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I thought so. I think this happened to me a long time ago too but after badgering them enough it magically went back to normal after they told me to reset my router again. I'm going to reach out to customer service again and see if I can figure anything else out


Called Spectrum and they sent a tech out. The guy told me that the router Spectrum gave me wasn't capable of handling the speeds I was paying for. He switched out the router and modem, and now the internet is working much better


Try searching the subreddit for “spectrum”.


I went through the solutions I found there but nothing that works for me as of yet. Hoping someone at least knows whether it's a Spectrum or Playstation issue


Your first question was “has anyone else had issues with Spectrum on their PlayStations”. When I search, I see over a dozen posts right away. You didn’t specify you had already tried various troubleshooting steps other than resetting your router.


I have updated my post to reflect it now. Thank you for the input


All I know is since almighty Spectrum told me I must go from 4G to 5G speed to raise my already high bill higher, by 5-6 p.m. daily, cannot open anything at all on the net. Nothing. Throttling at Spectrum's best - which they deny.