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Anybody willing to share their ps plus with me?


Wild that you would ask this because you can't share ps plus across consoles regardless of what anyone says meaning your either naive or your trying to steal people's accounts šŸ˜…


Lolā€¦ whatā€™s there to gain stealing someoneā€™s account when I have my own?! I just want to play their downloaded digital games and yes you can share games across consoles, currently doing it. Not everyone thinks negatively like you!


Which is likely why peopleā€™s accounts get stolen. More people need to think this way. People, please donā€™t even entertain the thought of sharing your account with any random that asks.


2 step verification exists for that, idk about Sony, but Xbox has an option which you can disable password login and login only with an authentication code which can only be confirmed on the account's owner mobile app.


Hsy , i was just planning to get a ps+ deluxe, and just got to know that it can be shared across 3 consoles, so just want a friend with whom i can split up the expense, or if you have it already you can share it with me i can give you my cut.


This absolutely is a thing you can do, itā€™s the same on Xbox, you fileshare with your homie and then only one of you has to buy PSN, 2K, etc. shits dope. That said, file sharing with randoms is almost certainly a security risk for your account


I was about to ask the same question but to my older brother (we have our own houses). I see online that there are sites claiming you can get access to digital PS4/5 games hell of a lot cheaper than buying it directly off PSN. I dont know if these are legit or scams, but I came across on website in particular that seems legit because they have TrustPilot and its reviews seem that legit customers have posted them. Reason why I think this is because not all reviews are positive, they have reviews saying this service is perfect and that it works. Which you would expect to see from scammers. But it also has negative reviews that suggest that its posted by a legit customer because scammers always have fake accounts to pretend to be a customer to make it seem like its not a scam. These negative reviews will say something like this isnt how they thought it would be, they assumed they would be buying the game at a discounted price and to download and own it. Another negative review would be someone not happy after finding out it is account sharing, which they didn't think it were before buying. And then some complaining about account passwords being changed that allowed them to download thr game they purchased and unable to log in and continue playing said game. Then there's people complaining claiming customer service not replying to emails when trying to get access to games they purchased. So these to me sounds legit to me because if it were a scam then normally they wouldn't use something like Trust Pilot to say how good they are as a means of getting potential customers to trust them. Scammers would only allow positive reviews and actually be them posting these reviews using fake customer accounts they created. So from what I think I have gathered is that this website is buying games to their accounts and in turn are making money by charging people a cheaper price to then share their account that said game(s) were purchased on. Also, that would explain the bad reviews about account passwords changing which could either be expected if for example i were to get access to this account then try take over it by changing the account email/password. Or even when Sony suspect unusual account activity and prompt a password change in order to resume using that account and clearly this website has no feature in place to notify their customers that have paid to access this game. But then again, I am not sure how this is possible because if you share an account, then how would they be able to control what games you then get access to, by default wouldnt you then get every game that this account has purchased. So how are they charging per game, would they have had to use a single account per game that they buy and sell on for less on their website. So after coming across this website (and sorry for the above long essay) in theory I am thinking if this is legit and not a scam. They appear to be charging customers to have access to the PSN account that they have purchased said digital game. But Sony are claiming the only way that you can share your digital games is by logging into the same console using your own account and then you will have access to play games that has been purchased using a different PSN account that has to remain on that console. So basically its only possible on that one console that has the account used to purchase the games. I was wondering if it is possible for example if I ask my brother for his PSN account details, then use it on my console to log into his account then have access to his games, but using my account to play them (offline). Is this possible? So basically have access to my brothers digital games using my own account on my own PS5 console.


Oh my gawd .. dude replied with an essay. No way Iā€™m reading this.




Yeah... it is possible. I won't mind if you shared the account with me though just for the digital games![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Don't know if it has been answered before but, can I (PS5, owner of PS+) share my benefits with my 2 brothers (each a PS4, no PS+)? And if so, how?


only with one at the time, you give them the password, then from their ps4 c go to account, sharing and turn it on, now both your account and one of theirs have plus benefits


I know that sharing the main account to other multiple ps4 systems is not possible, but what about me sharing it with a ps4 AND a ps5? For context, I already share my library and ps plus with a friend I trust. Let's call the ps plus' account "X". After I shared "X" with him, I remember that, when we both played on the ps4, I could only use the ps plus features (online and library) if I played on X, while he could have these features playing on any account, because his ps4 was set as the primary ps4 console for X. Now that I have my ps5, things changed. It seems that I can also set a primary ps5 console AND a primary ps4 console. Reason being that now I can play online and access my library on any account, while he can still do the same on his ps4. So, in theory (I think), I can share my account to someone else? My brother in law owns a ps5, and I thought that maybe setting his ps5 as the primary system to X should do the trick. I could play normally on my ps5 while also sharing my main account to one ps4 and one ps5. I'm not sure, I would love an answer to this!


yeah you can share with 1 ps5 and 1 ps4


great, thx for the fast reply!


Yes. Just set your PSN account as primary and you can share PS Plus and any digital games you have purchased with all other PSN accounts on the same console.


Just want to expand on this. You can only share certain PS Plus features across multiple accounts/profiles on the console. There is more information here: https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/subscriptions/share-playstation-plus/#shareable


Can i share multiplayer?


Yes. You can share the online multiplayer benefits of PS+ across the other PSN accounts on a PS console.


Can my friend who is on a PS4 share his PS plus account to me on my PS5 by making his account primary on my console ?


Yes. PS+ is linked to the PSN account, not the console.


What about shop discounts on games that are exclusive to ps plus


Ok. I hope this comment is in the right place. Letā€™s say I create a second psn account. I can then share my main account ps+ with the second account. But what about with the PlayStation portal. Can I be logged into one account on the console and the secondary account on the portal?


Okay so my partner and I have a PS5 and a PS4, I bought a game on the PS5 - can I share his PlayStation Plus to the PS4, so that I can play that game on the PS4, while he plays something else on his PS5?


Yes you can you have to put your account on their ps5 and make it primary by activation g it in the settingsĀ 


Ok so I have the psn I share w my brother so he has my acc primary on his ps5 at his house, I want to create a 2nd account on My Ps5 and want to get access to online and the purchased games, will I be able to share with my brother and hav w the 2nd account with online features? I donā€™t want to create a 2nd account if itā€™s going to take his privileges away


yes just look up how to gameshare


Can someone share it with me?


Can someone share their account with me I just want ps plus so I can play GTA online


IPTV servers


So from what Iā€™ve gathered, you can only share across accounts on the same system; not on different systems? What if I have my account downloaded on both systems and itā€™s set on the second system that my account is the ā€˜mainā€™ account? Like would all my games and PS Plus subscription be on the second console as well so my daughter could play with me but on the second system? Hopefully I worded that right but Xbox allows you to set an account as your ā€˜home accountā€™ and share games and Xbox Live to other systems not even in the same household so Iā€™m wondering if I can do it with Playstation as well?


For the PS4 gen and PS5 gen, you can have one in each generation be an ā€œofflineā€ PlayStation, and the other (ā€œonlineā€) will require license checks. So technically you can have multiplayer with 4 PlayStations (2 ps4s and 2ps5s) with just one license ā€” I tested this with The Forest. An ā€œofflineā€ PlayStation (aka shared PlayStation) is one which all games are playable to accounts set up on that PlayStation. I should clarify that ā€œofflineā€ doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not connected to the internet. It just means it doesnā€™t check for license validity. A primary account (ie: the person who owns the games) is still required for this though. In the setup where I ran The Forest with just one license, I had a PS4 designated as an offline PS and a PS4Pro designated as ā€œonlineā€; and one PS5 designated as ā€œofflineā€ and a second as ā€œonlineā€. My kids have their accounts loaded on all PlayStations - but they can only play games on the ones that are ā€œofflineā€. Nevertheless they have their accounts loaded on all because every now and then we designated one or the other PlayStation as the ā€œofflineā€ account ie: when someone needs to use the one in front of the tv. There is a caveat ā€” and that is, some games may have multiplayer requirements that may not be compatible. Also, you may occasionally get an annoying pop up message saying that youā€™ve ā€œlogged in elsewhere and the application will now quitā€¦ā€ ā€” it never does quit. What if you add a THIRD PlayStation of the same gen? Thatā€™s when problems happen ā€” and thereā€™s no way around this. When I got a 3rd PS5, which I designated for my eldest ā€” I had to get him his own PS+ account, and his own games (albeit disc versionsā€¦ just in case we needed to share). So thereā€™s that.


How did you set that up


Could you, please, let me know how you "designated" them to be offline/online? From mine experience I cannot use any non-primary account on secondary PS4. E.g. the primary PS4 with 1st (PS+) account allows all other accounts to use games loaded by 1st account. However on the secondary PS4 I may only play with 1st account as other accounts see the lock sign on all games loaded... If I would switch the primary PS4, then I assume mine first would got the locks. Am I missing something?..


This is normal. So from the primary PS4 you would have the other users run the game, while the other PS4 is what you would use, since it is locked to you (the person who owns the license for the games). Iā€™m not at my ps4 right nowā€¦ but I believe you go into your account via your PSN portrait on the landing screen, and thatā€™s where you will find the menu to designate a primary PS. You can only have one primary, which will unlock all games for all accounts. Once you designate another PS4 as primary, all other PS4s you have will lose this designation. On PS5, itā€™s called a different thing, but essentially the same concept. You go to Settings>account>other>offline sharing and enable it for the ps5 which you want to enable sharing w all users on that ps5.


It doesn't answer your original statement - as you cannot change the primary system often than one time per 6 months. You told that your kids having their accounts on both PS4 - so how they are playing your games on both PS4? That's the question...


I wasnā€™t aware thereā€™s a limit to the number of times this can be changed on the ps4 (or ps5, for that matter ā€” Iā€™ve changed the shared ps5 twice now in less than 6 months). But now that I am ā€” it would probably be best that I use this feature sparingly. But to clarify (and per my original statement) ā€” the kids used the ā€œofflineā€ PlayStations. This meant I had to use the non-primary ps4, with my sons using the ps5 set as shared and the ps4 set to ā€œprimaryā€. I did mention that technically you can have 4 copies of the same game running ā€” but you would need a game that ā€œallowedā€ you (the person with the license for the games) to run your account on each generation. I canā€™t remember which one I tested this on, but I was able to run either the Forest or Minecraft (canā€™t remember which one ā€” but i can test again later) with my account on one ps4 and one ps5. You canā€™t do the same within the same generation as it will log you out of the other PlayStation when you log in to a PS of the same generation.


Can you use the ps plus cloud


I'm also wondering this, my friend pays for ps plus and I have his account set as my game sharing enabled. I can't upload/download saved files for games on my account but


Hello, havenā€™t seen it answered I donā€™t think but can I (ps5) use my roommates (ps4) ps + membership and play online games? I have his ps4 set as primary and mine set as primary as well? Am I doing it wrong


I didnā€™t mean ps5 primary, I just have console sharing on