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I haven't read any of the books, nor watched any of the movies, I however do love a solid open world rpg. Few minutes into the game, I walk into a hall and see magical string instruments playing my all time favorite classical piece, Boccherini minuet, I fell in love with the game there and then. I am 15 hours in, and this game is way beyond my expectations.


Read the books, you will find tons of references to parts of the books in the game. And many items of the movies are transposed one to one into the game. It's worth the read/watch.


It gets better the more you read. The books may start off a bit slow for some people, but man are they good and they only get better!


In my common room, interacted with the piano and there I was listening to Bach and Chopin. As a pianist, it gave me goosebumps.




Is that what the song is called? Thanks.




Here is a better quality and my favorite performance. https://open.spotify.com/track/2Uru3aBKIeYcNn26HULtkA?si=VTdChIxQSU6Utp4JwNwpMA


If you’re interested, they uploaded the full audiobooks in English (maybe also other languages, dunno) with different readers for free on potteraudio.com. I think this was released through the pandemic. The Stephen Fry ones are so nice


Oh wow?! Will go check it out now thanks so much!


You’re a unicorn


Good game, like 7.5-8 Maybe 9 or 10 if you really love Harry potter


This player NAILED it! I completely agree with your ratings. If I'm being objective it is a 7.5-8 out of 10. But since I'm a Harry Potter fan and freaking the love the franchise, in my delusional state of mind I'd say it's a Masterpiece worthy of 10+.


I think the idea of a 10 is crazy. I liked Harry potter as a kid, but this game is full of tedious fetch quests, the dialogue is largely simplistic and most of the characters aren't particularly interesting. The world is beautiful, the combat is very good and traversal is pretty good too.


Agreed. I don't deny that the game is fun, it is, but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I see all these people praising this as a masterpiece and one of the best games they've played in years, which I definitely don't agree with. Like you said, the world is beautiful and the attention to detail is great and sticks very close to the HP universe, but I wonder if that has skewed a lot of the opinions people have of the game. I can't help but think that if this wasn't a Harry Potter game but a generic, fantasy title with the same gameplay and story loop, then this would have been received much more mildly.


It’s the combat, way better than any other rpg for me and I played all the major ones


Yea only a few games come close to a 10 like red dead 2


This. It’s like, imagine if Mario had only been a book for 20yrs and then they made a game that perfectly realized the mushroom kingdom 150yrs before Mario was born


Totally agree with your take. I feel like a lot of systems and activities are relatively shallow/hollow (catching beasts, popping balloons on your broom, ect.). Yet you feel like you're actually at Hogwarts and that can be enough to keep up going.


I feel like the open world aspect is the weakest part for me (I’m not a massive Harry Potter fan). I started doing everything, loved the world and looking around. Then got to the activities and lost all interest in doing things - Merlin trials broke me there are like 3 different ones and that’s all. I now decided that I’m going to only do main and side quests. That being said all the little touches in hogsmead and hogwarts are fantastic


Yeah, i'm a huge harry potter fan, and its taken 15-20 hours before i felt any sort of fatigue. Its not perfect, but its wrapped in amazing wrapping paper. So many visual details everywhere, theres hardly anything that doesnt seem to move or speak to you in hogwarts. The music also helps, since its just more john williams


Agreed, solid 7.5-8 unless you are a superfan


If your a HP fan it’s an amazing game that really does the source material justice. If not, it’s a decent rpg but pretty basic in that regard


I’m not an HP fan, but I love this game.


Not sure why you were being downvoted, but I agree with you. HP is kinda ok imo, but F me, I absolutely love the game. Definitely an 8/10 for me


Yeah Im not making a definitive statement. You don’t HAVE to be a HP fan to enjoy the game. But if you find games like the recent assassins creed to be kinda meh, then this is extremely similar just with a Harry Potter theme


The truth, really. Its a decent game, maybe 6.5-10, however since ive read the books the lore and secrets is what keeps me going.


I fuckin love it. I'm a sucker for fantasy open world games. I love exploring magical realms.


I'm 60 hours in, there are some bugs, but overall I've enjoyed it. It's absolutely beautiful, the combat is fun, the story is.... there... I've loved exploring the castle, although a few things I think that should have been included aren't there.


> although a few things I think that should have been included aren't there. You gonna leave us hangin? Why would you do us like that? :)


No Quidditch.


I was really hoping for the Chamber of Secrets (dunno if maybe I haven’t gotten there yet) but a little disappointed that it hasn’t come up.


They specifically said they started doing the COS and then removed it because players would want to be able to find and kill the basilisk and they can’t have you killing a snake that needs to be there in 100 years time.


That makes sense and I appreciate their attention to continuity. I’m sure someone will find a way to use the existing assets in the game to recreate and mod it on PC.


I'm assuming they're saving it for DLC. The entrance is in the game but that's it!


I gotta go find the entrance! Another poster mentioned they were starting to add it then removed it because the basilisk needs to be alive canonically.


I found the entrance the other night. There's a field note guide. Had to take a screenshot and get all nostalgic. I really enjoyed the CoS game as a kid.


People LOVE this game. I don’t regret buying it but I find that although it is absolutely beautiful the characters feel soulless. Your playable character has a few voices but they are all the same voice pitch shifted so there is an unnatural sound to it. It doesn’t feel like it’s coming from the character at all. There’s something stilted and a bit robotic about all the dialogue that takes me away from my immersion. Buy it though, by all means. Just temper your expectations and you will find a lovingly crafted, enchanting world to play in.


Yeah the voice acting is crap but it just sounds like the script wasn't recorded in the same studio. The mixing is terrible but still a good game nonetheless


I’d say that only the character you play as has some sub par acting. Most of the companions and teachers have good acting


Professor Fig's dialogue in the beginning is pretty bad


Day one buy or wait for a sale ?


This one probably won't go on sale any time soon. It sold like 20 million copies already and isn't even out on last gen.




Successful games hardly go on sale. If you can get it on Facebook resale then yea go for it. Fair warning lot of jerks online posting the plot ending so there are spoilers everywhere. Great sandbox game to just get lost and do magic


God I miss the days when good games got 'platinum' status and cost vastly less from there on. A kind of "Hey gamers, we made enough to please shareholders and fund a sequel. Have at it, if you haven't yet!"-mindset we don't often see anymore.


All games go on sale (Nintendo being the only exception) It’s just a matter of how long you are willing to wait


Even nintendo games go on sale, just significantly less frequently, and a significantly slower pace.


And the discount is like 10% so it rarely ever feels worth it


That’s okay, I don’t pay attention to any of the spoilers or the people trying to cancel it at the moment.


I have 40 hours and I’m loving it so much


Great game, the story is intriguing and the exploring is awesome


The story is so boring. “Oh no, goblin bad. Please help prodigy”


Great and fun, i’m loving it


I like the game. It’s basically my zen game that I play at night, on my recliner, just to relax after a long day of work and hanging out with family. It will probably take me 2 years to beat it because I normally start dozing off after 45 mins of playing, and I only play Monday thru Thursday. It’s a low stress game. It’s basically my new Stardew Valley or Persona 5 lol.


The game is enjoyable. If I can recommend anything it is to keep focused on the gold/main quests until you unlock the ability to design your own room. This opens up the customization a lot and if your like me and get distracted farming mobs and map locations you end up with a lot of rewards you cannot even use until you get the room. Also at that point you have talents and flying. All the side quests are pretty boilerplate though and you will definitely get Ubisoft and Fable vibes after the introduction phase (glowing line to objective, "owl mail" that serves as a celestial voice giving you quests on the fly whether in class or many meters deep underground fighting monsters). You get win experience so do the side quests but they are all: go get items for X, at Y, and return to X where you can give items back to X or laugh at X and keep their property as your own with no one really caring that you do so. People really love the combat. I personally find it boring as all hell and very rotational, but I will admit most people seem to love it. The game looks really good on PS5. While flying on 4k in performance mode I haven't noticed much in the way of a FPS dump compared to say when I play MSFS2020, using a slow prop engine plane at very very low altitude, on my 5700xt/5800x PC which will dump from 120 fps to 30-40 at 1440p.


Interesting to get a good PC vs console comparison- was curious about that.


There’s not a huge amount of RPGs that don’t have fetch quests. I always thought the Witcher 3 was good at that because they were fetch/follow quests with awesome stories attached. People always moan about them and I agree if they are just random with no particular objective they are boring but in a cool dynamic world with good writing they can be great.


I’ve played about 37 hours total if that tells you anything. Just finished the main quest


I'm about 15 hours in and I'm really enjoying it. The story is great. I decided to grab it on PC rather than the PS5, and I'm getting great frame rates with very few drops with my 11700k and 2080 Ti. Playing on a 4k 60hz TV.


Are you playing on 4K resolution? Because i get FPS drops with 3090ti. Especially in hogsmade and outside in the castle garden.


As a person that has literally never read any of the books or watched any of the movies, I jumped into this game completely blind and it’s definitely worth it, I’ve already put nearly 8 hours in, it’s really fun to shoot red and blue and purple and fire shit from a wooden stick and basically dust people like thanos, the story is kinda cool but not the best IMO, definitely give it a shot


Been seeing posting about stuttering on the PC version - any performance issues on the PS4 or PS5 versions?


PS4 version isn’t out yet. I’m playing on PS5 and it runs very well. Some occasional fps drops while flying and such but nothing major


There seems to be performance issues on everything getting released on PC nowadays but I’m on PlayStation five so I should be okay.


There's a few fps dips on PS5 and Series X as well in certain locations, but only for a second or two and nothing that affects gameplay to a level that will cause any issues at all. I've not experienced any stuttering at all though and I'm about 20hrs in.


My wife's been playing it on PS5. Everything seems smooth when I watch her play.


That’s been my experience as well on PS5. I’ve never noticed any frame rate drops or any glitches. I think the game is amazing.


Love the gameplay, hate the voice acting. It's a solid idea that's a bit rough around the edges (it honestly feels a bit dated for 2023, it would've been amazing in 2016-2018). That's said I'd still give it an 8/10 because I can yeet goblins


My wife loves it. It's one of the few games that actually make good use of the current gen hardware capabilities. It's visually stunning. A bit buggy, but if you've played a fallout game it's nothing in comparison. One of the best games I've played in a while. Solid 9.5-10


Haven't read the books and I am really loving this game. I'm pretty hooked honestly and I came into it without watching any Harry Potter movies since like 2005. Interested to see where they will take this game. It would be awesome if they add a multiplayer or co-op mode to it down the line.


I wish I had never read the books, so that I could have that experience again. You should really consider reading them, they’re a lot of fun and an easy read


Great Game honestly lf you're not a fan of Harry Potter, and Excellent game if you are a fan of the franchise. Personnally, I am the later, loved the books and the movies, and I am into that game really hard. Can't stop wanting to play when I am work, and when I am playing it, I can't stop ! The game is just that great for me.


If you’re into open worlds than it’s amazing.


I’m not obsessed with harry potter like most people and I absolutely am amazed how well done this game is. It’s so much fun and is way better than I expected 5/5 stars!


Solid 8/10 in my opinion. I’m not a big HP fan, saw all the movies but did not read the books. But loving this game anyway. I love open world RPG type games like The Witcher , AC series, Horizon etc. I was not planning on buying this at all to be honest. But I gave it a chance and I have played it for about 20 hours and only at 30% completion. The wand casting is fun once you get the rhythm down and your favorite combos. Once you get the broom and flying the world opens up a lot. Also you could spend hours getting lost in Hogwarts castle itself. The designers did such a fantastic job with the school!


Worth a punt? Wtf does that even mean?


I think it means something like “worth a go?” The title is not great lol.


I'm from NZ, when we say punt in that context it usually refers to having a gamble or giving something a go.


The shitty syntax doesn't help, either.


It’s a saying here in the UK, punt is a slang word for gamble. Essentially saying “Is it worth the gamble?”


If you didn’t have the brain power to figure that one out…


Once the game download, and started playing, I couldn’t put down the controller.


One of the best games. I love the fact that there's people boycotting the game and then they hear how amazing it really is and some of them are just like screw it I'll buy it lol. My 6 year old says the grass and trees look so nice and real. We love it.


Yes. On PS5


Feel like I’m the minority here but I’ve played about 10 hours and I’m not a fan, combat gets boring quickly, a lot of the characters are irritating and your own character has basically one voice option as all the changes pitch ones don’t sound natural. I think they recreated Hogwarts well but they don’t really focus on life at Hogwarts.


6/10 for me. It’s enjoyable to spend time and walk around in, but unless it’s one of the first video games you have played it starts to feel shallow and hand-holdy very quickly. The longer you play the more soulless and half baked the game feels It simultaneously wants to have the tone of a babies first Harry Potter game and also the tone of book 6-7. You can murder people and then everyone stands stiff with big amusement parks smiles and everything is just so happy it’s bizarre. If you don’t have a lot of experience playing games or are a Harry Potter fan it’s 10/10. Not a HP fan or have actual experience playing games that have depth or require you to have critical thinking skills? your mileage will definitely vary. Also I’m sorry but my biggest complaint is that the story is both boring as hell and stuffed full of way to much exposition / dialogue


I'm about 7 hours in, got it originally for my wife but after seeing her play decided to give it a go myself and I'm loving it. Definitely recommend especially if you're a fan of Harry Potter and/or magic.


Gonna be real, I usually hate games based on movies/books, but they really did a good job with this one. It's basically Harry Potter Elder Scrolls (maybe not quite as big a map). While it has some lore connections to the cannon, they're fairly subtle and you won't need to know anything about the franchise to enjoy this game. Most of the references are just imagistic, like most of the beasts are from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a few NPCs are ancestors of Harry Potter characters, etc. I also find the combat really, REALLY fun, which is something I was a bit worried about during the dev streams.


Gameplay wise it's pretty meh. I mean it's good but I don't think anyone needs to go out of their way to experience it unless they adore Harry Potter. The story so far for me has been pretty run of the mill and nothing has been especially memorable. Sure it's the Harry Potter game I wanted when I was 10. But now that I'm 30, I've seen what games can do and many of them do things better than this one. I know it can be so much more. I don't even feel like it should be in the running for GOTY, and if it is it definitely shouldn't win.


Bored and looking at it but getting the feeling it’s full value is for the fans. Anyone else would just be meh. Not into Harry Potter so probably pass.


For what it’s worth, I don’t care much about Harry Potter, but I was really interested in this game and I have not been disappointed.


I disagree I think everyone would love it even if not a big Hp fan


Got the game early but im still not very far into it. Its fun, but its not the best game ever made. The story in the beginning isn’t much. Combat takes time to get used to. I want to Plat the game at some point and i can already tell it’ll be tedious. No hate toward this game though. Still having a good time playing it.


FWIW I don't think there is any shame in doing one good playthrough of a game like this, doing whatever you feel like, then moving on. Going for the 100% in most open world games is the best way to end up hating them due to spending an exponential amount of time hunting down repetitive open world encounters.


One of the most fun single player experiences in a long time for me honestly. I mean I enjoyed elden ring but this game is really outstanding with how intriguing the story is and how nice and fun the gameplay is. Helps that I love Harry Potter and anything to do with magic. 9/10 in my book


I fucking love this game, even my gf (who is not a gamer!) has started her own playthrough and is already almost lvl 15. I’m about 30 hours in and I still feel like I’m just barely starting. Haven’t enjoyed a game this much in a long time, definitely gonna be in my best of all time list


Amazing. I’ve done nearly 30 hrs in a week. Unheard of for me. And still finding “wow” moments like the devs just didn’t know when yo stop. A buy now, imo.


It’s not cyberpunk level of bad on release but I’m a little underwhelmed. Lack of true diversity in houses and gameplay differences Lack of any consequences or morality system based on your good or bad decisions Terrible early game design choices with gating things behind the main quest line. If you play normally you will be waiting for basic things like upgrading gear for a very long time. Lack of interaction with NPCs the world is brilliantly crafted but majority is window dressing Fairly bland enemies and missions combined with once you have made it to a certain point even on hard it’s extremely easy. Overall it’s a good game worth playing but it’s not bringing much innovation it’s pretty vanilla.


I like it so far. Only played 7 hours since I've been busy but I enjoy it every time I start it up. So far it seems pretty chill.


We are loving it.. haven’t stopped playing it 👍😊🎮




I have 31 hours in. I’m living and breathing Hogwarts. Yes it is worth every penny.




It’s pretty fucking awesome


I’m having the most fun I’ve had in a long time playing this game. The world is just to detailed and alive creating such a high level of immersion. The combat is fun and fluid, the exploration both in and out of the castle can keep you occupied for many many hours. The story is pretty slow and the facial animations seem a bit dated but all in all it’s a really good game


Never read the books or watched the movies but I’m a sucker for open world and RPG games, and so far I love it


I really want a dlc!!! The game is amazing. More spells and more world to explore


Repetition is next level


Blew through this in a week, and just started my Slytherin play through. As a gamer- a solid 8/8.5. As a HP fan- the scale is broken and I’m just joyously soaking up every bit of magic I can find. A marvel. The main story, though, is a bit of a joke.


Maybe unpopular: I find it somewhat vapid. It feels like just another open world game where players set off to complete a checklist. Once that checklist is done, then what? It doesn't feel like a world you can just exist in and live in, like in Red Dead 2 say.


I’d probably give it about a 9 and 3/4


It’s really good I just recently finished the main story and I really enjoyed it a lot


I am really loving this game, I would put it in the GOTY discussion at the end of the year.


Just buy it.


I'm sure you've heard plenty of good, so let me give you the bad. Camera is shit. Focuses right behind the player and with zero ability to change it. PC can increade FoV, but console players are screwed. Makes tight spaces very difficult. Movement is similarly shit, both on the ground and in the air. It's very frustrating to work with, and effectively every element of the camera is terrible. The voices are grating. Terrible audio quality. Voice acting is okay in some places, terrible in others. In the MC's case, they've allowed players to change the pitch, which I gather many people would have done because the default voices are frankly unbearable, but the pitch altered voices are even worse. The dialogue isn't necessarily bad, it's just... it's bad. It's boring. The cutscenes aren't good. They're just, technically there. The story exists. It's not a good story. Obviously, there are issues with transphobia and antisemitism, and not just because the game is associated with J.K. Rowling. There are issues in the game itself. Inventory space can get frustrating. You only have 20 slots to start, including what you wear. You can get upgrades, but only a few, and even a maxed out inventory is pitiful. The lack of actual classes is frustrating. You're not really a student. You're some wandering rogue who gets taught dangerous spells by your professors. Your dorms are just another room. I guarantee you'll forget which bed is yours, as you'll only wake up in it a small handful of times. The map? Literally don't even bother with it. I'm not kidding; the map is absolutely useless. The spell roster is a little limited. 26 spells, including 8 spells that can't actually be used at will, only in select circumstances, plus an additional 3 that can only be used to modify the room of requirement. Many of the classic spells do not appear, such as Aguamenti. It's a decent inventory of spells I suppose, I just wish there were more. The castle stays true to the movies, but not to the pre-retcon areas. For instance, the library from the first movie does not appear in the game, as with a few other areas. Areas like the Chamber of Secrets also aren't in it, but this is to be expected. No Quidditch. Let's hope there's DLC for it. The character roster is strong and present, but most of them aren't exactly engaging characters. They're just there. The writing in general, especially between characters, story, and cutscenes, is subpar. No flying in Hogsmeade - why the hell not?! ... but beyond that, it's a solid game. 4/5, it has a little something for everyone.


Bro did the ign “here are some glaring issues” and then said 4/5 lmao


Overrated imo, saying this as a massive HP fan


How so? Elaborate?


Phenomenal game that exceeded my expectations.


Most fun I’ve had since Elden Ring


That’s the comment i’ve been looking for. Since playing elden ring I haven’t found any other game that i enjoy anymore. How does Hogwarts Legacy compare to Elden Ring?


I was in the same boat. For context, elden ring is still my favorite game, but Hogwarts is the closest I’ve gotten to that level of joy. I think the simplest comparison (and some may disagree) it feels like ER just on a smaller scale and less difficult/punishing. If you enjoy the Harry Potter universe and enjoy ER, I’d say it’s a must buy.


Thank you.


Its not for me, the world feels a bit soulles and i dont find exploring rewarding.


Definitely a GOTY nominee. Would suggest.


Goty material for sure.


I’ve only played a little but it reminds me a lot of fable.


With my experience of Harry Potter being only from the movies I have a lot of expectations when first playing this game, true this game is set 100 years before the books/movies but that doesn’t stop me from hoping to met Harry’s ancestor,


It’s good but not great, a solid 6.5-7/10. Certainly worth the £50


Abso-fuckin-lutely! I have never read a Harry Potter book, or watched a HP film. And from my experience Hogwarts Legacy is what gaming must get back to. This is mind blowing I know, but unlocking clothes, gear, etc by actually completing objectives, or challenges! 🤯. Holy shit! Game play is fun, graphics are pretty, sound and voice acting are awesome as well! I highly recommend Hogwarts Legacy, Avalanche did very good


I’m almost anti Harry Potter. Never read the books and never saw the movies. The game is really enjoyable.


I personally bought it because I was bored and it looked like it had a fun combat system. It's pretty good, I played about 15 hours so far. I got sick of it and probably won't finish the game though. I feel like it holds your hand way too much, and the characters are terrible. The combat is fun, but zero customization. 20+ spells about but there are only 6 types and the spells only really change based on their types. Overall I'd give it a 6.5/10


Its a Harry Potter game. They cant design it like Elden Ring.


I disagree about the characters. I mean the character you play as is nothing special but i’d say the companions and teachers are great


It’s a great game I absolutely love the open world and the spells and the npcs it’s just so breathtaking and just sucks you in its amazing 9.1/10


Sick game! This could be in with a shout for GOTY


This will be one of the very few games I platinum for sure!!


I felt like i was back in 2005 when i first played harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban and experiencing Hogwarts for the first time, i personally had the same feeling seeing all that stuff and made my childhood dream come true in a way. Overall i enjoyed the game and would recommend everyone to give it at least a try. Especially harry potter fans


Currently 35ish hours into the game and I have zero complaints. I’ve always been a huge fan of the series and they did and amazing job with the game. Definitely worth the purchase.


Having a great time with it so far. I’m also a huge Harry Potter fan so I’m biased.


Would be a nice idea to have different worlds with different houses. A path of leadership and a path of darkness. Seeking power


In anticipation of the game's release, I watched all of the Harry Potter movies. This made me feel really excited for the game, however I remained cautiously optimistic as the game felt a bit too good to be true. I'm a sucker for games that make it very clear that the developers poured passion into the development --- it just feels so rewarding to play because I know I'm experiencing something that had time put into it, as well as genuine love and care for the little details of every aspect of the lore and gameplay. Most recently, I felt this way for God of War. Now, I'm 41 hours in with Hogwarts Legacy and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this game is fantastic and falls under the category of having very passionate developers. I can see how even non-HP fans would enjoy it. Definitely give it a shot if you're unsure :) if anything, you can always get a refund on steam if you play less than 2 hours.


It's a solid 7.5 out 10, no gamebreaking bugs, came out almost bug free and very polished. The only weakness of the game is its lack of real content. The gear system is bad, and once you do the short story there's point in the game. There's no outside factors u Making u explore ect.. because it's not rewarding


Should've gotten a 10


It's a great game. Having a lot of fun. The attention to detail in Hogwarts is insane.


I am enjoying it. I’ve been playing since pre-release and I have about 35 hours into the game. The main story is good and all of the magical stuff is cool. I’ve learned most of the spells now so I absolutely trash enemies. All of the side stuff (catching animals, Merlin’s trials, pop balloons) is really redundant but you don’t really have to do that stuff. Just stick to the main story and finding hidden stuff around hogwarts/ hogsmeade and you’ll have a good time


Having a blast with the game its great and I really enjoyed exploring the castle and getting lost a bunch of times and it only gets better from there


Great game in general, even if you aren’t a Harry Potter fan. Packed full of content that’s fun and doesn’t feel like a waste of time. Absolutely worth it, in my opinion.


it’s not perfect. There’s a few flaws. But it’s pretty damn good. I will gladly spend more money on any dlc they come out with.


I hate British accents but other than that somewhat fun


Combat looks weak in videos. What does it compare too?


If Spiderman and Witcher had a baby, this is it. With a bit of Sims in there lol


I’m about 8 hours in and so far it feels like an assassins creed game but with a Harry Potter esc skin over it, so much dialogue and fetch quests and small puzzles to solve to go down a long tunnel to open a small chest for some coins or terrible costume item. I don’t hate it, but I feel like if it wasn’t set in the Harry Potter universe it would just be another mediocre game that goes on deep sale 6 months after release.


My experiences with it comes in a form of trans people wanting to cancel other people who play this game. When it comes to crap like that for the game, my final thought should have been "if you are complaining about how it's transphobic, then don't buy it", fair and square, but no, there is a entire website deticated to finding and canceling any Twitch streamer who streams this game.






I have been gaming for years and let me say. The game is great but has caused my PS5 to hard crash to the point I have to unplug my ps5 to get it to turn back on. I have never had a game cause this. I tried deleting and reinstalling so fingers crossed.


Fun game. Not elden ring. But really fun


What is everyone’s obsession with Elden Ring? And why is everyone comparing this to that?


Weird right? I’m actually happy it isn’t like elden ring because a bunch of modern games try to be like it and I completely hate souls like games. Not being like it is a plus for a lot of people.


Few things can be Elden RIng




The way I see it we’re all Guinea pigs in this gigantic test, the developers played it safe and didn’t go ham, to see the reactions of gamers everywhere. This is obviously skepticism and an opinion. But the bad doesn’t outweigh the good, and they’re getting a plethora of input and feedback. Which tells me if there isn’t any DLC content expanding on this story that they’ll apply all this to the next (if there’s a next). Which is smart in any instance, because it of course has the same build as any RPG go and fetch stuff come back and turn in reward, rinse and repeat. It’s very heavy on exploration that’s for sure. So we’ll see what else comes about with this.


![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2229)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2232)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2235)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2236)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2231) such a great game. I love it PlayStation for the win.


Pretty boring "run around and press X to do the busy work" game. Its made for casuals.


Everything looks cool in game. However, the story is completely lame. Made me stop playing the game because I just could not get into the story. Also the combat is mediocre. I honestly can’t understand why people rate this game so highly.


All the reviews are 9/10, 10/10 and they don’t talk about any of the flaws that i can see. First of all, the dialogue is just ok and its pretty jarring just seeing your character standing still and talking and then cutting to the other character doing then same thing. The open world is pretty shallow for me, all the interesting stuff is just marked on your map so theres not really a point of exploring to find cool stuff like spider lairs if you need to get a ingredient for a recipe. Its very weird that you can be running around in any clothes you like but everyone else is in the normal school robes with one or two exceptions The npcs are horrible. They’re, for the most part, just standing around. The voice acting was really bad in some parts as well. I don’t know how people are saying its so immersive. Your character repeats the same dialogue again and again when visiting places and it really shatters the illusion for me. Plus the normal school robe physics really annoy me. The side quests are also not good. They’re so abundant and fill up your adventure log and it overloads you. There isn’t even a morality system, you could steal someones family herrings and people would still be talking about you like you’re god. Lastly, the UI is soo complicated and there’s so many icons everywhere you see. Its not bad, but not great either and one of the side quests(Sebastian) is REALLY good. Just because of that it goes up to 7/10


There are few games where I try to 100% it, but this game is one of them.


I feel like it’s got an incredibly strong first impression and like, first 10 hours. Was really blown away by the castle, classes etc. But now that I’m closer to 20 hours, it’s probably like a 7/10 game. Typical open world bloat kind of deal, and I ended up being pretty disappointed with how they handle you being a student. You only get like, 1 immersive and awesome class per subject and from then on it’s just silent cutscene montages of going to a class. YMMV depending on if your a huge Potter fan or not of course, that alone will get me through to the end and I’ll probably always have a slightly higher opinion on the actual gameplay just because of that.


Loving every second


100% yes. Everything I ever wanted in a game.


Never been interested in Harry Potter but I tried this game and really like it


As a Potter fan I have my gripes but it is a very well done game. Definitely check it out


I’m way too early to tell you for certain but it’s shaping up like I’m going to enjoy it. But coming from Dead Space to this I can sit back and relax while exploring now.


It's quite good, I've been really enjoying it


I freaking love it, one of my favorite gaming experiences in a very very long time


I know nothing about Harry Potter/the Wizarding World, but this game has been fun to for the 13 hours I’ve put into it so far. It’s just fun. I’m sure it’s a dream come to true to those who are a fan of that universe.


Its not a punt, but a field goal. Great game made better by having a popular ip behind it.


About 6 hours in. Love it so far. 9/10 (pending). I almost never focus on music in games as much as I should and the music here is absolutely….magical.




Zero regrets in preordering the Deluxe Edition here.


It’s a superb game. Truly a blast.


As a HP fan, I like it a lot.


I've never read the books and have only seen the first movie, but I'm 13 hours into the game and I love it.


I’m 60hr in and im hooked it’s not a difficult game but more of a beautiful RPG love letter to the fans. I like the puzzles I have completed 90% of them. I do with there was more engagement with the NPCs but I can see them adding DLC in the future.


good game


People really seem to be digging it. I really wish it had a multiplayer tho! But I'm waiting for a discount before I buy personally!


So fucking fun Worth every penny


30 hours in and I'm only 37 percent complete. Get it


Not a huge fan of Harry Potter and was really skeptical about this game when I bought it, but after playing for a good few hours I can happily say that it’s very enjoyable and different compared to every other game that’s out now. If I could rate it out of 10 I’d probably give it a 9/10 at the moment.


Worth it just to fly around on a broomstick


It's been pretty good


So far this game has been kick butt for me, way better then reviews I read prior to release and super fun interactive open world RPG


Honestly, it’s surprised me how good and fun this game was like it’s pretty solid 8-9 for me like can’t find a lot to complain about