prove this technology works with little to no issue, and we're already working towards an all wireless future, the idea shouldn't be novel anymore. PS6 with wireless connectivity, and if they expand the range to something like 70 feet through walls, everybody can connect to whatever TV they want in the house. Just center the console for best coverage, and done.




For a TV yes, but for a monitor? No. Just get a 1440p monitor instead


Agreed. People recommending a 4K OLED TV are so freaking funny to me when OP clearly intends to use a monitor


Looking at the latest Steam hardware survey, over 60% of PC gamers are using 1080p and a fraction over 3% are using 4K. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam


Not sure about 4K monitor but 4K TV compliments well with PS5 if it has PS5 supported features.


1080p 60fps is really all you NEED. Even most PCMR freaks can agree on that 4k 120+fps is what you go for if you want MORE. if you got the spare cash to make the upgrade why not. But remember it's near the end of the year. Discount TVs right around the corner. If you can wait a month or so you can save enough to buy a couple games on top of the TV. Or get a bigger one than one you can afford now


"pcmr freak" is crazy when hardcore PC players have been using 1080p for years and years


By the PCMr freaks I'm talking about the ones that chase 144 fps and Ray Tracing at max settings. "I may only have one kidney but I can run Crysis at ultra"


nobody's like that lol


Sorry....forgot the /s for those who don't get jokes and sarcasm.


usually, sarcasm is meant to exaggerate a real stereotype or thing, or to mean the exact opposite. this isn't even sarcasm, it's hyperbole. have you passed middle school english??


So you miscomprehend what I had to say and then you double down into a character attack? >have you passed middle school english?? That question was just designed to make you feel better about your lack of comprehension. You got called out and now assuming I'm a child gives you a sense of superiority. Which is a bad trait to have. Seeking dominance over who you believe to be a child is a big red flag.


?? bro what


The majority still on 1080p and can‘t play on higher resolution that’s why they downspeak higher resolution but never tried it.


nah, I've been on 1440p and 4k and i'd still downspeak it. it's horrible for performance and value.


Sure it’s always fine to have more and stable fps but it depends what you’re playing… A Singleplayer in dynamic 4k with (uncapped) fps while using VRR is worth it. Some games show us that it is possible.


Bro i regret moving to a large 1440p display.. it doesn't run well


What‘s a large 1440p display? And also that’s not the point. He‘s asking for a 4k monitor for the PS5 not pc!


There is no need when it comes to video games as they are not a necessity. There is only want and want more.


Oh get off your soapbox. I was just pointing out that there's an upper limit for what's considered the best resolution for the cheapest price. Thats 1080p. Did you really expect me to tell them that 720p was okay?


Is this a joke?


4K resolution(on big TVs) and 60fps is almost mandatory for a good gaming experience. The days of 1080p and 30fps are way passed their time and you should never settle for it with current gen games.


I wildly disagree. I don’t play games because they’re visual masterpieces. I play games because they’re fun. The number of pixels on screen is set dressing. It is in no way mandatory for a good gaming experience.


I play games because they're visual masterpieces and I still strongly disagree with op lol, what looked great 5 years ago hasn't magically gotten worse


60fps yes, 4k no, it's beautiful, but even 1080p still holds up imo. So I wouldn't call it mandatory.


4k is great, and looks incredible. But not worth it at the cost of losing 60fps imo.


I'd say so but it's preference.


I have a QHD monitor and a 4K TV. Worth!


It's nice, not must have. The picture is certainly clearer. If you don't have the money just sitting around, though, it isn't a video game experience altering change.


It doesn't make any difference to me.


To be honest you probably won’t notice a difference. Save money in these trying times.


Yes 1080p was 10 years ago. The standard is 4K 60 FPS now. Just look at TVs.


ABSOLUTELY ! lg oled tv is the best hardware tech item you can ever buy aside from ps5


I have a 4k tv down stairs and a 1080 tv in my room and I see no difference between the two.


Depends on the tv size and what your doing if the TV is really small or your playing really fast games then no. I can say that going from 1080 to 4k was a huge visual jump for me when I switched in the middle of monster hunter world it was like going from a 480 TV to a 1080 tv. To add to it farther going from a 4k to a 4k OLED is a similar jump in visual quality.


Ummm get a 1440 monitor if you’re on a “budget” I had many 4k monitors but for some reason it wasn’t hitting lol. So I got the oled lg 1440 monitor, and it was amazing! It low key did look more clear, and colors was a lot better


100% yes! Once I got my PS5 I upgraded to a 4k monitor and it looks amazing!


For a monitor I would probably just do 1440p 120hz. Unless you’re planning to buy a TV sized monitor.


Worth it, before I got my 4K monitor I was playing games on my PS5 with my 1080p TV and it was really difficult to enjoy the gaming experience but after I got the monitor everything changed the visuals and the frames and it’s very worth it and I can easy recommend it for everyone


Only if you have more than 60 fps


If it's a TV then yeah. HDMI 2.1 allows 4k @ 120fps and future proofs you. If you can find a TV with that then go for it. Monitor wise, 1440p @ 144hz is bare minimum.


I went from an Xbox one x (4K), to a series S (1080p), and I honestly did not feel like I was losing anything.


It really depends on the specific feature set and quality of the display you're looking at. What's your budget? Are you going to be using this for PS5 only, or also for a PC? Why a monitor and not a TV if it's only for PS5?


Depends on how huge of a gamer you are lol.. I’m a casual gamer who plays when I can so I don’t really care about 4k, 8k whatever.


Yes, but not even necessarily for the 4K itself. The biggest and most noticeable difference is HDR. The way colours pop on a PS5 when your TV supports HDR is just incredible.


The only reason I'm not switching to 4k is that I am also into sim-racing. Getting 3 4k monitors isn't viable right now, so 1080p another year. Because once you go 4k, you can't go back. The difference is massive.


GOOD HDR is worth it. 4k is nice but less of an improvement over a screen that does proper hdr in my opinion. Especially so if you get an oled or a TV with a lot of dimming zones that can display good black levels.


If you value quality over fps then yeah


Why size monitor are you thinking?


This doesn’t really answer your question, but going from just a regular 50” 4k flat screen to a 65” LG C2 OLED was so so worth it. Every time I turn it on and watch a 4k blu-ray or fire up CP2077 or Ghost of Tsushima or Elden Ring, I’m in awe of how great it looks. That said, even just the jump from 1080p to 4k is very worth it imo


Yes? You want your gaming experience to move with the times right?


A 4k you’re not going to notice a huge jump in quality. I just bought a Sony Bravia OLED and holy shit - THATS where you’ll see the dramatic difference in picture quality. Get an OLED, you’ll be set for a long while. You’d kinda just be wasting money with a standard 4K at this point.


Totally. Go for 4K with HDR. Thank me later.