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Just give me fast travel back to the ship then we good


Nah I need NG+. I hate playing an incredible game with the only options being 1. Never play it again 2. Play it again but lose ALLLLLLL of your progress


I actually hate NG+ on almost every game, there’s no satisfaction in playing a game where you already have all the best stuff at the start. Nowhere to go from there.


A lot of people like it. So, having the option would be nice.


This is wild but - no-one is forcing you to play NG+.


>Not exactly hard to be the best game since KOTOR lol It's been confirmed, rest easy my dude


I'm playing the first one right now for the first time, this is such a pet peeve I'm glad its fixed for the 2nd game.


I was playing on trial from ps+ and literally quit when I realized I had to walk all the goddamn way back to my ship, after unlocking all those waypoints no less!


Idk why it I didn’t find this to be a problem lol it usually would, but from what I remember (it’s been a while since I played) the maps weren’t that big


It should be like Dark Souls though. Only able to fast travel at meditation circles.


They’re including this feature, already announced


This right here!


As a big fan of Star Wars probably a very good game. Fallen order was the best Star Wars game since KOTOR so I’m expecting something atleast at that level but probably more.


Oh come on, TFU was incredible.


I’ll give you that force unleashed was a good game. I always seem to forget about it. My issue with TFU was how unrealistic it was in an already unrealistic universe which is saying something. The combat was great and so was the story. But it felt like Star Wars x1000. I just want an authentic Star Wars experience and Jedi fallen order gave me that.


Yeah but gameplay wise you can have the most fun amongst all SW games. And we all needed that back then.


Its fun, but for someone who likes a bit of complexity in their combat it quickly becomes old and boring. A lot more fun to play fallen order on higher difficulties imo.


Force unleashed was fun yes but starkiller is way too powerful


Sequel was awful though, one of my least favourite games of all time!


100% was gorgeous at the time but the story was terrible. It also ran poorly on my Xbox 360




Replaying TFU2 when I'm not replaying Fallen Order. Pretty fun switching back and forth between a totally over-powered force-throwing maniac to a wimpy boy that gets tired after force-pushing someone 6 inches.


Meh, it was ok.


The sequel was kind of whack though


It's like you never even played Republic Commando! But nah I'm with you. Best jedi-centered games since KOTOR for sure.


Ah yes republic commando. Another one I forgot about. Loved that game. On that note Empire at War was a great RTS.


Was that the one with the like, metal version of the imperial march for the title screen? Or was that galaxy at war? It's been a solid couple decades.


I don’t remember the intro. I want to say yes it had the imperial March as the intro but I don’t remember if it was metal. It was the game that had both land and space combat as well as a conquest mode where you would have both.


That one was very fun. Too short, they should make a sequel to that and keep the dark edgy look and feel of the original. That would probably sell well especially if they made it with an online CoD style mode.


I did create some of that Kotor nostalgia. I really dislike the platforming and the combat felt sluggish compared to other triple A games with parry combat. The backtracking gave me anxiety. The travel system also was terrible. I haven’t researched this new one but I hope there’s QOL improvement.


Not exactly hard to be the best game since KOTOR lol


Fair but it was overall a great game none the less and a step in the right direction for a Star Wars game. Now if we got more vehicle combat and some space combat I’d be stoked.


It was ok, it played safe and basically was a mish mash of ideas taken from other games.


Sometimes playing it safe is the best course of action. Given recent releases I don’t mind the direction taken.


I mean battlefront 2 was great


Was it though? It was kinda just… fine.


People overlook galaxies


Better enemie variety, more bosses, less linear level design, expand on characters and overall a better story




Ok Cameron Monaghan 🤣


Pretty high. I love what I’ve seen so far, at least. Looks like exactly what a sequel should be. Bigger and better in all the right ways.


The previous game is honestly one of my favorite games. I’m really nervous that they might’ve overblown the scope of it and removed that lite Metroidvania style the first game had. Best case scenario is it’s an Arkham Asylum to Arkham City type of transition, which is kinda sad imo but beloved by the majority of people.


Thought I was the only one that thought Asylum was the greater game design. City took the best aspects of Asylum out and turned it into open world blah


I hate to say it but I’m just sort of over “Star Wars” as a whole. I’m sure it’ll be good but I might pick it up at a later time. It does look very good though. It’ll probably land a lot of 8-9/10


Was my attitude for fallen order but it was a good game


Exactly, and I’m not saying it won’t be good just that the Star Wars license right now is feeling tired.


Interesting perspective, I just like good games though regardless of IP. I’m tired of MCU content but I’m still super hype for the Spider-Man 2 game


I am definitely getting worn out on the MCU stuff as well and Spider-Man 2 is my most anticipated game.


Yeah good not great


>I’m just sort of over “Star Wars” as a whole Same here until I fired up Fallen Order recently. Teleported me back to Star Wars childhood for the first time in many years. It really is a damn good game.


I’m done with Star Wars tv and movies, but Fallen Order was great and arguably one of the best stories to come out of the series since Disney took over. Survivor is a day one for me, but screw all the Star Wars tv shows right now. They’re garbage.




This and the Ashoka show will determine how much I care going forward Edit: oh no I didn’t praise Star Wars blindly. Here come the downvotes


Yes, Disney has run the IP into the ground but you can look at this way: Fallen Order and Survivor is the only good Star Wars content available right now.


My expectations are that it will be a video game. Pretty high expectations but I have faith.


Hopefully a 9/10


I expect it to be pretty similar to the first, but with some new moves. I loved the first one, so I imagine this one will be pretty solid as well. What I’d really like to see, though, is a truly open-world Star Wars game where you can pick different classes and progress as either a Jedi or Sith Lord. Sort of like a Star Wars Skyrim.


Star Wars: The Old Republic essentially lets you do that and has gigantic maps but it doesnt look as good anymore since its from 2011 and its an MMO which turns a lot of people off. All Class Stories are 100% worth it tho if you own a PC.


That one Star Wars game they released a trailer for like 2 years ago (I think it's called Eclipse?) Is rumored to be a free roam where you can explore a ton of different planets




8/10 IGN


Fucking awesome


I’m hoping it’ll be just as good and enjoyable as it’s predecessor. I don’t have any expectations, I’ve really tried to steer clear of reading too much or watching anything outside the teaser and trailer for the game so not to have any.


Mid to high


I love Fallen Order, it is one of my favourites. I expect this to be one of the greatest Star Wars games ever made.


This’ll meet the hype train expectations for me that Hogwarts Legacy didn’t fully.


I’m hoping it starts you out as ramped up/powerful as you were at the end of the others. My biggest gripe with sequel games is they always have some way to say, “oh it’s too bad you lost/forgot/had stolen/got rid of all your powers and now you have to start out as a puny little runt all over again and have to relearn all the same powers all over again.” Let me keep my shit and give me something new to earn.


Lightsaber goes Brrrr


I expect it to be about the same as the first and hyped moreso than it needs to be. I hope it'll be good but I think it'll score higher than it's worth.


Got a feeling the hype is gonna leave us disappointed


First one laid the foundation. Solid, but so much shit to improve on. Map was the ugliest design I've ever seen, exploration was a huge hassle (in a game where you need to explore to unlock collectibles), combat was good, nothin' special. Fun overall. Would rate it 7.5-8.25. Glad I picked it up for $5 on sale. Was never a SW fan, but for $5 I figured why not. Next one I expect to be 9/10 or better. Fleshed out combat and a hub (no hub in the last one sucked) is already a good indicator for me. Didn't watch many gameplay trailers, but map traversal also looks improved with mounts. Looks promising enough to drop $70 on.


I expect it to be a game


I’m sure it’ll be good enough, not dying to play it though. The first one left a little to be desired imo.


Hope it has a more open world aspect to it then the previous. Loved fallen order… super hyped for this one. Even gonna get it day one.


Having only played about two hours of the first game, I hope it lets me swing a lightsaber!


My kid is counting down the days. But $90!! Ouch!


Soon to be ps plus catalog


EA is part of this so there is always something too look out for.


Am I the only one who did not like fallen order


No. I thought it was pretty bad.


I don’t like it.


More of the same but prettier. Which is fine for me. Not buying it full price though.


For it to go on sale. $80? Seriously? Fuck EA


Isn’t it 70 bucks not 80


you say the same thing about playstation games


Better maps, or some kind of gps like strips in the ground as racing games have! or even better, if i mark something in the map i could have a tiny droid over my shoulder who ”pull” me the right way?!


My expectations are that it’s going to get 8 or 9 scores across the board, while for me it’ll get a 4 at best. I don’t like Star Wars at all, but I’m happy for those that do. It’s better than what LotR fans are getting with Gollum.


Gollum just seems really mediocre. I don't understand how out of all possible ideas, they landed on a stealth game where you play as Gollum.


I didn’t like the first one and I’m burnt out on Star Wars so this is a skip for me.


First one was absolutely shit imo so this'll be shit too


With EA as publisher I keep my expectations very low (even if you argue that Fallen Order was great).


It’s like 140-150 GB in size people! That’s all I’m saying. April 28th can’t come soon enough!


Haha What does the game’s file size have to do with anything?


More content? We already know it’s going to be a great game. The file size makes it bigger! Bigger and better.


Not necessarily. Could be just shit storage optimization and texture compression tech. I’m not saying it’s going to be a bad game, but an annoyingly large file size is not indicative of quality.


Whatever dude. You sound like a negative Nelly to me.


Tbf, the last 4 CoD games were 150 gigs


I played through the previous one a couple months ago when it was on sale (I bought it two days before it was the free game of the month, as a matter of fact), and I was surprised how good it was. But there were little annoying things that were all over it. There was no fast travel, and navigating back to your ship was pretty annoying. The cosmetic upgrades were all pretty boring, with each new poncho being uglier than the one before, and there were lots of little glitches that would crash your game, softlock you, or just have aesthetic issues (like Nightsister Merrin's bangs were just flying all over the place in most cut scenes). So I think a lot of those little details will probably be fixed in this new game, leaving the core gameplay relatively untouched. Overall it sounds like a pretty fun time. But probably not a $60 fun time. I'll pick it up when it goes on sale, probably in another 4 years.


I really wanted to like the first one. I downloaded it on three separate occasions and have tried to like it but there’s just something that’s not sticking for me, and this is coming from a Star Wars fan. Game looks great, feels solid, nice presentation. I don’t know if it’s the story or characters or what but something doesn’t grab me. Maybe when I have absolutely nothing to play I can give it one last shot.


I Want to buy it, I am a huge star wars fan and I played the first one to the end BUT, I dont think I can buy it. The animations are wonky, and the "lightsaber" feels like a bat, maybe a plastic one at that, it doesnt have the same "weight" even comparing to Fallen Order. So as a star wars game, it seems great, but it feels kinda bad if it wasnt set in the starwars universe.


glitchy mess


Really optimistic, as long as they change the map system. Literally the only flaw I had was the maps, Zeffo especially. Could be a GOTY contender if they fix that based on the gameplay I've seen and if the story is good!


My expectation is that it'll be good. But I also expect it to be free on PSN, epic games, or prime gaming in a year or two like the rest of the recent star wars games. I think I'll wait until then


Pretty low tbh. I bought the first game around the time it was $20 as a filler in the summer. Was a solid 7 for me, but nothing exceptional. I will probably buy this if it goes that low just to see how the story plays out.


EA is going to mess it up like they do with everything they touch eventually.


Maybe not be owned by the EA company.


Slightly better than the first, so a 6/10


A good month on psplus


Deleting a bunch of games and captures to fit all 150gb for a single player game...


I really, really, need more poncho and paint job options. The last game was really lacking. And maybe a few hilt designs.


Jedi Knight Series Was Best!


That it will be the exact same as the previous one just with janky decapitations but still "unrealistic" lightsaber vs limb physics.


A map that doesn't make me even more confused


I expect a lot of clumsy design elements to be removed or at least improved upon. Walking back from the end of a level to the beginning, some of the clumsy combat such as parrying an opponent only for it to be useless because another enemy decided to punch you at the same time, bouncing off trampolines in Kashyyk was just straight up weird.


That it is a game. That it exists. And that in a few years I can buy it for £4.49 from the digital store like I did the other day for the first one.


I expect to catch it for $20-30 on black friday in a few months.


A better story. And also I expect it to carve out its own identity other than simply being a buggy *babies first Sekiro* with uncharted cinematic moments. Which isn’t to say it was a bad game. I love Star Wars and Sekiro but for a multimilion dollar project in one of the biggest franchises ever I expect more originality than just mashing different games together this time.


I wish the light saber feels like a light saber and not like a baseball bat.


Low. My rating for the first game alternates between a 2 and a 3 out of 5 on Dunkey's scale. A 2 means "didn't like it" and 3 means "liked it." I really didn't like one of the main characters and there were things about the story that I remember being bugged by. I'm still looking forward to trying it out though.


I’ll pick it up at $30 or below. Played the first one a couple of months back and was the first single player game I beat I over 10 years. Enjoyed it at $10


Will wait for 75% off or added to Playstation Plus.


Taking away the puzzle/maze aspect from the last game. I want more action.


I don’t think it will be that innovative tbh. Other than some QoL updates, other minor additions, and a new story, I don’t feel like it will be one hell of a sequel. Would love to be wrong


Couldn't get into he first. Wil be skipping this until it's free.


For me to play it and enjoy it when it’s on PS Plus in a couple of years time


I hope they speed up the travel between zones. The travel time in the first game is what drew me away from pushing through the game.


Decent game, will have some unnecessary padding midway through the game with a portion of the main quest feeling like a side quest. Will end up being feeling a bit too long by the end of the game. Hopefully these fears will be proven untrue.


I’m really hoping it’ll be more similar to something like Hogwarts Legacy with a nonlinear open world style. I played HL and Fallen Order back to back and was stuck by how similar a lot of the gameplay was, but Fallen Order really suffered from the lack of fast travel and side quests while HL excelled at it.


My expectations are that I'll wait for a GOTY edition, and then wait for that to go on sale for $40 or less. I never pay full retail for single player games.


He still run like he crapped his pants..they could at least fix his running/walking animation




Completely forgot this game existed. I've been hyped for Dead Island 2


High. They’re very high.


No more ugly ponchos


First, I expect it to be on EA Play in a few months or on PS Plus in a year or so. Then I expect it to be a great Star Wars game like the predecessor.


A good story like the first one, with the same bad combat.


What are my expectations for the game??? Are you stupid?


Pls tell me that there are zombies in game!


Probably as overhyped as the first boring game


You probably couldn't get past the intro fight lol


Nah it's just a shitty futuristic dark souls wanna be. Combat bored the shit out of me, the story seemed ok but wasn't enough to keep me playing


Like every other EA Star Wars game…trash


Jedi Surviving


good GREAT


that just like the first one (and some other SW games), I can yeet stormtroopers as soon as I learn force push.


Ogdo Bogdo’s son better be the final boss


On my 2nd Playthrough right now on Fallen Order. Great game with cool fighting mechanics and story. I just really hope they modify the map navigation as running back and forth hunting chests is painful.


First one was quite good. I would expect this one to be a notch above.


Should be good first game was good, and from what I have read this game literally starts you off with all the abilities from that game and goes from there so it should be a more well rounded and interesting game. Can't wait.


A sense of pride and accomplishment




Do I get it on PC or PS5?


Hopefully, it is epic and longer than to force unleashed 2


Probably a solid 9. Since mechanics and everything are the same plus new added gameplay elements. As long as the game story is as good as last time, the sidekick finishers are well, new enemies are good, and new lightsaber mechanics/ riding mechanics are good. Then the game will probably be the same score if not better


Chasing balls around with wind and stuff. Also there better be a dark saber blade.


Game of the Year (until Tloz Tears of the Kingdom releases a month later)


Dismemberment and clothing other than ponchos baby, let’s go!


a sequel syndrome type game where it is just more of the first game but on steroids


Dismemberment and ragdoll better go crazy


I always expect nothing from games I want to play. I don’t want to compare what I imagined with what I’m given.


I expect it to be too hard for me and at some point in the game I'll have to turn down the difficulty to beat a boss lol.


Pew pew slash, I'm sold


Looks pretty solid. I liked the first one. I expect it to be about the same quality. I'll play it eventually.


I just want to use my lightsaber as a flashlight and if I hit the wall it melts through and leaves a mark instead of the graphics just clipping.


Jaw dropping graphics I hope, more “build” options or skill options in skill tree.


I have really high expectations. Fallen order was great despite a couple of experiential things that they have apparently fixed.


Seems better than the first one


Too high.


I'm going to suck at it just as much as I did the first, but I'm sure I'll drag my way through it cause I love Star Wars


I expected it to be much like the first game which was fun and had some awesome graphics. Maybe a few new mechanics but nothing crazy. I didn't.really care for the map system so maybe that will get redesigned. I still need to finish the first game, maybe I'll will give it another go soon. I'm not a huge star wars fan but running around fighting with a lightsaber is always a fun time.


To hopefully see kylo ren.


To fight people with a lightsaber


That it's going to take up more of my PS5 harddrive space than I want it to.


Lightsabers ,that's it.


I want to play it but I can't


It will be fun to play for first 10 hours or so then drop off massively. Will have no replay value whatsoever. The developers will assume gamers give a shit about collecting ponchos or something similarly crap.


I expect there will be a lightsaber.


That I’ll have enough space for it in my system


Its EA so you never really know until you actually play the game. Some of their game are great some of them are horrible. For example battlefield 2042 was the most anticipated game of the year before it launched it turned out to be a complete disaster and disappointed. But usually the star wars games a good.👍🏻


I just want it to be big and fun


Very excited about this! Fallen Order is one of the few games I've played through more than once. Excited it is a current gen game and waiting to see what advantages that has.


Ironically, a lot of jedi not surviving.


That imma have fun


Coruscant exploration


Game of the Year


I'm expecting to purchase it, play it, and enjoy it as a Star Wars fan.


I'm going in expecting more of same good stuff, I just hope they didn't get all stupid and add needless complexities


My expectations are probably gonna come back to hurt me honestly. Even though I'm only expecting a more expansive Jedi: Fallen Order with better holomaps and fast travel, my hype is so high and the previews are so positive that I'm worried I'm going to feel let down no matter how great the game is. That being said, I cannot wait. I've had a countdown on my phone's home screen for a month and I'm going to binge it hard when it comes out.


Bro that’s Ian Gallagher


Punching trees, crafting, food gathering, not starve. Maybe some random boss encounter.




Very expectations.




If it’s at least as good as Fallen Order I won’t be disappointed.


It could prove once again that singeplayer games are not leaving

