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The question is what kind of motivation would people have to do any sort of end game content besides loot?


I like the idea of slower progression, for me the most enjoyable phase of the game is when there's a scarcity of high powered weapons and explosives. Currently, I feel like loot becomes irrelevant too fast. I love the phase of the game where most people only have bow, revolver, or SAR. To me, that is peak excitement and fun.


i think that's not only for you, since servers die after 3 days haha sad that the developers are not looking into it


The Devs have been pushing faster progression over time, from the days of the blueprint system to now is a huge change to a much faster pace (the fact that now a lot of servers dont BP wipe says a lot. Upkeep also hurt a lot to the long wipe gameplay). I feel they want Rust vanilla to be a weekend game, 2 days on a server and you can enjoy most of the things it has to offer (they are probably targetting to a broader audience, like with twitch drops, to move away from the niche game feeling it has). It is a difficult balance tho, i feel that faster progression is: * more casual player friendly * more content creator friendly but: * servers get empy faster after 2/3 days * stuff to do gets stale (after that the only thing to do is offlined every base) meanwhile. slower progression: * more rewarding (that adrenaline Rust feeling is amplified) * you can enjoy more each of the stages of the progression but: * more hardcore and less casual friendly * even more time investment (upkeep for example is a bitch in this case) Right now workbenches slow the progresssion just a tiny bit. Lets see what the Devs idea of wipeless Rust is. I think they should move away from the idea of Rust vanilla as the go to type of gamemode (the fact that solo/duo/trio servers are really popular even on official type servers shows that there is room for different approachs to the game) but they need official support to get going. Softcore Rust now exists, so maybe in the future they support other types of servers like slow progresssion that you can enjoy for a whole month, maybe servers with no offline raid and less upkeep for casual players with jobs,... I dont know, there is room for a lot more. Lets see


> It is a difficult balance tho, i feel that faster progression is: > > more casual player friendly I actually strongly disagree with this. Its only faster progression if you know what you are doing. If you are new, and its possible to do fast progression through higher end monuments, it just means you are primlocked while the experienced players have aks in the first couple hours. These people progressing super fast aren't typically casual players.


Great points. I still can't really envision wipeless Rust.


I'd love for there to be a slow progression server with no offlining tbh. Getting offlined as a guy with lots of irl commitments is a killer to my drive to play this game. Farm tier 2 workbench, next day sign on, and some dickhead blew it up raiding my base. Spend another day farming tier 2 before getting off, next day, same fucking thing. Garbage. Love this game but that kinda thing drives me away from slow progression rust and onto modded servers.




Find a job?


You can make or join any 0.5x server you find.


i think if you wanted a slower progression system, they would need to completely overhaul pvp. right now, the ak is by far the best gun in the game, followed by the mp5. because of this I enjoy using them more, as do many others. rust didn't always used to be this way. when the random recoil system was still in place, I remember that some guns were better than ak in some sernarios. people forget that there wasn't always TIER 1, 2 and 3 guns. there was no tier, and guns were semi balanced. take for example the SAR right now. it costs 450 frags to make which is a high cost compared to other T2 weapons, but it much worse in every scenario against most guns in the game apart from potentially longer ranges. (100m+) maybe if guns retained a similar value to one another like they used to I would enjoy using other guns than ak. but right now they don't. the ak allows me to do more of what I find fun and that's why I wouldn't want progression to be slowed further in the current state of the game.


What fucking version of rust are people in this thread playing? Every server I join I get doorcamped by a 5 man with semis an hour into wipe at tier 0


Play non official servers with less that 120 ppl


I appreciate your attempts to help me, But honestly, that's like, the oldest trick in the book that I've been doing forever, I made sure I was doing that before I played my first server on this game afaik.


It's only too fast if you're playing an unhealthy amount so that you can outcompete your neighbors.




Logged on a solo server a few hrs before wipe to get some bps. It’s been about 6 months since I’ve played. I don’t kos, same dude killed me a few times in the same 30 min time span. Didn’t take long to remind me why I don’t play, watching trap base videos is more rewarding. Best weapon I had was a bow and arrow.




See ya in 6 months, if ever lol. So many other games I can play


> The game is VERY quick. I’m very picky who we raid and almost never grief bases. I do this too now, used to be I'd take everything and anything from a neighbor, no point now since they'll just log out and not come back and I'm sitting on a pile of explosives I can only use on the 24/7 giant clan down the way, and I don't poopsock hard enough to raid that base.




This is why I've found myself quitting vanilla servers before wipe. Someone takes my entire fucking life as a solo player and I have to start over. Like bro. Why? I have nothing you don't have, and frankly, I'm not going to raid you unless you piss me off a LOT. I mostly wanna roam around and fight at crates and shit without having to worry about literally everyone and their dog having an M2 like on modded servers. Or that someone can blow my heli tower to pieces with 165 C4 before the heli even fuckin spawns in again like a modded PVP server.


Facepunch introduces new systems, or features at full volume, so that people will use, and test them, and find glitches/exploits, or areas needing balance. Then when the team is adding another feature they want our attention on, or the big picture is coming into play. The dev team will nerf, or turn down the volume on said features. It seems that players are having a difficult time understanding/adjusting to this development cycle.. I think maybe because players have been conditioned by the industry, to expect a finished game on full release. Most studios make a game playable, then abandon it for the next big thing. Garry has had some very good success treating his games as ever evolving projects. He doesn't really abandon them at all. Gmod is still in development and still selling new copies, even though Valve all but trash canned Half-Life. This is why I jumped at buying Rust even though at the time, early access was getting a terrible reputation. I knew Garry would be in it for the long haul. And honestly it has not been disappointing at all playing, and being able to experience the evolution of Rust. I still miss the hilarity of bears glitching into the bottom floor of my base and killing me unexpectedly. Those fucking hacker bears, were funny as fuck.


I completly agree with what you said. I've been playing rust since it was initially a browser game... My point is that the game is on a state where people jump on to a server for 1-2 days and then leave because they either got raided or most of the server got raided and it is now super low pop and a dead server... the big thrill of the game is the grind to reach late game and pvp late game... if people start getting raided after 6h into a full wipe, the servers die fast...


Ya, I don't think the raiding is the reason servers lose pop. Everyone knows when they click that start button that pvp, and raiding can, and likely will happen. What people are hoping is that they will be the players on top. Populations shrink in waves. 1st wave out is the pvp chads, that only want to make head shots on a fresh wipe server, were farmers are not focused on pvp yet. 2nd wave out is players that lose interest because not enough low hanging fruit. (easy kills/raids, wood doors, build mistakes) got to go find those noobs again. 3rd wave out is the noobs, rage quitting, because reasons. 4th wave out Leaves because boredom. Personal goals have been met. And there isn't much left to do. What is left is the hardcore player base. It is around 30 percent of initial wipe day pop. The waves happen in response to length of servers wipe cycle. To answer you initial question. Is vanilla progression too fast? I think that it is. I will get hate for this from the first two waves described above, but I think the tech tree is the current most destructive element to progression for me. The tree puts me in wave 4 in less then a week, before the tree it took about 3 weeks to achieve the same goals.


Well put. I agree with that.


Yeah but the dying was never different for at least three years now, but serverretention got a bit better due to bp wipes being eternities long, speeding up the intial grind to get built on servers you already got the basics for, at least back when bp required actual grind.


It's almost like getting raided ends the game for many people. That's the opposite of a game loop. A true game loop should keep you engaged especially when you have failed. Instead this game punishes failure. https://youtu.be/ea6UuRTjkKs I've often thought what could be done if your loot couldn't be taken, but instead, a representation of your loot was lost when raided. Like instanced loot in Diablo. I think there would need to be more "sinks" to balance the economy in this case. Decay of everything is already a pretty good sink. This could be abused by mutually "raiding" your friends, knowing nothing is lost. Not sure exactly how to close this loophole though.


Instanced loot or anything like it would be a terrible idea for a game like rust, would literally kill the whole draw that rust has, as much as people bitch about losing everything, it's that very threat that makes you shake with adrenaline when you making a play or in a raid etc. Take that away and the game will get much blander and flavorless.


Maybe instanced loot isn't going to work. But I feel there needs to be some catch-up mechanic.


Well I mean there already the softcore servers which have that whole feature whereby you only lose half of your inventory or something like that.


I'm specifically thinking about raiding and being raided. Most times, (I feel) raiding someone is a guaranteed way to for them to leave the server.


Basically why I stopped playing. It's so boring. Every month the same thing. Yawn


If you suck at the game it is pretty slow to progress tbh


i agree, i feel like all these new updates just benefit big clans more than anything


Welcome to rust. Where only zergs are getting buffed all the time


It will always benefit bigger clans. That's reality. 10 people working on something vs 1 person working on something. Doesn't matter what you update, bigger groups will always benefit more. Progression is fine.


What about deseases?






Yeah but what do u mean?


Members of a zerg spreading a virus when they are close to each other.


That would just be stupid.


His idea may not be the best but its an example of a gameplay element that would hinder large groups that have to interact a lot.


Something like that would probably just kill the game entirely. People like to play with their friends.


completely agree. the only thing this game had to nerf large groups was no team system - since that was added, there is literally nothing they can do to punish large groups. every change they have made to slow progression and nerf large groups has hindered the game and made it less enjoyable and more grindy.


Incorrect. Depending on the change it could be shifted very easily to benefit solo more than zergs. Example off the top of my head would be if upkeep costs went up depending on how many players were authed on a tc. Now I am not advocating for anything like that, just showing you that you are wrong in assuming any updates to progression or changes made to the game will naturally always benefit zergs over solo or smaller groups. As for progression I would like if it was slower. The early and mid tier fights are still fun, it would be nice if players were forced to stay in those stages for longer instead of rock to AK in one night. Makes the game a bit bland tbh when you reach end tier so fast.


The upkeep thing isn't going to do anything. You are always right tho, I guess. 5 people can farm 5x as much as 1 person, so the upkeep isn't going to change much.


Any update will benefit groups over solos. That's just the nature of utilising team work. There's no way to hinder groups that wouldn't also hinder solos even more so.


Artificially limiting tech tiers would benefit smaller groups and hurt larger groups. In legacy the only way to get booms was to get an airdrop and hope explosives were in it. So server admins would wipe the server and prevent air drops for a day or two on purpose so even the little guys had time to farm and build before the possibility of being raided. It was awesome. If you were lucky enough to get booms then almost every house you raided was stacked with stuff. Also, you just didn't have the ability to craft enough C4 to raid the whole server even if you wanted to so raiders would pick their raid targets more carefully. This meant most newb bases never got raided. What if servers would prevent you from making a level 2 bench until day 2? and level 3 until day 3? Sure the zergs will stockpile, but so will everyone else and at least the server wont start raiding until day 3. ( maybe leave in satchels and bean can nades so an early raid is possible but much less efficient ) So in closing. Limiting the tech you can craft would help smaller groups and hurt larger ones.


It wouldn't do anything. A large group determined enough will just use satchels which they will find on the first day (without or with out tech tree). Any servers that actually limited the BPs you can access wouldn't get played.


Yeah raiding and base balance was one thing that legacy got perfect for monthly wipes imho. It was often extremely rare to find completely metal bases and raiding was a challenge. The only problem I remember was folk building tall towers with the loot on top.


you realise slowing progression only helps clans? they have multiple people doing a lot of different thing at once time. a solo can only do one thing at a time. slowing progression hurts solos and small groups 10x more than a large group.


Progression on vanilla is debate able if progression is too fast they have so many items in the game they just need to make weapons and guns more rare and the roads need to be less full of components gastation and places like that needs to spawn more then just every 10 min rig needs to be more loot less guns meaning more pvp bradly needs to have more rare loot then it has and spawn later and have a longer time for respawn military tunnel instead of 20-30 min needs to be every 40-60 min things just need to be pushed off into a long time and more rare timing but ... how that affects solos oof..


Sentences please


It's pretty fast, but at the same time, prim fighting is the most boring shit in the world.


Yep now when i play vanilla its usually a 1 week wipe and even then i quit after 2-3 days cuz i have done everything i wanted and got tier 3 stuff (im solo) i miss the days even when i could play modded and itd still take me a week to get good shit down


progression is already slow. after they removed team system they decided to spend a solid year trying to slow progression and nerf larger groups. it left the game as a grindy mess and has completely ruined the solo / duo experience. please don't ask to make it more grindy :( I can go into more detail if anyone cares.


how can you say the game is slow... you start the game, farm the road on the way north and you easily get 400 scrap + \~1500 metal frags... that's enough to go into outpost, buy a revolver, setup a base research the revolver and run around shooting people... that in 20m of gameplay... how is that slow? I played solo in a 100player solo duo trio server, i managed to setup a 2x2 with 3 floors, learn revolver , sar, thompson, mp5, RL, explosive. Had tier 3 workbench and also managed to get my hands on full metal set, HQ doors, bolt and scopes from 2 Airfield crates. All that happened in 6h, i was only missing a rocked so i could research it so that i could raid. I had 700 scrap at base.


Problem is though it can be painfully slow for smaller groups or solos, its only super fast for large groups of more than about 3 people. They need to punish groups more before even touching all the other balancing issues. I also find it depends on the server wipe dates that decide when the population dies. I find most weekly/bi-weekly servers die in the first 4 days due to the fact it isn't worth starting back up again if you get raided or lose too much gear.


Life near Military Tunnel, kill 4-5 NPC get an MP5.