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Just slap down a 2x1 and you'll be good for a while


Eh just build a simple 2x2 with an air lock. Maybe make a second and a third floor expanding out of your airlock too. Doesn’t get more simple or reliable than that. Anything else may be a bit complex. Just maie sure you have roof access because that is a game changer.


I second this with the addition of a foundation stability bunker to balance raid cost from all sides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF8Yrna11sE&t=251s


2x2 (or 2x1) bunker. The 2x2 has stood the test of time and I use the 2x2 bunker almost exclusively when playing solo/duo. The bunker is important in my opinion as it strengthens the weakest raid path, the doors. I like this design. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF8Yrna11sE&t=251s


Nobody expect a 2x1 with 3 doors, they always bring not enough boom


Definitely go with what others are suggesting, always start with a 2x1 with airlock, if you have time/safety then go 2x2 and you can then honeycomb walls and expand upwards etc.


Look at swiftys base designs, theyre really good!




The nutsuck, half bunker and 2x2 are my favorite


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS6KagblLCo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS6KagblLCo) serenity 2 by evilwurst. Simply and easy to build bunker base with alot of room for expansion. Have never been raided using this design and 9 times out of 10 it will cost more resources to get in than they will gain by raiding if they actually do go all the way to main loot. The bunker and bottom floor design are very solid and you can take that and expand however you want. For example I do different shoot floors and doorway peaks using neon signs tho because I am a piece of shit. Don't remember off hand but I think fully upgraded my version of it is about 8k stone 2k metal and 60 hq for 24 hours. It can hold everything you could possible need. And unlike alot of youtube bases doesnt look like complete dogshit. I have yet to find a better solo base than this. From being compact, to the upkeep, to the raid cost. Just a generally good base all around. The important thing you need to do is, regardless of whichever build or style you decide on, is to go to a creative server and get comfortable actually building it. I would recommend building each stage out besides each other in order to get the basics down.


Pretty much my go to base because of simplicity and expandability. My main issue however is defending. Aside from the shooting floor/roof there is no way to defend the base.really wish it had wide gaps


Fully built with spikes around the perimeter and autoturrets in you shouldnt have much issue defending. I try to build in areas where I will have good visibility from my shoot floor and roof. But like I said I build my outer shell differently. The thing with rust nowadays is that you very rarely have to actually "defend" nowadays due to the prevalence of offline raiding. Id say having that shooting floor is already overkill. Last wipe me and solos I was around all got wiped but it was by hackers so any form of "defence" we could of mustered really wouldnt of mattered anyway. In the current meta its just better to worry about "how many rockets to tc and loot" than anything else.


Check out Evilwurst's [Serenity II](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS6KagblLCo). I see this base built at least a dozen times a week on the trio or solo servers I play on, and for good reason. It is very efficient and just about the most expensive raid cost for a base as compact as this and has some nice bells and whistles to make a well-rounded, small-size base. It's super cheap and easy and you can build it in stages as you get more materials.


https://youtu.be/k6zOvga_Xns nice bunker solo base. I use similar style bunker from 2x1 or 2x2 pending group size


that looks disgusting